Tag: The CIA

The world's fifth country of Iran; the fifth country in the world so miserable happy/why Khamenei embarrassment does not take

Ali Khamenei's recent statements on Iranian media had said sang that soon all the objectives to be attained and the revolution of the Iranian people is several thousand times the volume before the revolution at the time of the revolution, and achievement in the period before the revolution basically there is not much achievement.

On the other hand the King's interview came bkhaterm. The following 13 minutes interview:27 to see what English King an honorary reporter says that in the next ten years to the current situation in Iran will reach your country; and in twenty-five years is one of the five countries the rich world will be. What a delight and honor in his face when saying the words wave systems. And ایراندوستی worship of homeland can be single this sentence felt. Anyone who deals with economic statistics and figures knows that Iran had reached the highest economic growth in the world, and to what extent these words were true and true.

Legal questions: Qualify what kind of Imam Khomeini was دیاثتی?

Javadi Amoli, Ayatollah al-Ozma allameh cloud philosopher of the Islamic world, that in the field of philosophy, such as the دیاثت juridical owner, recently As: "It is a moral or political or دیاثت. A person who gives way to an alien political دیوث. Your privacy on the alien way of giving and getting is not compatible with the zeal of a non-policy.

How the Ayatollah were taught to the theory of relativity Einstein

Goats were Ayatollah, the theory of relativity.

The Ayatollah were goats, the theory of relativity.

Of Einstein They moved: Only two things are infinite, the universe and the world of human stupidity; and of course I doubt about BMW.

My personal blog Shared comments The ratio of theory and Einstein were attributed to Ayatollah. After reading these comments I series were knocked out to the site of Grand Ayatollah and realized that such alleged تلویجا On this site Also raised.

Make that the basis of Einstein's Denies the existence of God wasThe fact that the new physics theories come from the Qur'an, Nahj al-Balagha and Baharanvar Mullah Baqer Majlesi is even more interesting..

For those who do not know, the entire Islamic world, including Iran, has produced nothing but Mulla and Mufti in the past eight hundred years, and after the Mongol invasion..

Fakes 3; the BBC is good but for the people of Iran


BBC. Image source: andyjohnscreative.com

According to documents published Wikileaks site The Government of England, along with u.s. intelligence agencies, Israel, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and even the curator is supporting separatism in Iran (This entry To see all the manabash.). بنا به گفته ی لوموند دیپلماتیک سازمان سیا اینکار را علاوه بر حمایت مستقیم، با هزینه کردن میلیونها دلار، با نام حقوق بشر و در غالب سازمانهای حقوق بشری انجام داد؛ بنابر این جای تعجب نباید باشد که بدانید بسیار از کسانی که عنوان فعال حقوق بشر و فعال حامی حقوق اقوام به خودشان بستند؛ از کجا تامین مالی می شوند.

Fakes BBC Persia and Persian cyst 2;

BBC English.

BBC English.

According to documents published Wikileaks site The Government of England, along with u.s. intelligence agencies, Israel, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and even the curator is supporting separatism in Iran (This entry To see all the manabash.). بنا به گفته ی لوموند دیپلماتیک سازمان سیا اینکار را علاوه بر حمایت مستقیم، با هزینه کردن میلیونها دلار، با نام حقوق بشر و در غالب سازمانهای حقوق بشری انجام داد؛ بنابر این جای تعجب نباید باشد که بدانید بسیار از کسانی که عنوان فعال حقوق بشر و فعال حامی حقوق اقوام به خودشان بستند؛ از کجا تامین مالی می شوند.

Fakes BBC 1; language English has always been the common language of Iranians is

BBC English.

BBC. Image in the public realm.

According to documents published Wikileaks site The Government of England, along with u.s. intelligence agencies, Israel, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and even the curator is supporting separatism in Iran (This entry To see all the manabash.). بنا به گفته ی لوموند دیپلماتیک سازمان سیا اینکار را علاوه بر حمایت مستقیم، با هزینه کردن میلیونها دلار، با نام حقوق بشر و در غالب سازمانهای حقوق بشری انجام داد؛ بنابر این جای تعجب نباید باشد که بدانید بسیار از کسانی که عنوان فعال حقوق بشر و فعال حامی حقوق اقوام به خودشان بستند؛ از کجا تامین مالی می شوند.

