Pursuant to the strategic decisions of the Youth Corps, a group of یاسوجی, set up with a ring on the statue to show their opposition to national identity and history of the سرزمینمان defense that broadcast images of the event on the Internet cause admiration and encouragement was risking other shorbaktane group is probably rocking View the empathy of Iranians and other political goals they pursue, and the new roof on nenshsth idle ariobarzanes of Pontus that much hostility during both the revolutionary and the infamous ستمشاهی, voted out
Unfortunately, the Internet site "LOR" or "lower" هرازگاهی قومگرایانه articles published with the release More about the history and identity of the distorted ariobarzanes of PontusShowed that in the present situation the subject of counterfeiting and falsification should be limited to purely ethnic groups, Pan-Pan trkyst pantrkyst or کردیستها *
This should consider that fashion نورسیده ethnicism trkystha with At least eighty-year history of counterfeiting on And by taking charge of the State and the vast facilities benefiting from all the ظرفیتها and نیروهایشان gutter, finally turned to the subject of toys and Internet media clown; the group that it is Petro وجعلیات Baku the Governments of Ankara and Tel Aviv; of course we and Bakhtiari Lor compatriots including Most are Iranian groups of Patriot and publication of historical fakes like what comes in the wake of the danger cannot be realized, our territorial integrity and national identity of the Lurs of this district, but due to the incapability of the ruling system of the برکشور and the dark era that has come to his usher, this part of the The Rangers also have integrated and robust as sangari of ایراندوستان on the way Iran does, and therefore their operating any schism should be sooner from the roots خشکانده
In an article published in the Louvre such sites we read:
Distorts the identity of a hero from the destruction of the statue is more fatal / About ariobarzanes of Pontus Lor
Achaemenid Imperial Army Commander was ariobarzanes of Pontus. In fact, the local dlaoran of ariobarzanes of Pontus, which was not سنخیتی with the Imperial Army. آریوبرزن از جنگجویان اوکسین بود، اوکسینها طایفهای از مردم لر در قدیم بوده، که بازماندگانشان امروزه با نام لر بزرگ شناخته میشوند و سکونتگاهشان کوههای بختیاری و کهگليویه و بویراحمد امروزی بود.
A couple of weeks it seems that some of the leaders and officials of the country and have launched lashgari debate that a statue of yasuj city square berzan should Arroyo be removed. A lot of people did that with a lot of content in this period in opposition to this plan, published on the virtual space
But unfortunately if people want them destroyed, opponents of the statue that appeared to want to make Arroyo celebrates berzan belongs to the destruction and the latter perhaps a thousand times what BMW is worse, a trophy is just an image and a logo, but a hero's identity is everything. So in this article I'm going to learn the true identity of this ominous and surprising hero of Lor to answer some of the points to be given the ambiguity. چند ماه پیش هم یعنی قبل از اینکه این اتفاقات پیش بیاید مقاله ی مشابه ای را با همین مضمون در نشریه لور نوشتم که بد نیست خوانندگان به آن مقاله هم نظری بیفکنند.
Unfortunately, identity and aspiration, especially in mgharz تاریخدانان berzan Arroyo by the Pahlavi era is distorted. حکومت پهلوی که سعی داشت همه ی قهرمانان تاریخ کشور را به نوعی با اندیشه های سلطنت طلبانه تطابق دهد چاینگونه تحریفات را با حمایت از تاریخنویسان و دست بقلمان درباری و وابسته به دربار انجام میداد.
