Women's rights activist, Shadi Sadr, and gays, recently did a piece on the بوکش Facebook page and release in addition to Iran, it has support for parsing. Before this entry was Shadi Sadr today, I must admit that going to write and reply to them had Facebook post. I think it is not worth wasting time nonsense receipt and Ms Sadr is probably going to attract the attention of friends or community such material writes.
Although often spend a lot of time reading the contents of the various groups and political spectrum, before publishing the article Shadi Sadr about self-determination and the legitimacy of Iran's analysis, he did not know the. Ms Sadr in that article The complainant had been Based on Iranian ethnic groups the right to self-determination, the decomposition of the country and the formation of independent political units are. I earlier I explain in a post That's why Ms Sadr and his right not to say and the right to national self-determination to the concept of the right to secession as well as its resources report; all are available.
The importance of the current statements Ms Sadr is realized, he as The United Nations Special Rapporteur On the subject of Iran's human rights violations.. Namely, the United Nations has been demanding that Iran's personal analysis — That you are officially in international law is a crime — Responsible for the review of the human rights situation in Iran.
Ms Sadr in a post to your Facebook maintains that because the weather is bad, the matter of Khuzestan province could justify separating the people of that area of Iran is "blasted".
In addition, Shadi Sadr believes, some that have pea analysis, believe, the great powers want Iran to parse. Meanwhile, he is in his post race is the Iranian nation that the Aryan race had mentioned earlier; The explanation I gave Why is this ugly and racist. In the end also recommends that if the supply system and the overthrow of the Islamic Republic or ایراندوستان, shall not be excluded from their analysis of why PAPI want to parse the country.
The Special Rapporteur should like to explain the United Nations that the issue analyzes the logical relationship with Iran to improve the status of Khuzestan is not weather. The southern provinces of the country, the problem of bad weather caused by the arrival of the dust from the country of Iraq, which is also independent of the geographic terms even to Iran. Meanwhile, he also has this false premises that people demanded the separation of Khuzestan, it said "Iran herself fucking» and are merely a number with the right risk analysis did so if the Iranian nation, the Islamic Republic was to fail, he likes to ' analysis was also hit and will not.
The issue of the involvement of the big powers for Iran is not merely a particular group claim. The issue before the International was disclosed in numerous documents and many خبرگزاریهای they also publish it world. For example, the site of the Daily Telegraph earlier The disclosure That the CIA through ' arcane budget analysis in Khuzestan and other regions of Azerbaijan and support:
Funding for their separatist causes comes directly from the CIA’s classified budget but is now “no great secret”, according to one former high-ranking CIA official in Washington who spoke anonymously to The Sunday Telegraph. His claims were backed by Fred Burton, a former US state department counter-terrorism agent, who said: "The latest attacks inside Iran fall in line with US efforts to supply and train Iran's ethnic minorities to destabilise the Iranian regime."
Also turned out to be a part of this support is related to the formation of human rights groups as that is purely for political purposes to support the rights of their decomposition. Several organizations with the prize probably made that have such a task. (Earlier in that story I mentioned the.) As regards Mrs topped the United Nations Rapporteur on the human rights activist, and perhaps be able to her experiences in the field of knowledge and use, these brave activists, exactly what are those? Maybe the Iranian people know themselves better task.
But that being close to everything 270 Tons more لایک Shadi Sadr on Facebook *. Apparently, these people also like Ms Sadr belongs to Iran, "are not a" fucking rather than other non-fucking came.
Many thanks to the writings of good and roshangrtan I'm an Iranian who own all of this paneha and this lady (That was a good sign that the new swimmer and the water was not that the Iranian u God Medal of the Olympic swimming and diving to be(Any of you know yourself the medal)And abeha and بیچهای new watch that every day in Europe the dive a dive now myznh a few himself knows, and they,For the millionth time, I(Mr. Pan وخانمای and otanfrosha(From this comes the name bdashon say to themselves they parse and if after school cuz do not got Cobra's decision and continue to do dersshon say identity quest , Interesting to God! نمریدم and various مدلای we also وطنفروشی !)A hassle to the rest of the guys بکشین بگین : Mr Mrs ,For اونوریا : Master ,Lady !! This is not because Iran is a friend ایرانیا آسونیا analysis that the growing world offer up the rug, The one thing Darren called خردجمعی (I am saying that I crushed جمی (Jamshid)) With the basics and have been able to ومیدانند and okhahand and will be able to participate that : How this beautiful rug has been called the land of a thousand colors and دیرزی “Iran ” God bless the Iranian and Persian pasadarnd. bdero.
