Tag: USA

The Gulf News and the relationship the State of Israel

Spiritual amanpoor and dialog.

Spiritual amanpoor and dialog.

Twenty sites daily Wal ستریت journal Along with the Israeli website jroselm published material that they post on recently, Hassan Rohani, Iran's President called the Holocaust denier. In The deli written twenty The image of the missionary released in which his hand waving to supporters, but the image so choose to Hitler's Germany in the era of inducing hi be conducted.

Wal ستریت journal also claimed that the Holocaust or the genocide of the Jews on verified merely translated an interview and not in the Hassan Rohani said.

Anniversary of the brainless Shaban died; the pictures of the tomb of Shaban, Hayedeh, mahasti, and …

28 August in addition to American and British coup anniversary in Iran and the fall of the Government is also another occasion thereof,. Shaban Jafari — In contemporary Iranian history with the name s. known brainless — On the same day he died. Street thugs and bands of سرکردگان parsley foahash (In the settlement were called joanmardan) That was the coup d ' état in the fruition of August twenty-eight straight plays and were amazingly at the same anniversary of the coup d ' état and on the twenty-eighth of August 1385 Died.

Below are a few picture of the headstone of Shaban Jafari, along with pictures of the tomb of Hayedeh, mahasti, recall rare live naderpour and Ahmad khayami, father of modern automotive industries of Iran, which are all in the same public cemetery in Westwood, Los Angeles City are buried, I joined the. I took this picture a while ago.

How the CIA to restore black day

The result of the August coup 32 In February 57 It turned out. The image is in the public realm.

The result of the August coup 32 In February 57 It turned out. The image is in the public realm.

What fans and opponents of the coup talk frequently in the twenty-eighth of August 1332, forget the final coup d ' état, the result is. We all know Dr. Mossadegh coup and coup d ' état were direct losers on the opposite side the King and the British Government were also victorious in this fight.

Iran's oil industry is the largest uk assets after World War II and had a great impact on the amount of welfare in the UK; as would Churchill نامیدش: "The blessing of the fairy land beyond the biggest our dreams." the British and the American coup d ' état instigated by the pretext of the fight against communism, and even though the country could never have returned to their previous position and other countries to replace it; but they are also about one billion dollars of oil and water and mud right points found–The money that the national Government was overthrown, if not never, did not receive. Western oil companies, including American companies are also big oil contracts and profits (The British contracts in the same period before the coup d ' état) They concluded with the Government of Iran. The next two decades the King would also have trouble with the Iranian Government on the lowest. These were all winners of the coup. Dr. Mossadegh, which until the last hours of the life of the household who is in prison and that several hundred were killed during the coup d ' état which IR. also losers to direct the coup. But the bigger loser was also a coup d ' état. The loser still sixty years after the event the cost and suffering and tragedy often does not know this toy.

The Mullah that dirty the name of دایما inventory

تصویری از یک آخوند مهربان.

A Mullah, the most merciful.

New Persian or Farsi, since the current vogue in the era after Islam, nearly the number of words have kept herself lie within each. A number of these words in the Arabic language after Islam came to this language, and in contemporary times is the number words were made fresh or from the Western world entered. However, the fact that we still can see the classic works of literature such as the Shahnameh of Ferdowsi, Iran or grshasbnameh Asadi توسی after a thousand years and more; focus and to show that a few changes over the past century has little impact on our language vocabulary and does not have a significant.

I comes when for the first time in the United States had gone to a restaurant and asked the hostesses of English سرویسهایتان? Failed to notice that what I mean. It turned out it was common in Iran when Word that this person was not in Iran. We made a lot of vocabulary for the toilet or Privy and several decades of vacuum and water and hand washing area to the Loo and mbal and sanitary services, or we got. The cause of the frequent change of vocabulary is that because the word itself refers to the location of the dirt, the words after a period the concept of ugliness has been assumed and dirty this time rather than herself to the other words are given, but in the case of other words this does not happen. For example, we have beds and the CAP Office and centuries in our daily vocabulary we use words and not replace them.