The Imperial Army was general Arroyo berzan Achaemenid. So that was it? An answer to this question is not too hard, in fact, was that of the local dlaoran berzan Arroyo سنخیتی with the Imperial Army, not. Arroyo was to choose us, choose us fighters of berzan, a clan of people who have been in the old Lor, Lor with great names of today bazmandeganshan known کهگلویه and سکونتگاهشان mountains of Bakhtiari and Boyer Ahmad has today. In fact, of the unity and integration of the Elamite طوایف, کاسیت and some of the rest of the Aryan Aryans were isolated and had come to these and a few other people formed a single tribe that is nowadays called Lor know it, and the majority of them in the old with the name Choose us, that were known to have hard heads and dlaoran fighters have had a reputation. In fact, the name of the اوکسی are today in some نامجای طوایف Lor اوسیوند like a great fitting, which is a summary of the اوکسیوند. They have been frequently used in the Imperial Army, but the Achaemenid form of contract in some wars were the Achaemenid Army independently escorting. They are in a certain period of time, especially in front of the Achaemenid Darius the resurrection, and the problems created for them even. So as some know him as Brigadier General, and no mistake the Achaemenid تاریخدان truth it is not serious. Even the real name was Arroyo Arroyo berzan berzan, later took his name on such a. Because he is not certain about historical written and short writings of the Greeks is, essentially, the true identity of such persons shall be in the midst of them and searched the Sira hmondanshan. In fact, if the history of folk Lor hmondan بیفکنیم comments we see that Arroyo never have never been royalist berzan who wish to defend Crown as a monarchy and a seemingly تاریخنویسان irandust( Read King's royalists racists) They say the uprising.
Another notable point is that irregular warfare and guerilla Achaemenid Imperial Army at that time was not common and not used, and only those who choose us among the great mountain means that even been customary over Lor, relying on the same way to create دردسرهایی, the Persian Empire, especially during the Darius that the call of independence were head and Darius to suppress these pay. Arroyo ¢ berzan and guerrilla warfare and irregular and, of course, to the high terrain of the region کوهگلویه and Boyer-Ahmad have been quite dominant in practice be his Achaemenid imperial soldiers and only be local fighters had been Lor. So is quite acceptable that Arroyo berzan people LOR and his Achaemenid army was also.
But what has been the aim of berzan Arroyo? Have been focused on the defense of the reign of the Achaemenid طاغوتی? No not like this. Open from late Lor people so far are not racists and never taghot the King and the Crown of the Holy شاهیش do not have seen things that wish to do it hfzsh. Whenever to life and property and honor, and have میکرده shrfshan aggression disrespecting the uprising, as Kay lheras( That is the right heir berzan Arroyo) In front of the Pahlavi regime and the army Reza Khan stood out, so we can see that these are Greek and Achaemenid Iranian and Macedonian and…. Human dignity has not been raised, have been among the. But when the Muslims to attack the country, no قیامی by people not see Lor, because razor-sharp and nobles to Islam nor the people toiling شاهنشاهیان Lor. So to say that Arroyo berzan for vanity because the defense of the ideals of the Empire and … He has great resurrection we have جفای on the right. Berzan Arroyo to defend the victims of uprising بیگناهی Mans anger and resentment that were more of a msoobsh kind of the same emperors were seeking what یونانیش what kind of were هخامنشیش. At the time of the resurrection Corps, Arroyo was disintegrating berzan Achaemenid Shah srdaransh all were Ferrari, here's someone who makes the resurrection of تفکرش, ایدئولوژیش and all vary with them just because they like hmrahshan if he was escaping.. So you see something beyond the King worship and the worship of the common belief that soil ارتشیان and his host at the heart of her Empire and has coup.
It is very important that we define the identity of the protagonists of this properly, because if the correct definition is no longer there is no reason to order the destruction of some people give it. Because they are such recipes that make up the identity of the real purpose of this hero, and they fit نیفتاده and shnakhtshan Lor descent of he same false entries to pen bdstan royalist.. امید است که تمامی نویسندگان و پژوهندگان لر در زمینه های اینچنینی کم کاری نکنند و این قهرمانشان را بشکل صحیح به دیگران بشناسانند تا از این پس شاهد این نباشیم که عده ای سودجو اینچنین مغرضانه با تحریف و نوشتن تاریخ های من در آوردی از قهرمانان لر استفاده ابزاری کنند.
