Tag: USA

The provisions of the ship with Internet Imam Khamenei pigs; or the Cyber identification procedures, Sir

I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You both get all dirty, and besides, the pig likes it.

~ George Bernard Shaw

Long ago I learned that ship with a pig هیجگاه نگیرم. If you get both with a dirty wrestling pigs and pigs of you enjoyed.

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.

~ George Bernard Shaw

A reasonable person can adapt himself to the world, but a reasonable opinion frustrated person to thrust himself in accordance with the desire of the world. Use this for all of the world's progress is dependent on the person's neck/unreasonably nagozar!

Counterfeiting and falsification of the theory of evolution and Darwin about the existence of God

Only when human barbarism that will release the faith abandoned the nonsense. --Voltaire

Only when human barbarism that will release the faith abandoned the nonsense. –Voltaire

Some kinds of lies from other types of خوشایندترند. A lie is a pleasant time that our understanding of the world or our world view To approve the.

Humans did not evolve to see facts; who have evolved to survive and if understanding the truth of tmarz, a way to show there is no truth to them. با اینحال برای گروهی که شجاعت کافی برای پذیرفتن حقایق دارند یا دستکم به دنبال پاسخ های منطقی برای پرسشهایشان هستند باید کورسویی از روشنایی در عمق ظلمت باقی بماند؛ اینها تنها دلیلی است که این پست را منتشر می کنم.

Whether we believe or not, there we find something purely because we have an interest in the existence or lack thereof of a variety of Cognitive errors (Cognitive Bias) The incorrect nature of the argument to read it!

In the past few years the group with the name of the fight against heresy and rejected the application to span ملحدین On social networks And were active on Wikipedia (Possibly with financial support of the Iranian Government) And repeatedly to counterfeiting, falsification, or logical mghaltat *. These posts as facts and to keep the faith and those who struggle with atheism to be released and on other sites like The highest website Also send.

فارغ از اینکه چه عقیده ای داشته باشیم؛ بی دین یا دیندار، با خدا یا بی خدا باشیم، باید بدانیم این مطالب تحریف شده است و برخی از این تحریفات هم پیچیده است و موضوعات اساسی را در بر می گیرد.

Despite the fact that I have very limited time on the Internet, I decided to list some of these lies with their incorrect reasons so that they are available to Persian-speaking readers from Google Search, because the number of these articles is increasing, and the more you become familiar with the methods of forging these contents, the more difficult it becomes for the criminals to continue this process.

A collateral Patriots Imam Khamenei Imam Khamenei, or how to control the Internet

Cyber Corps Center: Over 8 million لایک have peers on Facebook

A true story

The news from Iran, which has a (Alias) Arrested and obtain ناراحتید. These days the news of the arrest comes one after another. Cheating in the election, Khamenei himself to Ahmadinejad for President, two hundred – Three hundred of those who protested against this trend have been killed in the streets and in detention centers, and now the government is arresting anyone who has been politically active in the past, whether related to or unrelated to recent cases, in order to poison the eyes.

A quiet guy to know dorador; and well; she is like you twenty-four more years is not a student like you, but unlike you still lives in Iran.. Already some time together once you have and Internet chat he collected in a multiplayer you meet. According to the news that the mullahs, and brutality of the سبوعیت for a good fate you don't anticipate.

Oscar Farhadi and guard duck

Americans have the proverbial: If you like duck-duck-like walk; sound; if you look like a duck, it probably is a duck!

The meaning of this saying is that if you see something that looks like a duck or goose is probably the whale or not and the Zebra is what you think, that is the duck. Of course, there is no guarantee that it must be a duck, for example, someone may have made a mechanical duck to deceive you, or you may not understand the signs of being a duck well and the fault may be due to your senses, but the predominant suspicion is the duck.

The American people to restrict the entry of Trump support Iranians

Images like this, the image format of the people of Iran are in the American media.

Images like this, the image format of the people of Iran are in the American media.

The first public opinion surveys after the entry ban on Iranians and other nationals of the six countries to the U.S. show that often the American people of this decision They support.

