Tag: The elections

Cyber Corps Base in the world, peace آمیزترین point

Cyber Corps Base in the world, peace آمیزترین point

Cyber Corps Base in the world, peace آمیزترین point

Abouzar a royalist who is the top of the room, right below the pulpit Haji squatting, for times I type the day 18: «Viva Reza Shah II! God bless the Pahlavi dynasty of glorious wind!» More offers: "The national منقلی Mossadegh پیزوری Regency!»

Not only that but David mkhatabsh someone a few meters away there is a distance with his anti-Pahlavi and abouzar mosadeghi «شاقلی» to the «fairy» and «tajbakhsh s. 'm» reference offers!

The political dispute between Abouzar and Daoud has been followed on social media for several years, sometimes even more intensely, and both sides have gained supporters, but outside the world of politics, the relationship between Abouzar and Daoud is warm and cordial.

A collateral Patriots Imam Khamenei Imam Khamenei, or how to control the Internet

Cyber Corps Center: Over 8 million لایک have peers on Facebook

A true story

The news from Iran, which has a (Alias) Arrested and obtain ناراحتید. These days the news of the arrest comes one after another. Cheating in the election, Khamenei himself to Ahmadinejad for President, two hundred – سیصد نفر از کسانی که به این روند اعتراض کرده اند، در خیابان و در بازداشتگاهها کشته شده اند و حالا حکومت برای اینکه زهر چشم بگیرد، هر کس که قبلا فعالیت سیاسی داشته، خواه در ارتباط و خواه بی ارتباط به قضایای اخیر، را دستگیر می کند.

A quiet guy to know dorador; and well; she is like you twenty-four more years is not a student like you, but unlike you still lives in Iran.. Already some time together once you have and Internet chat he collected in a multiplayer you meet. According to the news that the mullahs, and brutality of the سبوعیت for a good fate you don't anticipate.

The Imam Khamenei and reformists to naghi I shelter

Not understanding why Uncle? This is a رفیقمان in the The highest entries! Apart because we respect the boycotters are loved ones transition mshasha comments and do not understand that the promise of this nation with our friend, if they were in a low-cost way of the Scorpion and the mtmadnaneh is happy merely to نشیمنگاه the size of the couch to give the vote to shake and go about confirming Sir vote; he has a way to show that we have a nfahm Scorpion you don't want to go to gort missing now!

After a round of songs, "Mullah Hassan بیامد came smston, head of the" whispered to themselves because they will be dealing mobile situation! November طبیعتش that nature requires Dell to be thin to be discontented with friends from the votes and has not really people that I. Do not understand why we do these things apart?

The first step to ridding the nation of Iran is wrong to accept responsibility

Cannot be a mistake with the same speculative mentality that has lived, compensation *. --Einstein

Cannot be a mistake with the same speculative mentality that has lived, compensation *. –Einstein

The choice of the President of the Assembly of experts, Ahmad jannati, also from those it was supposed to be a bad option (In the face of worse options) , Or at least a wave of disappointment and disbelief among voters in the recent elections, created. It is not easy for this large part of Iranians to accept that a group of people who voted for Jannati as reformists would vote for Jannati, but it was not difficult to predict such a situation.

The elections in the Islamic Republic The application is abuse And the government has realized this issue over the past thirty-seven years that it can hold a show of elections and design false options in unfree and unrealistic elections, and prevent effective protest movements.

The main winner of the election, Khamenei

Friends instead of n.!

Friends instead of n.!

Suppose to be a cancer patient the possibility that among various cancers one to choose. For example, there is a possibility that the disease of leukemia lung cancer will choose بجایش. Ali has a bad transaction, this transaction should not be, because some types of diseases of other types it is worse. But the problem is that the patient would create the impression that the disease has been a major part of the first alternative condition to solve his problem and the need for drastic measures and painful treatments such as chemotherapy does not have. This is the same thing that every time after the elections to occur in Iran..