Made for all the nonsense that has been assembled, even a line is not rferns! With this situation as no surprise if the ancient ariobarzanes of Pontus from defenders of velayat-e Faqih imagine that on the way to ستمشاهی rule against revolution ideals fought doers
This of course is not a new tradition that whatever the date is not the country of these groups during the Islamic revolution and related to ستمشاهی. This method together with the trkystha end of their ambitious goals for obscenity analysis are some of them that are sought in the State and key posts سمتهای the Islamic system were welcome here, whatever the date of the country not to Bob tbashan the Pahlavi Pahlavi and apply the ratio and the groups By resorting to this method of شیادی with the Pahlavi dynasty of reformists; whatever it was only almost fifty years of monarchy in Iran if Iran and mrdmansh are thousands of years old
About the roots of the Dehkhoda dictionary of Lurs in mo'jam Al albldan come:
A group of اکراد in the mountains between Isfahan and Khuzestan and areas known and read them and Lorestan provinces and Lor Blad us say. Refer to these two words to be. (Mo'jam Al albldan )
The meaning of the word itself will also have no ethnic Iranian migration and these are said to be and all of these groups in the past, "old" said FRS
در زمینه ی ریشه اقوام ایرانی یک مقاله خوب در سایت آذرگشنسپ Available.
Shiel, Lady (Mary). Glimpses of Life and Manners in Persia. London: John Murray, 1856.
The PERSIAN TRIBES The tribes are divided into three races-Toorks, Leks and Arabs. The first are the invaders from Toorkistan, who, from time ‘immemorial, have established themselves in Persia, and who still preserve their language. The Leks form the clans of genuine Persian blood, such as the Loors, Bekhtiaris. To them might be added the Koords, as members of the Persian family; but their numbers in the dominions of the Shah are comparatively few, the greater part of that widely-spread people being attached to Turkey. Collectively the Koords are so numerous that they might be regarded as a nation divided into distinct tribes. Who are the Leks, and who are the Koords? This inquiry I cannot solve. I never met anyone in Persia, either eel or moolla, who could give the least elucidation of this question. All they could say was, that both these races were Foors e kadeem,-old Persians. They both speak dialects the greater part of which is Persian, bearing a strong resemblance to the colloquial language of the present day, divested of its large Arabic mixture. These dialects are not perfectly alike, though it is said that Leks and Koords are able to comprehend each other. One would be disposed to consider them as belonging to the same stock,. did they not both disavow the connection. A Lek will- admit that a Koord, like himself, is an “old Persian”(Foors-e-Qadim) but he denies that the families are identical, and a Koord views the question in the same light.
در اینجا گفته شده است که لکها، لرها، بختیاریها و کردها جزو پارسیان اصیل هستند و مردمان ایران (What is it، what is it، etc.) Make them “Ancient Force.” They knew, and these groups themselves considered themselves the old firs..
پروفسور دایوید مکنزی در اینباره می گوید:
David Mackenzie: “If we take a leap forward to the Arab conquest we find that the name Kurd has taken a new meaning becoming practically synonmous with ‘nomad’, if nothing more pejorative” D.N. Mackenzie, “The Origin of Kurdish”, Transactions of Philological Society, 1961, pp 68-86
Translate: If we look at the expansion of the Arab Empire about the era, we'll find that title with enable and nomad has a meaning.
So the author of the Lurs never as this article claims, popular with the people of Iran were separate from the roots. About history and descent ariobarzanes of Pontus on the part of the article by Prof. Alireza shapour shahbazi در سایت ایرانیکا چنین می خوانیم (نوشته های داخل قلاب در ترجمه از نویسنده این مقاله است ):
2. Son of the famous Artabazus and grandson of Pharnabazus, satrap of the Hellespontine Phrygia, and Apamā, (q.v.), daughter of Artaxerxes II (Arrian, Anabasis 3.18.3, 23.7 with [J.] Kaerst in Pauly-Wissowa, II, col. 883, no. 4; K. J. Beloch in Janus: Festschrift für Lehmann-Haupt, Vienna, 1921, pp. 8f.; H. Berve, Das Alexanderreich auf prosopographischer Grundlage, Munich, 1926, II, pp. 60, 82-83). Artabazus married (ca. 363 B.C.) a sister of the two mercenary commanders of Artaxerxes III, Memnon and Mentor of Rhodos (Diodorus 16.52.4; Q. Curtius 6.5.4, Plutarch, Alexander 21; Beloch, place. Cit.; A. Brunt in Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica 103, 1975, pp. 26f.), and she bore him ten daughters and eleven sons, among them Ariobarzanes (Diodorus, place. Cit.; Curtius 6.5.4 with Beloch, op. Cit., pp. 9f.; Berve, op. Cit., p. 60). They were educated in both Persian and Hellenic culture (Plutarch, place. Cit.; Beloch, place. Cit.; Berve, p. 60; F. Schachermeyer, Alexander der Grosse: das Problem seiner Persönlichkeit und seines Wirkens, Vienna, 1973, p. 133). They also spent several years at the court of Philip II of Macedonia, where Artabazus had taken refuge after falling out with Artaxerxes III in 352 B.C. (Diodorus, place. Cit; Curtius 5.9.1, 6.5.2), when Artabazus discovered Philip’s designs to invade Persia, he returned there with his family, was pardoned and enrolled among the closest companions of the Great King (Berve, pp. 83f.). His sons were given “the most distinguished commands in the armed forces” by Mentor, general of Artaxerxes on the coastal regions of Asia Minor (Diodorus, place. Cit.). Ariobarzanes then became governor of a part of Persis (Arrian, Anabasis 3.18.2, calls him “satrap” of Persis, but see below). His mother and an infant brother, Ilionus, were with the royal household at Damascus when Parmenion captured them just before the battle of Issus (Curtius 3.13.13; Berve, pp. 83f.).
