Pursuant to the strategic decisions of the Youth Corps, a group of یاسوجی, set up with a ring on the statue to show their opposition to national identity and history of the سرزمینمان defense that broadcast images of the event on the Internet cause admiration and encouragement was risking other shorbaktane group is probably rocking View the empathy of Iranians and other political goals they pursue, and the new roof on nenshsth idle ariobarzanes of Pontus that much hostility during both the revolutionary and the infamous ستمشاهی, voted out
Unfortunately, the Internet site "LOR" or "lower" هرازگاهی قومگرایانه articles published with the release More about the history and identity of the distorted ariobarzanes of PontusShowed that in the present situation the subject of counterfeiting and falsification should be limited to purely ethnic groups, Pan-Pan trkyst pantrkyst or کردیستها *
This should consider that fashion نورسیده ethnicism trkystha with At least eighty-year history of counterfeiting on And by taking charge of the State and the vast facilities benefiting from all the ظرفیتها and نیروهایشان gutter, finally turned to the subject of toys and Internet media clown; the group that it is Petro وجعلیات Baku the Governments of Ankara and Tel Aviv; of course we and Bakhtiari Lor compatriots including Most are Iranian groups of Patriot and publication of historical fakes like what comes in the wake of the danger cannot be realized, our territorial integrity and national identity of the Lurs of this district, but due to the incapability of the ruling system of the برکشور and the dark era that has come to his usher, this part of the The Rangers also have integrated and robust as sangari of ایراندوستان on the way Iran does, and therefore their operating any schism should be sooner from the roots خشکانده