ShowDid you? You're not about to you, Josh ... because to be able to hear an opposing letter degeneration. * We can also augment the Basij as they will with the name honor?
ShowSold its !
Mr Nariman(Too bad the Persian name)The more that come to high transition dhant nthar comments you did because : …” Because it is not able to hear the opposite Word…” Not that you're able to hear much(A فحشایی with that contractor) So with all of the conclusions yourself worthy of her prostitution khvdth , A ,A second unless you're sure what has been said above that ایجوری …. Iran said all eyes to blindness dshmnash تبکه will تیکه you why MIDI j yourself?!! Unless we have more of the Iranian کردام?
ShowThis was after a Chi shareha.? You yourself did drop from the peasant school devoted that like shorts and lbasato درآوردی and رسیدی omadal of the diving catch to discuss identity and with carpet and wanting to continue President and his and knowing.
ShowWe really are helped. Well, there's khodfarukhth everywhere else… یکیشم u.
But the identity of the Kurds demand so low. His examples are همونایی that someday they release khodshuno of Iran and the country growing up some independent Kurdistan. The so-called Iranian Kurds in the country do what Kurds in Iraq low Darren?
From the perspective of the fellow who needles the Mullah همفکرانت and you thieves and corrupt and Assassin's creed to have drawn ljansh and sheshdeh country is a country with the Imam and gmanamsh that the vast majority of the atfaghsh thugs بیسواد lot of schooling runaway and everyday life of Iranian personalities and up The people in this province, passes very pleasantly paradise?! No, they're not such actions should also be described worse than fucking.
ShowWhy do you read such میدرانی actions for breast fucking but excruciating and life خوزستانیها that caused a lot of damage also saw the war right to the sales value of welfare nftshan نمیشوی?!
Ms Sadr is explained you that Iran is a major oil extraction in Khuzestan and Iranian rulers of it all, so his and at least part of the prosperity and well-being of the people it is a mere questions of Khuzestan. So, how should such actions will welcome that khuzestani Arab hearts like this? Says first of all blessings of another Iranian oil to below trend پایشان the ad. Now in such a situation, what can the country دلخوشی khuzestani Arab Imam that such behavior gets them?! The likes of you who apparently are the only hmotanshan بلدید call them the stigma of separatism!! Instead of being drawn into protesting Iran's rulers to make the slime that's why the people of Khuzestan, these treats? Ask how much of the oil money spent rebuilding the countless and the welfare of the people of Khuzestan? Iran's current rulers in Iran in spite of hell and is not more لجنزاری and it turns out that in fact has been that this is fucking. Iran now is not heaven!
Incidentally the same some time ago that it was disingenuous and repetitive slogan open ” The Quran God *” By State media regularly repeat was ( City of God * but killed more than 20000 Gaby Basij man)!! But is has been both Khoramshahr Abad?! Not a bad series to check and see that there is still the ruins! More oil money to them belongs to you and me. Ms Shadi Sadr is very admirable and senseless prejudices towards the Iranian Word for bread and water, not the Iranians. The Iranian Government, so the pulshan and the instead of those objections and all you کرنا that the guys of a certain region, security analysis!!؟! It's a little bit towards the guys have a sense of responsibility is not bad!
All your words about OBO OBO OBO people of Khuzestan just host. The Governor of the Islamic Government of the same oppression in Shor selec other Iran with OBO merdmeh. So we all should work together, and we're not singing the Iran because we are a handful of scrappy bright OBO.
ShowLarge wedge tnavl *.
ShowGenerally, the collective desire of the independence-minded and can be بە non-human identity is on the trader سلطە countries. Depriving a nation of human rights, the destruction of its cultural and linguistic کە as well as their location, finally a way for the United Nations aside from independence to give خاتمە بە گونە نگذاشتە ورزیها this is oppression remain.