We who are supposed to build atomic bomb

Netanyahu accused Iran for everything does. Image source: knowyourmeme.com

Netanyahu accused Iran for everything does. Image source: knowyourmeme.com

Today 76 Many of the representatives of the United States Senate in a letter to Obama Calls for intensified sanctions On the economy of Iran. That letter before the Senate summer vacation will be sent, meaning that Congress approved new sanctions two days ago in the country's House of representatives passed the Senate and was in need of confirmation. New sanctions on Iran and almost all foreign trade target oil exports to Iran's oil earning virtually zero.

Economic sanctions — In accordance with the international rules, Collective punishment and war crimes are considered to be — Merely the everyday life and the comfort of the people has not affected and in some cases even led to the death of Iranian citizens. Sanctions along with the inefficiency and the incapability of internal managers, cost of living and treatment in Iran for srsam collection has increased to the point that many Iranians of providing supplies and their basic needs bazmandend. These sanctions can be applied in fields that have no logical connection with Iran's nuclear program, but not a heavy pressure on the ordinary people. The aim of the sanctions applied, in addition to stop Iran's nuclear program, increasing public dissatisfaction and prevent Iranian investments in the field are Americans and Israelis do not their partners '.

Israel's military invasion of Iran; the red line behind Netanyahu

The red line that Iran Netanyahu فتوشاپی image onto a cartoon bomb set Looney makes drawing tonz. Image source: Al-Arabiya.

The red line that Iran Netanyahu فتوشاپی image onto a cartoon bomb set Looney makes to the United Nations outlining tonz. Image source: Al-Arabiya.

John Bolton, former u.s. Ambassador to the United Nations and one of the military invasion of Iraq, مسببین Believes that that is: "Israel should attack Iran yesterday." this phrase is probably the purpose of this is so large now for non-military losses incurred. Remarks by Bolton that released while Netanyahu a few days ago in an interview with CBS television Iran was warned just a few weeks with his famous red line away. The adventure of the red line to Netanyahu about almost a year ago that in his annual speech to the United Nations, a picture of a bomb (Looney cartoons series bombs similar tonz) Slave to the United Nations and was to determine the scope of the enrichment of uranium, on the red line outlining the bomb. According to the red line, Mr. Netanyahu will have to achieve nuclear weapons, 250 Kg of uranium to 20 percent have asked at any time to be able to make it to the higher level of enrichment, and eventually spending needed to build a weapon and provide. Netanyahu had threatened that it will not allow Iran to reach this point. Now, after a year of Netanyahu Said yesterday Iran is close to this point and now 190 Kg of uranium at its disposal and within just a few weeks of the border 250 Kg will pass in this manner تلویحا military attack on Iran threat: "Iran needs to know, they will not be allowed to cross this line of ghrmer.

Mujahedeen of Iran makes hot

Brother and Sister Mary Bakker.

Brother and Sister Mary Bakker.

Maryam azdanlu red ghjer to the sister of Mary, "a former comrade of the late Saddam and the President approved of Netanyahu and the brother of Bolton, recently took to the important discovery that Iran is a country Is a multinational And it is necessary that human rights hero because he is defending the rights of the nationalities. Ansafa is no (With the exception of judge Mortazavi) Mary's sister in the size limit and it does not have the inherent ability of human rights. It is said that because the Mojahedin Khalq Organization recently in show all kind of waste of different nationalities Found The mood is the same universal Sister Mary. Nonetheless gave the idea is that if our reduction rather than a nationality, multiple nationality must have her own; to change the shghlsh and give it instead to the President of Iran to the United Nations Secretary General, preferences preferences..

God did not believe in the existence of Einstein told

لغت خدا برای من چیزی بیش از بیان و محصول نقص بشر نیست. انجیل مجموعه ای است محترم اما بدوی از قصه هایی که به هر حال کودکانه هستند. هیچ تفسیری -- تفاوتی ندارد هر اندازه که هوشمندانه باشد -- این واقعیت را تغییر نمی دهد. - آلبرت اینیشتین. (تصویر در قلمرو عمومی است.)

The word God is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human imperfection is not. The Bible is a collection of stories that are primitive but respected anyway are childish. No interpretation — No the difference of any size that is clever — This does not change the fact. – Albert اینیشتین. (The image in the public realm.)

