Tag: The revolution

Cyber Corps Base in the world, peace آمیزترین point

Cyber Corps Base in the world, peace آمیزترین point

Cyber Corps Base in the world, peace آمیزترین point

Abouzar a royalist who is the top of the room, right below the pulpit Haji squatting, for times I type the day 18: «Viva Reza Shah II! God bless the Pahlavi dynasty of glorious wind!» More offers: "The national منقلی Mossadegh پیزوری Regency!»

Not only that but David mkhatabsh someone a few meters away there is a distance with his anti-Pahlavi and abouzar mosadeghi «شاقلی» to the «fairy» and «tajbakhsh s. 'm» reference offers!

اختلاف سیاسی ابوذر و داوود چند سال است که به این شیوه و گهگاه حتی شدیدتر در شبکه های اجتماعی دنبال می شود و هر دو طرف طرفدارانی هم برای خود دست و پا کردند؛ اما خارج از دنیای سیاست روابط ابوذر و داوود گرم و صمیمانه است.

The provisions of the ship with Internet Imam Khamenei pigs; or the Cyber identification procedures, Sir

I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You both get all dirty, and besides, the pig likes it.

~ George Bernard Shaw

Long ago I learned that ship with a pig هیجگاه نگیرم. If you get both with a dirty wrestling pigs and pigs of you enjoyed.

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.

~ George Bernard Shaw

A reasonable person can adapt himself to the world, but a reasonable opinion frustrated person to thrust himself in accordance with the desire of the world. Use this for all of the world's progress is dependent on the person's neck/unreasonably nagozar!

The world's fifth country of Iran; the fifth country in the world so miserable happy/why Khamenei embarrassment does not take

Ali Khamenei's recent statements on Iranian media had said sang that soon all the objectives to be attained and the revolution of the Iranian people is several thousand times the volume before the revolution at the time of the revolution, and achievement in the period before the revolution basically there is not much achievement.

On the other hand the King's interview came bkhaterm. The following 13 minutes interview:27 to see what English King an honorary reporter says that in the next ten years to the current situation in Iran will reach your country; and in twenty-five years is one of the five countries the rich world will be. What a delight and honor in his face when saying the words wave systems. And ایراندوستی worship of homeland can be single this sentence felt. هر کس که با آمار و ارقام اقتصادی سر و کار داشته باشد می داند که ایران به بالاترین رشد اقتصادی جهان رسیده بود و این حرفها تا چه حد راست بود و حقیقت داشت.

دغلین Hadith Imam Khamenei to pasargad fraud: Learn from the پانترک,

Imam Khamenei in Pasargadae.

Imam Khamenei in Pasargadae.

Imam Khamenei (P) In the Hadith, دغلین States: I have two things to you before the death of the Honorable trustee (مدیونید if you think Sir is going to die!): First, the revolutionary guards and Iran until the mob is dependent on the destruction of the latter's citizens head and spread ignorance and ignorance in all of the areas that the essentials of Islam and the system; as these two Twine بیاویزید insider, and you are spared the wrath of the system.

حضرت برای بهتر روشن شدن قضیه، پان ترک ها را مثال می زنند که به هر دو ریسمان آویزان شده اند و هم از توبره سپاه می خورند و هم تا فیها خالدون در حماقت و جهالت فرو رفتند و چون واجد هر دو شرایط هستند، آزادانه فراکسیون صد تایی ترکی به مجلس می فرستند و خودشان هم در استادیوم تراختور هارای هارای زیادی می کنند و هر چه هم خسارت به اموال عمومی وارد می کنند و فحاشی می کنند کسی کاری به کارشان ندارد.

In English, حرامزادگی دیاثت and the global crisis

One of the blessings of the revolution was that we still should be the subject of Islamic ندانستیم بخندیم or they cry. I guess if you need more crying inside and if you come bberon laugh; but ahaot it is both work together to do!

Recently the Imam Khamenei (P), The successor of God and the hidden Imam, the representative commented that such afada not have English-language science and false if one is the language of science said. Since the Prophet among the prophets and things like your uneducated and ignorant about what is not precipitation, طرفدارانی of the sequence together himself these words were. Up to this point been put Alternative English Arabic And articles (Which articles?!) The time Write English.

