Why is traditional medicine is the science or scientific شیادی

Traditional medicine, an academic at the University of شیادی in Iran.

Traditional medicine, scientific شیادی, at the University of Iran.

Quotes that the ancient Egyptians worship the Pharaohs, and the Pharaohs were gods, worship. Apparently none of the other two groups did not have a problem with the Group's beliefs because the Pharaohs continue to worship the gods and the Egyptians were Pharaohs still hangs the same time!

Imam Khamenei (P)The leader of the Islamic world, the huge almertbeh several times, most recently on the importance of traditional medicine with modern medicine replacement تاکیدات on July موکد.

Along with his comrades and Sir and the wife and home when their pain will be the place to spend the nation most physicians see doctors and hazgh, but today the Iranian nation led to the clergy, داهیانه effect of various kinds of diseases and diabetes are incurred and The highest growth of cancer statistics In the world, have to do with mint and fenugreek and Borage treats!

A follower of Imam AQA sound and the Islamic Republic was used both hands and several programs about the patients who died of the effects of medical treatment on the modern, but with Borage and شمبلیله were published, the treatment! A number of these are thought to be important discoveries in social networks, and that the released I also watched duplicate. Apparently a few universities and faculty in both confirm that constructed to create obeisance for different Sir Allah taught the traditional medicine. Gave the idea here is that all of the Unproven treatments, including traditional medicine in the world as the true science or scientific شیادی To be known.

Why is traditional medicine, science or scientific شیادی?

The answer is much simpler than it is to the mind what! Assume an Imam b (P), Or Imam Sadiq (P), Or Imam Khamenei (PS) Khasshan with connection to fairy and science are topics that ladoni aware that this knowledge from the people's eyes will remain to stay covered. Assume, for example, a valid in the Hadith of Imam Sadiq stressed the importance of the treatment of slaton (The same cancer) With Basil and Borage extract borzand emphasis. In that case these impacts should be demonstrable in today's medical world, and if the proof of the other as it was not traditional medicine and modern medicine becomes position apart. Therefore, all types of alternative therapies that are not or are not part of today's medical knowledge are considered pseudoscience or pseudoscience, which, if they are, can prove their effects in vitro..

Whatever the scientific proof of the capabilities of traditional medicine in laboratory conditions have–To assume that they have–Has already become part of medical science; it is the part that is اباطیل and not become the therapeutic value was that if the results of these tests were published and researchers helped universities, scientific papers, articles, instead of stealing a reputable medical journal explorations in the world were published. To make the therapeutic effects of a method called way of the judged Double blind Which uses the original acceptance of scientific terms.

Dear readers awareness all the hundred and twenty-four thousand of the Prophet and twelve and thirty-four thousand and the shrine of Imam Khamenei Imam Khomeini and the Iranian nation which were sent down, so today is a نیافزودند to human knowledge tab that wants to put the nation's impact on the treatment of diseases!

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2 Reply to Why is traditional medicine is the science or scientific شیادی

  • To become a doctor Said:

    Traditional medicine and healing of diseases you've got … Wrong.. Traditional medicine has nothing to do with what the Prophet and Imam? All over the world (America. Europe, China, …) Traditional medicine is not a science, and it's got its own opponents and fans. Well it was before writing such مقالی, read a brief about.

    • Admin Said:

      Dear friend you recommend to anyone to bad you study! I don't know where you دکترایت that you have to allow yourself a little بگویی to me I study?
      As far as this discussion is concerned, all types of alternative treatments that do not have the possibility of double blind tests to be in the world as science or scientific شیادی Soddo are known including traditional medicine. The PDF link is a link already in the DVD content and it is obvious.
      Instead, I recommend you do can someone submits a document for readers that are contradictory, and I said the show of traditional medicine at the approved all over the world and has been known to (I also have the same weight as I).
      It is something that had previously been part of the traditional medicine and the ability of proving my argument is separated because the book earlier part of modern knowledge of traditional medicine and the other is not anvansh.
      All what is not part of modern medicine and the ability to experiment, science and science/Soddo lie with the person who is the true knowledge, the knowledge that is not part of modern knowledge, should expand as the trickster and criminal attitude because people with John plays.
      Traditional medicine is also in Iran, two sources; one is based and a verdicts and that time I swear it is something of the medieval Islamic scientists reached ten and eleven. When the leader of the Islamic Republic says its religious aspect of traditional medicine, it is also a fashion intends.

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