The results of this survey for those who are familiar with public opinion, the Americans should not be surprised. During the eight years of the Islamic system of life and were successful, the mullahs of the dirty face of the Iranian nation is a nation of backward, reactionary, superstitious and fanatic, Assassin's creed, which show its performance with all the values of the civilized and free world in conflict and conflict is. This image is what they themselves tried to make a reality by destroying all the traces of modernity of the past half century and the achievements of Iranians since the constitutional era in these years.

The reasons for 50 tons of the most prominent scientists in the world who do not believe in the existence of God or religion properly

Long Ernest Hemingway said:: All thinkers are godless! Even if the idea of Hemingway's indulgence, therefore must accept that even sectors are godless. Almost all of the winners of the Nobel Prize and the greater part of the world's most prominent scientists and thinkers are skeptical of the existence of God and this is even before it is provided to the existence of prophets, Angels, or demons, or ajanh, an imam and a few hundred thousand years have believed the absent. Knowing the importance of this issue is such that the دیدگاههایی in Iran or other Islamic societies like Saudi Arabia deal with security and even face the death penalty would be. Therefore, when faced with such charges (Like the death penalty for Insult to the father of the gpeto) You must know what the extent of cognitive science and uncertainty we face:

Legal questions: Qualify what kind of Imam Khomeini was دیاثتی?

Javadi Amoli, Ayatollah al-Ozma allameh cloud philosopher of the Islamic world, that in the field of philosophy, such as the دیاثت juridical owner, recently As: "It is a moral or political or دیاثت. A person who gives way to an alien political دیوث. Your privacy on the alien way of giving and getting is not compatible with the zeal of a non-policy.

Assassins of the chain murders in the electoral list of the reformists

Mohammad Mokhtari's revolutionary Islam Mohammadi as that of Scouting, with closed eyes and hands without the slightest possibility of Defense, ordered Shiite thug emulation *.

Mohammad Mokhtari's revolutionary Islam Mohammadi as that of Scouting, in ناجوانمردی with the hands and eyes of perfection has been closed without the slightest possibility of Defense, ordered Shiite thug emulation *.

Today's story on Facebook بشیرتاش said I saw how to kill Mohammad Mokhtari, a poet and writer and Secretary of the writers ' Association, in murders was described, I noticed a number of punishing and Killers of the chain murders in the electoral list of the reformists Have been introduced. Hence the need for registration on time, I saw that to write the story.

During the nine years that blogging got what it was a year in which Iran initially and later became what I wrote in the Court, which the United States never came from Kari nnoshtem. Mohammad Mokhtari, knew from childhood. Mr. Mokhtari was my aunt's husband (The girl's aunt's husband that we Uncle we sound).

Mohammad Mokhtari, which I knew was a quiet character and متواضعی. Of those people who are that it was large and small, old and young, his kindness and humility were absorbed. When he was killed, I'm fourteen – Fifteen-year-old, I was so familiar with and I never nzeratsh I want to write a story about it. In addition it is today that seventeen years of autonomy is going to me more autonomy that was a member of our family, I have close to the renowned poet and author of the autonomy.

But the issue that I want to mention and must be geared to the future lesson عبرتی is killed because Mr. Mokhtari.

Ugly, insulting Saudi King's property consultant, to Iranians

Equal to the official statistics, only around two hundred to three hundred thousand people there were sleeping on cardboard Tehran into the Congregation and life with waste درآمیخته. Even Genghis is not speculation can bring such disaster on the nation.

Equal to the official statistics, only around two hundred to three hundred thousand people there were sleeping on cardboard Tehran into the Congregation and life with waste درآمیخته. Maybe even not be such speculation either Genghis disaster brought over a nation.

Suppose Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor, today claimed that the head of the Iranian disaster so that they were begging in the streets of Berlin! In the event of such رخدادی probably the nation always on the scene and always on Facebook (Recently the telegram) Some damn fine and coarse money the German Government and German history and culture and at least serve as a virtual miss Chancellor were. If Obama is the same claim about begging in the streets of Washington DC as the Iranians would show the same reaction people; however, this subject also consider the American nation or Germany in a position superior to Iranians, and today, relying on the superiority of our own economic and industrial to humiliation. But this claim is neither the Germans nor the Americans that Saudi Arabia has as.

