Tag: Jews

Videos 300: The Israeli project to demolish the Iranians face? (The second part of)

خشایارشا image in the movie 300.

خشایارشا image in the movie 300.

The continuation of the The first part of …

Israelis also take good care of the فیلسازی industry in their political ads can help. A very famous example of this publicity, the film "never without my daughter" that were made in Israel video. About the اخیرتر ایرانیوم movie (+ Iran uranium) That is a negative image of the country Iran and Iran's nuclear program does not provide. Israel to build such advertisers the best tool the world of filmmaking, Hollywood, also holds.

Videos 300: The Israeli project to demolish the Iranians face? (The first part of)

One of the Iranian soldiers of the movie 300.

One of the Iranian soldiers of the movie 300.

Almost four years ago I picked up a few lectures in University course unit. A professor who taught the course, an older lady was an American Jew. As a general rule I than to those who pretend to follow particular religious, I do not have a positive opinion, but my opinion of who what religion or skin color or gender-biased, related to that person's own. In this case, too, the ethnic and religious identity of this person did not matter to me until one day in his class, something happened that changed my opinion of him forever.

For the judges of the Islamic Republic: If you hear the insults, not the execution, not the stir kicked

The mighty soul.

The mighty soul. Image source: executioniniran.blogspot.com

A rule in international law and criminal law in almost all Nations there that the rule of equality before the law (equality before the law) Say. This issue also in The seventh paragraph of the Universal Declaration of human rights Stipulated that the Islamic Republic is a signatory of the. On the basis of this rule all persons are equal before the law.

Muslim religious leaders in their narratives of the fable is that they also rule of equality before the law was to recognize. For example, a famous narrations of Imam Ali, the first Imam of the Shiites, showed that he had during the Caliphate, and when in a legal dispute over Jewish personal property against a battleship armor was present on the stand; put equal to the plaintiff and to the Court, which voted in favor of the side Affect the neck, front. Or, for example, that Islam's prophet was willing to be flogged against the person who claimed to be wrong.. I am not willing to investigate the right or the wrong of these narrations, but merely to consider the religious beliefs of Muslims..

Jewish billionaire: The atomic bombing Iran

Jewish-American billionaire, Sheldon adlson.

Jewish-American billionaire, Sheldon adlson.

Jewish-American billionaire, Sheldon adlson, believes that Iran should be a nuclear bomb.

Mr. adlson, a Jewish American and owner of a number of American Casino in downtown Las Vegas, which is the world's 12th as a rich man and the rich man has a third u.s. reputation. The main supporters of the Republican Party of the United States adlson is considered.

Adlson in the recent presidential election the United States millions of dollars in support from Mitt Romney and to defeat Obama, us President, will cost. He was recently in a Jewish University students یشوا in New York and while his decision as if the receiver is nuclear, in response to a question about the American engagement with the new Government of Iran such a noted

Jhood equally offensive is that the Gulf is offensive

A video Akbar Abdi, actor of the cinema, that part of it to Jews as ' jhood» mentions. Apparently this told the Jewish countrymen to protest the rigging of some unknown reasons to believe that the word is offensive jhood.

The title of the Jewish — Some Jewish and replace used and brand jhood — The Islamic religion of the Prophet Moses, the Jewish adjective, that Moses said to him, Muslims. The interlocutor It is also meant to speak in Arabic grammar, the attribute mshabh is on فعیل, which is the weight of the three letters cuff, Lam m (Such as the word) Made. Kalim Allah meaning it one that God is speaking time with him. These words are cut off and the religious concept, and not at the beginning of an ethnic name; however, each ethnic group has the right to choose its own name and if the Jews more Jewish groups have used them the same range.

God did not believe in the existence of Einstein told

لغت خدا برای من چیزی بیش از بیان و محصول نقص بشر نیست. انجیل مجموعه ای است محترم اما بدوی از قصه هایی که به هر حال کودکانه هستند. هیچ تفسیری -- تفاوتی ندارد هر اندازه که هوشمندانه باشد -- این واقعیت را تغییر نمی دهد. - آلبرت اینیشتین. (تصویر در قلمرو عمومی است.)

The word God is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human imperfection is not. The Bible is a collection of stories that are primitive but respected anyway are childish. No interpretation — No the difference of any size that is clever — This does not change the fact. – Albert اینیشتین. (The image in the public realm.)

A week ago, the House had invited a friend to dinner. After entering the party and the usual compliments, he suddenly asked me if I believed in the existence of God. It was a strange question to start the conversation after greeting, but I tried to explain to him without insulting the host's beliefs that his seemingly simple question could have not so simple answers.

