The Islamic Republic, how your personal information on the Internet how to deal and acquires

A friend sent a story with the Ministry of information, as though the Islamic Republic's highest website There is cooperation (The same link; also in matters related to the Internet thugs, legions of iodine are طولاتری Ministry of information!) The user and IP puts Iran. Regardless of whether or not the highest such work should know that there are several ways to identify users (You) On the Internet there is an IP registered by a website is merely one of the ways. If you are in Iran or want to travel to Iran, and even if you do not deal with the highest and similar sites, it is better to learn these methods.

In this it is assumed that you know the basic principles of the initial mistakes and not get. For example, do not click on any link to see; you don't install a program from the latest version of the software and patch the operating system you use; your personal information easily on the Internet and others do not have secure; پسووردهای; share on your computer virus and firewall software been updated there breaker And at least for sending information of SSL (https) Do you use.

He sought with the IP of your Lake Ann (= Drip) Does

First, should know that if he sought to use NLP and phrase searching What is my IP Notice the change in your IP; IP change IP does not necessarily make you anonymous IP, but not the principal may still back his IP PI n detectable.. To know the main IP drip or not From this site Use.

As you can see in most cases your original IP WebRTC Le, and this means that changing his IP and the use of the wake-n does not protect you; unless the WebRTC property that was originally to watch video faster in almost all mrozgarha (= 'S browser)Are there plug-ins such as WebRTC by leack shield in chrome/aluminium or Firefox be block. Other information as well as your tostmrurgr is displayed.

My suggestion is that in addition to such plug-ins installed Firefox and chrome zar for personal use, for use in cases where it is more sensitive to make sure only the brazor tour, اورفاکس for mobile (Mobile operating systems are generally less security) Or use the تیلز operating system, which I will describe below.

Emails and account information, دایما can be hacked and it sold in the dark Web

Maybe you wonder if you know Internet information annual millions of users of great hacking website and this information is in the dark Web (Dark-Web) By خلافکار groups to purchase and sale. This causes the پسووردهای to the account you must be sure to be different because with Le go اکانتت a series of AFC media account provides access to the other, and even if your account remains in certain information, hackers can put bait for you. Anything that you may be released somewhere in the head later from somewhere else in the world so do not store sensitive information in.

To make know the email account or your user accounts have already been hacked or not series Please click here.

پسووردهای your account in a AFC media account manager account That will save the encryption psoordeha and note random psoordeha.. 256-bit AES rijndael algorithm for breaking that is common with current technology, a few thousand years the time required is. Therefore, this file if anyone might not be easily. Psoordeha if secured in place, and the original file is not be guessing AFC media account, there are dozens of AFC media account cannot be saved. You can click on the file اکانتی MEGA Simulation (The best free option that I'm Scouting!) Let all passwords be available from different systems and mobile phones and stop dictionary attacks and sushial engineering attacks that I will explain..

JavaScript and your operating system information کانواز Le gives

JavaScript is a simple and functional program is that there is on most browsers. The functionality of this program can be used to track you. کانواز فینگرپرینتینگ (Canvas Fingerprinting) A feature in HTML graphic design uses five for that combination of the two programs to identify the operating system you used. Generally, any operating system there is a fingerprint that can distinguish it from the other systems. Fake fingerprints for a decent share of the sector's browser JavaScript close your ستینگ (Chrome and Firefox plugin or) And this random user agent blocker and canvas on the chrome and Firefox install.

Hvastan phishing and اسپوفینگ methods.

Generally, the most successful methods of hack users and their access to personal information is not very technical procedures, but phishing and defraud users, which is more than 90 percent of the successful attack on covers. The best of these methods the time Speer phishing (spear-phishing) Focus on a specific user does. The simplest type of these attacks send a false page login page looks like a site that you have to account for it in your user information to steal. (For example, suppose a false email address of a site that should be open from the inside of the link enter اکانتتان.) More complex methods include sending emails infected files aspov;, and the compilation of this method and other methods of.

In the spuffing method, an email is sent from a person who is not actually from the actual sender, and Jaal claims that he has access to information or requests certain information..

For example, I have one of these attacks that target the piece was recently.. Three of the world's e-mail was sent a three-point that the sender's address to your email address, I was. But if the text of the email you will be noticed in Google searches Tens of thousands more have been sent. Always the first step is the way to face such claims is to use a search engine like Google where you can google the text or address of a page or the original words.


In this e-mail on behalf of my own email address for me, the sender claims that a hacker had hacked my email and also enter the my computer and my private pictures are watching porn films at its disposal and if thousands of dollars in an account bit Kevin Not get my information will be released publicly!

These phrases, as I mentioned above, were written for a large number of recipients and the author did not know me or else he would have chosen these phrases more carefully..

Of the few that I do not know about the sender of the first I do not use my email address but also the General term الایس addresses (alias) Click on the sender's username has been fullest not definitely real; Secondly, I my camera for the past ten years have been locked in physical and he has never not from my film; and thirdly, I am a computer security mankhss and I can see that the e-mail address is aspov!

The third time you can definitely learn from here:

Each email will be sent to you that a section is source code (source code) Text in section presentation (view source) You can see what is IP of the sender and is sent to the server from which the. In the IP address text display shows the transmitter is not my server. To do this on the mail server anti-spam software also helps the sender of the email to see the false IP (The IP belongs to is not a mail server) Sent; all three IP's that were sent to my email from Russia, Brazil and the Ukraine have been hacked and probably indicate that the sender does not have access to my email address and my address hidden below the original and my email address aspov so that it displays the fake one doesn't Email to a sender's address is real. The Islamic regime is also abundant use of such techniques can help.