How the CIA to restore black day

The result of the August coup 32 In February 57 It turned out. The image is in the public realm.

The result of the August coup 32 In February 57 It turned out. The image is in the public realm.

What fans and opponents of the coup talk frequently in the twenty-eighth of August 1332, forget the final coup d ' état, the result is. We all know Dr. Mossadegh coup and coup d ' état were direct losers on the opposite side the King and the British Government were also victorious in this fight.

Iran's oil industry is the largest uk assets after World War II and had a great impact on the amount of welfare in the UK; as would Churchill نامیدش: "The blessing of the fairy land beyond the biggest our dreams." the British and the American coup d ' état instigated by the pretext of the fight against communism, and even though the country could never have returned to their previous position and other countries to replace it; but they are also about one billion dollars of oil and water and mud right points found–The money that the national Government was overthrown, if not never, did not receive. Western oil companies, including American companies are also big oil contracts and profits (The British contracts in the same period before the coup d ' état) They concluded with the Government of Iran. The next two decades the King would also have trouble with the Iranian Government on the lowest. These were all winners of the coup. Dr. Mossadegh, which until the last hours of the life of the household who is in prison and that several hundred were killed during the coup d ' état which IR. also losers to direct the coup. But the bigger loser was also a coup d ' état. The loser still sixty years after the event the cost and suffering and tragedy often does not know this toy.

We who are supposed to build atomic bomb

Netanyahu accused Iran for everything does. Image source: knowyourmeme.com

Netanyahu accused Iran for everything does. Image source: knowyourmeme.com

Today 76 Many of the representatives of the United States Senate in a letter to Obama Calls for intensified sanctions On the economy of Iran. That letter before the Senate summer vacation will be sent, meaning that Congress approved new sanctions two days ago in the country's House of representatives passed the Senate and was in need of confirmation. New sanctions on Iran and almost all foreign trade target oil exports to Iran's oil earning virtually zero.

Economic sanctions — In accordance with the international rules, Collective punishment and war crimes are considered to be — Merely the everyday life and the comfort of the people has not affected and in some cases even led to the death of Iranian citizens. Sanctions along with the inefficiency and the incapability of internal managers, cost of living and treatment in Iran for srsam collection has increased to the point that many Iranians of providing supplies and their basic needs bazmandend. These sanctions can be applied in fields that have no logical connection with Iran's nuclear program, but not a heavy pressure on the ordinary people. The aim of the sanctions applied, in addition to stop Iran's nuclear program, increasing public dissatisfaction and prevent Iranian investments in the field are Americans and Israelis do not their partners '.

God did not believe in the existence of Einstein told

لغت خدا برای من چیزی بیش از بیان و محصول نقص بشر نیست. انجیل مجموعه ای است محترم اما بدوی از قصه هایی که به هر حال کودکانه هستند. هیچ تفسیری -- تفاوتی ندارد هر اندازه که هوشمندانه باشد -- این واقعیت را تغییر نمی دهد. - آلبرت اینیشتین. (تصویر در قلمرو عمومی است.)

The word God is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human imperfection is not. The Bible is a collection of stories that are primitive but respected anyway are childish. No interpretation — No the difference of any size that is clever — This does not change the fact. – Albert اینیشتین. (The image in the public realm.)

A week ago, the House had invited a friend to dinner. After entering the party and the usual compliments, he suddenly asked me if I believed in the existence of God. It was a strange question to start the conversation after greeting, but I tried to explain to him without insulting the host's beliefs that his seemingly simple question could have not so simple answers.