Anti racism video vomiting Afghan, Islamic Republic of

Every time a community tradition of oppression and infringement; full skirts all the strata and not limited to a group remain limited in Iran left a coma. Muslims in Afghan society as a common phenomenon and the everyday and ordinary people is, unfortunately, not protest. In the Islamic Republic are considered corrupt and decadent غربیان; that is, its the same خصایصی that are qualified in the country under the administration of the mullahs there is abundance. Jews and Christians and non-Muslims fear of man and the citizen are half of the Bahá ' ís are not considered basically Adam and atheists have ingested and kamyaran Andishan co.. In the middle of Afghans together with different titles to humiliation. The Buddhist mural wall of the shorter Eastern neighbor found on the source did not reveal.

How the Ayatollah were taught to the theory of relativity Einstein

Goats were Ayatollah, the theory of relativity.

The Ayatollah were goats, the theory of relativity.

Of Einstein They moved: Only two things are infinite, the universe and the world of human stupidity; and of course I doubt about BMW.

My personal blog Shared comments The ratio of theory and Einstein were attributed to Ayatollah. After reading these comments I series were knocked out to the site of Grand Ayatollah and realized that such alleged تلویجا On this site Also raised.

Make that the basis of Einstein's Denies the existence of God wasThe fact that the new physics theories come from the Qur'an, Nahj al-Balagha and Baharanvar Mullah Baqer Majlesi is even more interesting..

For those who do not know, the entire Islamic world, including Iran, has produced nothing but Mulla and Mufti in the past eight hundred years, and after the Mongol invasion..

Videos 300: The Israeli project to demolish the Iranians face? (The second part of)

خشایارشا image in the movie 300.

خشایارشا image in the movie 300.

The continuation of the The first part of …

Israelis also take good care of the فیلسازی industry in their political ads can help. A very famous example of this publicity, the film "never without my daughter" that were made in Israel video. About the اخیرتر ایرانیوم movie (+ Iran uranium) That is a negative image of the country Iran and Iran's nuclear program does not provide. Israel to build such advertisers the best tool the world of filmmaking, Hollywood, also holds.

Videos 300: The Israeli project to demolish the Iranians face? (The first part of)

One of the Iranian soldiers of the movie 300.

One of the Iranian soldiers of the movie 300.

Almost four years ago I picked up a few lectures in University course unit. A professor who taught the course, an older lady was an American Jew. As a general rule I than to those who pretend to follow particular religious, I do not have a positive opinion, but my opinion of who what religion or skin color or gender-biased, related to that person's own. In this case, too, the ethnic and religious identity of this person did not matter to me until one day in his class, something happened that changed my opinion of him forever.

Fakes BBC 1; language English has always been the common language of Iranians is

BBC English.

BBC. Image in the public realm.

According to documents published Wikileaks site The Government of England, along with u.s. intelligence agencies, Israel, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and even the curator is supporting separatism in Iran (This entry To see all the manabash.). According to the CIA's diplomatic lomond you in addition to the direct support, spending millions of dollars, in the name of human rights and human rights organizations do; so it shouldn't be surprising to know much of those active as a human rights activist and supporter of the rights of ethnic minorities to their own wormholes; where are financing.

Masjed Soleiman courts of collateral total New York, Paris and Los Angeles courts is more

The city of Masjed Soleyman.

The city of Masjed Soleyman.

If you are in the city of Los Angeles committed the crime, to release from prison should be Twenty-thousand dollars on average (Equal to 60 million USD in Iran) For collateral. Naturally, this collateral for lighter, less crime and more for heavy crimes such as murder, is more. In New York City and is also the situation similarly bail out 500 USD and more. A report this year Of the amount of the collateral is in the New York courts, heavy tale. According to the report, citizens often New Yorkers able to provide heavy bail courts are not. The report, for example, somebody named Javier Hernandez points out that commits the murder to آدمکشی and ran from the scene with the car the defendant has. The Court to release the amount of one hundred thousand dollars cash Hernandez or two hundred thousand dollars is a non-cash collateral to determine that, of course, he does not have the ability to pay the amount. In the French city of Paris is also a heavy bail courts. For example, the A report on Reuters شیادی says that the person has been committed and the number of three hundred thousand of silicone breast implants and the non standard sold a lot around the world risked. A trial for this person the amount of one hundred thousand euro (Equal to the 136000$ USA) Specify collateral and because the defendant did not submit the required collateral was arrested again.