The word of God in the past has always been the same and do not have the same concept, and today there are numerous meanings. The gods of Babylon the same Assyrian gods people, were Egyptian or Sumerian. (In many cases, these gods are not even like each other either.) The God of the old testament Jews the same Greek or Roman gods has no properties. God is the same God of the Muslims in (Or the words of the gods) Offline. The God of gods, the God of Aristotle and Socrates were different. Spinoza and Voltaire and Descartes were still the same God. Even though all the gods in a way are subject to the same concept of God; I believe the existence of any of these gods have inevitably compared to the rest, I am a Pagan God forms and no one can not claim that all of this is the belief of the gods. Acceptance of each of these negates another, so the answer to this question is not easy. But my friend insisted that the force be everything in the world exists and that it is called the power of God and to prove this idea also claims that all the scientists are aware of the existence of the. When asked, for example, one of the scientists that such وقوفی is the name of several Hadith and destroy such PHI alfor; make of Einstein, a famous physicist, about the importance of the existence of God and believe me it will list. The work that the Hadith, I saw better discuss the issue of the proof of the presence or absence of God dstpkht I change my مهماننوازی landlord and delicious.

Please do not insult my race

Most recently, in the midst of some of the وبلاگنویسان are mostly regressive and program-makers have been so alien to common media, some anomalies of the Iranian society and the moral evil of Aryan blood and today's Iranians are Persians than race. This appointment and the مقولاتی which is basically the nature of blood and race not descended to the people of a country to ridicule and استهزای, it is racist and racial insult belongs in addition to being inhumane, immoral and in many countries of the world can be considered a crime.

From the scientific point of view all of us modern or current of a Mans Mans race called the race هموسیپین (Homo sapien) In about two hundred thousand years ago in Africa, human evolution and other ازنژادهای today in all the areas terrain is. The prefix "HMV" refers to any means we humans and our "سیپین" is the scientific name of the race. In the past, there were other races of human beings, that today there is a trace of him and of millions of years to have all become extinct thousands of years ago. The current era of human evolution or هموسیپین are still not long enough that the word race to explain the distinction between the factions to use it; therefore, the word race for the category, at least in the modern human biology and basic science is not anthropology but continues to refer to the composition of the population, non-blood research and is common among the general public. Of these as the "Aryan" or "Iranian" is to refer to race or descent is the Iranian people. Both Iran and Aryan In fact, the meaning of a Word are identical are identical. Earlier in two separate written here And in the here And in response to BBC English, is mbsot about the concept of ethnic identity and descent and Aryan Nation wrote a story and the reasons for the assignment I gave to the Iranians as Aryan description. (The sources of those two entries.)

The Muslim Afghan, Palestinian and left namslman concerned

مدرسه برای کودکان افغان

School for Afghan children

Thirty-three years of the life of the Islamic regime, enmity and malice of the system than to the country of Israel as the guiding principle and لایتغیر داکترین Iran's foreign policy, and the stakes for the nation of Iran was گرفتاریهای the frequency. In fact no one can deny, Islamic Republic of – Which claims to defend the rights of the people, "Palestine" and other Muslims of the world – In all these years to defend the Palestinian groups and Israel supporters رودروی this country – The great centers of power and wealth in the world are present – And the cost of money it is paved on the Iranian nation.

This confrontation has always been entitled to defend the rights of Muslims in Palestine, but ستمدیده can be done in system behavior facing the Muslim people of Afghanistan, including other Muslims, serious doubts on the goals of the system and claim oppression creates its heads of anti.

We condemn the statements of condemnation of Rahimi

تصویری از ابطحی و یک خاخام یهودی

A picture of a Jewish rabbi and a Abtahi

Mohammad Reza Rahimi, Vice President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, meanwhile, as statements:"The expansion of the drug trade in the world is rooted in the Talmud, a collection of Jewish religious rules," as well as the:"In these books can be taught how to make the blood of the people بمکند and how to destroy a non-Jewish."

About «drug spread in the world» is rooted in where I don't like commenting on that story, but I do not have knowledge in the latter case is quite right to Mr. Rahimi..

Talmud is a collection of laws and Islamic studies Jewish people retarded is that almost every type of crime and crime for believers it makes possible. Already a few sections of this book I translate here I recommend that before any prejudice so read a few episodes.

Of course, Mr. Rahimi forget that as religious Muslims is commenting about the books because if the root of misery all nations of the world are not Muslims, religious books, possibly the root of misfortune (Or the root of a large portion of misery) The same nation that Mr. Rahimi is the same law, the President is jmhorsh. To quote the late Mirza AQA Khan kermani if a book cover baharalanoar Molla Mohammad Bagher majlesi the nozzle on the nation, not to save the nation's other hope to reach what it gave us that every twenty-four jlodsh have brought us together!