The word of God in the past has always been the same and do not have the same concept, and today there are numerous meanings. The gods of Babylon the same Assyrian gods people, were Egyptian or Sumerian. (In many cases, these gods are not even like each other either.) The God of the old testament Jews the same Greek or Roman gods has no properties. God is the same God of the Muslims in (Or the words of the gods) Offline. The God of gods, the God of Aristotle and Socrates were different. Spinoza and Voltaire and Descartes were still the same God. Even though all the gods in a way are subject to the same concept of God; I believe the existence of any of these gods have inevitably compared to the rest, I am a Pagan God forms and no one can not claim that all of this is the belief of the gods. Acceptance of each of these negates another, so the answer to this question is not easy. But my friend insisted that the force be everything in the world exists and that it is called the power of God and to prove this idea also claims that all the scientists are aware of the existence of the. When asked, for example, one of the scientists that such وقوفی is the name of several Hadith and destroy such PHI alfor; make of Einstein, a famous physicist, about the importance of the existence of God and believe me it will list. The work that the Hadith, I saw better discuss the issue of the proof of the presence or absence of God dstpkht I change my مهماننوازی landlord and delicious.

"Iran is still some fucking like»

Women's rights activist, Shadi Sadr, and gays, recently did a piece on the بوکش Facebook page and release in addition to Iran, it has support for parsing. Before this entry was Shadi Sadr today, I must admit that going to write and reply to them had Facebook post. I think it is not worth wasting time nonsense receipt and Ms Sadr is probably going to attract the attention of friends or community such material writes.

Although often spend a lot of time reading the contents of the various groups and political spectrum, before publishing the article Shadi Sadr about self-determination and the legitimacy of Iran's analysis, he did not know the. Ms Sadr in that article The complainant had been Based on Iranian ethnic groups the right to self-determination, the decomposition of the country and the formation of independent political units are. I earlier I explain in a post That's why Ms Sadr and his right not to say and the right to national self-determination to the concept of the right to secession as well as its resources report; all are available.

Rafsanjani: The decomposition of Azerbaijan and Baluchistan after the elections

With the end of the period, Mohamed Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani to participate in the presidential election and his disqualified by the Guardian Council, the words he addressed to the camp has released its plan, which is part of Azerbaijan and Iranian Balochistan analysis by u.s. Senate also mentions. According to Johnson, is set to become clear after the election result this plan Be operational:

– In the Senate there are two dangerous plan; wait for the election to be rational and clear assignment of these are activated after. Want to make Azerbaijan and Sistan and Baluchistan and their analysis. After Israel attack Iran if it is supposed to help the military military. Maybe it's psychological warfare, but to quote for any possible position of the scholars..

The CIA, the BBC and separatism in Iran



From the time of confrontation with world powers over the nuclear program and Iran's increasing regional influence, the subject of analysis and support together with the same goal of ethnicism embargo — That is, create instability and chaos in the country and the nuclear program امتیازگیری — بطور گسترده در دستور کار کشورهای طرف مواجه با ایران قرار گرفت و ردیف بودجه ای محرمانه در داخل سازمان سیا برای آن تخصیص داده شد. This program is targeted by the United States, Israel and the UK countries follow; however, based on the Wikileaks site documents, in addition to the intelligence organizations of the three countries, the smaller countries like Pakistan are active in this field; in the case of Pakistan, according to the cooperation with Wikileaks reveal The British intelligence organization Mossad and the support of the country's reformists, the end.

Gonaz tv (Gonaz tv) It is affiliated with the CIA

Tv network gonaz (Gonaz tv) A twenty-four hour satellite channel to the Azerbaijani language is اوبالی, which with the management of the town Ahmad of Chicago in Illinois USA torkzaban programs for the people in Iran provides.

This is a tv channel in addition to the other in a Chicago Studio, Studio of Baku-Republic Center and its programs via satellite to the hatberd (And before Turkey's Turksat) Sends to Azerbaijan.

ظاهرا با بروز اغتشاشات تجزیه طلبان در سال هشتاد و پنج و با محرز شدن نقش این کانال تلویزیونی در ایجاد اغتشاشات و تهییج مردم ، دولت ایران از دولت ترکیه درخواست کرده بود تا جلوی پخش برنامه های گوناز را از ماهواره ی ترک ست بگیرد.

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