A week ago, the House had invited a friend to dinner. After entering the party and the usual compliments, he suddenly asked me if I believed in the existence of God. It was a strange question to start the conversation after greeting, but I tried to explain to him without insulting the host's beliefs that his seemingly simple question could have not so simple answers.

The word of God in the past has always been the same and do not have the same concept, and today there are numerous meanings. The gods of Babylon the same Assyrian gods people, were Egyptian or Sumerian. (In many cases, these gods are not even like each other either.) The God of the old testament Jews the same Greek or Roman gods has no properties. God is the same God of the Muslims in (Or the words of the gods) Offline. The God of gods, the God of Aristotle and Socrates were different. Spinoza and Voltaire and Descartes were still the same God. Even though all the gods in a way are subject to the same concept of God; I believe the existence of any of these gods have inevitably compared to the rest, I am a Pagan God forms and no one can not claim that all of this is the belief of the gods. Acceptance of each of these negates another, so the answer to this question is not easy. But my friend insisted that the force be everything in the world exists and that it is called the power of God and to prove this idea also claims that all the scientists are aware of the existence of the. When asked, for example, one of the scientists that such وقوفی is the name of several Hadith and destroy such PHI alfor; make of Einstein, a famous physicist, about the importance of the existence of God and believe me it will list. The work that the Hadith, I saw better discuss the issue of the proof of the presence or absence of God dstpkht I change my مهماننوازی landlord and delicious.

Iran's expulsion of the Imam

The expulsion of the Imam.

The expulsion of the Imam.

As any human beings, and if did not know now through one of the service companies to immigrate to Canada and Australia mlatft; one of the basic principles of immigration to any country, learn the language of the country it is. Many countries to accept immigrants, language exams held in relatively high levels, they. This issue is about those who want the right to citizenship are entitled to the citizenship of a country has more important; the same alien and the laws of different countries together is. For example, in accordance with the Constitution of the United States of any alien citizen of the country who wishes to become a u.s. citizen should be able to read English well, just to write and speak at the spirit.

Wireless IQ person called the promised Mahdi nicknamed "Imam, a resident of جمکران well, despite being a long time (About 1200 Years) The Saudi citizenship in our country with a cuffed, based on Shiite narrations, yet has not been able to make in the English language letter few learn to read. This is while if Aliabadi For the same period were sent to OPEC's Presidency now has a few words of English was learned.

Sites that Rafsanjani's claim about Iran's censorship analysis *

Hashemi told the BBC published in selective.

Hashemi told the BBC published in selective.

After the disqualification of Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, he said that about the conditions of the country and addressed to his tragic released part of it to the By analyzing the Senate plan Deals. How sympathetic to Johnson at the territorial integrity of the country and Iran, is not the subject of my post coma because some تردیدهایی also raised. I have numerous reasons that Mr. Hashemi have said–With every incentive that as–Get serious and part of the reason in a piece I wrote in that story that I, a description of. But another issue that caught my attention and that of my friends who sent me messages about Hashemi's article was the selective way in which some Persian-language media outlets dealt with this part of his remarks.

Of the few English language website published the story, a group of Hashemi this section for some reason were removed or بریدند. This approach is perhaps the exact criteria "is not in the media, but the overall picture could possibly be of size they give freedom and neutrality.

Rafsanjani: The decomposition of Azerbaijan and Baluchistan after the elections

With the end of the period, Mohamed Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani to participate in the presidential election and his disqualified by the Guardian Council, the words he addressed to the camp has released its plan, which is part of Azerbaijan and Iranian Balochistan analysis by u.s. Senate also mentions. According to Johnson, is set to become clear after the election result this plan Be operational:

– In the Senate there are two dangerous plan; wait for the election to be rational and clear assignment of these are activated after. Want to make Azerbaijan and Sistan and Baluchistan and their analysis. After Israel attack Iran if it is supposed to help the military military. Maybe it's psychological warfare, but to quote for any possible position of the scholars..

