Section: Entertainment

Cyber Corps Base in the world, peace آمیزترین point

Cyber Corps Base in the world, peace آمیزترین point

Cyber Corps Base in the world, peace آمیزترین point

Abouzar a royalist who is the top of the room, right below the pulpit Haji squatting, for times I type the day 18: «Viva Reza Shah II! God bless the Pahlavi dynasty of glorious wind!» More offers: "The national منقلی Mossadegh پیزوری Regency!»

Not only that but David mkhatabsh someone a few meters away there is a distance with his anti-Pahlavi and abouzar mosadeghi «شاقلی» to the «fairy» and «tajbakhsh s. 'm» reference offers!

The political dispute between Abouzar and Daoud has been followed on social media for several years, sometimes even more intensely, and both sides have gained supporters, but outside the world of politics, the relationship between Abouzar and Daoud is warm and cordial.

Legal questions: Qualify what kind of Imam Khomeini was دیاثتی?

Javadi Amoli, Ayatollah al-Ozma allameh cloud philosopher of the Islamic world, that in the field of philosophy, such as the دیاثت juridical owner, recently As: "It is a moral or political or دیاثت. A person who gives way to an alien political دیوث. Your privacy on the alien way of giving and getting is not compatible with the zeal of a non-policy.

Non-Mahram Man Ray سرطانزای listens on metshra divine party woman

Thank God the amount of progress in the vast size of our Islamic society, it is not conceivable that the improvement! So that the latest scientific methods and research results among the general public and religious discussion metshra classes to be.
The author of that as of today the revolutionary in the game are much evoke the Humanities of the Qom Seminary, I thought each new revelation things would mirror?. For example, the khahrman in the Islamic Republic brought the discoverer to certify non-Mahram man of science the rays overwhelm the eyes on a Muslim woman's face can be emitted which causes the metshra of aging to be.

Electoral ploy Imam Khamenei (P) By resorting to Imam Naqi (P)

Of naghi (P) Narrates that prophet shmghder (PS)The camel, its bavfay and the popular President and the people of the province, said Naqi affair: To get the-labor Corp; increase the pay of their children; and کنیزی and نوکری and mathatshan to sink in the clubbing!

Shmghder w *: یابن rsolala! We just want the rest of the mkhlfatsh for پولهایشان? The Prophet with his science, he commented on this provision ladoni that I know and you ندانی!

How the Ayatollah were taught to the theory of relativity Einstein

Goats were Ayatollah, the theory of relativity.

The Ayatollah were goats, the theory of relativity.

Of Einstein They moved: Only two things are infinite, the universe and the world of human stupidity; and of course I doubt about BMW.

My personal blog Shared comments The ratio of theory and Einstein were attributed to Ayatollah. After reading these comments I series were knocked out to the site of Grand Ayatollah and realized that such alleged تلویجا On this site Also raised.

Make that the basis of Einstein's Denies the existence of God wasThe fact that the new physics theories come from the Qur'an, Nahj al-Balagha and Baharanvar Mullah Baqer Majlesi is even more interesting..

For those who do not know, the entire Islamic world, including Iran, has produced nothing but Mulla and Mufti in the past eight hundred years, and after the Mongol invasion..

My theory, physics and infinite parallel worlds

جهان های دیگر.

Other world. An imaginary picture of the:

In the era of ancient Greece to assume the name of Thales have raised, that the whole world is based on water. Thales was the belief that everything in the universe is made of water and anything in the universe to its original–That is, water–Returns. The world's first philosopher Thales (Even before Socrates) Cairo. His hypothesis about the origin and essence of the world although it was baseless and childish and ridicule the next philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle, but he is the first person that attempts to describe all things find a description of the unit. Many philosophers from the time of Thales today, and later became scientists, tried to explain the universe to find such General.

A few suggestions that may be infinite honour West to give

Ahmad Khatami, Tehran's Imam of Friday prayer.

Ahmad Khatami, Tehran's Imam of Friday prayer.

Imam Ahmad Khatami, Tehran Friday, believes that if the Islamic Republic's nuclear program will solve the problem, calling the West draws men and women in Iran. Will. Accepting such a shameless demands means that Khatami and رفقایش with a few weak holders to operate in pairs and hold اندرونی reproduction, have equal rights; that there is no such a big disgrace متشرعی Muslim does not accept.

Since the equality of man and woman is the only illegitimate and inhuman demands not Westerners, below we offer several other Westerners infinite honour might give to the Islamic Republic, Khatami's list to the next I was not at the Friday prayer to his knowledge of the Islamic Ummah.