Years 1975 The closing statement of the Conference urge your support of the Helsinki that self-determination is the only photo communities against colonialism was all right, but the nation of Nations to self-determination and internal regime choice and communicate with foreign Governments will be announced to the reason why the Conference Declaration on Helsinki Always set the right to property and the right of Nations to head stay IE wrote, and pointed out their wishes is also any impression of protest against this type of self-determination with the eighth principle of relying on the statement of the Conference will be rejected. The final Declaration of the Conference as a legitimate and legal notices are known and the relationships between guide Governments participating in the Conference were given. Plus there is another significant document the importance of the spiritual content that is political and it is also the year of the Universal Declaration 1979 The rights of Nations in Algiers is even though the Declaration does not legally obligate Governments but in terms of human rights nghzh the rights of Nations and the basic documents to Venice is complete..
• Right to self-determination for all peoples.
• Respect the principles of cultural identity.
• Maintain the land.
• Keep the nation against any injustice and aggression and genocide.
• Always observe the right to self-determination.
• The right of a liberator of Nations being dominated and oppressed of any.
At the end of the same اعلامیە اشارە gets کە in any case, there are some people in some of the historical conditions the State mounted to andahal what the Government described before the incorporation of the nation there has been recalled or later emerged as a result of this heading is bulging in the affair of the nation or Nations mounted the right to self-determination Also in the field of internal and external constituencies in lose at every step that the nation be asked to set your head right to realize obstacles over wrote the work grghath is going the way they have on the dam and to respect the sovereignty of the State Obligate themselves to have been dominant in such a situation it is necessary that the international community to respect and maintain the rules and objectives of the United Nations treaties sazmam to supply the self-determination of Nations up to develop their own mechanisms for self-determination in international law for addition Contemporary international has been the realization of the fundamental factor for the establishment of international peace and security, and it's the same purposes that the United Nations is also in line with the NBA has established.
Per year 1990 Also the Organization of security and cooperation in Europe Conference in Paris, the fundamental right to determine the fate of the پایە for security in Europe and among the flotsam in the year 1993 درجلسە of the United Nations in Vienna self-determination as the most central of human rights in their own بیانیە the گنجانیدند and the right to self-determination is a prerequisite for the realization of human rights and fundamental liberties of his land in کرە Mans بیانیە announced.
Of the year 1951 Up to the year 1980 بە the order of the countries of Libya, Cambodia, the Sudan, Morocco, Tunisia, Ghana, Malaysia, Guinea, Cameroon, Senegal, Togo, Congo, Somalia, Madagascar, Benin, Niger, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Chad, Central African Republic, the Congo, Cyprus, Gabon, Mali, Mauritania, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Kuwait, SA MOA, Burundi, Rwanda, Algeria, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi, Malta, Zambia, Gambia, Maldives, Singapore, Guyana, Botswana, Lesotho, Swaziland, Mauritius, Barbados, نائورو, tropic, Tonga, Fiji, Bangladesh, Bahrain, Qatar, the UAE, Matt Hadeh Arabic, the Bahamas, Grenada, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, Cape Verde, Comoros, Sao Tome and Principe, Papua New Guinea, Angola, Suriname, Djibouti, Seychelles, Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, Kiribati, Dominica, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines and همچینی of the year 1980 Up to the year 2000 Zimbabwe, Vanuatu, Antigua and Barbuda, Belize, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Brunei, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Namibia, Yemen, Georgia, Lithuania, Croatia, Slovenia, Estonia, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Belarus, Moldova, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan. لیتونی, Macedonia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Eritrea, and Palau and year 2000 Up to the year 2012 East Timor, Montenegro, Serbia, Kosovo, South Sudan achieved independence اوردەاند.
ملتهایی کە today مبارزە to its independence are currently include:
• بە مبارزە کە them more Scotland because of the existence of democracy and human rights بە شیوە مبارزە acts of civil. Per year 1707 بريتانيای was the founder of the great. Scotland has always been some degree of movement after abraham olas of autonomy is enjoyed and matters relating to education, health and internal legislation of the independent of London before your take. Per year 1999 And with the opening of the Scottish Parliament, this country was independent of but nonetheless full Scottish independence from the United Kingdom has always been a debate raised is بودە. The Scottish Government has announced plans to کە late in the year 2014 A referendum for the independence of their hold full.