The successor to Khamenei, what's worse, the better

Ali Khamenei, known as Imam Khamenei.

Ali Khamenei, known as Imam Khamenei.

The last few days several entries about Ali Khamenei and its supporters plan to influence the composition of the Assembly of experts published new. The authors of the content to the next Parliament, a non-competitive situation (161 candidate for the 88 seats) Point out that in some areas it's even competition among two candidates there. On this basis, some of them even argue that in this non-competitive election should be less extreme candidates will vote because the next leader of the House of the future and it might be a more extreme person is Khamenei, successor.

Assassins of the chain murders in the electoral list of the reformists

Mohammad Mokhtari's revolutionary Islam Mohammadi as that of Scouting, with closed eyes and hands without the slightest possibility of Defense, ordered Shiite thug emulation *.

Mohammad Mokhtari's revolutionary Islam Mohammadi as that of Scouting, in ناجوانمردی with the hands and eyes of perfection has been closed without the slightest possibility of Defense, ordered Shiite thug emulation *.

Today's story on Facebook بشیرتاش said I saw how to kill Mohammad Mokhtari, a poet and writer and Secretary of the writers ' Association, in murders was described, I noticed a number of punishing and Killers of the chain murders in the electoral list of the reformists Have been introduced. Hence the need for registration on time, I saw that to write the story.

During the nine years that blogging got what it was a year in which Iran initially and later became what I wrote in the Court, which the United States never came from Kari nnoshtem. Mohammad Mokhtari, knew from childhood. Mr. Mokhtari was my aunt's husband (The girl's aunt's husband that we Uncle we sound).

Mohammad Mokhtari, which I knew was a quiet character and متواضعی. Of those people who are that it was large and small, old and young, his kindness and humility were absorbed. When he was killed, I'm fourteen – Fifteen-year-old, I was so familiar with and I never nzeratsh I want to write a story about it. In addition it is today that seventeen years of autonomy is going to me more autonomy that was a member of our family, I have close to the renowned poet and author of the autonomy.

But the issue that I want to mention and must be geared to the future lesson عبرتی is killed because Mr. Mokhtari.

وبلاگنویسان and support for users of the virtual world of the recall 21 May participate in the contest for Iran and Lebanon

21 خرداد، استادیوم آزادی با شعار نه غزه، نه لبنان، جانم فدای ایران.

21 Liberty Stadium, with the slogan not Gaza, not Lebanon, Iranian sacrifice Chuck.

Our compatriots,

At a time when the Middle East region and the peoples of the free world, every day fresh gains in the direction of prosperity and the protection of the basic rights of the citizens of their countries share the Iranian nation; of these developments is the only global watch and regrets.

We have a number of وبلاگنویسان, users of social networking and virtual world of the Internet and, with votes and comments and opinions from the public, the citizens, and we invite Iranian Tehran per day 21 May, the national team of Iran and Lebanon game (Hours 18:30) In the Azadi Stadium and with the slogan "Not Gaza, not Lebanon, Iranian sacrifice Chuck» Shout to hear their unity and solidarity of the world alike.

21 June and the racing team of Iran and Lebanon, according to the symmetry of time with the presidential election in Iran and the Islamic system constraint for each type of reaction is a very good opportunity, forcibly to the legal demands and start the next protest حرکتهای in response to the situation of poverty, injustice, corruption, unbridled gravity, and extensive violations of the basic rights of the people of Iran.

Iran today to help all of their children's needs. Please release this news to extend the protest move to help the people of Iran. The media's you.

Call for participation in the Iran-Lebanon match; with the slogan not Gaza, not Lebanon, Iranian sacrifice Chuck

Not Gaza, not Lebanon, Iranian sacrifice Chuck

Not Gaza, not Lebanon, Iranian sacrifice Chuck

A group of وبلاگنویسان and users of Internet networks, to take part in the football match between Iran and Lebanon national team recall *. The match between the national teams of Iran and Lebanon, on the day of 21 May (Hours 18:30)Three days before the elections of the Islamic Republic, and Tehran's Azadi Stadium to be held.