Ugly, insulting Saudi King's property consultant, to Iranians

Equal to the official statistics, only around two hundred to three hundred thousand people there were sleeping on cardboard Tehran into the Congregation and life with waste درآمیخته. Even Genghis is not speculation can bring such disaster on the nation.

Equal to the official statistics, only around two hundred to three hundred thousand people there were sleeping on cardboard Tehran into the Congregation and life with waste درآمیخته. Maybe even not be such speculation either Genghis disaster brought over a nation.

Suppose Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor, today claimed that the head of the Iranian disaster so that they were begging in the streets of Berlin! In the event of such رخدادی probably the nation always on the scene and always on Facebook (Recently the telegram) Some damn fine and coarse money the German Government and German history and culture and at least serve as a virtual miss Chancellor were. If Obama is the same claim about begging in the streets of Washington DC as the Iranians would show the same reaction people; however, this subject also consider the American nation or Germany in a position superior to Iranians, and today, relying on the superiority of our own economic and industrial to humiliation. But this claim is neither the Germans nor the Americans that Saudi Arabia has as.

The art of the Islamic Republic, taking advantage of the unprecedented men's vitality

Adib Boroumand national poet and President of the Central Council of the national front, a condition of membership of the national front and the Shiite religion believes that our nationality and every pillar of the Shiite members of the national front, and each person should believe Shiite nationalist..

Adib Boroumand national poet and President of the Central Council of the national front, a condition of membership of the national front and the Shiite religion believes that our nationality and every pillar of the Shiite members of the national front, and each person should believe Shiite nationalist..

All the wise bozarjmehr: What was the cause, which destroyed an Al-تدبیرگر and u s they're boodi and up today to devise and the wisdom and knowledge of the world is not at all unique? Bozarjmehr replied: Two things cause it was یكى Al-kardaran on the great good will, s. and were ignorant; and other great men, but to do good will; and srokar I fell with the women, and children. — The robe is garlic, Khwaja Mulk Tusi

If you think men don't come to render what your opinion on the appeal; you must. BI men property can be one of the most human history system, whose thirty-five years of pills and keep strong support. Men can render the way a dam; the nation can stand in front of a community social developments to the degeneration of the nation wishes to kill; turning despair; or even to change the path of history. Render render men per se, but according to the place in which the fall may have خواصی.

BI men property to render such عنوانهایی with ننامیم vaqagra, pragmatists, peaceable, enlightened reformist, رفورمیست, and we can learn, but the prospective one person render in fact none of these things is just not render. The most important feature of this property is always a render is and remains property. So this is a render quite predictable and reliable.

Of communism such as اسلامگرایی will take you to the black soil throws

Cheng man-so there are bonded to the wishes that they never cultivated. No matter what the number of human beings will be killed as it lies to be truth to become baormandanshan.

Cheng man-so there are bonded to the wishes that they never cultivated. No matter what the number of human beings will be killed as it lies to be truth to become baormandanshan.

Most recently, the activity of چپگرایان in the Internet and the virtual network has increased considerably. Today one of my friends this question asked in reply whether I dont understand what is communism? Before I give his answer to this question once; I asked myself: Do I dont understand communism? As far as I recall many years ago; a cover of the four books I read investment plus a number of Marxist books and manuals and articles that are directly or indirectly related to this subject and of course all of these together in a time of nkhandem. But is merely reading–To figure out the– A few books and a small booklet to understand and judge about the hordes of what Marxism and anshaabatsh in different areas and within these hundred years have produced, does it suffice?

To make the answer I sought the Communists like I'm wearing probably an example both at least we agree on the principles of: 35 Years ago, Khomeini came to power and water and said the bus is free of charge; in addition, human dignity and spirituality of the people is aatla, most importantly to the people of freedom and social justice and give them to harm humanity.

Do we have to do with the illegal imprisonment of opposition Mousavi

Mousavi today and the years away.

Mousavi today and the years away.