آریو برزن، پسر ارتاباز و نوه ی فرناباز، ساتراپ فریگیه [بخشهایی از ترکیه کنونی که پیشتر یونانی نشین بود.م] And[نوه ی] Apama, the daughter of Artaxerxes II[Achaemenid shahnshah].
Artabaz with two mercenary Commander sister [The Greek Commander m. ] Artaxerxes married and this woman for her ten and eleven girl boy to the world that he was still including ariobarzanes of Pontus and the children with both the Iranian culture and their هلنیک were bred as well as many years in the Imperial Philip II of Macedon [Father of Alexander of Macedon. m] He has survived where the artabaz after the altercation with Artaxerxes III [Achaemenid shahnshah] There had been a refugee.
When artabaz was aware of the plan to attack Iran, Philip; [To Iran ]And as the closest followers of shahnshah income. His sons by the coastal section of the most prominent generals of Artaxerxes to the military were simple then ariobarzanes of Pontus as the pars District Governor(In the community” Satrap PARS”) Was deployed. Her little brother and her mother was associated with the Royal family when in Damascus were captured before the battle of Issus[The current interim Government in southern Turkey between Alexander and Darius the third Macedonian forces were ambushed by].
As (Of دیودوروس and Plutarch) در این مقاله ی ایرانیکا آمد، آریوبرزن نه فقط سردار سپاه هخامنشی بوده بلکه عنوان ساتراپی داشته و ریشه ی تبار او هم به خانواده ی شاهی می رسد.
Again, here is a sample of other The history of ancient Greece (PS 354)That this book is of a Professor of English Here is also specifically referred to align her ariobarzanes of Pontus
Drodber you
ShowTarnamai “The Louvre” It is a site of such nonsense is written about and too many objections from the Bakhtiari.. There are some suspicious entries and its time to leave written that the tasi NT Louvre with two. “And” Providing shared completely is pronounced Lor. Long live Iran
Greetings, the Louvre site data flow sequence the quest and Bakhtiari Lor chndesali Union by MI6 commissioning and aims of Iran is among the Lurs and decontamination bkhtiariha. By the way this author ainghder b. soadeh aoksinha nmidonh that idiot, kasiha and … Ariaiy tbarani are included in the basis of the Iranian civilization were investors. Aghaion good to know that the root of this site and the author of where is ashghalsh but because the history of Iran's damn good so has open SQL.
ShowWell, you are aware of that and bag you middle legs; the story micrdid has this problem to namusi
ShowThe so-called cultural degradation not converter . And if so, why, but such mediation on disturbed
? Though that is responsible for your involvement, you the psychotic suffered has made .
