Tag: Hawking the existence of God

"Is there a God?" Steven Hawking

Professor Stephen Hawking

Professor Stephen Hawking

Whether there is a God and God is creator of the world? The answer to this question, what do we find?

In most communities, the general answer to this question is the same. People around the world all the time to have a kind of God to believe; though the same understanding of the societies of any concept of God does not exist.

In our country, in addition to being a belief in the existence of God is accepted as a principle, (Like most other communities)؛ اعتقاد به حقانیت نمایندگان خدا که پیامبران باشند و از سوی او به رسالت برگزیده شده اند؛ اعتقاد به رسالت امامان شیعه که نسل اندر نسل جانشینان پیامبر اسلام هستند و اعتقاد به حقانیت روحانیون و ولایت فقیه که جانشین و نایب امامان هستند هم برای ورود به عرصه های سیاسی و اجتماعی لازم دانسته می شود و در همه موارد موجودیت خدا به عنوان یک اصل غیر قابل انکار مورد تایید جامعه، مقدمه ای است برای پذیرش دیگر اصولی که نظامات سیاسی و اقتصادی بر پایه ی آن استوار شده است.

In the United States, 83 percent of the people believe in the existence of God; the figure among American scientists about 33 dersdo among the most prominent scientists who arrive to join the National Academy is far less, about seven percent of the total population, and of about five and a half percent among biologists is. With all of these are the only two percent of the American population, religion, their God or they introduce ndanmegra.

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