Here are a few items that I read recently; whether we should continue with the illegal imprisonment of opposition Mousavi? Do we have those golden doransh Khomeini and nothing ندیدیم; we are a group that do not believe in the principle of the Islamic system and fara and illusion are the reform of the reform leaders of Defense موظفیم;? When rumors of the Mahdi — The person who says to the principle of the system is — Illegal detention and irrational behavior for invitation to Mohamed Akbar Hashemi hunger strike issue — That last is a defenseless prisoner provided both pretext for being perhaps the most haqughsh to the price he achieve initial — For the purposes of advertising group turns to jokes; we have to disagree with this illegal imprisonment or false rumors and to act in keeping with the Islamic regime to build her own jokes and پیوندش to the highest prayer for?

How the CIA to restore black day

The result of the August coup 32 In February 57 It turned out. The image is in the public realm.

The result of the August coup 32 In February 57 It turned out. The image is in the public realm.

What fans and opponents of the coup talk frequently in the twenty-eighth of August 1332, forget the final coup d ' état, the result is. We all know Dr. Mossadegh coup and coup d ' état were direct losers on the opposite side the King and the British Government were also victorious in this fight.

Iran's oil industry is the largest uk assets after World War II and had a great impact on the amount of welfare in the UK; as would Churchill نامیدش: "The blessing of the fairy land beyond the biggest our dreams." the British and the American coup d ' état instigated by the pretext of the fight against communism, and even though the country could never have returned to their previous position and other countries to replace it; but they are also about one billion dollars of oil and water and mud right points found–The money that the national Government was overthrown, if not never, did not receive. Western oil companies, including American companies are also big oil contracts and profits (The British contracts in the same period before the coup d ' état) They concluded with the Government of Iran. The next two decades the King would also have trouble with the Iranian Government on the lowest. These were all winners of the coup. Dr. Mossadegh, which until the last hours of the life of the household who is in prison and that several hundred were killed during the coup d ' état which IR. also losers to direct the coup. But the bigger loser was also a coup d ' état. The loser still sixty years after the event the cost and suffering and tragedy often does not know this toy.

Bernard Lewis's speech on Iran; Iran, parsing, architect at the University of Tel-Aviv

برنارد لوئیس

Bernard Lewis

Professor Bernard Lewis Khaorshnas English-Jewish origin and Professor Emeritus of Middle Eastern studies at Princeton University, which is one of the most prominent experts in the field of the history of the Middle East can be considered.

Intellectual influences Bernard Lewis, aslamshnas, as an expert in American سیاستگذاریهای the last few decades is immeasurable. Jacob ویسبرگ opinion, Newsweek Magazine columnist, Bernard Lewis is the most important intellectual influence on the idea of invading Iraq have. Expressions contained such as "Islamic fundamentalism" or "battle of civilizations» time of inventions is Louis. گفته می شود ساموئل هانتینگتون، استاد پیشین علوم سیاسی در دانشگاه هاروارد، نظریه نبرد تمدنها را با الهام از ایده لوییس مطرح کرد.

لویییس as well as modern theorists say Iran and other Middle Eastern countries in the analysis plan is known. Middle East analysis or plan (Later) The "greater Middle East" project that was titled "Bernard Lewis" is famous, first in the بیلدلبرگ in the year 1979 meeting was discussed on the basis of this plan, Iran would be divided into six or seven pieces; the idea earlier in the run, and now instead of the Iraqi one, in fact there are three Iraq. According to former U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney, in the new century, scientists, lawmakers, diplomats and the media will follow Lewis's wisdom.

We condemn the statements of condemnation of Rahimi

تصویری از ابطحی و یک خاخام یهودی

A picture of a Jewish rabbi and a Abtahi

Mohammad Reza Rahimi, Vice President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, meanwhile, as statements:"The expansion of the drug trade in the world is rooted in the Talmud, a collection of Jewish religious rules," as well as the:"In these books can be taught how to make the blood of the people بمکند and how to destroy a non-Jewish."

درباره اینکه «گسترش مواد مخدر در جهان» ریشه در کجا دارد اظهارنظر نمی کنم چون در اینباره آگاهی ندارم اما در مورد دوم کاملا حق را به آقای رحیمی می دهم.

Talmud is a collection of laws and Islamic studies Jewish people retarded is that almost every type of crime and crime for believers it makes possible. Already a few sections of this book I translate here I recommend that before any prejudice so read a few episodes.

