Section: Religion

On repeated twice: First aid a second time as the Safavid; Mohsen Rezai as

The late Karl Marx's famous quote that will probably be heard:

Hegel remarks somewhere that all great, world-historical facts and personages occur, as it were, twice. He has forgotten to add: the first time as tragedy, the second as farce.

Translate: Hegel said all major historical events and the actors are repeated twice, but forgot to add the book first went to the tragedy and the second time as farce!

With its weighty website Fares نیور Not confused!

Of the actions of the Iranian Shiites: The Kaaba and the black stone wall ruin turn to rock the toilet bowl

Black stone.

Black stone.

Iranians are one of the first groups to oppose the ruling liberation from the yoke of Abbasi and machine the Arabs to Shiism tends found and of course the Shia Imami was it kind of a dozen current and centuries of Ismaili Shia was.

Innovations and inventions of Shia Iranians to disallow the ritual of the Arabs, but the type of twelve Emami mainly from the reign of Shah Ismail safavi in Iran find serious. However, the concept of this Shia Muslim and with what we have today in terms of, there is a difference.

This is an example that I posted elsewhere and because a friend wanted a separate source book, I published a post:

Counterfeiting and falsification of the theory of evolution and Darwin about the existence of God

Only when human barbarism that will release the faith abandoned the nonsense. --Voltaire

Only when human barbarism that will release the faith abandoned the nonsense. –Voltaire

Some kinds of lies from other types of خوشایندترند. A lie is a pleasant time that our understanding of the world or our world view To approve the.

Humans did not evolve to see facts; who have evolved to survive and if understanding the truth of tmarz, a way to show there is no truth to them. با اینحال برای گروهی که شجاعت کافی برای پذیرفتن حقایق دارند یا دستکم به دنبال پاسخ های منطقی برای پرسشهایشان هستند باید کورسویی از روشنایی در عمق ظلمت باقی بماند؛ اینها تنها دلیلی است که این پست را منتشر می کنم.

Whether we believe or not, there we find something purely because we have an interest in the existence or lack thereof of a variety of Cognitive errors (Cognitive Bias) The incorrect nature of the argument to read it!

In the past few years the group with the name of the fight against heresy and rejected the application to span ملحدین On social networks And were active on Wikipedia (Possibly with financial support of the Iranian Government) And repeatedly to counterfeiting, falsification, or logical mghaltat *. These posts as facts and to keep the faith and those who struggle with atheism to be released and on other sites like The highest website Also send.

فارغ از اینکه چه عقیده ای داشته باشیم؛ بی دین یا دیندار، با خدا یا بی خدا باشیم، باید بدانیم این مطالب تحریف شده است و برخی از این تحریفات هم پیچیده است و موضوعات اساسی را در بر می گیرد.

علیرغم اینکه وقت بسیار محدودی بر روی اینترنت دارم، تصمیم گرفتم تعدادی از این دروغ ها را با دلایل نادرستی شان فهرست کنم تا از جستجوگر گوگل برای خواننندگان فارسی زبان در دسترس باشد، چون تعداد این مطالب رو به افزایش است و هر آینه با روشهای جعل این مطالب آشنا شوید، ادامه این روند هم برای جاعلین دشوارتر می شود.

Logic Mulla صدیقین errors in the argument proving the existence of God

I have all the argument proving the existence of God reviews and got none of them valid in terms of the logical نیافتم. – Bertrand Russell (Minutes 9.:00 here Or here)

What we need is the will for not having faith; the will to search that is perfectly in order to the contrary it is. –Bertrand Russell

Three years ago that the story about the logical argument errors صدیقین Avicenna wrote the story about friendship, the logic Mulla صدیقین argument errors, and write this entry I prepared at the earliest opportunity. What happened in the wake of being repeatedly attacked by the Internet site, and later also the promise was forgotten almost. Nevertheless, by the delayed this post about the logical argument proving the existence of God by errors of Mulla sadra write.

The first missionary and the first trickster

The first missionary was the first شیادی to hit the first idiot. –Voltaire

I had written this phrase in Persian from one or two places, which has been quoted in several ways, including as the first prophet and the first cleric, and I have been asked about its source.

This page in English So come:

The first clergyman was the first rascal who puts the first fool. –Voltaire
نخستین روحانی بود که نخستین احمق را دیدار کرد رذلی نخستین!

