The late Karl Marx's famous quote that will probably be heard:
Hegel remarks somewhere that all great, world-historical facts and personages occur, as it were, twice. He has forgotten to add: the first time as tragedy, the second as farce.
Translate: Hegel said all major historical events and the actors are repeated twice, but forgot to add the book first went to the tragedy and the second time as farce!
With its weighty website Fares نیور Not confused!
The late Renaissance period in Europe and the start of the reign of the Safavid coincided with enlightenment in Iran. Before this period, we had a little something from Europe, after this period the Europeans have grown steadily to the current era and we've regressed to the current status of continuous circuits. This period coincided with the rise of the great European thinkers and philosophers, rationality and power of the Church in the West of the shunt to the formation of modern institutions, instead of traditional religious institutions and all exactly the opposite occurred; and in the Middle East and East happened.
Whatever the Europeans more progress of the Middle East in General, and more particularly, the Iranians were convinced that the cause of the crash is not Islamic enough back and not run the commands of the Lord is one and the same law and rationality of the Islamic philosophers of the middle ages remained along the past and یکسر (E) a ton to mullahs tales *.
The Safavid era ملاگری and Gary sheykhi growing; it was even more pronounced in the Qajar period until the Iranians did not suffice and that's basically the country integrated in the Church or in the possession of the same 57 February mosque uprising. Forty years of massive oil resources with the mullahs, both based on the same story and Islamic studies to rule Iran today is one of the most backward countries in the world..
Today's top stories I read that a scientist called the Supreme Islamic Revolutionary Guard Mohsen rezaei is the cause of this country's sagging rear Discovered: We are not Islamic enough نشدیم!
Do think its economic resources from a country that got laid vanishing; destroyed اخلاقیاتش, and the greater part of the urban and rural population below the poverty line, until its forty-year stay on something that they want to repeat again.
I have this sentence Marx will reinvent it: Marx quotes Hegel maintains that all of the events and the historic great actors are repeated twice; first as tragedy and adds a second time as farce, but forgot to tell the تکرارش went up when put on a place to stay khndanden!

Showمرحوم کارل مارکس یعنی چه ؟؟؟؟یعنی خدایی که او وشما باور ندارید اورا رحمت کند؟؟؟عجب احمق هایی هستید.
Showno! من احمق نیستم؛ شما بی شعوری و بی ادب هم هستی.
یک واژه یا عبارت بنا به اینکه چطور و چه موقع و توسط چه کسی مورد استعمال قرار بگیرد مفاهیم متفاوت دارد. مرحوم ممکن است در یکجا بار مذهبی داشته باشد؛ و در جای دیگر صرفا به معنای احترام یا اشاره مودبانه به شخص درگذشته باشد. همانطور که «ایشالا» یا «انشالله» یا «خدا نگهدار» ممکن است جایی مفهوم صرف مذهبی داشته باشد و ممکن است جای دیگر مفهوم کاملا سکولار داشته باشد.
مع هذا دادار اکبر، الله توانا، قاصم جبار حتما مرحوم/معدوم کارل مارکس و ایضا خود من را با شما محشور نکند. Amen!
ShowSo he told him, "Why would you insult me, Marx is احمقی like another احمقهای."