Cyrus, Darius or gheyas which the settlements lying;

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Darius the King says:"God willing, I wanted to chninam that I love and the truth of the lie, and رویگردانم of AHURA Mazda to his country from the enemy's lies, and bad years (Famine) Untouchable?.
But recently, Reza Moradi gheyas, Sultan of the Biker's world, holder of a doctorate degree from the ناکجا and Dog friendly courtesy of frahan (This is the last of herself) Discoverer of the Darius the King brought into operation or perfectly, k. (Maybe both) Since they were liars and so today someone of fear not dare to patriotic Cyrus reveal دروغهایشان, Ella اخترِ the same field of archeology, Reza Moradi-Abadi gheyas! شاید اصلا بخاطر همین دروغگویی داریوش باشد که خدا هم این دعایش را به هیچ گرفته و ما را گیر دروغگویان بی شرمی امثال احمدی نژادها در عرصه سیاست وغیاث آبادی ها در عرصه فرهنگ انداخته.


Cyrus in the third to nineteenth lines of the Charter claims that the people of Babylon do not want to go to Babylon. (King of Babylon) They were discontented, and considered him a king who had brought sorrow, hardship of livelihood, suffering, and death to his people.. Cyrus says that the people of Babylon asked the Great God to find a good king for them, and the great God found Cyrus and supported him to become king of Babylon, after he had searched the world.. Then all the people rejoiced in the kingdom of Cyrus, who was true and just, and who saved them from sorrow and death..

In paragraph 16, Darius reports from the first column of the Inscription of Bisotun that a person named Nedin Tobel, who introduced himself as the son of Nebonid, rose up and became king of Babylon with the support of all the people.. A few months later, in Ward 14 of the Third Column, Darius reports again that another person, Argha, who introduced himself as a son, rose up and became king of Babylon with the support of all the people.. Both uprisings were suppressed by Darius.

Now the question is, how is the contradiction between Cyrus and Darius' reports resolved? If people are unhappy and want to be Cyrus, how can two people not be found by claiming their own attribution to them? (That Ali al-Qaeda must be hated)Gaining such popular popularity and gaining a king.. Nineteen years later, many of the people of Babylon remembered the Kingdom of Nbvnyd and the Cyrus Kingdom.. If Darius's statement is correct, it shows that he was so popular that people who called themselves his son for the support of the people.

The Gospel of the Covenant concludes this way.:

The answer to this contradiction can be solved in three ways.: 1.- He has made a false claim to justify his attack on Babylon.. 2.- The Psalmist says that they are not the ones who are the ones who are not. 3.- Both are right.. The people of Babylon were really unhappy with Nabonid, but after gaining the experience of the government and Cyrus' behavior, they realize that he was better and more tolerable than he and the other Achaemenids, despite all his flaws.. The king of his descendants preferred him over the Achaemenids.. I don't think the fourth answer to this contradiction seems to me..

Ghias Abadi argues that because Cyrus has said that people were unhappy and Darius elsewhere has stated that someone has risen up claiming to be affiliated with Nebonid, so inevitably there is a contradiction between Cyrus' claim that he is not unpopular, and Darius who speaks of rebellion of someone or those with his name, and he offers solutions to this contradiction..

A brief introduction to the history of Iran or the world is enough to know that the reign of the old kings is not necessarily based on their popularity or unpopularity.. The kings were given the right of kings by descent or by association with the previous kings, and they were accepted into kings.. In some societies such as Egypt, kings descended from Gods, in societies such as ancient Persia, Farra had a Yazidi, and in Mesopotamia represented the gods, in any case, those who deserved to be kings of the descendants of kings were descendants of kings.. Even if a new dynasty came to power, it would somehow try to connect itself with the old kings.. The claim that the declaration of dependence on Nabonid indicates his popularity or Cyrus' oppression during his reign, is like claiming that the Iranian people loved Mohammad Ali Shah Qajar so much that after his expulsion, they chose his son Ahmad Shah to be king or Nader Shah was the friend of Shah Tahmasp II, who after the fall of his son to the throne or Shirviyeh, son of Khosrow Parviz, because of his father's popularity to the throne. Receipt. In none of these cases, the popularity of the former king is not the cause of his son's kingdom, but the attribution to the royal family and the blood of the king who makes him worthy of kingship.. In connection with the fact that someone has rebelled with his name does not necessarily indicate his popularity, and this argument is necessarily false..