در زبان فرانسوی اینطور پیدا کردم:

The first church was the first crook who met the first fool.
The religion of the same started when the first finds the first trickster fool!

Why is traditional medicine is the science or scientific شیادی

Traditional medicine, an academic at the University of شیادی in Iran.

Traditional medicine, scientific شیادی, at the University of Iran.

Quotes that the ancient Egyptians worship the Pharaohs, and the Pharaohs were gods, worship. Apparently none of the other two groups did not have a problem with the Group's beliefs because the Pharaohs continue to worship the gods and the Egyptians were Pharaohs still hangs the same time!

Imam Khamenei (P)The leader of the Islamic world, the huge almertbeh several times, most recently on the importance of traditional medicine with modern medicine replacement تاکیدات on July موکد.

Along with his comrades and Sir and the wife and home when their pain will be the place to spend the nation most physicians see doctors and hazgh, but today the Iranian nation led to the clergy, داهیانه effect of various kinds of diseases and diabetes are incurred and The highest growth of cancer statistics In the world, have to do with mint and fenugreek and Borage treats!

The reasons for 50 tons of the most prominent scientists in the world who do not believe in the existence of God or religion properly

Long Ernest Hemingway said:: All thinkers are godless! Even if the idea of Hemingway's indulgence, therefore must accept that even sectors are godless. Almost all of the winners of the Nobel Prize and the greater part of the world's most prominent scientists and thinkers are skeptical of the existence of God and this is even before it is provided to the existence of prophets, Angels, or demons, or ajanh, an imam and a few hundred thousand years have believed the absent. Knowing the importance of this issue is such that the دیدگاههایی in Iran or other Islamic societies like Saudi Arabia deal with security and even face the death penalty would be. Therefore, when faced with such charges (Like the death penalty for Insult to the father of the gpeto) You must know what the extent of cognitive science and uncertainty we face:

Legal questions: Qualify what kind of Imam Khomeini was دیاثتی?

Javadi Amoli, Ayatollah al-Ozma allameh cloud philosopher of the Islamic world, that in the field of philosophy, such as the دیاثت juridical owner, recently As: "It is a moral or political or دیاثت. A person who gives way to an alien political دیوث. Your privacy on the alien way of giving and getting is not compatible with the zeal of a non-policy.

Does anyone hears our prayers

I am a deeply pagan دیندار. This is the new kind of religion can be considered. --Einstein

I am a deeply pagan دیندار. This is the new kind of religion can be considered. –Einstein

Many years ago I was a deeply religious. A deep belief in the existence of God I not arising from environmental تاثیرپذیری that kind of world view and understanding of the world around me was. Before I had even believed that Aristotle's bshnasm if there is a complicated world, so more complex creator should be there. Because each designer inevitably complicated phenomenon of some kind is more complex and the world around us is very complex. I spend hours and sometimes days of mystery and fantasy with this need was available. That time is still a thing of natural selection and evolution didn't know; that nature is able to create complex creatures without necessarily having to have an intelligent creator. Our world is an unfair measure, promiscuous and suffering (What's next for the animals and what human beings) There is such a creator Not necessarily the true. Today I have a different beliefs but still one question it thwarted whether someone hears our prayers.

زمانهایی in the life of every human being, there are استیصال of a higher power and tries with superior contact your. Sometimes the answer to our prayers, and sometimes remain unanswered but there is disappointment at the height of the door زمانهایی برویمان opens. Who it's for the US Open? Is this the same God exist? Do we just feel that we get adjuvant or really anyone to dadman?

Because the first man Adam, or do not exist/Richard Dawkins

The Prophet of human ancestors, Hi fish.

The Prophet of human ancestors, Hi fish.

Be sure you've heard this old riddle that had been the first chicken or egg? Solve this puzzle comes seems to be disappointed because if it was then the first chicken egg come from? And what if the first egg was laid eggs chicken instead of inventory? Despite the strange appearance of this riddle today we answer it know. The correct answer is none!

Generally, we plan these questions of chicken and eggs don't go beyond ourselves, beyond that, because we know that in the same position the chicken. But exactly the same question we ask ourselves about the time we can: The first human baby emerged or human parents? Because if it had been the first human baby so parents who were playing, and they came from where?