Cyrus the great trade and prostitution

رضا مرادی غیاث آبادی

R. gheyas Abadi

Not long ago Gheyas Reza Moradi Abadi In two consecutive posts to trade تلویحا the Achaemenid Cyrus prostitution *. Such first argued that in the reign of Cyrus on Babylon, the girl in the city to redeem her father's debt was taken and so decided that it thought the girl be sure to rent a given time. And they both concluded that this topic is bondage with Cyrus claims based on the abolition of slavery is مغایرات :

"The Charter of Cyrus the great Achaemenid mshhorsh tips on eliminating slavery slab or eliminating exploitation of human beings is brought. But this claim with other Achaemenid era inscription does not agree. For example, pursuant to the eighth year of the plaque number 252 of the Kingdom of Cyrus in Babylon, the girl called tabmoto because his father, a coin of gold and ten silver coins to financial institution or rbakhanh اگیبی, was taken to redeem debt until her father does his debt settlement. Girls who were taken to the Grove, for sexual exploitation were given rent to compensate for their delay damages.

BBC News, the Aryan race and the anti-Iran

بی بی سی


BBC Persian tv awhile ago and its website, based on genetic research a specialist named Dr. ashrafian Bonab, claimed that such: «OBOIranian کثر contrary to what is thought to be, the Aryan race, but do not belong to race that is about ten thousand years ago, have been residing in Iran.

The release of this entry from each side – Agree and disagree – A lot of noise legs *. At the time I wrote the wrong reasons and provided detailed responses fairly claim the BBC's description I gave (Link to my post about The Iranian people's race and interview the BBC audio file from here.)

Most recently, Mr. Bonab also sent a response to the BBC and the false claim that she had been rejected, attributed(Link Disclaimer Dr. Bonab in the BBC Persian website):

They will do taqiyya Muslim Jews

ایهود باراک و بنیامین نتانیاهو، وزیر دفاع و نخست وزیر اسرائیل

ایهود Barak and Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli Prime Minister and Defence Minister

Israeli Defense Minister Barak, ایهود, Believes that The Islamic Republic's officials have said that should not be trusted and the nuclear talks should Iran and the West was also optimistic because in the midst of the Muslim tradition of "prevarication" there.

The subject of "taqiyya" is not the first time that the Muslims by the Israelis or trfedaranshan. Weeks ago A similar claim in the New York Times Is released and Mr. Barak in an interview with Christine amanpoor also tells the same story.

In an interview amanpoor and Barack, Amanpoor asks him whether the fatwa, Khamenei thought might lead to an end to find the atomic program? And he replies, "have you heard about taqiyya? Prevarication is that traditional Muslims and especially allow Shiites to tell a lie and mislead them شرکایشان until the goals of the group, tribe, or nation. "

All together Turkish bread Turkish چیزمان;

نان سنگک

Sangak bread

One of the Pan-Turks claims that the "bread" of Persian Turks It is from the Turks to Iranians, the importance of this claim is better known when we know that this sangak is no longer that old Sangak and thanks to the velayati system, it has a dignity and has reached a grain of thousands of tomans..

Of course we Curmudgeon and perhaps this points to the bread to the Turks at a bread in the La تاریخشان to the shared souvenir, but these guys are not aulshan that time of Surrey and charshnbeh Marilyn Monroe And Rumi And Military And Ibn Sina They started, and now they've reached Sangak bread and goat broth, and if they keep going, they won't just leave anything from our historical past, they must demand something for these historical services..

Ali ایحال encyclopedia of Jewish cuisine which is a The comprehensive academic reference For the classification of foods is a belief to the contrary belief, this pan is trkyst pantrkyst friends According to the encyclopedia ofSangak bread is an Iranian bread that, contrary to the belief of this friend of Pan Turkistman, its name is derived from the same word "stone" Persian and has long been the standard bread of the Iranian army, each soldier has a bag of flour and pebbles with him and if necessary, he cooks bread by doughing the flour..

Barbari bread would also name it barbarian name of "the people of Afghanistan," the traditional bread and nothing to do with the Turks, and in the 18th century came to Iran.

Ghazal Omid , Ghazal OMID ,Shokat ghazanfari and things we

غزال امید

Ghazal OMID

' Ghazal OMID’ Or ' shokat ghazanfari’ The author of the book of life in hell (The purpose of Hell's) ,Human rights activist And it is a brave hero (His championship of courage and quoted Fox News) So far a lot of winning awards or nominations for the defense of human rights and the heroic actions made (Part of their honours ). Ghazanfari that their victims with Foundation oriented knows Fox claims over one year with his brother have sex or been molested (One of the requirements of the Championship is probably the !) And two times for the same cause suicide.

Shokat and his brother

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Download Shokat and his brother With low volume

Nasser pourpirar: Jews and Christians are unclean

N. بناکننده (Pourpirar) That earlier in his report a range of anti-Iranian activities, including membership in the Tudeh Party, Spy for the Eastern bloc and forge on to Saddam Hussein's Baathist Government, such as the دولتهایی and the instead of Azerbaijan (Pourpirar is currently housed among the Islamists ), Recently attempted to build another fake documentary titled “Upscale mjaolat” That's part of it and the language of the Qur'an, The Jews and the Christians called unclean. For more information about them you can vote to uncensored site.( The first link Or The second link) See.


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