Tag: Proving the existence of God

Counterfeiting and falsification of the theory of evolution and Darwin about the existence of God

Only when human barbarism that will release the faith abandoned the nonsense. --Voltaire

Only when human barbarism that will release the faith abandoned the nonsense. –Voltaire

Some kinds of lies from other types of خوشایندترند. A lie is a pleasant time that our understanding of the world or our world view To approve the.

Humans did not evolve to see facts; who have evolved to survive and if understanding the truth of tmarz, a way to show there is no truth to them. با اینحال برای گروهی که شجاعت کافی برای پذیرفتن حقایق دارند یا دستکم به دنبال پاسخ های منطقی برای پرسشهایشان هستند باید کورسویی از روشنایی در عمق ظلمت باقی بماند؛ اینها تنها دلیلی است که این پست را منتشر می کنم.

Whether we believe or not, there we find something purely because we have an interest in the existence or lack thereof of a variety of Cognitive errors (Cognitive Bias) The incorrect nature of the argument to read it!

In the past few years the group with the name of the fight against heresy and rejected the application to span ملحدین On social networks And were active on Wikipedia (Possibly with financial support of the Iranian Government) And repeatedly to counterfeiting, falsification, or logical mghaltat *. These posts as facts and to keep the faith and those who struggle with atheism to be released and on other sites like The highest website Also send.

فارغ از اینکه چه عقیده ای داشته باشیم؛ بی دین یا دیندار، با خدا یا بی خدا باشیم، باید بدانیم این مطالب تحریف شده است و برخی از این تحریفات هم پیچیده است و موضوعات اساسی را در بر می گیرد.

Despite the fact that I have very limited time on the Internet, I decided to list some of these lies with their incorrect reasons so that they are available to Persian-speaking readers from Google Search, because the number of these articles is increasing, and the more you become familiar with the methods of forging these contents, the more difficult it becomes for the criminals to continue this process.

Logic Mulla صدیقین errors in the argument proving the existence of God

I have all the argument proving the existence of God reviews and got none of them valid in terms of the logical نیافتم. – Bertrand Russell (Minutes 9.:00 here Or here)

What we need is the will for not having faith; the will to search that is perfectly in order to the contrary it is. –Bertrand Russell

Three years ago that the story about the logical argument errors صدیقین Avicenna wrote the story about friendship, the logic Mulla صدیقین argument errors, and write this entry I prepared at the earliest opportunity. What happened in the wake of being repeatedly attacked by the Internet site, and later also the promise was forgotten almost. Nevertheless, by the delayed this post about the logical argument proving the existence of God by errors of Mulla sadra write.

The reasons for 50 tons of the most prominent scientists in the world who do not believe in the existence of God or religion properly

Long Ernest Hemingway said:: All thinkers are godless! Even if the idea of Hemingway's indulgence, therefore must accept that even sectors are godless. Almost all of the winners of the Nobel Prize and the greater part of the world's most prominent scientists and thinkers are skeptical of the existence of God and this is even before it is provided to the existence of prophets, Angels, or demons, or ajanh, an imam and a few hundred thousand years have believed the absent. Knowing the importance of this issue is such that the دیدگاههایی in Iran or other Islamic societies like Saudi Arabia deal with security and even face the death penalty would be. Therefore, when faced with such charges (Like the death penalty for Insult to the father of the gpeto) You must know what the extent of cognitive science and uncertainty we face:

The argument proving the existence of God is logically errors

The trouble with most people is that they think with their hopes or fears or wishes rather than with their minds. – Will Durant

ایراد بیشتر مردم این است که بجای مغزهایشان با آرزوها، یا ترس ها، یا امیدهایشان فکر می کنند.

Irrationally held truths may be more harmful than reasoned errors. – Thomas Huxley

Wireless logic to believe a truth زیانبارتر of belief is wrong, that it to believe the argument..

Errors in the صدیقین argument Avicenna proving the existence of God

Ibn Sina. The image is in the public realm.

Ibn Sina. The image is in the public realm.

Avicenna as the greatest scientist on Iran and on the Middle East products.. In addition to that of the Islamic world, as he learned to be the foremost philosopher. The encyclopedia of philosophy of the University of Tennessee Avicenna's most prominent philosopher of the world before modern times introduced.

