Section: Snarky,

The provisions of the ship with Internet Imam Khamenei pigs; or the Cyber identification procedures, Sir

I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You both get all dirty, and besides, the pig likes it.

~ George Bernard Shaw

Long ago I learned that ship with a pig هیجگاه نگیرم. If you get both with a dirty wrestling pigs and pigs of you enjoyed.

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.

~ George Bernard Shaw

A reasonable person can adapt himself to the world, but a reasonable opinion frustrated person to thrust himself in accordance with the desire of the world. Use this for all of the world's progress is dependent on the person's neck/unreasonably nagozar!

چگونه با بطری نوشابه ماسک ضد گاز اشک آور بسازید

One of the tools is very necessary in a time of street conflicts tear gas mask to improve breathing and face protection. The Islamic system in almost all street conflicts of uses tear gas. با استفاده از یک بطری نوشابه دو لیتری و مقداری چسپ، ماسک صورت، قدری سرکه و یک قیچی براحتی می توانید یک ماسک ضد گاز بسازید که تا حد زیادی در زمانهای درگیری کمک می کند.

The world's fifth country of Iran; the fifth country in the world so miserable happy/why Khamenei embarrassment does not take

Ali Khamenei's recent statements on Iranian media had said sang that soon all the objectives to be attained and the revolution of the Iranian people is several thousand times the volume before the revolution at the time of the revolution, and achievement in the period before the revolution basically there is not much achievement.

On the other hand the King's interview came bkhaterm. The following 13 minutes interview:27 to see what English King an honorary reporter says that in the next ten years to the current situation in Iran will reach your country; and in twenty-five years is one of the five countries the rich world will be. What a delight and honor in his face when saying the words wave systems. And ایراندوستی worship of homeland can be single this sentence felt. هر کس که با آمار و ارقام اقتصادی سر و کار داشته باشد می داند که ایران به بالاترین رشد اقتصادی جهان رسیده بود و این حرفها تا چه حد راست بود و حقیقت داشت.

They were joyously Hosanna gosfandeha: We have a security awadsh!

Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. – – Ben Franklin

They will sacrifice that freedom temporarily to achieve security, deserve neither liberty or security of the. – – Benjamin Franklin

Gosfandeha not knowing the security for them to maintain that the rule is sllakh! They don't understand that wolves are just a ton of dearest, but their heads are all sllakh suffer.

All inside corridors were drawn to turn home sllakh line to head down to the butcher knife; they were cheering with joy: We have a security awadsh!

The art of the Islamic Republic, taking advantage of the unprecedented men's vitality

Adib Boroumand national poet and President of the Central Council of the national front, a condition of membership of the national front and the Shiite religion believes that our nationality and every pillar of the Shiite members of the national front, and each person should believe Shiite nationalist..

Adib Boroumand national poet and President of the Central Council of the national front, a condition of membership of the national front and the Shiite religion believes that our nationality and every pillar of the Shiite members of the national front, and each person should believe Shiite nationalist..

All the wise bozarjmehr: What was the cause, which destroyed an Al-تدبیرگر and u s they're boodi and up today to devise and the wisdom and knowledge of the world is not at all unique? Bozarjmehr replied: Two things cause it was یكى Al-kardaran on the great good will, s. and were ignorant; and other great men, but to do good will; and srokar I fell with the women, and children. — The robe is garlic, Khwaja Mulk Tusi

If you think men don't come to render what your opinion on the appeal; you must. BI men property can be one of the most human history system, whose thirty-five years of pills and keep strong support. Men can render the way a dam; the nation can stand in front of a community social developments to the degeneration of the nation wishes to kill; turning despair; or even to change the path of history. Render render men per se, but according to the place in which the fall may have خواصی.

BI men property to render such عنوانهایی with ننامیم vaqagra, pragmatists, peaceable, enlightened reformist, رفورمیست, and we can learn, but the prospective one person render in fact none of these things is just not render. The most important feature of this property is always a render is and remains property. So this is a render quite predictable and reliable.

Why is Richard Frye is junk

Professor Richard Frye.