The two teams race to be broadcast live from the Iranian State television and be given the time and location, the best opportunity for the people of the protest slogans plan provides. This race could be a good start for the next protest gatherings..

Do not save the Iranian election protests the strikes and rescue;

Akbar Hashemi زفسنجانی, reformist candidate in the elections, 92, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Ali Khamenei. The image of the Mehr News Agency.

Akbar Hashemi زفسنجانی, reformist candidate in the elections, 92, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Ali Khamenei. The image of the Mehr News Agency.

The dispute between voting and 30 on the eve of the elections, sanctions are a high. Voting with the same way of the previous courses, argue, in the absence of that country is in poor condition, choose a moderate adjustment to the terms of the President and reduce the economic and political pressures can help. On the opposite side of a boycott of the election, believe that differs sharply from the Islamic Republic of — In addition to being political and being closed, and a few years with the last round of fraud and also to completely differs sharply from the blood and the price of a few hundred tons of people held in Iran — No minimum turnout is required for the participation in such elections so except that the Islamic regime's legitimacy is not achieved, another popular.

Both the voting and the boycott, believe that their view on the perspective of the opposite side is the preferred and current conditions of the country of the mkhalfshan front or not understood or are basically خاین and is mgharz. Both sides believe that a company or non-شرکشان is a great political action, which is a huge impact on the future of the country Cuba. These voters insist that vote to nominate their programmes, to the detriment of the rule of fashion is because opposing candidates to not win. Players also believe that the sanctions vote dadenshan in addition to being no disgrace involved, not to the system and the authority of the (Legitimate power) Offers, something that is lacking today. What all these pointless disputes, a repeat of their last years in hrbareh and chndbarh is. Voting in the various courses in the hope of changes to their candidates and voted for a boycott are in different periods of elections boycott and ultimately our country status update of the day is worse. Not voting to vote within a few decades, a significant change in terms of our homeland and not to boycott the elections managed node of the open country nodes. The election of the Islamic regime, a trivial phenomenon and in the best conditions to gain power among the mafia within the fights more resources, which is the company or the lack of it in the company of his men will not create any fundamental transformation. Ali al-Qaeda we can not hope that a similar behaviour under the present circumstances the same for years and decades, we repeat and get different results.

Wikileaks: Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf was the next President of Iran geared

Mohammad Bagher Qalibaf

Mohammad Bagher Qalibaf

Khatami's campaign Web site invited to participate in the presidential election, published a story recently that the Iranian Government to the President on internal quarrel refers. According to This Web siteAhmadinejad often documents of the current Mayor of Tehran, Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf, sent to the Guardian Council that if the desired candidate r.mashaee اسفندیار he, not approved in the elections ahead, to be dealt with together, such violations and thus he fails to participate in the upcoming presidential election.

Whether Ahmadinejad even before being identified and supported before the announcement of the slate, such as scouting, might seem a bit strange. Anyone with authoritarian systems, such as the Iranian Government have dating, well knows that political activity within the framework of this nzameha with the political and moral health is almost impossible. Even though the political health of the people and the authorities in the circle of power to corrupt competitors, even threatening to come together. So Ahmadinejad — Not that today they remained آبرویی and not the other is something to lose — Given that eight years had been President, should not be in the access to information and the disclosure of ends in front of the candidates have time limits. However, there is the question as to why he is gone, and others, such as Scouting indiscriminately like یاا Haddad Adel Mohsen Rezai, provincial or — They are apparently no longer are candidates for the presidential elections — Not? Perhaps Ahmadinejad has certain information about it, such a person that others are disappointed and perhaps it is important that the size of the data that the fate of Iran's upcoming elections turns out does.

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