Metaphysics (Metaphysics) Ibn Sina is one of the most comprehensive and most detailed in the whole history of philosophy is that although your components from the platonic philosophy, Aristotle considered the new uflsfah but finally something that made him seek his essence and He has no prior record.

Ibn Sina to the existence of God as pure intellect (pure intellect) Believed and that he will have to prove the existence of God Borhani presenting in the next period of interest to philosophers such as Thomas was اکوآینس. This argument along with the Canterbury ansam argument (The argument anslm) Of the most interesting and probably effective samples in the middle ages is.

God did not believe in the existence of Einstein told

لغت خدا برای من چیزی بیش از بیان و محصول نقص بشر نیست. انجیل مجموعه ای است محترم اما بدوی از قصه هایی که به هر حال کودکانه هستند. هیچ تفسیری -- تفاوتی ندارد هر اندازه که هوشمندانه باشد -- این واقعیت را تغییر نمی دهد. - آلبرت اینیشتین. (تصویر در قلمرو عمومی است.)

The word God is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human imperfection is not. The Bible is a collection of stories that are primitive but respected anyway are childish. No interpretation — No the difference of any size that is clever — This does not change the fact. – Albert اینیشتین. (The image in the public realm.)

A week ago, the House had invited a friend to dinner. After entering the party and the usual compliments, he suddenly asked me if I believed in the existence of God. It was a strange question to start the conversation after greeting, but I tried to explain to him without insulting the host's beliefs that his seemingly simple question could have not so simple answers.

The word of God in the past has always been the same and do not have the same concept, and today there are numerous meanings. The gods of Babylon the same Assyrian gods people, were Egyptian or Sumerian. (In many cases, these gods are not even like each other either.) The God of the old testament Jews the same Greek or Roman gods has no properties. God is the same God of the Muslims in (Or the words of the gods) Offline. The God of gods, the God of Aristotle and Socrates were different. Spinoza and Voltaire and Descartes were still the same God. Even though all the gods in a way are subject to the same concept of God; I believe the existence of any of these gods have inevitably compared to the rest, I am a Pagan God forms and no one can not claim that all of this is the belief of the gods. Acceptance of each of these negates another, so the answer to this question is not easy. But my friend insisted that the force be everything in the world exists and that it is called the power of God and to prove this idea also claims that all the scientists are aware of the existence of the. When asked, for example, one of the scientists that such وقوفی is the name of several Hadith and destroy such PHI alfor; make of Einstein, a famous physicist, about the importance of the existence of God and believe me it will list. The work that the Hadith, I saw better discuss the issue of the proof of the presence or absence of God dstpkht I change my مهماننوازی landlord and delicious.

"Is there a God?" Steven Hawking

Professor Stephen Hawking

Professor Stephen Hawking

Whether there is a God and God is creator of the world? The answer to this question, what do we find?

In most communities, the general answer to this question is the same. People around the world all the time to have a kind of God to believe; though the same understanding of the societies of any concept of God does not exist.

In our country, in addition to being a belief in the existence of God is accepted as a principle, (Like most other communities)؛ اعتقاد به حقانیت نمایندگان خدا که پیامبران باشند و از سوی او به رسالت برگزیده شده اند؛ اعتقاد به رسالت امامان شیعه که نسل اندر نسل جانشینان پیامبر اسلام هستند و اعتقاد به حقانیت روحانیون و ولایت فقیه که جانشین و نایب امامان هستند هم برای ورود به عرصه های سیاسی و اجتماعی لازم دانسته می شود و در همه موارد موجودیت خدا به عنوان یک اصل غیر قابل انکار مورد تایید جامعه، مقدمه ای است برای پذیرش دیگر اصولی که نظامات سیاسی و اقتصادی بر پایه ی آن استوار شده است.

In the United States, 83 percent of the people believe in the existence of God; the figure among American scientists about 33 dersdo among the most prominent scientists who arrive to join the National Academy is far less, about seven percent of the total population, and of about five and a half percent among biologists is. With all of these are the only two percent of the American population, religion, their God or they introduce ndanmegra.

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