Of course, Mr. Rahimi forget that as religious Muslims is commenting about the books because if the root of misery all nations of the world are not Muslims, religious books, possibly the root of misfortune (Or the root of a large portion of misery) The same nation that Mr. Rahimi is the same law, the President is jmhorsh. To quote the late Mirza AQA Khan kermani if a book cover baharalanoar Molla Mohammad Bagher majlesi the nozzle on the nation, not to save the nation's other hope to reach what it gave us that every twenty-four jlodsh have brought us together!

Libraries and کتابسوزی in Iran

Last year's story about The book burnings, the Arabs in Iran. In a blog I read that version of it, with a slight variations on this site I published. Considering that the issue of Arab book burning is not in line with the official history that the current regime is trying to inculcate, and that the Islamic Republic, based on experience, does not tolerate dissenting voices, even on non-political and cultural issues, I had no doubt that the article of our blogger friend would also be deleted, and that is why I published it.

In that article the author refers to several historical writings had efforts to engage Iran on the subject of کتابسوزی. Including the story of Ibn Khaldun and about کتابسوزی of Iran, quoted from the book the history of al-Tabari and two centuries of silence had come زرینکوب. The principle in this book Muqaddimah(PS 373) Available and ترجمه انگلیسی را هم می توانید در اینجا See:

Prof. Ahmad jannati, the most prominent scientists of all ages was known

احمد جنتی - کاپی رایت تصویر از جک و جنتیToday, the golden leaf A workbook on another Islamic sacred system of honours was preferences. The honor system, the golden leaves of the Hill provinces and کپر columns of the revolution, Ayatollah jannati (The former, current Professor, Ayatollah) With the highest academic degrees in فراخنای loose on humanity has emerged to mansh.

With the approval of the Islamic Consultative Assembly داهیانه new regulations and on the basis of the scientific relationship between 400 g وشقایق with hazarnovr- Scientific and research work of our specialists, boarding it legally The presence of the Guardian Council in each period, the educational equivalent of a degree For the entire length of the course can be considered. With the implementation of this law, in addition to millions of dollars of counterfeit foreign currency savings for صدورگواهینامه PhD Oxford, Islamic Republic of Iran has officially joined the few countries to have the ability to offer academic degrees at all levels and fields of education and also the second country in the world (After the Republic of علیوفستان) That can be aubashsh at any level for all the issued certificate.

Forge SSL guidelines for more security

The news that has recently been published on the Internet and a lot of income up to this point it's a hoax news; released a large number of SSL certificate valid by a hacker Group sites, which can be thousands to risk their security,

According to the dimensions of the subject specialists on the premise certainly have more peers in this regard will be specialized guides; however, I also hope to write a story solely because this information can be useful, though limited, please, if this post or part of it you find useful; it is time for your friends to publish

Darius homayoon died

Dr. Daryoush Homayoun, Iranian politician passed by , As a young man, he joined the Association and then the Pan-Iranian School of Thought, which fought the Allied forces in Iran, and during the struggle, he suffered a serious leg mine explosion that would have sustained its consequences for the rest of his life.

He was later with the separation of the school of Pan ایرانیسم to join in the party سومکا came in a limited period, up to the end of Prime Minister Dr Mossadeq was serious activity, He is also the Minister of information and tourism in the Cabinet of Jamshid amouzegar was. After the revolution of the year 57 His political activities until the death of the constitutional party of Iran as the US continued

Daryoush Homayoun in recent months numerous articles about the dangers of federalism and the analysis published in Iran and the Iranian nation gave to the precautions. The following audio file is a small version of the Internet q & a session on the issue of فدرایسم and the last interview he related to almost two weeks ahead of the publication of this story is that the original version of the Internet and it here got it


The link to download

When analyzing the views of each other's lives to fall off


| Open Player in New Window

Not long ago the ویدیدیی as “The woman ignored a countryman azari” In one of the channels of YouTube's view this video got a woman shows that the Islamic Republic operatives moan in blaming the butt opened the protest but in fact the naham NV, “Shahnaz gholami” One of the well known ' and Iran's خاینین. At first I thought maybe Mojahedin are wrong and a normal citizen demand analysis with a confused, That agencies ,I had seen the anti-Iranian enterprise but whether he said ' images and analysis they published was so عجیی so after verbal conflict with several of the ' message to the publisher sent it to theme : «