Your email and IP sends your profile

As the actual sender of the email above charlatan IP send me; you either at the time of send an email with your IP, it can receive and view the source code of the email sent to you هویتتان turns out to be. Note If you must, please make sure he sought anonymous email Ann and preferably of the operating system I will point out that the bottom of the تیلز use.

How to cross-site attacks (Xss) And Remote Code execution

Technically in case of a defect on a Web page from which you uncover (The number of these shortcomings is more than to guess.!) There is a possibility of code on that page of a visitor and running it on another person's computer from which the page uncover. Browsers generally run side-effect client apps, and this attack shouldn't lead to anything beyond stealing browser data or cookies from sites, but the browser itself may have a flaw.. By running these codes, you can lose even complete control of the victim system even when you have the firewall, antivirus and antimalor program updated..

If you have a message when you visit a page that requires that page to run to a higher extent of access, do not approve and try Of the program Use your Firefox or Chrome web browser.

Use a virtual edge/browser that is capable of executing side client scripts. Many websites need to run client side applications for full functionality. If you just don't want to read the contents of the page and can't close the scripts completely with plugins like NoScript, run the entire program as a virtual system and open it in Chrome as incognito and in firefox new private window.

Komdu A Good firewall That's free. As I said, the mob rejects the firewall because the firewall is based on the list, and these zero-day flaws don't include the black-listed exploit, so the firewall itself (If you have an item that you want to throw) never mind. Installs the firewall you installed, a gadget for you on the desktop with which you can run the browser in virtual mode, and if someone accesses the browser, they can't sign in to you..

After installing, press your browser's name on the app gadget:

What to do if we already have infected the system?

If you believe that the online attack State And your computer is infected with malware, the best way to completely uninstall the operating system and reinstall it with memory repartitioning, but if you do not have such a possibility, in the first step of software such as Malur bytes The free version Use to scan your computer and look for a separate system boot in the next step with a root kit search plan. These programs are generally installed on a CD or USB drive, and they will be used independently like a OS at the time of turning on the device and searching all devices to find the root kit.. For example here Or here Or here Or here See.

Hvastan تردپارتی cookies (The third person =) ترکینگ and cookies.

Crisp cookies party (third party cookies) Specifically for this design that you see from the pursuit of what sites you visit to show you relevant ads and related products you sell. The same autocratic countries of the procedures to follow to use shhrondanshan. In the first step of the configuration section broazar (Browser =) All your cookies crisp close party. You can even set all the cookies are erased after you close the page. In the next step can be a blocker on your tracker plugin install broazar to erase the unrelated cookies. Any of the history information may all and delete's browser cookies from.

If you don't have money you are product yourself; or online chat and networking your data records

First law of Internet security is that when anything is vulnerable will be hacked; the second law is that all of the systems are vulnerable to the kind of! This is just a different degrees of vulnerability.

More Internet systems save your personal information and later used for advertising companies and to sell. This information can be found in the book selected items delete (Google, YouTube, Facebook, PayPal, Yahoo and Beck …) And get the archive offline. All of this information is vulnerable and may fall into the hands of those who misuse them for use or are sold to hackers after databases have been hacked.

Online chats are not no exception from this rule, and they will see and store your information, even if the chat is private, and the specific person selects this information is used for the machine and extracting vast data.. Never send confidential information from personal accounts. Any databases that stores information is vulnerable.

Ten more secure Windows; privacy settings and use offline account

The most secure Windows version ten Windows and 32-bit as (For older hardware) 64-bit and is accessible. After you install the update and all the parts of it relate to disable private information (Search privacy settings in the settings section) Because Microsoft also makes use of your personal information like Google and Apple. Also, you don't need an online account to store your information, local account (Local account) Safer.

Virtual systems are your friend

Maybe the readers of this post knows that you are using software such as He pressed var (The free version) And ویرچوال box Can the tens of different operating system of Linux distributions to Windows and Mac have the lump sum he SS. Without virtual system to your main system is working. For example, you can create a Windows or Ubuntu inside Windows system no longer install merely use it for specific purposes.

تیلز operating system, made for safety

Perhaps the most secure Internet activity using the method تیلز operating system.. Tails can be used on a Flash memory or discrete view Install it and use it when you're coming up. In Virtual drive Tap the VirtualBox box or I'll pour.

List of similar operating systems that are used for Internet security From here See.

Tour and Jon de Fox

Tour (Tor) And John Two Fox (JonDoFox) Double Barzz (Browser =)That are used for anonymous use and IP registration.

If you are afraid that your real IP address and your personal information will be low, the tour must be your first option.. Note that both of these browsers only protect your browser information and say that if you send e-mail or use another application, your IP does not change. For this purpose, you can use tails software. There is also possible to attack the SS on Tor if you disable NoScript extension.

Androoid Operating System

The Islamic system is spying on both Android and IP. (For example, the here Or here Or here To see.) The phone's security is far less than Zune, so if it's really necessary to taken the security with the phone, do not make a job, don't be sure to download the app from the app except Google Play/Poly Store (Androoid) And App Store (Iphone/ipad) Is. Be sure to restrict access to all apps from the Settings section and use these two apps together: Orfox (Orfox) And Erbot(Orbot)


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