• The independence of Tamil طلبهای them بە کە the main movement in Sri Lanka, Tamil Tigers is famous for many years for its part of the territory of asqalal اجدای میکندند mbash. They declared the independence of the bsraht کردەاند from the Tamil part of Sri Lanka and its emphasis on the position of the years and a lot of sacrifice in this راە دادەاند.
• کشمیریها after the independence of Pakistan and India from Great Britain that a separate from the British dominated Amir was under occupation of India and Pakistan, came in. But the people of Kashmir the two countries lauded the President do not agree any. It is also very demanding its independence are years کە.
• Tibet was an independent nation was occupied by China, but Tibetan people do not agree and wants to dominate China's independence are. The Dalai Lama led by religious and political independence ' is the.
• No front in the southern Philippines میدانائو vs Ann بە country for more than two decades of fighting for its independence کردەاست. خونینی in the years between the wars of dotarf we saw. Finally, with a peace treaty with the Government of the Philippines in the year 1996 No hands were extended to autonomy . But the Treaty was violated by the Government of the Philippines later and with intense military attack to independence ' status of what was previously the worse *.
• سیکها in India demand the separation of India and established a country called khalsstan and were years of struggle for this purpose. But the Indian Government by giving equal rights to other قومیتها the field of Sikh and the progress they make in India will provide to the extent that we witness today to seize the highest executive power in India by a Sikh(مانموهنسینگ) Are we.
• Leave the اویغورهای demand independence from China are. کە بە سلطە by China which climate following the prologue and went so far as to deny the identity of them. Climate اویغورهای now leaving the autonomous region called سینکیانگ that is located in the Northwest of China is famous. Uyghur people demanded separation from China and Eastern Turkestan are up country.
• The Republic of Chechnya after the collapse of the u.s.s.r., in a democratic referendum, under the supervision of the world, with 75% Republicans were its independence and declared the independence of Korea. But this independence was recognized by Russia. Russians attack Chechen region with a hard and vicious war between the two sides in which up to now has. Up to now more than hundreds of thousands of people have been victims of the Chechen war.
• People following the collapse of the Soviet Union nagorno قرە garden in Azerbaijan that the majority of people it منطقە were Armenian. Demanding analysis this section of Armenian, Azerbaijan and Armenia to join it. It was a tough battle between the two sides in which resulted in the death of tens of thousands of outa this problem solving is نشدە now.
خاورمیانە طلبانە of حرکتهای نمونەهای بە independence can be below the اشارە *:
Show• کە in the early 19 century Baluchistan by the Iranian Government and the United Kingdom were divided into sections سە بە main بە in Baluchistan, Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan are located. In the meantime the Government of Iran and Pakistan on behalf of the nation بە کە شدەاند کشانیدە بە economic isolation so much poverty in absolute abundance بە can مشاهدە *. Baloch nation for its efforts for independence and in this راە a lot of his youth Feda کردەاند.
• Ancestral land of Kurdistan, Kurds کە بە Ann ' dating 5000 Years ago, on will be. After بە year شیوە انکە during ادارە الطوایفی hazran Maluku was in 1514 In the battle of chaldiran split between the Ottoman and Safavid emperor was two after World War I and the collapse of Empire عثنمانی, cloud leaders with a policy of non-منصفانە countries تازە tases and divided them between the Kurdistan territory. The modern movement demanding full independence of Kurds in the early کە was the obvious نمونە of the Kurdistan Republic's Government declared Ann کە will کە any independent insulation after the collapse of this Government policy autonomy Kurds بە تحدیل گذشتە two دهە but finds the independence of Kurdistan مسئلە بە شیوە serious discussion among the Kurds, the new head of Is گرفتە.
• Democratic Republic of South alahawaz in Khuzestan, Bushehr and Fars that areas of the South from the southern Arab regions are independence. The obvious نمونە on بە khzal طلبانە during the independence movement Sheikh returns. This movement in the دەە new تازەایی from the motion before the head is گرفتە کە شیوەایی بە on behalf of the Iranian regime, non-human, physical and cultural گرفتەاند put massacre case.