Akhavi azma was ایرانشناس

حضرت آیت الله ایرانشناس، برادر بزرگتر امام خامنه ای، در میانه تصویر. تصویر در قلمرو عموم است. منبع تصویر:

Ayatollah ایرانشناس, older brother of Imam Khamenei, in the middle of the image. The image is in the public realm. Image source:

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, appointed President of the province, officials عظمای During the ruling Akhavi of Iranian President Syed Khorasani, appointed to the Foundation. In connection with this appointment worthy of noted: Ayatollah Khamenei, the owner of several publications in the sphere of Iranian nationality who are including them can be Jafari Fiqh plays before Islam And How to enter the Iranian with the right foot Noted. He pointed out the logical relationship between Mr. akhavi and شقیقه and expertise, he helped the Prophet and in all fields promised: The new President of the organization is to learn more about the category of historical novels, several volumes of translations of Iranian Zabihullah Mansouri and a volume on ten thousand-year-old Iranian عبدالعظیم rezaei read together. Ahmadinejad did not mention, of course, how in a few days the remainder of the time period for a few ریاستش the future of the country is the sentence.

Mujahedeen of Iran makes hot

Brother and Sister Mary Bakker.

Brother and Sister Mary Bakker.

Maryam azdanlu red ghjer to the sister of Mary, "a former comrade of the late Saddam and the President approved of Netanyahu and the brother of Bolton, recently took to the important discovery that Iran is a country Is a multinational And it is necessary that human rights hero because he is defending the rights of the nationalities. Ansafa is no (With the exception of judge Mortazavi) Mary's sister in the size limit and it does not have the inherent ability of human rights. It is said that because the Mojahedin Khalq Organization recently in show all kind of waste of different nationalities Found The mood is the same universal Sister Mary. Nonetheless gave the idea is that if our reduction rather than a nationality, multiple nationality must have her own; to change the shghlsh and give it instead to the President of Iran to the United Nations Secretary General, preferences preferences..

Iran's expulsion of the Imam

The expulsion of the Imam.

The expulsion of the Imam.

As any human beings, and if did not know now through one of the service companies to immigrate to Canada and Australia mlatft; one of the basic principles of immigration to any country, learn the language of the country it is. Many countries to accept immigrants, language exams held in relatively high levels, they. This issue is about those who want the right to citizenship are entitled to the citizenship of a country has more important; the same alien and the laws of different countries together is. For example, in accordance with the Constitution of the United States of any alien citizen of the country who wishes to become a u.s. citizen should be able to read English well, just to write and speak at the spirit.

Wireless IQ person called the promised Mahdi nicknamed "Imam, a resident of جمکران well, despite being a long time (About 1200 Years) The Saudi citizenship in our country with a cuffed, based on Shiite narrations, yet has not been able to make in the English language letter few learn to read. This is while if Aliabadi For the same period were sent to OPEC's Presidency now has a few words of English was learned.

All together Turkish bread Turkish چیزمان;

نان سنگک

Sangak bread

One of the Pan-Turks claims that the "bread" of Persian Turks It is from the Turks to Iranians, the importance of this claim is better known when we know that this sangak is no longer that old Sangak and thanks to the velayati system, it has a dignity and has reached a grain of thousands of tomans..

Of course we Curmudgeon and perhaps this points to the bread to the Turks at a bread in the La تاریخشان to the shared souvenir, but these guys are not aulshan that time of Surrey and charshnbeh Marilyn Monroe And Rumi And Military And Ibn Sina They started, and now they've reached Sangak bread and goat broth, and if they keep going, they won't just leave anything from our historical past, they must demand something for these historical services..

Ali ایحال encyclopedia of Jewish cuisine which is a The comprehensive academic reference For the classification of foods is a belief to the contrary belief, this pan is trkyst pantrkyst friends According to the encyclopedia ofSangak bread is an Iranian bread that, contrary to the belief of this friend of Pan Turkistman, its name is derived from the same word "stone" Persian and has long been the standard bread of the Iranian army, each soldier has a bag of flour and pebbles with him and if necessary, he cooks bread by doughing the flour..

Barbari bread would also name it barbarian name of "the people of Afghanistan," the traditional bread and nothing to do with the Turks, and in the 18th century came to Iran.

Prof. Ahmad jannati, the most prominent scientists of all ages was known

احمد جنتی - کاپی رایت تصویر از جک و جنتیToday, the golden leaf A workbook on another Islamic sacred system of honours was preferences. The honor system, the golden leaves of the Hill provinces and کپر columns of the revolution, Ayatollah jannati (The former, current Professor, Ayatollah) With the highest academic degrees in فراخنای loose on humanity has emerged to mansh.