Professor Richard Frye.

Say Mullah نصرالدین beat his wife who ran the cause he was leaning. In response, I said that not spending money not to work; not to come home; if the beat is nzanm so the nation where the weak woman I know who this is?

Find a ملای other recently in Isfahan and claimed that Professor Richard Frye, distinguished professor of Harvard University, who was a big right to the people of Iran and Iranian culture, is a junk. This person is called the junk that FRY, Hojjatoleslam Mohammad Taghi rahbar, a representative of the Supreme Leader and is Imam of Friday, Isfahan, Iran.

Fakes 3; the BBC is good but for the people of Iran


BBC. Image source:

According to documents published Wikileaks site The Government of England, along with u.s. intelligence agencies, Israel, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and even the curator is supporting separatism in Iran (This entry To see all the manabash.). According to the CIA's diplomatic lomond you in addition to the direct support, spending millions of dollars, in the name of human rights and human rights organizations do; so it shouldn't be surprising to know much of those active as a human rights activist and supporter of the rights of ethnic minorities to their own wormholes; where are financing.

Masjed Soleiman courts of collateral total New York, Paris and Los Angeles courts is more

The city of Masjed Soleyman.

The city of Masjed Soleyman.

If you are in the city of Los Angeles committed the crime, to release from prison should be Twenty-thousand dollars on average (Equal to 60 million USD in Iran) For collateral. Naturally, this collateral for lighter, less crime and more for heavy crimes such as murder, is more. In New York City and is also the situation similarly bail out 500 USD and more. A report this year Of the amount of the collateral is in the New York courts, heavy tale. According to the report, citizens often New Yorkers able to provide heavy bail courts are not. The report, for example, somebody named Javier Hernandez points out that commits the murder to آدمکشی and ran from the scene with the car the defendant has. The Court to release the amount of one hundred thousand dollars cash Hernandez or two hundred thousand dollars is a non-cash collateral to determine that, of course, he does not have the ability to pay the amount. In the French city of Paris is also a heavy bail courts. For example, the A report on Reuters شیادی says that the person has been committed and the number of three hundred thousand of silicone breast implants and the non standard sold a lot around the world risked. A trial for this person the amount of one hundred thousand euro (Equal to the 136000$ USA) Specify collateral and because the defendant did not submit the required collateral was arrested again.

The Iranian people, the dignity of Khamenei and back pain

In order for people to know what is the size of a country with respect for its leaders have a deep understanding of the situation do not have to have it. Sometimes even see a few simple image of reading hundreds of pages of the article is گویاتر.

If مجالسی that the Supreme Leader is present in it carefully, the person Khamenei has always been on the couch and have answered the next jlous or against the leader of the Islamic Republic and were sitting on the ground.

Anniversary of the brainless Shaban died; the pictures of the tomb of Shaban, Hayedeh, mahasti, and …

28 August in addition to American and British coup anniversary in Iran and the fall of the Government is also another occasion thereof,. Shaban Jafari — In contemporary Iranian history with the name s. known brainless — On the same day he died. Street thugs and bands of سرکردگان parsley foahash (In the settlement were called joanmardan) That was the coup d ' état in the fruition of August twenty-eight straight plays and were amazingly at the same anniversary of the coup d ' état and on the twenty-eighth of August 1385 Died.

Below are a few picture of the headstone of Shaban Jafari, along with pictures of the tomb of Hayedeh, mahasti, recall rare live naderpour and Ahmad khayami, father of modern automotive industries of Iran, which are all in the same public cemetery in Westwood, Los Angeles City are buried, I joined the. I took this picture a while ago.

Jhood equally offensive is that the Gulf is offensive

A video Akbar Abdi, actor of the cinema, that part of it to Jews as ' jhood» mentions. Apparently this told the Jewish countrymen to protest the rigging of some unknown reasons to believe that the word is offensive jhood.