• Static cracks اذربایجان کە according to some sources, on the independence-seeking Street Sheikh Mohammed on the time بە will be اذربایجان name کە name بە also changed stan liberty. After the second world war on the basis of existing documents, independent of the Government of Iran in اذربایجان leadership بە پیشوری کە Syed Jaafar was declared the national Government gets شناختە in the اذربایجان. The collapse of this regime the Turks متسفانە شیوەای کە بە non-human was performed with the mass murder of دستە more than 20000 people, burning them and killing the spirit of the policy کتابخانەهای and mind were Turks. The more recent دهە اذربایجان residing in the cracks of their right to decide the fate of the مسلئە before بە to the extent of separation پرداختەاند.
Analysis of شاهکارت quest intro off Sheikh محمدخیابانی turns out. He is the master of street protest, because of the use of the name for the region of Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan decides to change the name of Azerbaijan to map them to divide the neutral of the Iranian Azerbaijan..
ShowStunt دیگرت Bushehr and Fars also add to the Republic is alahawaz. Analyzing the views of the entire Arab Khuzestan also can't even claim to have, since at least half the regions of the province are from the Arab. How to reach one-tenth the time that Bushehr is not Arab جمعیتش. To me that of all the fares that it should be included in alahawaz!
Lump sum said that their rights to have reached سیکها in India and the country's highest executive authority is a Sikh. Well if this is the criterion, the highest authority in Iran, both Executive and non-executive and absolute power is a leave.
In addition to this we realized that an independent Kurdistan and Baluchistan, areas have been divided into Iran, Ottoman and them England has!It is strange that Azerbaijan was also autonomous نگفتی and Gulistan and turkmenchay agreements between Iran and Russia is divided into.
You have a great understanding of where his pro-welcome to achieve this that Ms Sadr wants to parse your dear? he addressed from the Ahvaz khuzestani says: Sir, you have the right, if yet the absence of berat to be just off the fucking of your own and you separate this. The difference between this bad detection wireless didn ۲تا leaf got shoes?
ShowWhy Pro-a man fighting his own personal opinion that essentially you're saying nonsense is not? You're a fucking fucking land of Iran, Persian! Nonsense میگوئی twist to hear no comments to the contrary demands of yourself and you don't.
If someone young girls hmotant (Khahrant-madrant) Tell a bitch, because he bqasd car and buying an apartment in Dubai and تازیها side میخوابه, you should get upset? no! If you tell someone to nfahm, in the twenty-first century at the height of the freedom and the freedom of people in other countries, if someone specify-even if contrary to the- The expression does not do trash a speaker? Where were you, you and the likes of aldeng when he لگدهای the infamous soldiers under Imam tail برنیاورد?
On the human head that Iran because of all the worthless name of human dignity underfoot. China likes soil that you can't see the ugly face in the mirror and see yourself, Iranians. بینوائی that a ایرانیتت tent taken firm and the entire world from under to look khdmett(A reference to the poem Iraj Mirza) And the language and culture of the East and of the property and reputation of the national میدزدند and Tora in the silence of the گرائیت نمیفهمی that you are throbbing, raht to Turkestan?
The misfortune that 30 percent of the Iraqi people decide the recipient country are عزیزت and u the unconscious head to prostrate false God تازیها مینهی, do you have to be able to recognize the reality of existence? احمقی that the Guardian Council of Saudi کهنسال you've decided, for the endless youth and zeal of Iran لعنتیت steam decides whether the intelligence to understand this گندابی where drowned in میابی?
Shit, who am to dinner for LOR and leave Iran عزیزت میسازی jokes and Rashti is worthy of being the name of a defense of the homeland?
The dirt on you and really like you like it کردت like that deserves a comment was that ye know not of this country, the stench of the nameless root traitors deserve so much like Greyhound wing does not stress! Because it is the Foundation of a nation has been down and dirty roots.
Pagan all to his assassin he think. If you are please thanks Iranian nation got yourself dirty drag that dirty نشید. In fact, this is the nation that Sharif Lotfi and in paragraph < You and the country occupied by Iran.
ShowHello, Shahla has always produced John. When the comments saw, مهملاتی that آدمین in this post, I was told to ignore the whole. Damn damn decent of Iranian Persian is still out and not a human being free live. When Arabs and Kurds and the Turks and … Residing in Iran believed that in the event of independence will have a better situation and the growing majority of them accept this meaningful, this right must be Darren and let 'em get data. آدمین and Iranian Persian Iran to this dirty fucking got it right that you don't have to force and threats, Integrated country.,
ShowPersian to Iran the land of dirty fucking still don't have a consciousness that آنقدری have mkhalfato opinion-bearing. What you should have like fucking Iran? Ashura, which means the life not نمیفهمید and not رویاپردازی with the existing realities don't consider your fucking country, you do not deserve that activities and remarks by an individual combatant will have the following question….
