Tag: Hack

The provisions of the ship with Internet Imam Khamenei pigs; or the Cyber identification procedures, Sir

I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You both get all dirty, and besides, the pig likes it.

~ George Bernard Shaw

Long ago I learned that ship with a pig هیجگاه نگیرم. If you get both with a dirty wrestling pigs and pigs of you enjoyed.

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.

~ George Bernard Shaw

A reasonable person can adapt himself to the world, but a reasonable opinion frustrated person to thrust himself in accordance with the desire of the world. Use this for all of the world's progress is dependent on the person's neck/unreasonably nagozar!

The Islamic Republic, how your personal information on the Internet how to deal and acquires

A friend sent a story with the Ministry of information, as though the Islamic Republic's highest website There is cooperation (The same link; also in matters related to the Internet thugs, legions of iodine are طولاتری Ministry of information!) The user and IP puts Iran. Regardless of whether or not the highest such work should know that there are several ways to identify users (You) On the Internet there is an IP registered by a website is merely one of the ways. If you are in Iran or want to travel to Iran, and even if you do not deal with the highest and similar sites, it is better to learn these methods.

In this it is assumed that you know the basic principles of the initial mistakes and not get. For example, do not click on any link to see; you don't install a program from the latest version of the software and patch the operating system you use; your personal information easily on the Internet and others do not have secure; پسووردهای; share on your computer virus and firewall software been updated there breaker And at least for sending information of SSL (https) Do you use.

The nymph Cyber belt Imam Hussain

The Islamic Republic Guards Corps.

The Islamic Republic Guards Corps.

The dishonesty of the universe one lot that is serene and Rep tell-you're right; it's not really right when he.

If a rep tell that right he is not for debauchery and Gary اوباشی; فهماندید that such debauchery he can be the owner of the right and respect; it's also when she herself knows neither right nor respect.

If you dare to say no to a do not Rep with him mouth to mouth, but if you don't encounter the truth with such animal sacrifice as a conservative and do not fear the truth sacrificed conservative ambition., safety, and not just the right of return and the truth is among the.

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