The title of the Jewish — Some Jewish and replace used and brand jhood — The Islamic religion of the Prophet Moses, the Jewish adjective, that Moses said to him, Muslims. The interlocutor It is also meant to speak in Arabic grammar, the attribute mshabh is on فعیل, which is the weight of the three letters cuff, Lam m (Such as the word) Made. Kalim Allah meaning it one that God is speaking time with him. این واژه بطور قطع مفهوم و بار مذهبی دارد و در آغاز یک نام قومی نبوده؛ با اینحال هر گروهی حق دارد نام قومی خودش را انتخاب کنند و اگر یهودیان کلیمی را بیشتر می پسندند باید همان را برایشان بکار برد.

I don't respect you opinion gzarm

A Hindu invocation is a cow. The image is in the public realm. The source of the:

A Hindu invocation is a cow. The image is in the public realm. The source of the:

My student period in Iran is not the phenomenon of Sandys was not Bob and our Government from Sandys, safely and without fear of آبرویی, we have over. Cake and Sandys of the staples of our time was that some humor to it, "said amelh silencer". This silencer amelh are the days when we had classes or morning till night in Ramadan days are weird sat on. I comes eight years ago a seven day of the month of Ramadan, when lunch is one of the همینها I bought a fairly busy day retreats in one place was speculation. In the same situation with fairly among the gentleman just sort of came and asked except dont know that Ramadan is fasting should not be speculation? I said why I know but all don't think like him and some are not like my day. Said, but you have to respect my opinion بگزاری! I told you you should have with the logic of my opinion and so I respect بگزاری! He said the Islamic country here and most people are fasting, and when a large number are in my opinion after fasting is preferred. I said, to assume that it is the number one fans opinion opposed to it properly and does not believe it is wrong to prove. Say if you should you swing to democracy معتقدی day. I saw Perth and Pola says thmandeh cake and the front region of the ساندیسم I have down. In fact, I was so hungry that if cars came first time cities became accustomed way cake and gave the cities became accustomed after Sandys went Scouting.

God did not believe in the existence of Einstein told

لغت خدا برای من چیزی بیش از بیان و محصول نقص بشر نیست. انجیل مجموعه ای است محترم اما بدوی از قصه هایی که به هر حال کودکانه هستند. هیچ تفسیری -- تفاوتی ندارد هر اندازه که هوشمندانه باشد -- این واقعیت را تغییر نمی دهد. - آلبرت اینیشتین. (تصویر در قلمرو عمومی است.)

The word God is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human imperfection is not. The Bible is a collection of stories that are primitive but respected anyway are childish. No interpretation — No the difference of any size that is clever — This does not change the fact. – Albert اینیشتین. (The image in the public realm.)

A week ago, the House had invited a friend to dinner. پس از ورود به مهمانی و تعارفات معمول، به یکباره از من پرسید که آیا به وجود خدا باور دارم یا خیر؟ برای شروع گفتگو بعد از احوالپرسی پرسش عجیبی بود اما من سعی کردم بدون اینکه به اعتقادات میزبان اهانت کنم برایش توضیح دهم که این پرسش به ظاهر ساده اش می تواند پاسخ های نه چندان ساده داشته باشد.

The word of God in the past has always been the same and do not have the same concept, and today there are numerous meanings. The gods of Babylon the same Assyrian gods people, were Egyptian or Sumerian. (In many cases, these gods are not even like each other either.) The God of the old testament Jews the same Greek or Roman gods has no properties. God is the same God of the Muslims in (Or the words of the gods) Offline. The God of gods, the God of Aristotle and Socrates were different. Spinoza and Voltaire and Descartes were still the same God. Even though all the gods in a way are subject to the same concept of God; I believe the existence of any of these gods have inevitably compared to the rest, I am a Pagan God forms and no one can not claim that all of this is the belief of the gods. Acceptance of each of these negates another, so the answer to this question is not easy. But my friend insisted that the force be everything in the world exists and that it is called the power of God and to prove this idea also claims that all the scientists are aware of the existence of the. When asked, for example, one of the scientists that such وقوفی is the name of several Hadith and destroy such PHI alfor; make of Einstein, a famous physicist, about the importance of the existence of God and believe me it will list. The work that the Hadith, I saw better discuss the issue of the proof of the presence or absence of God dstpkht I change my مهماننوازی landlord and delicious.