Wikileaks: Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf was the next President of Iran geared

Mohammad Bagher Qalibaf

Mohammad Bagher Qalibaf

Khatami's campaign Web site invited to participate in the presidential election, published a story recently that the Iranian Government to the President on internal quarrel refers. According to This Web siteAhmadinejad often documents of the current Mayor of Tehran, Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf, sent to the Guardian Council that if the desired candidate r.mashaee اسفندیار he, not approved in the elections ahead, to be dealt with together, such violations and thus he fails to participate in the upcoming presidential election.

Whether Ahmadinejad even before being identified and supported before the announcement of the slate, such as scouting, might seem a bit strange. Anyone with authoritarian systems, such as the Iranian Government have dating, well knows that political activity within the framework of this nzameha with the political and moral health is almost impossible. Even though the political health of the people and the authorities in the circle of power to corrupt competitors, even threatening to come together. So Ahmadinejad — Not that today they remained آبرویی and not the other is something to lose — Given that eight years had been President, should not be in the access to information and the disclosure of ends in front of the candidates have time limits. However, there is the question as to why he is gone, and others, such as Scouting indiscriminately like یاا Haddad Adel Mohsen Rezai, provincial or — They are apparently no longer are candidates for the presidential elections — Not? Perhaps Ahmadinejad has certain information about it, such a person that others are disappointed and perhaps it is important that the size of the data that the fate of Iran's upcoming elections turns out does.

Please visit bought one second hand MacBook

MacBook user Iranian type

MacBook user Iranian type

The Daily Telegraph website, which is one of the most visited in the world, and credible sites Images From a user of Persia Mac notebook (Apple computer build) With a computer theft device has released its advertising for the reflection of the society that the scandal less than a full round trip coverage of Ahmadinejad and not to the United Nations and New York's Entourage.

Apparently the subject of a laptop theft device خبر٬ is pirated in London some time earlier and finally head of industry in Iran. The original owner of this device is that a device stolen from the English, the security program was installed on it that allows you to control and positioning remote device provides. The subject of the sort out a laptop theft انگلیسی٬ a few thousand kilometres away in the country of Iran for this Web site it interesting that بوده٬ size images of the Iranian user it is accompanied by a full report published at the website.

The CIA, the BBC and separatism in Iran



From the time of confrontation with world powers over the nuclear program and Iran's increasing regional influence, the subject of analysis and support together with the same goal of ethnicism embargo — That is, create instability and chaos in the country and the nuclear program امتیازگیری — بطور گسترده در دستور کار کشورهای طرف مواجه با ایران قرار گرفت و ردیف بودجه ای محرمانه در داخل سازمان سیا برای آن تخصیص داده شد. This program is targeted by the United States, Israel and the UK countries follow; however, based on the Wikileaks site documents, in addition to the intelligence organizations of the three countries, the smaller countries like Pakistan are active in this field; in the case of Pakistan, according to the cooperation with Wikileaks reveal The British intelligence organization Mossad and the support of the country's reformists, the end.

Steven hawking; "is a concept of life?»

The meaning of life, the philosophical question about the nature and the significance of life. Several of the responses of various philosophical, religious opinions and possibly from the era of Plato and Aristotle to the present time, given this question; what more you will see, the interpretation that is Steven هاوکیگ, cosmologist and physicist provide life concept about Akhtar, of course according to herself so Not too philosophical.

This is the second documentary about the documentary, which I translated from hawking. The first section is titled "is God is the creator of the world" or "does God exist", From here می توانید ببینید. Lapel in these two programs, efforts, in spite of the limited time that I had, mental translation; however note both of these two mstndeha are essentially complex topics studied and given that the original language of the film is another language, probably should have either at least Watch two or more times.

"Is there a God?" Steven Hawking

Professor Stephen Hawking

Professor Stephen Hawking

Whether there is a God and God is creator of the world? The answer to this question, what do we find?

In most communities, the general answer to this question is the same. People around the world all the time to have a kind of God to believe; though the same understanding of the societies of any concept of God does not exist.

In our country, in addition to being a belief in the existence of God is accepted as a principle, (Like most other communities)The representatives of God to believe; has to be prophets and chosen by him to have been the Mission of the Mission of the Shiite imams to believe; that the generation of the Prophet's successors, and the generation of Enduro belief that clerics and velayat-e Faqih has a successor and Deputy are both imams to enter the rest of the necessary political and social arenas and in all cases the existence of God as an undeniable principle approved by the community, an introduction to other admissions The political and economic principles that regulations based on it has been based on the.