Of course, instead of shkrsh baghist, which according to you is, or else another camel in there
Build up; so it is best when built in Iran, and you have to allow infringements to Ann tsherif camel
, Also rides. . Because if instead of riding your own sculpture, ride n.,
Moaghai the person or persons they found the problem with the tail sculpture Ann, you can at the same
The moment of draordeh hearts and circles that you are afraid of Ann omadi, you prevent . That
In this case, a group of young یاسوجی, speak of the loop on this statue you
For the love of otantan and trying to maintain your land defence of national identity that
Arguably the broadcast images of the event on the Internet cause admiration and encouragement of other time
Your neighbors will also . Of course it is better instead of the sword of the arms or wand, or hot …
You can use . Why that combination you and camel, causes a face is and has always been karizmatik
Those are the eyes of the Iranians see the camaraderie, and may incur damage Jani
. . Though the mission you like processed animal kikurush jdatan, piambergonh, and
Surely if something for biaftad, in the book of small, religious cult, though, thank you
Woman will remember .
First to say that I'm a Bakhtiari… My mother and my father both plain white Ahl-e-Ahl-e-Suleiman mosque and Khan are also both born due to security issues, not the tail more info!!
Without a doubt, this Web site and the group are associated with the Pan. Literature and فکرشان notice!! To historical distortions and carefully! To the same “The Louvre” Note!!! I نشنیدم my life that friends and family even old grandmothers and grandfathers we pronounce “Lvorrrrrr” Take his!!! I do not know maybe the initial conditions of the “Identity quest (!!!)” To apply the letter “And” Well!! Germany and the chord and the Louvre now (With a “And” Also not! With two!!!!)
The times and the times I encounter with the Pan as soon as I'm trying to understand the camaraderie and Bakhtiari “Expressing sympathy” And I also tried their co-worker do!! This website is for me the same thing about well… A Bakhtiari Lor or some that are not (And if you are also a type of incontinence are his zeal!) The intention of this expression with the contents of the del to get loose and Bakhtiari Lor youth.
Of course, for those who are of Bakhtiari Lurs and Khuzestan and Lorestan and Kohgiluyeh & Boyer Ahmad province and Ilam, and do not need to add this news… Both Bakhtiari and Lurs also “Highly” Poverty and deprivation are kept like Afghanistan and Baluch. These people are not waiting to drawn unwarranted distress… I'm درکشان. If you are also seeking parsing again “Understanding”Sean I would (Note that there is a difference between being OK with the understanding!)
From the folks that oil and gas extraction پایشان from below, but “No” The same proportion of the gas and oil that have been extracted from beneath their feet waiting not friendship. Our oil and gas money to Tehran and Isfahan and Tabriz and orumieh and Shiraz can send and the factory and school and University and build amenities but we on the East of Khuzestan in the areas of oil and gas in the water from SKS caper of the piping and the same dirty water Just a few hours a day and have at our disposal!! Employment and a lesson that is better نگویم! The Jack also that side! “Leave” Are you on the دایورت “لر” S!
If you want a group analyzing the new quest has come in Iran and claims 3-4 To other provinces thought to be geared to a remedy!
ShowIt is true that the poor and the deprived provinces of لرنشین. But that have been deliberately kept back by no means not true. Why should it be? Urmia and Tabriz said yourself. If there is ethnic discrimination, how can that leave from the provinces are not stripped?, but the closest the Group Lurs English languages are must be denied? Incidentally, the same ethnic discrimination can dismiss. Refers to the East of Khuzestan, Kurdistan. The Pan-Arab فقری Arab areas say that there is no place in the Khuzestan dweller no longer exists . But the fact is that the eastern regions of the province and its لرنشین far the situation giving you worse. of course the Gulf cities like shushtar and the PA do better together. But this exclusion in many areas from the Gulf countries there are. Like Bushehr which is also one of the main areas of oil and gas is harvested. South of Kerman, Hormozgan, that perhaps the poorest region of the country there.. South Khorasan Province . The FARs and Sistan or Shi is forced towards the Baluchistan situation is not better and more recently the drying time with hamoun is declining.(But everywhere Iran deprivation just to say)If you don't believe you can call this series areas. If the chauvinism and fascism Fars and this is why things should be left in the country, including the provinces, unlike the richest are some areas from the Gulf so miserable?
ShowHello dear friends:
ShowLouvre mjaol tarangah btasegi article has been inserted that contains jaliati in k. Kabir.. And with the full gstachi ailami and k. ariaiy from Persian identity and he and then lying beneath the ravanshad d. have woven..
