Today 76 Many of the representatives of the United States Senate in a letter to Obama Calls for intensified sanctions On the economy of Iran. That letter before the Senate summer vacation will be sent, meaning that Congress approved new sanctions two days ago in the country's House of representatives passed the Senate and was in need of confirmation. New sanctions on Iran and almost all foreign trade target oil exports to Iran's oil earning virtually zero.
Economic sanctions — In accordance with the international rules, Collective punishment and war crimes are considered to be — Merely the everyday life and the comfort of the people has not affected and in some cases even led to the death of Iranian citizens. Sanctions along with the inefficiency and the incapability of internal managers, cost of living and treatment in Iran for srsam collection has increased to the point that many Iranians of providing supplies and their basic needs bazmandend. These sanctions can be applied in fields that have no logical connection with Iran's nuclear program, but not a heavy pressure on the ordinary people. The aim of the sanctions applied, in addition to stop Iran's nuclear program, increasing public dissatisfaction and prevent Iranian investments in the field are Americans and Israelis do not their partners '.
Designers and sanctions defenders claim that because Iran's nuclear threat is urgent to prevent nuclear war and the Iran sanctions is necessary even if at the expense of the lives of all people بیگناهی. However, the history of Iran's nuclear program is shown in the last few decades, played an important role in the political advertising of the West game. Every time that the missile shield was necessary for the Western Russian missiles to the Iranian threat; installation.. If in the wake of the sale of weapons; Iran's nuclear program to the name and if you need to stop the peace process between Israel and the Palestinians were still pulled to the Iran threat.
Christian Science Monitor Iranian calendars from this immediate threat from Iran's nuclear program has been prepared, which its original version in English (Relating to the year 2011) Make Here you can see:
Years 1984 (That is, almost thirty years ago) When the unfinished Bushehr facility engineers visited West Germany; moved to West Germany was told of information resources that build the atomic bomb Iran in the final stages it is. The same year Sen. Alan کرنستون claimed that Iran seven years to build the bombs away.
Years 1992 The representative of Parliament of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, addressed to other representatives said that Iran was three to five years to reach the point of making a bomb threat and this distance shall be governed by the international community led by the United States be removed from among the. In the same year, Shimon Peres, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Israel, a French television channel said that Iran is determined, in 1999 Nuclear warhead (Nuclear warhead with the atomic bomb are different and it is a more advanced stage) In the mind.. Perez said: Iran is the biggest threat and the biggest danger in the Middle East. At the beginning of the same year, Republicans in the House of Representatives Committee claimed with 98 Percent sure could tell, that Iran has all the components to build the atomic bomb two or three holds. The same year, the head of the CIA, Robert Gates, announced that Iran's nuclear program 5 Years or less will be a big problem. However, the series documents the CIA related to the Decade, 90 That was disclosed later, a reference to Iran.
Years 1995 The New York Times disclosed that American officials and Israeli view of Iran, much of what was thought earlier, to build a nuclear weapon, and Iran's nuclear program is more closely in the top of the list are security problems. The report claims that its nuclear program since Iran 1987 Acceleration and some former Soviet scientists to serve.
Years 1998 The New York Times reported that the Iranian missile tests a nuclear weapon had to get because no missile with range 800 Conventional weapons are not used for mile range. The same year, us Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, to Congress reported that Iran could be within the 5 Continental ballistic make climbing year that they target us soil. The CIA this time 12 Of the year announced.
Years 2002 The CIA announced that Iranian nuclear missile threat and North Korea of missiles during the cold war is more. A CIA officer to the U.S. Senate reported that Iran's missile program than earlier thought is more advanced. The same year, u.s. President George w. Bush, reads part of the axis of evil of Iran. The same year, the MKO reported that Iran is building in Arak heavy water plant is. Israel is said to be in possession of that information, the agencies. Iran claimed that the reactor is used for صلحجویانه is under construction.
Years 2004 Colin Powell, Secretary of State, told reporters that Iran is seeking to mount a nuclear warhead on the atom bomb is. We talk about the circumstances that they have not only rockets but are looking for a way that they will ride together on the rubber.
Years 2005 The U.S. report thousands of pages that they said had come from a laptop obtained Iranian and were told by information about testing a powerful explosive and a nuclear warhead can provide. The report by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the American was denied.
Years 2006 Seymour Hersh of the New York Times quoted u.s. Government sources, reported that the military attack on Iran is indispensable and the programs for the use of tactical nuclear weapons by the U.S. Army to destroy underground Iranian پناهگاههای there.
Years 2007 U.s. President George w. Bush warned that a nuclear Iran could lead to World War III. A month later the document was disclosed u.s. intelligence series that make up Iran's nuclear program, saying in his autumn years 2003 Terminated. This report comments 16 U.s. intelligence agencies have reflected. Iran's President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, it is a victory for Iran, read.
Years 2009 John Bolton us Ambassador to the United Nations predicted that the US before January 2009, before the next President come to the White House, will attack Iran. In the same year, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee announced: No sign that Iran's leaders decided to build a bomb have been.
August 2010 An article in the journal of Jeffery گلدبرک Atlantic released and claims that the former hundred fighter plane for Iran will attack the unilateral. Because a nuclear Iran is the greatest threat since Hitler, that threatens the lives of the people of Israel. Goldberg, who with 40 The percentage of former officials and Israeli officials had interviewed; claimed that Israel in July 2011 Will attack Iran. The same year, the US officials quoted said that four UN sanctions far speed Iran's nuclear program is reduced.
Years 2011 Virus ستاکس-NET plays a huge role in Iran's nuclear program was destroyed. January 2011 Dagan, head of Israel's Mossad agency مئیر from your side resigned, claimed: Iran has 2015 Will not find bomb. Israel should not rush to attack Iran does. An attack on Iran is a foolish idea. Overcome the problems that caused it to be created may be disappointed in Israel. February 2011 حیمز کلپر, Director of the national security of the United States Congress, testified against: The construction of the Iranian nuclear weapon with a گزیه increase its capability to have a look. Whether they will be this kind of decision? We don't know if eventually such a decision should. November 2011 The International Atomic انرزی agency claimed that for years Iran's activities related to making nuclear weapons have.