The nuclear agreement: The Islamic Republic of Iran; the loser WINS

Mohammad Javad Zarif and Laurent فابیوس.

Mohammad Javad Zarif and Laurent فابیوس.

Western countries and the Islamic Republic's nuclear agreement under which the two sides signed the Treaty of conditions of his victorious but knew it. Because of Western military attack without Iranian acquisition of nuclear weapons to the front, shadmanend and the Islamic Republic also was delighted that his not wholly dismantled nuclear program, part of his assets and his nuclear-free is still the border.. But the real winners and losers who are agreed?

The U.S.-led West in General should be the biggest winner of this agreement *. Westerners have no real points to Iran unless lyricism that did not all countries of the world will enjoy it's natural–Such as the right of access to national or foreign trade assets. And in Exchange for something that did not receive great rates; the continuous access to all of them, including Iran's nuclear installations beyond the Protocol n PI t, the suspension of the nuclear program and progress in removing Iran's 20 percent uranium دخایر–That could have the potential to lead to nuclear weapon making. All of these achievements without firing even a bullet and with the lowest cost achieved.

The Iranian people, the dignity of Khamenei and back pain

In order for people to know what is the size of a country with respect for its leaders have a deep understanding of the situation do not have to have it. Sometimes even see a few simple image of reading hundreds of pages of the article is گویاتر.

If مجالسی that the Supreme Leader is present in it carefully, the person Khamenei has always been on the couch and have answered the next jlous or against the leader of the Islamic Republic and were sitting on the ground.

Jewish billionaire: The atomic bombing Iran

Jewish-American billionaire, Sheldon adlson.

Jewish-American billionaire, Sheldon adlson.

Jewish-American billionaire, Sheldon adlson, believes that Iran should be a nuclear bomb.

Mr. adlson, a Jewish American and owner of a number of American Casino in downtown Las Vegas, which is the world's 12th as a rich man and the rich man has a third u.s. reputation. The main supporters of the Republican Party of the United States adlson is considered.

Adlson in the recent presidential election the United States millions of dollars in support from Mitt Romney and to defeat Obama, us President, will cost. He was recently in a Jewish University students یشوا in New York and while his decision as if the receiver is nuclear, in response to a question about the American engagement with the new Government of Iran such a noted

To Mullah Hassan Rohani: The hidden Imam is not the owner of the well جمکران

Indian God. The image in the public realm.

Indian God. The image in the public realm.

Indians are probably more than any other nation, have numerous gods. A few years ago an Indian judge of the gods to the ROM names and summoned to court hamona. The Court to determine the ownership of a plot of land was held on the one hand, it was the complainant's personal ownership of land and the other of the two was the true owner of the God it. Since the gods were a legal dispute; the judge to subpoena both wrote and did not address it, because according to the law, published in the local press is the Court subpoena *. Ali al-Qa'ida if someone or something (Here are two ancient gods) The claimant is a financial property, must be able to present the Court and provide legal evidence..

A few suggestions that may be infinite honour West to give

Ahmad Khatami, Tehran's Imam of Friday prayer.

Ahmad Khatami, Tehran's Imam of Friday prayer.

Imam Ahmad Khatami, Tehran Friday, believes that if the Islamic Republic's nuclear program will solve the problem, calling the West draws men and women in Iran. Will. Accepting such a shameless demands means that Khatami and رفقایش with a few weak holders to operate in pairs and hold اندرونی reproduction, have equal rights; that there is no such a big disgrace متشرعی Muslim does not accept.

Since the equality of man and woman is the only illegitimate and inhuman demands not Westerners, below we offer several other Westerners infinite honour might give to the Islamic Republic, Khatami's list to the next I was not at the Friday prayer to his knowledge of the Islamic Ummah.

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