So what is this site to friends and their comments with the jaliat and droghprdaziha in the sperm of the choke.. And in their blogs and in their power to webs. against this trend bnoisand.
Because if today is a serious deal with these factors and not a lot of intrigue loft loft Division, however, is that in the near future as a result of small formation toward the homeland, mom. This ggstg the poor knowledge on abbaszadegan tazi racists don't date please of the tarangah that the Manager again, because in the past by bringing in different paschn they write against.
Many thanks
[…] Previous comments from a section of the report, one of the readers asked me to in relation to the article […]
ShowHello dear Admin stupid and ignorant about the endless arjmand . Of course, احمقی bodent and ignorant in the sense
Not that you really stupid; but in order for visitors to the imposition of the above Kenny
To yourself, and say احمقی zdy that you raised are also notified its ridiculous
The universe . And some said that the Germany Government and in key posts سمتهای
Welcome to here have Islamic .
The claim that the Islamic Republic's State administration ghirfars ادعائي Pan airanisti is purely to indicate
Some of the English sources – However, except for the number of fingers, some, almost none among the Turkish leaders, heads of Department and key positions and even a first degree and second degree national military and the Islamic Republic of Iran does not exist- Claims.: “More than half of the Government's supporters, in particular the leader take the helm and madrishan language but leave the competition and is one of the areas of the ahali azari zbanend”. (Citizen journal- When the beetles are words says – Mansour koushan). This dzainformation and droghin have been so effective that some of Torkan also being left the Islamic leader Hafez adai and ghirfars being the Government of Iran..
And while more than 95 percent of which is in the hands of the Government Cabinet, each has three branches farsha Iran is Persian, government economic policies of macro policies, such as the word ايران٬ and security culture and national identity in the Gulf country, the dominance of ethnic آن٬ exclusively and 90 percent of public companies in addition to the areas From webcams located.
In addition to the leader of the Gulf and the Khorasani, all the members of the Supreme National Security Council, the leadership of Iraq, commanders of the revolutionary guards, the Basij, consist of the army and police forces, and an absolute majority of the members of the Assembly service, the Guardian Council, the expediency Council, the Executive Council, heads of the three parliamentary, legislative and judiciary, the President of the The President, the members of the Board of Ministers, especially the country's key ministries, Foreign Affairs, information, education and …. Nmeindgihai ambassadors abroad, radio and television, of the Supreme Council of the cultural revolution, in various languages, art, frhangstan …., Cultural heritage organization, the Presidents of universities, the Revolutionary Court, the Special Court of clergy, seminaries, …. All fares are.
The Constitution of Iran purely to Persian language and Persian language written into the joint and exclusively official has declared, in this Act only from the Gulf nation and the language he named kuchktrin and zkari from other Nations in Iran that majority of the people of Iran, and with the established names in the Their national rights, it has been officially denied
All official documents of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of the publication to print the ID card and passport and Bank solely to Gulf people's language. English language is the only language allowed in the educational system from kindergarten to universities, and kudakha in the field of military and political institutions, administrative and economic and artistic, and scientific media and the Islamic Republic of Iran is.
In the Islamic Republic of Iran is the only official religion, the religion of the Persian and the leaders and Presidents Emami and … Among the believers of this religion only Farsi are selected.
The foreign policy of Iran's Government, solely on the basis of the national interests of the Gulf people and national interests of the two peoples, especially against Arabs residing in Iran and left the Mainland..
The official interpretation of the history of the State and the identity of the people living in Iran, Fars and qumitgraian interpretation is based on history and afrati identity of the Gulf nation is….
Iran economy rtoric trkhast: In the background is also economical situation. Even if the basic qumitgraian b. afrati claims, all the traditional market of Iran Islamic Republic.- It is not that- Macro-economic policies the Government of Iran in any field by تركها٬ reach what's taking the people's interests, for example, to leave or have left the areas of bomb Iran- Not determined.