The Soviet Union with those claims and be a United force, and nmound… Europe without the threat of force was integrated, volunteer.
Spit on you Iranians fucking with your land more fucking… That you do not have to supply your freedom step and degradation not only life time blogspot, but the words of a person's conscious “Nonsense” As you do…
The US-which you post about the defense of Iran or Persian bi fucking under the tyranny of the heater as live animal and human rights does not itself, do not have that competence for the freedom of those who are pro-animals, such as the country of Iran you worthless effort. “Nonsense” بخوانید…
Poor, you're dead, not just someone to bury the jsadtan. You guys don't deserve any human life. The better your fucking the same survival, and finally also be wasted as animal…
What you guys? Where in the world is their own country, they're about the people speak? The people of Iran, whatever you guys definitely have the likes of بدترینشان. Because of the bad situation of the country and the Government, they are insults to Iran. What to do? Because of the country's Supreme Leader and the Guardian Council should Iran gave its analysis and guard? while the cause to this situation are the people themselves, but certainly with the perfection of the Iranian بیشرمی fucking lot . Fucking you're . If the Iranian situation is because of this that the people of the country do not interest you like بدترینش;. Iran must be ویرانش from the creditor you. so the Government who brought to power your own or a parent except the? مادرهایتان? The most miserable people in countries around the world still have their interest. But they are not inherently patriotic Iranians because of any excuse for their humiliation.. I'm working with ' analysis. They are at least as interested in their own region and ethnicity and prejudice, and sadsherf to the likes of you. Even if secession is the right of the people of each region, in all countries a considerable number of people with their analysis and comes bdshan. But in Iran, on the contrary, they also provide support and. Because they hate the most humble with vine that can happen only in Iran.
ShowMs Shahla, Even if all the حرفهایت about the Iranians to be true, but certainly the most dirty, most valuable, most honor, most cultures, the most the most zeal, the traitor, the most stupid and fucking whore, you are the most.
ShowWhy is the sword of the package? Why do you think only you say right. gentlemen and ladies if you have democracy claim Pan Gulf to all the thoughts and ideas of the ears with insults and vulgar Pro does not change a thing and these people are the ones who determine what will and what will not, in The communities, justice and freedom are one or all three is not the consequence of such a con to load the FARs Iran. we don't just all have the right to use this wealth to answer very simple. it's all ثروتی that we've earned from oil in Khuzestan and chqdersh to chqdersh in the capital? In the meantime, I'm one of the Azerbaijani and the woes they understand that all the guys in the hope of one day ... the land regardless of their religion, language and political rights have the same orientation .
ShowThe first study, to think deeply and then comment .
When the Nations under the order of the Soviet Union were also the subject ohatema the Russians also had a similar feeling you but today they believe the bitter realities.
You should either
1. advocate with all زشتیهاش believe it and in this case, will have to give the right time because Arab natives they are together with the افکاری of the genus khoodttan are.
2.- Or ناسیونالیستها like the rest of the dictatorship and of the Islamic Republic that the acute conditions of fascism will be drawn.
Otherwise you must Android انترناسونالیزم (Cosmopolitan ) And on the way to the establishment of the pass it was trying.
Wishing the best
ShowIn my opinion the big countries should only be for Federal Office, and any area with its native people is administered.