How the Ayatollah were taught to the theory of relativity Einstein

Goats were Ayatollah, the theory of relativity.

The Ayatollah were goats, the theory of relativity.

Of Einstein They moved: Only two things are infinite, the universe and the world of human stupidity; and of course I doubt about BMW.

My personal blog Shared comments The ratio of theory and Einstein were attributed to Ayatollah. After reading these comments I series were knocked out to the site of Grand Ayatollah and realized that such alleged تلویجا On this site Also raised.

Make that the basis of Einstein's Denies the existence of God wasThe fact that the new physics theories come from the Qur'an, Nahj al-Balagha and Baharanvar Mullah Baqer Majlesi is even more interesting..

For those who do not know, the entire Islamic world, including Iran, has produced nothing but Mulla and Mufti in the past eight hundred years, and after the Mongol invasion..

Razi's opinions about Islam and the Koran: The Qur'an is a lie and have شیادان the prophets

If the people of this religion (Islam) Sandy asked for mzhbshan properly, they sparked, and the blood of any such mkhalfshan and ask whoever's coming. They were banned, and logical thinking in their attempts to kill mkhalfanshan. The truth can be hidden and turned off all. - Razi

If the people of this religion (Islam) Mzhbshan on the document correctly asked, they sparked, and the blood of any such mkhalfshan and ask whoever's coming. They were banned, and logical thinking in their attempts to kill mkhalfanshan. The truth can be hidden and turned off all. – Razi

Mohammad Razi, Persian philosopher and scientist زکریای, Iran and the Islamic world's fame. The Encyclopedia Britannica a reputable physician's most important secrets of the Islamic world The introduction of the. The secrets in medicine Galen Muslim and in the philosophy of Socrates in the Islamic world--. However, the philosophy of the fair as of today is less about attention. Reasons for this disregard of the opinions about the Quran, Islam and secrets about the prophecy prophets.

The concept of revelation and prophecy's secrets of the basis lies in the book and reads the Mkhargh الانبیا About the شیادی of the prophets explains. In حیل المتنبئین Lying prophets deals with methods and Fi الادیان review The intuitive denounced religions.

Stephen Hawking once again emphasized: There is no God

The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge;. - Steven Hawking

The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge;. – Steven Hawking

Stephen Hawking, physicist and کیهانشناس, once again stressed that the belief in the existence of God is related to the human past. Professor hawking earlier in a tv documentary in brief استدلالهایش in connection with the reasons for the absence of God was described. The documentary's earlier brgerdandem to the community, which is under the fair use لایسنز (Fair use for purely educational purposes;), You can Get out of here. (The rest of the documentary I From here Visit.)

Recently many of the Islamic Republic's State media quoted hawking Such counterfeiting That he was so "ادعایش about God." forging entry of scientists and thinkers in the Islamic system to become an overlay system even as it heads; write to counterfeiting. Recently the President of the Assembly of experts of the Islamic Republic's statements about the Einstein faith in Shiism And it was also a reflection of the vast Imam Sadiq. (About Einstein's lack of belief in the existence of God This entry To see.)

For the parent of the Prophet gpeto

The father of the gpeto in the belly of the fish.

The father of the gpeto in the belly of the fish.

If you have the impression that a human being cannot be for decades in the belly of a fish, because fish belly basically lives rather than living; or if you imagine one thousand two hundred-year-old Imam cannot be well and if someone tell that amamsh in the well and He is also the representative of the Imam is absent, or stupid, or a charlatan or both; you'll probably still lose mshaertan ندادید aghltan is the head and surrounds. And this is the wisdom of noise surrounds you, you become a security threat to the leaders of the Islamic Republic.

Recently a person in Iran were executed merely because the complainant is not the father of the prophet Jonah was in the belly of the fish gpeto live. من هم تصور می کنم حضرت یونس پدر ژپتو نباشد؛ بلکه پدرژپتو داستان پینوکیو بسیار بهتر و جذاب تر از حضرت یونس شخصیت پردازی شده بود و قابل تحمل تر بود.

The argument proving the existence of God is logically errors

The trouble with most people is that they think with their hopes or fears or wishes rather than with their minds. – Will Durant

ایراد بیشتر مردم این است که بجای مغزهایشان با آرزوها، یا ترس ها، یا امیدهایشان فکر می کنند.

