Tag: Marxists

Of communism such as اسلامگرایی will take you to the black soil throws

Cheng man-so there are bonded to the wishes that they never cultivated. No matter what the number of human beings will be killed as it lies to be truth to become baormandanshan.

Cheng man-so there are bonded to the wishes that they never cultivated. No matter what the number of human beings will be killed as it lies to be truth to become baormandanshan.

Most recently, the activity of چپگرایان in the Internet and the virtual network has increased considerably. Today one of my friends this question asked in reply whether I dont understand what is communism? Before I give his answer to this question once; I asked myself: Do I dont understand communism? As far as I recall many years ago; a cover of the four books I read investment plus a number of Marxist books and manuals and articles that are directly or indirectly related to this subject and of course all of these together in a time of nkhandem. But is merely reading–To figure out the– A few books and a small booklet to understand and judge about the hordes of what Marxism and anshaabatsh in different areas and within these hundred years have produced, does it suffice?

To make the answer I sought the Communists like I'm wearing probably an example both at least we agree on the principles of: 35 سال پیش که خمینی به ایران آمد گفت قرار است آب و برق و اتوبوس را مجانی کند؛ علاوه بر آن کرامت انسانی و معنویت مردم را هم اعتلا ببخشد، مهمتر از آن به ملت آزادی و عدالت اجتماعی بدهد و آنها را به مقام انسانیت برساند.

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