With the approval of the Islamic Consultative Assembly داهیانه new regulations and on the basis of the scientific relationship between 400 g وشقایق with hazarnovr- Scientific and research work of our specialists, boarding it legally The presence of the Guardian Council in each period, the educational equivalent of a degree For the entire length of the course can be considered. With the implementation of this law, in addition to millions of dollars of counterfeit foreign currency savings for صدورگواهینامه PhD Oxford, Islamic Republic of Iran has officially joined the few countries to have the ability to offer academic degrees at all levels and fields of education and also the second country in the world (After the Republic of علیوفستان) That can be aubashsh at any level for all the issued certificate.

Leave the news and that Ahmadinejad Calculator in Turkish

پرچم ترکیه در استادیوم تراختور

Flag of Turkey in trakhtor Stadium

More recently sites with خبرگزاریهای construction and shape of the formet semi-official Islamic Republic builds up on the perimeter and leave their parsing issues enumerated to Azerbaijan. Fresh دوزاری یحتمل case, that their world is what's going on and what we have not seen that khoabeha. Since the Islamic Holy at all during the thirty years of its existence, squalor and Andy get a job and have not been able to sell eventually to treatment; apparently, part of the responsibility for the fight against the quzaqortha took her to have entrusted quzaqortha.

Among these sites is the same one that جدیدالتاسیس a few days I was able to read a part of the mtalebsh ( It is also thanks to one of the friends who helped him publish content )With the Turkic names were registered in the Iran News. Of course, the site of some of the positive features are also directions. There are some of the few that can do this funny site it as part of his Turkish literature is that after a few hundred years with no کولتور no Turkestan. The rest of the sections was a very good time and if Haq part Turkish jokes for showing the crimes were added to the site's Persian chauvinism, probably took more traffic.

The mother of all languages Turkish and English accent in Turkish

Afghan-Turks website More entertaining From the quote "تئهران حیفم اوشاقلاری" release that came in here, I am not tell.

This interesting article is clearly superior to similar previous sample shows significant progress!

Personal earlier called "dylmqany ملکزاده دیلمقانی" in a written "The Turkish and other languages» That the Government of Iraq's ترکمنهای site (Kirkuk NET ) And several other پانترکیستی website they release it, Almost half of the Italian language and one-fifth of English and Turkish to English accent of 261 The Arabic language was brought to the.

English language course in the past, Always on the ranking of the 261 Not my, But as weeks of Zanjan hope ,Martial رایاسپهر of each magazine and UNESCO counterfeiting, The thirty-third rank of the Persian language in Arabic The later as the Turks were in the article writing progress, It has regressed position ! But in this recent case,The site of the last shooting Afghanistan cracks ran once for ever and the position of all the languages of the world to live and dead alabd turns out and the other not to require the new ratings

Ghazal Omid , Ghazal OMID ,Shokat ghazanfari and things we

غزال امید

Ghazal OMID

' Ghazal OMID’ Or ' shokat ghazanfari’ The author of the book of life in hell (The purpose of Hell's) ,Human rights activist And it is a brave hero (His championship of courage and quoted Fox News) So far a lot of winning awards or nominations for the defense of human rights and the heroic actions made (Part of their honours ). Ghazanfari that their victims with Foundation oriented knows Fox claims over one year with his brother have sex or been molested (One of the requirements of the Championship is probably the !) And two times for the same cause suicide.

Shokat and his brother

YouTube Preview Image

Download Shokat and his brother With low volume

Ahmadinejad joined the Greens to the Jirga!

From “اینیشتین” ,The German-American physicist name theory of goats “General Relativity “To quote, "the two things in the world don't have the borders first, galaxies and other silliness !» But I (The author of the stour) Guess “Obscenity” In addition, the two also have the *.


Officials appointed by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad that the provincial Governor عظمای on your trips and attracting the people resorted to almost any manner (Wearing clothes to local show with Mark gulp ,That is the symbol of Pan ' analysis) On this trip, Ahwaz, Iran ,Moving to fellow انفلابی and, according to herself with a green scarf in public was unaware of whether the present Green and white and red all these people an excuse to get rid of his Government and his nation that John حماقتهای with ندانمکاریهایش to the lips is.

Who's tired? The enemy! Ahmadinejad's film in Khuzestan province

Counterfeiting and اغوزی responses aghuzmandaneh

This letter by analyzing ' and interestingly they Click on the YouTube video They also.

جعل ترکی

This is another version of the one that shows the first explorers aghusea “Adobe Photoshop” If not, the Islamic Republic of Iran, at least, the status of this غیرتها was in the sphere of national security and the lack of decomposition!

Meanwhile, the hero of the آغوزهای for the next project in mind «» not guilty with handle طای.

جعل ترک

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