Irrationally held truths may be more harmful than reasoned errors. – Thomas Huxley

Wireless logic to believe a truth زیانبارتر of belief is wrong, that it to believe the argument..

Billions of dollars that do not have a fee for the dead قبرهایی

A ضریحی that has not yet been installed on his dead grave.

A ضریحی that has not yet been installed on his dead grave.

Is customary whenever someone die they bury found dead. This is the burial of a new tradition during our life and has no long history.. In the past, they generally ate dead carcass.. Almost Among all the communities of human beings And in addition, it is considered a ritual that if the child of the bodies of his parents did not eat their own kind of disrespect,.

The ancestors of our educated with two important works: First, they prevented the dead carcasses and the outbreak of the disease, and the second that they were supplying part of their food in this way. Therefore, unlike us, they are more valuable and practical for the carcass of the dead, so as to think of supernatural and tangible dimensions..

My theory, physics and infinite parallel worlds

جهان های دیگر.

Other world. An imaginary picture of the:

In the era of ancient Greece to assume the name of Thales have raised, that the whole world is based on water. Thales was the belief that everything in the universe is made of water and anything in the universe to its original–That is, water–Returns. The world's first philosopher Thales (Even before Socrates) Cairo. His hypothesis about the origin and essence of the world although it was baseless and childish and ridicule the next philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle, but he is the first person that attempts to describe all things find a description of the unit. Many philosophers from the time of Thales today, and later became scientists, tried to explain the universe to find such General.

Of communism such as اسلامگرایی will take you to the black soil throws

Cheng man-so there are bonded to the wishes that they never cultivated. No matter what the number of human beings will be killed as it lies to be truth to become baormandanshan.

Cheng man-so there are bonded to the wishes that they never cultivated. No matter what the number of human beings will be killed as it lies to be truth to become baormandanshan.

Most recently, the activity of چپگرایان in the Internet and the virtual network has increased considerably. Today one of my friends this question asked in reply whether I dont understand what is communism? Before I give his answer to this question once; I asked myself: Do I dont understand communism? As far as I recall many years ago; a cover of the four books I read investment plus a number of Marxist books and manuals and articles that are directly or indirectly related to this subject and of course all of these together in a time of nkhandem. But is merely reading–To figure out the– A few books and a small booklet to understand and judge about the hordes of what Marxism and anshaabatsh in different areas and within these hundred years have produced, does it suffice?

To make the answer I sought the Communists like I'm wearing probably an example both at least we agree on the principles of: 35 Years ago, Khomeini came to power and water and said the bus is free of charge; in addition, human dignity and spirituality of the people is aatla, most importantly to the people of freedom and social justice and give them to harm humanity.

Errors in the صدیقین argument Avicenna proving the existence of God

Ibn Sina. The image is in the public realm.

Ibn Sina. The image is in the public realm.

Avicenna as the greatest scientist on Iran and on the Middle East products.. In addition to that of the Islamic world, as he learned to be the foremost philosopher. The encyclopedia of philosophy of the University of Tennessee Avicenna's most prominent philosopher of the world before modern times introduced.

Metaphysics (Metaphysics) Ibn Sina is one of the most comprehensive and most detailed in the whole history of philosophy is that although your components from the platonic philosophy, Aristotle considered the new uflsfah but finally something that made him seek his essence and He has no prior record.

Ibn Sina to the existence of God as pure intellect (pure intellect) Believed and that he will have to prove the existence of God Borhani presenting in the next period of interest to philosophers such as Thomas was اکوآینس. This argument along with the Canterbury ansam argument (The argument anslm) Of the most interesting and probably effective samples in the middle ages is.

To Mullah Hassan Rohani: The hidden Imam is not the owner of the well جمکران

Indian God. The image in the public realm.

Indian God. The image in the public realm.

Indians are probably more than any other nation, have numerous gods. A few years ago an Indian judge of the gods to the ROM names and summoned to court hamona. The Court to determine the ownership of a plot of land was held on the one hand, it was the complainant's personal ownership of land and the other of the two was the true owner of the God it. Since the gods were a legal dispute; the judge to subpoena both wrote and did not address it, because according to the law, published in the local press is the Court subpoena *. Ali al-Qa'ida if someone or something (Here are two ancient gods) The claimant is a financial property, must be able to present the Court and provide legal evidence..

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