Tag: Nuclear program

The nuclear agreement: The Islamic Republic of Iran; the loser WINS

Mohammad Javad Zarif and Laurent فابیوس.

Mohammad Javad Zarif and Laurent فابیوس.

Western countries and the Islamic Republic's nuclear agreement under which the two sides signed the Treaty of conditions of his victorious but knew it. Because of Western military attack without Iranian acquisition of nuclear weapons to the front, shadmanend and the Islamic Republic also was delighted that his not wholly dismantled nuclear program, part of his assets and his nuclear-free is still the border.. But the real winners and losers who are agreed?

The U.S.-led West in General should be the biggest winner of this agreement *. Westerners have no real points to Iran unless lyricism that did not all countries of the world will enjoy it's natural–Such as the right of access to national or foreign trade assets. And in Exchange for something that did not receive great rates; the continuous access to all of them, including Iran's nuclear installations beyond the Protocol n PI t, the suspension of the nuclear program and progress in removing Iran's 20 percent uranium دخایر–That could have the potential to lead to nuclear weapon making. All of these achievements without firing even a bullet and with the lowest cost achieved.

Israel's Defense Minister threatened to destroy Iran's تلویحا

موشه یعلون. تصویر از جورسلم پست.

Moshe یعلون. Image from jorcelm post.

An article on the site jorcelm post (Jerusalem Post) Published That of Moshe یعلون, Israeli Minister of Defense, writes: "Iran will have to get between [The program] And select the one of حیاتش.

In this entry of یعلون — That has just been elected to the position of Minister of Defense of Israel — Reads: "The Western countries have major pressures on Iran, Iran will boost up to the absence of legislation that would have to be among the surviving and having to choose one of the atomic bomb."

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