Mr. Ghiasabadi has recently made other claims, including:

1- There is ample evidence of violence, looting, and the femininity of Cyrus the Great, which is associated with the rape of countries, the destruction of civilizations, the trafficking of slaves and the sexual exploitation of innocent girls..

2- Koreshi, which is formed by the initial inductions of British colonists and secondary induction of Cyrus sellers in the minds of some people, such as a fake imamzadeh, is only in the realm of dreaming, self-deception and demagoguery and has no relation to the real Cyrus.

3- This colonial program is designed to exploit and sacrifice the Iranian youth for the purposes of the colonists and to dislodge him from well to well.. Because they know that the Iranian youth can no longer be sent to war with old tricks and according to religion and gave him the club.. Future wars will be shaped by Aryan and Turkic and Arab conflicts, and the divisive and hateful programs between the Iranian people and the people of the region will be carried out in order to lay the groundwork for this purpose..

4- Colonialism is not always associated with colonialism.. It is sometimes used as a destructive ingredient to alleviate pain, disabilities and ineptitudes. Similar to what some people expect from the Forefathers..

5- Those who wear the Cyrus stone on their breasts, despite the invitation of the author and according to his constant objections and slanders, could not introduce a single historical source contrary to what the author had written.. They were not able to find the sources that the author had asked for and kept silent..

6- They will not hesitate to speak to them and they will not be able to do so without doubt.. But when they hear a disagreement, they do not hesitate to hesitate in their sources.. They see sources as biased, invalid, antagonistic, wrong in translation, distortions in the text, and so on, and use all kinds of latitudes and tricks to keep their heads or their disciples' heads under the snow for a while longer..

7- The Gospel of Prophecy is a great source of truth to be revealed. (and sometimes even revealing his real name.) They are afraid of the truth, and they will answer every question, and they will be questioned by the Witnesses.. During this time, they were able to organize fake Facebook pages, fake content, and swearing at the author on their own sites and blogs.. The fear of revealing the facts is either from those who see their downstairs shop on the verge of being closed down or by those who consider enlightened words "the drinking water of the present.".

8- Regardless, the author believes that pride in the past and learning from history is only possible with regard to true facts.. The honors of Iran's culture and civilization are more than the need to distort the facts.. Those who are in love with the walls of our ancestral village, or those who turn the walls of our village white out of unwarranted fascination, are not servants of the homeland.. The walls of our ancestors' memories are not as lovely as they are.. with the same half-walled walls, the same dried and fresh budding trees, the same streets full of flowers, the same goats smelling of turd, and the same scent of rained thatch, the sweetest smell in the world.

This gossip is not the smallest of the Arabs Reza Moradi Ghiasabadi I write these lines simply because the Ghiasabadi Nonsense is published on the Internet with the name of expert expert expert in history who actually has no expertise. The Psalmist says, "Blessed is the Lord of hosts, and of all things that are in the heavens and the earth, and the things that are in the heavens and the earth, and the things that are in the heavens and the earth, and the things that are in the heavens and the earth.". But criticism is different from nonsense and lying, and history has methods like other sciences..

For those who may not be aware, I write only to the extent that the writings of Herodotus or Plutarch, or the translation of Assyrian and Sumerian inscriptions, or the ancient histories that are first hand sources, are worth more than his Ph.D. degree in astronomy and are worth only when they come out of a prestigious academic authority.. Mr. Ghiasabadi, if he claims any of the above cases, should quote a full professor at a prestigious university in recent times to confirm each of his claims. .(Like those who had added to Cyrus' charter article) Or he can write an article on each of the above and publish it in a specialized journal and ask a few professors to endorse his article.. The era of foreign conspiracy theory is over; Mr. Ghiasabadi knows very well that none of his claims have scientific value, but he also knows that the general public does not know them..

The Psalmist speaks of you as a Savior. In A separate post. I reply..