Greetings _ vididie on your channel devotions is related to one of the activists of the data of known welcome to name “Shahnaz gholami” Of the known mercenaries of Baku and Ankara and not so that you as “Friadehay member of a woman's protest in Tabriz”! This is quite correct, that you and I are probably from the Islamic Republic of Iran we hate , But because the use of advertising of any dog diet and anti-national wire of adequate size to our affliction with the enemies of Iran and the Mujahedeen who are not involved with the radical city ,Since the channel shows you are a fan of the Mojahedin Organization and not a factor I recommend you to this welcome video from YouTube on brdarid "

This is of course my simplistic that it was with the knowledge that he'd removed the video from the Internet are today an interesting article but I read that the حیفم came here to make releases and can justify their analysis on video trader put the Mujahedin of the channel. . Entry of one of the famous ' analysis called "carpet" ar is herself and her husband Sima "visit" of the mercenaries are known and history in relation to the reasons for his release and his friends if I had the chance to write what and how the system mfsala taking advantage of the reformists to circumvent price analysis Our national interest does not , He just said "gonaz ATV" is one of the media of secession in the continuation of this post I quoted ;In the letter addressed to the carpet that Abdullah جاسبی writes of his athomat to and including group membership and all, he's noticed تقصیرات gholami knows as well as the disclosure that have fled from Iran and her daughter gholami nevertheless for carpet if said about the bully, therefore accept this gholami journalism so much that they called Turkestan Turkish would also cap their head which is of course in the Among this tribe is not a strange thing

Hashimi Imam Hazrat Imam

(Khomeini and Government) The purpose of the Government is not Islamic religious leaders who run their Government. (An interview with the French radio and television reporter/23 شهريور1357/billboards)

He would not state his scholars. They are different matters and h. Observer (Roiter news agency/4آبان1357/Paris)

I no the State was not (Interview with reporters/12آبان1357/Paris)

Not my willingness to assist and not my age does not allow me nor the position of the Government role in the new responsible person bgyarm (An interview with the associated press news agency reporter/16آبان1357/Paris)

I'm not that myself or persons who by now were I their diet of signal, replace the (Interview with reporters/دي1357/Paris)

The non-working of the clergy not to Rohani means the expansion of the disease and the heavenly laws, education and broadcasting and taghavi and pay the ethics thazib (Discovering Al-asrar/ص208)

But after the victory of the revolution:

Say that the clergy should go to their own work and Scouting the nation and put our politics. You are in this 50 But any year ghloti. I know you are. I want to get not further. The head of the jaitan bnshinid. Adam's arm! (' The gathering of alumni of the Faculty of Islamic Republic newspaper/26آبان1359/afsari)

This will know that only the clergy can destroy these tasks charged to. Don't think that you want to let them next to the clergy (The meeting with the representatives of Parliament/6خرداد1360/Russia)

(Khomeini;) The Islamic Government, a democratic Government has to be inferred (Interview with reporters/18آبان1357/Paris)

In the Islamic Republic of all the realities and the realities of publishing press releases free (Italian newspaper پائزه Sara/11آبان1357)

In the Islamic Republic of Iran states its opinion expression in kmonistha (Dutch newspaper January olkrant/16آبان1357/Paris)

The Islamic Government of a State is based on justice and democracy (An interview with a newspaper reporter times/16آذر1357)

We will, we who Islamic for a category that say death to the soul, they are nkshand (Interview with reporters/12آبان1357)

But after the victory of the revolution:

They are talking of democracy, they don't listen. They did with Islam. May want to divert the nation from its path.. We are talking about those that poisoned qlmahai national and democratic, and these are shkanim. (' 22اسفند1357/Qom)

They are those who shout their democracy, msirshan secrets. We are Muslim we will (A gathering of University students of Ahvaz/newspaper keyhan/3خرداد1358)

I am the revolution. If we were not allowed their revolutionary we stated there.! All the parties we are banned, all the front we are banned and one party and that Hezbollah, the party established and disadvantaged, I repent me of this ashtbahi that I (Keyhan/27مرداد1358)

This is not freedom for the nation of Islam, jangideh (Interview with aoriana falachi/2مهر1358/Qom)

The following are all of the same direction is the head words are dmokrat (Interview with aoriana falachi/2مهر1358/Qom)

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