In the United States, 83 percent of the people believe in the existence of God; the figure among American scientists about 33 dersdo among the most prominent scientists who arrive to join the National Academy is far less, about seven percent of the total population, and of about five and a half percent among biologists is. With all of these are the only two percent of the American population, religion, their God or they introduce ndanmegra.

Mary's sister, sister Hillary and wisdom are the bastard

خواهر مریم و خواهر هیلاری

Sister Mary and sister Hilary

The former Foreign Minister of Cuba, the United States and u.s. representative in the Middle East (1983)Saddam Hussein, including a quote about that earlier FDR about «samooza», hmhor President of Nicaragua, it was applied: "It may be that Saddam is a bastard (Mother of bkhata) But our bastard. "

Seven years after a historic visit to Cuba and Hussain in the year 1983 (Video of the meeting From here)The Iraqi dictator, decided that instead of American bastard, bastard himself, and in 1990 took the Division to Kuwait without the permission of arbabsh. In fact, all of the recent trials and human rights violations of Saddam's dictatorship and the criminality of the same tmardsh began. The rest of the story is all too good to know; the United States entered the war with Iraq, twice; the Iraqi economic sanctions for a decade that the death of hundreds of thousands of Iraqi citizens and children's lives, and finally delivered to court Iraqi bastard to be punished as a war criminal.

Bernard Lewis's speech on Iran; Iran, parsing, architect at the University of Tel-Aviv

برنارد لوئیس

Bernard Lewis

Professor Bernard Lewis Khaorshnas English-Jewish origin and Professor Emeritus of Middle Eastern studies at Princeton University, which is one of the most prominent experts in the field of the history of the Middle East can be considered.

Intellectual influences Bernard Lewis, aslamshnas, as an expert in American سیاستگذاریهای the last few decades is immeasurable. Jacob ویسبرگ opinion, Newsweek Magazine columnist, Bernard Lewis is the most important intellectual influence on the idea of invading Iraq have. Expressions contained such as "Islamic fundamentalism" or "battle of civilizations» time of inventions is Louis. گفته می شود ساموئل هانتینگتون، استاد پیشین علوم سیاسی در دانشگاه هاروارد، نظریه نبرد تمدنها را با الهام از ایده لوییس مطرح کرد.

لویییس as well as modern theorists say Iran and other Middle Eastern countries in the analysis plan is known. Middle East analysis or plan (Later) The "greater Middle East" project that was titled "Bernard Lewis" is famous, first in the بیلدلبرگ in the year 1979 meeting was discussed on the basis of this plan, Iran would be divided into six or seven pieces; the idea earlier in the run, and now instead of the Iraqi one, in fact there are three Iraq. According to former U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney, in the new century, scientists, lawmakers, diplomats and the media will follow Lewis's wisdom.

Counterfeiting as a nation and self-determination ' analysis

جهان در سال 1945

The world in 1945

Get extensive influence with the Persian-language media was alien and neutral and free news media inside Iran, gradually some phrases and terminology was also entered the political vocabulary of fake Iranians. Including these fakes, one applicable as "nation" or "nationality" is not only that the Iranian tribes among the reformists left or media analysis was common, but is now in most of the State-run media such as BBC Persian, "alien", "Reuters", "online" or "day of the Deutsche Welle English» There are application. This is a hoax title, for political purposes and account for some preset do that in this post, we are more familiar with the reasons for it.

The European Parliament human rights; or separatism in Iran?

A few weeks ago the European Parliament resolution on the violation of human rights and to the General Assembly the representatives about this issue they lecture.

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The subject of frequent human rights violations in Iran, one fact is undeniable and almost all of those who have a slight familiarity with the Iranian situation awareness of it and therefore the conviction of human rights violations in Iran is less a person to the wonders of WA.. But the support of human rights in recent years has found other procedural and political aspects of human rights groups as some assumed or political institutions such as the Parliament of the European Union, the United States Congress or some European local پارلمانهای the process to achieve the goals of your mind will follow.

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