Tag: For the prophet Jonah

For the parent of the Prophet gpeto

The father of the gpeto in the belly of the fish.

The father of the gpeto in the belly of the fish.

If you have the impression that a human being cannot be for decades in the belly of a fish, because fish belly basically lives rather than living; or if you imagine one thousand two hundred-year-old Imam cannot be well and if someone tell that amamsh in the well and He is also the representative of the Imam is absent, or stupid, or a charlatan or both; you'll probably still lose mshaertan ندادید aghltan is the head and surrounds. And this is the wisdom of noise surrounds you, you become a security threat to the leaders of the Islamic Republic.

Recently a person in Iran were executed merely because the complainant is not the father of the prophet Jonah was in the belly of the fish gpeto live. من هم تصور می کنم حضرت یونس پدر ژپتو نباشد؛ بلکه پدرژپتو داستان پینوکیو بسیار بهتر و جذاب تر از حضرت یونس شخصیت پردازی شده بود و قابل تحمل تر بود.

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