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5 Reply to Cyrus, Darius or gheyas which the settlements lying;

  • […] So Ghias Abadi has several paths before him, or as I wrote in the previous post, the current issue and such claims that only he himself discovered […]

  • […] Ghias Abadi argues that because Cyrus has said that people were unhappy and Darius elsewhere has stated that someone has risen up claiming to be affiliated with Nebonid, so inevitably there is a contradiction between Cyrus' claim that he is not unpopular, and Darius who speaks of rebellion of someone or those with his name, and he offers solutions to this contradiction.. The kings were given the right of kings by descent or by association with the previous kings, and they were accepted into kings.. In some societies such as Egypt, kings descended from Gods, in societies such as ancient Persia, Farra had a Yazidi, and in Mesopotamia represented the gods, in any case, those who deserved to be kings of the descendants of kings were descendants of kings.. Even if a new dynasty came to power, it would somehow try to connect itself with the old kings.. The claim that the declaration of dependence on Nabonid indicates his popularity or Cyrus' oppression during his reign, is like claiming that the Iranian people loved Mohammad Ali Shah Qajar so much that after his expulsion, they chose his son Ahmad Shah to be king or Nader Shah was the friend of Shah Tahmasp II, who after the fall of his son to the throne or Shirviyeh, son of Khosrow Parviz, because of his father's popularity to the throne. Receipt. In none of these cases, the popularity of the former king is not the cause of his son's kingdom, but the attribution to the royal family and the blood of the king who makes him worthy of kingship.. In connection with the fact that someone has rebelled with his name does not necessarily indicate his popularity, and this argument is necessarily false..…%afی.html […]

  • Let's stop being a saint, brother.. The Gospel has a few thoughts here..
    If you are a prophet or a prophet, or a priest or a priest, or a priest of God? You don't accuse them of bigotry, bigotry, and so on.>؟ That's right.. That's it.. This is how you and I are dealing with the Gospel or the Gospel of Revelation.. Worse. We are the ones who claim to be thinking and rationalizing.. They are clear to them. “Faith and Peace.” Cyrus is an open source for us, but the old and great Iran is not limited to one person, which if it is assumed that a person of legend turns out to be all our historical and identity values will be destroyed and become rootless and anonymous ( Like some of the bad guys around us.). The other side of his face and the reaction to it is the anti-Cyrus.. The same holy treatment of Cyrus' personality has caused hostility and malevolent conflicts to all focus on Cyrus. Some people think that by taking Cyrus from this they have destroyed all of Iran.. String Panda Pooch. Iran without Cyrus still has greats and that we do not need to propagate and build heroes and identities and history like some new rootless nations that … You know better and you know Sean.….
    Wolves are ambushed.We do not give Iran researches self-text. Ghiasabadi has not been of little service to Iran research.. We may be completely unhappy with some of his views, but if there is a critique with culture and education and without any profanity and obscene reminders to answer..
    … If you are a bad person, then you are different.(Rumi)
    Seeking to be a Savior and Savior of all things, and to the Apostles and the Apostles, and to the Apostles and the Apostles..

    • admin Said:

      Hello dear friend. I am not a good person, nor a fool.. Nothing in the world is so sacred that it cannot be criticized or speculated, as you say..

      But speculation and hypothesis have tools that differ from certainty..

      Every reason. There are only three of them, except for the first one.. And here is Cyrus's inscription and the inscription of Bistoon Darius, evidence of Mr. Ghiasabadi.. The second is the assumption that this section, "If Darius's words are true, it shows that you should not be so popular that those who have called themselves his son for the support of the people." The assumption of Mr. Ghias Abadi is of course a false assumption and the third is the conclusion that Ghiasabadi wrote its results in three parts.. Any argument to be true must come to the conclusion of the evidence only. This means that there is no other way you don't get the evidence you provide.. Otherwise، your argument is one of the fallacies..

      There are other kinds of logical arguments. Strengthening Weakening Arguments(In Farsi, there must be technical equivalents that I don't know.) In this case, you are not proving anything based on your evidence, and the collection of evidence and assumptions can reinforce or weaken your suspicion.. Here, as you say, we speculate, but like Mr. Ghiasabadi, we do not give a historical verdict and a decisive verdict, and we do not prove anything because we used another tool from the beginning, we have no intention of doing so.. Therefore, instead of limiting his conclusions to only three cases, Mr. Ghiasabadi could make a hypothesis and use the words of uncertainty such as "possible" or "maybe" or "probably," in which case there was no problem, but this writing in the current form, as I wrote in this post, like many of its other contents, is fallacious and has logical problems..

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