Call for participation in the Iran-Lebanon match; with the slogan not Gaza, not Lebanon, Iranian sacrifice Chuck

Not Gaza, not Lebanon, Iranian sacrifice Chuck

Not Gaza, not Lebanon, Iranian sacrifice Chuck

A group of وبلاگنویسان and users of Internet networks, to take part in the football match between Iran and Lebanon national team recall *. The match between the national teams of Iran and Lebanon, on the day of 21 May (Hours 18:30)Three days before the elections of the Islamic Republic, and Tehran's Azadi Stadium to be held.

The two teams race to be broadcast live from the Iranian State television and be given the time and location, the best opportunity for the people of the protest slogans plan provides. This race could be a good start for the next protest gatherings..

"Iran is still some fucking like»

Women's rights activist, Shadi Sadr, and gays, recently did a piece on the بوکش Facebook page and release in addition to Iran, it has support for parsing. Before this entry was Shadi Sadr today, I must admit that going to write and reply to them had Facebook post. I think it is not worth wasting time nonsense receipt and Ms Sadr is probably going to attract the attention of friends or community such material writes.

Although often spend a lot of time reading the contents of the various groups and political spectrum, before publishing the article Shadi Sadr about self-determination and the legitimacy of Iran's analysis, he did not know the. Ms Sadr in that article The complainant had been Based on Iranian ethnic groups the right to self-determination, the decomposition of the country and the formation of independent political units are. I earlier I explain in a post That's why Ms Sadr and his right not to say and the right to national self-determination to the concept of the right to secession as well as its resources report; all are available.

Sites that Rafsanjani's claim about Iran's censorship analysis *

Hashemi told the BBC published in selective.

Hashemi told the BBC published in selective.

After the disqualification of Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, he said that about the conditions of the country and addressed to his tragic released part of it to the By analyzing the Senate plan Deals. How sympathetic to Johnson at the territorial integrity of the country and Iran, is not the subject of my post coma because some تردیدهایی also raised. I have numerous reasons that Mr. Hashemi have said–With every incentive that as–Get serious and part of the reason in a piece I wrote in that story that I, a description of. But another issue that caught my attention and that of my friends who sent me messages about Hashemi's article was the selective way in which some Persian-language media outlets dealt with this part of his remarks.

Of the few English language website published the story, a group of Hashemi this section for some reason were removed or بریدند. This approach is perhaps the exact criteria "is not in the media, but the overall picture could possibly be of size they give freedom and neutrality.

Do not save the Iranian election protests the strikes and rescue;

Akbar Hashemi زفسنجانی, reformist candidate in the elections, 92, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Ali Khamenei. The image of the Mehr News Agency.

Akbar Hashemi زفسنجانی, reformist candidate in the elections, 92, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Ali Khamenei. The image of the Mehr News Agency.

The dispute between voting and 30 on the eve of the elections, sanctions are a high. Voting with the same way of the previous courses, argue, in the absence of that country is in poor condition, choose a moderate adjustment to the terms of the President and reduce the economic and political pressures can help. On the opposite side of a boycott of the election, believe that differs sharply from the Islamic Republic of — In addition to being political and being closed, and a few years with the last round of fraud and also to completely differs sharply from the blood and the price of a few hundred tons of people held in Iran — No minimum turnout is required for the participation in such elections so except that the Islamic regime's legitimacy is not achieved, another popular.

Both the voting and the boycott, believe that their view on the perspective of the opposite side is the preferred and current conditions of the country of the mkhalfshan front or not understood or are basically خاین and is mgharz. Both sides believe that a company or non-شرکشان is a great political action, which is a huge impact on the future of the country Cuba. These voters insist that vote to nominate their programmes, to the detriment of the rule of fashion is because opposing candidates to not win. Players also believe that the sanctions vote dadenshan in addition to being no disgrace involved, not to the system and the authority of the (Legitimate power) Offers, something that is lacking today. What all these pointless disputes, a repeat of their last years in hrbareh and chndbarh is. Voting in the various courses in the hope of changes to their candidates and voted for a boycott are in different periods of elections boycott and ultimately our country status update of the day is worse. Not voting to vote within a few decades, a significant change in terms of our homeland and not to boycott the elections managed node of the open country nodes. The election of the Islamic regime, a trivial phenomenon and in the best conditions to gain power among the mafia within the fights more resources, which is the company or the lack of it in the company of his men will not create any fundamental transformation. Ali al-Qaeda we can not hope that a similar behaviour under the present circumstances the same for years and decades, we repeat and get different results.

