Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, appointed President of the province, officials عظمای During the ruling Akhavi of Iranian President Syed Khorasani, appointed to the Foundation. In connection with this appointment worthy of noted: Ayatollah Khamenei, the owner of several publications in the sphere of Iranian nationality who are including them can be Jafari Fiqh plays before Islam And How to enter the Iranian with the right foot Noted. He pointed out the logical relationship between Mr. akhavi and شقیقه and expertise, he helped the Prophet and in all fields promised: The new President of the organization is to learn more about the category of historical novels, several volumes of translations of Iranian Zabihullah Mansouri and a volume on ten thousand-year-old Iranian عبدالعظیم rezaei read together. Ahmadinejad did not mention, of course, how in a few days the remainder of the time period for a few ریاستش the future of the country is the sentence.
Tag: Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
The people of Iran, who steals the currencies
Imagine a thief enters your home and the night, and took their mobile ndartan. Am aware of that issue, you can find value in what is equal to two-thirds of the total stolen assets you is. You are not the person you wouldn't abolish the life and مرفهی. What is the gain for the days in the summer heat and winter cold back your installment of the car shows a راندید by the city on the other hand, as more passengers get pasted into. Again with the other driver over passenger turns severe-or mouth to mouth charity traffic officer opted not to your fine and finally be able to get the goose shnder savings. If you're a retired teacher years in non-profit school course will, because. Giving lessons to kids for a person your age is not an easy task and there haqughsh with additional shifts and tutoring, the khrjatan allows not; this causes your kids and wife each time you want to spend less and live more contentment. Or as a factory worker will know your rights نگرفتید months were low and if with a thousand things and grace; 19 and whatever the years کارفرمایتان bad you will have to stay in the hope that something had died and a better future for yourself and children divert.. But now find themselves, those who were allowed to loot a dstrnj your life and you know well that the young do not have another former position that such huge sums to compensate losses.
Ghazal Omid , Ghazal OMID ,Shokat ghazanfari and things we
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