اقتصادي٬ classification of the area of the country and borders to carry out classification up to the extraction of oil from Saudi Arabia to Iran, sources of زيرزميني٬ finans relations and banking and insurance and investment companies, and leaders of the پولي٬ خارجي٬ of their crime, such as the railway between المللي٬ – بنادر٬ broadcasting and ….. Of customs and free zones to export and import policies of the agricultural policies has kargeri issues and grinders and non-oil products and services and khridehay military and arms and nojoomi … All of these by the Gulf with national mansobit borookrathai (All of Kerman, Mashhad square-Isfahan-Tehran) Determination and study of the decisions of the United Nations, and no ghirfars between Iranian and Islamic – What is the national identity with itself and reach by taking the national interests of your group- Does not have a presence in these areas.
Therefore, the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran, even with the existence of some handful of the basic ghirfars in which Don statesman- That you also update the day they will be less, in terms of their national identity and orientation, the Gulf State is khalesa. ايران٬ macro siastgozari in tain and the Government does not have the presence of non-no webcams. And if people are attributed to mlithai ghirfars in the category of top Islamic are also all in the realm of the Executive, and not in the realm of security and national identity, establishing siastgozari and Sani, encyclopedias, and their condition and denying Arabic and Turkish identity nafi and kardi and as hoiti There are national.
According to the nationality issue available in Iran, this person does not have the personality or. What is nationality of this review and that person is not a personality. The official policy of the Government of Iran on the issue about the colonial ideology, Fars, ariapersti, axial, Arya Persian and Iranian people. Now from the Arab and Iranian Fars and Mazandaran, and crack and and tberi and LOR and… Can that be zdansani and artjaai thought the protectors organization. What is this thought, criticism, not their owners and melitshan. Different mother tongue and the language of this important Government نيست٬ mercenaries of the Constitution and the interests of the national language as the diagnosis of nzamsh they accept racism, colonialism and the English fascism in Iran is the main problem, the type of pan-Islamic, or آريائي and airanisti and kargeri and kmonist party of the fara khahani Mesa Les is. Leave the language of power and amelh being the most important نيست٬ important national policy regimes, not the State, establishing that it is renouncing its mercenary and amelh language and سياست٬ in Iran it is simply racism, colonialism and نئوفاشيسم and آريائي that in addition to many Iranians and some unconscious or فارس٬ and lmpan Khodfarukhth of crack and and also in the service of Arab and avind Lor.
The Iranian Government on the basis of the national آريائي and 14 shonism in Persian, taken shape for advancement and implementation of many of the sights of this human anti-Iranian policies attributed to the same mlithai Ghorbani and asimilh as amelh and also used a penis. In the final analysis, all amelh and Arab and Turkish agents and LOR and Mazandaran and mazani and Baluch and,.. The two purposes of the racist regime and of اسلامي٬ fashist and nut system and 14 English آريائي and fascism that English word even back later everything because, also, is not. People attributed to the Iranian mlithai ghirfars shonisti and دولتي٬ in the service of the device, that if rasiti, such as guards and …. Are all low-rank racist policies and have asimilationist Ghorbani. And if you are in the top category, such as خلخالي٬ and Mousavi ardebili and ….. Hack my partner and shonism آريائي racism and crime and the United Nations, Iranian authorities have policies against this.
Despite the existence of the people of the Iranian nation in the United Nations ghirfars رژيم٬ none of the Iranian and Arab people, particularly the two left and as a group of ملي٬ rasisti and shonisti policies of the State in which they are supposed to charge the ندارند٬ chair why the main objective of this are amohaa and denial policies. But the Gulf as a folk group ملي٬ of rasisti and shonisti of the Government policies launched in the name of race, culture and languages and Persian identity and implementation of a ميشود٬ line and the silence continues to satisfy its partner and officials of this State will be counted: fashisti.
ShowSo b is both the FARs Zanjani.
ShowNot bad to make yourself a doctor psychologist introduced Kenny.
ShowWe نفهمیدیم you have logical and sanity and ethnocentric is not why you hated all ethnic groups were opposed to Germany, if only we were told you were the problem of ours but when held in Kurdistan or the head lately, you are with handgrip Lor implies should be The roots of this blood is your wrong behavior.
ShowFor example, the Kurds with you so khoband?
Show[…] Ariobarzanes of Pontus is mentioned, I picked up the following sites identically ariobarzanes of Pontus and Persian chauvinism | Tarangar just like کردا of tomorrow 60 Is not a primitive form of the year off after […]
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