Repeated insults and racist of the noble people of Afghanistan Borussia supporters



Leave ethnicism and trkystha-oriented — The layers of low literacy and retarded the society of Iran and Azerbaijan are — To insult and humiliate the Persian speaking people of Iran, they are called Fars Afghani or Fars Afghaninejad; Unaware that Afghanism or Afghani is not a cause of shame in any way, and the honorable people of Afghanistan in Iran for many years to do the work of Dsshvr and much more than Pan Turkista free and creditor in the development of Iran and the progress and prosperity of our country are shared..

Unfortunately, such insults to Iran's soccer stadium space has been infected by the a games and Borussia team or to quote "تیراختور" team trkystha, and on the other hand the English language or of the team of the city no longer play, in addition to all sorts of slogans and anti-Iranian honour expletives and insults to the territorial integrity and national identity of the Iranians, Afghanis, Fars race motto or slogan is, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, ours is yours (بیزیمده, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, سیزینده) Also be given head.

Steven Hawking: Never give up, do not

Steven Hawking and Bill Gates

Steven Hawking and Bill Gates

Stephen Hawking, the world's most famous scientist, now that the age of the age of 21 in terms of crippling nervous system has been. Hawking to kids with cartoon family the Simpsons; ordinary people recognize him with a strange disease His controversial theories about the existence of God And they recall the cosmic Genesis, and in the world of science with the most prominent of his scientific work in the name of Hawking radiation To be known. But the most important thing about hawking is that all scientific work, as he was a scientist, a physicist and Akhtar during his illness and was done within 50 years.

In an interview with BBC News, when a reporter for the BBC from hawking asks, she was expected to live only a short time, and if you only want the name of an agent that makes him long to outlast, operating it? Hawking responds: When I was 21 years old, I was diagnosed with motor nerve disease. This is a disease that has no cure and sufferers within two or three years it takes. If I died today at the age of seventy alive part great care over the years that it was entitled to and that helped in his scientific career is successful. This success I kept active. I hope that my story is an example for those who are in similar situations. Never give up, do not.

Please do not insult my race

Most recently, in the midst of some of the وبلاگنویسان are mostly regressive and program-makers have been so alien to common media, some anomalies of the Iranian society and the moral evil of Aryan blood and today's Iranians are Persians than race. This appointment and the مقولاتی which is basically the nature of blood and race not descended to the people of a country to ridicule and استهزای, it is racist and racial insult belongs in addition to being inhumane, immoral and in many countries of the world can be considered a crime.

From the scientific point of view all of us modern or current of a Mans Mans race called the race هموسیپین (Homo sapien) In about two hundred thousand years ago in Africa, human evolution and other ازنژادهای today in all the areas terrain is. The prefix "HMV" refers to any means we humans and our "سیپین" is the scientific name of the race. In the past, there were other races of human beings, that today there is a trace of him and of millions of years to have all become extinct thousands of years ago. The current era of human evolution or هموسیپین are still not long enough that the word race to explain the distinction between the factions to use it; therefore, the word race for the category, at least in the modern human biology and basic science is not anthropology but continues to refer to the composition of the population, non-blood research and is common among the general public. Of these as the "Aryan" or "Iranian" is to refer to race or descent is the Iranian people. Both Iran and Aryan In fact, the meaning of a Word are identical are identical. Earlier in two separate written here And in the here And in response to BBC English, is mbsot about the concept of ethnic identity and descent and Aryan Nation wrote a story and the reasons for the assignment I gave to the Iranians as Aryan description. (The sources of those two entries.)

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