ShowLook where the بیناموسی rsonden Morro foreign بیناموشای bandazn time and we swear to Morro khodmono the day that we slaughter them to our mqasdshon we نشاستیمو jahlaneh and hears, as with the two prosperous and هیچکار and نکردانمون and خیاناتو khdmato b greatest they and we just bchhhamon disputibal questions connected Think about that the next bchhhamon 1357 and ourselves would like to be here, and we got to this scandal that I even can tjaush namosmon بوکنند that ایرانمون Bahman and mrdmansh that once so brave and John tinker in the growing foot capitalists raheh یکپرچگیش your میزارند some perf namosh ASP مریکایی and بیناموس and chndrghaz and khonkhareh Burgas RVs·h English means they خودفروشی and Donja
ایرانه لیاقتشون بیشارافانی to spit like that and not based on a stable and integrated
Spit to بینامسائی that we sell homeland m
You of any هاستین except for ethnic aquameh wise and shrfo and pakdel Iranian namosh
The donor dshmanh of Iran you idiots that allow foreigners to دستدرازی هاستین srote Khuzestan giving yourself ever question that maybe the yogurt that got so much بیشوری 's akhh displaced
I بدونین that this aquamshe is still ایرانه and long نشیم with ourselves until its not Abad that daste that ambition is the conductor's comfortable hosting
Build with Iranian pasho looming autonomous from Azerbaijan and Sistan, Khorasan up until this dshmanh obtained from Khuzestan پاکه زجردیدش Kenny m scares
ShowGrohe sarbazanh fearless Patriot
Bandazn time to swear
ShowThe day that
We have a نشاستیمو with two jahlaneh & prosperous
Even the ایرانمون بوکنند namosmon be tjaush Jan.
John tinker in raheh یکپرچگیش owners
Grohe sarbazanh fearless Patriot
I بدونین that this aquamshe not ایرانه
The words of the document under the name of both the Patriotic “Grohe sarbazanh fearless Patriot” She laid up brgraftm comments!
Blessed Iran(ایرون) That is مبارزانی چونین.
News(Irani) That's not the cultural history of the austerity budget is aware, not his native dialect and, who knows, not freedom from other people in the world is fraamukhth should be چونین from the Iranian borders in the virtual world?
Cyrus sleep the rest of the تازیان, and the aliens Tora nghbannd!!!
Dear John, you little if she wore your cynicism over the میداشتی and better visibility with more MS Shadi Sadr can خواندی, so don't go, outlined her entry doesn't have nothing to do to separatism. Our Iranian problem is exactly that which is always looking for each other, we're banging fuck
ShowI am opposed to Iran's religious omanteghd اذری but with all I am proud of being an Iranian to oasala وترکهای vaghuzha with قرابتی Tatars also Iranian anti-یاشاسین ایرانیم thanks.
Show3So the question …One is that the Turks that their ancestors in the desert of Turkmenistan are proud(I mean, the yellow is وتورانی Nejad).What the people of Afghanistan that we saw that she of course intend to insult to them randarm. Apparently if you were وخویشاوندی چینیایی ومغولهای with darndohardo the Turks to have بادامیها like zarduchshm Nejad and not to the Indian واریایی وایرانی Nejad (Referring to Erdogan's trip to Turkmenistan was told that here omghulstan. land of our ancestral ABA(Dede بیزیم بوراسی Santa یوردوموز.)…………………………………………………………………………….2.– Because if the Afghans being bad because the Turkish State school thousands of dollars spent in Afghanistan builds tub supply signs of cracks in the vast knows that children Ann induction captures that they leave work that was vaghose. Ali aov(With his infamous Russian extension ) Most recently, Afghans in Afghanistan with breakaway وبلوچهای of Iran in Pakistan has expressed sympathy for this strange وایا.?………………………………………. ……3–This is so that the پانترکها of the language according to their own hatred of the English words so strongly darandchra in سریالهایشان such as (Immortal time. .. During the month. October ... Rkhosar.. شرمین.. The limbs. Bargahi and…They use? By the way why (1385) Among the early Mongolian language and Iranian وتاتی واغوزی there is no trace of the Ann? In August they say to Turkish customer. The English word itself ( 1385) The Foundation is also in English (Such as azarkhsh )Turkish واغوزی ومغولی وتاتی that in وتاتاری does not exist? .. It is obvious to this patriotic Nejad logical answer questions and will not deny the whole subject of Web بیشرمانه logic will say that these words of the Iranians, Turkish vaghose have to وتموچین the wild double penetration…
ShowSo here's a letter that I wrote to miss this servant did not answer
A letter to Ms Shadi Sadr
Hello Ms Shadi Sadr. Today with remarks one of your friends to فيسبوک and saw a series of prime interest to what you are fueling the data plan ' at the bottom of a beautiful appearance as the name of the: “The right to self-determination”. And theres also the data flow to the reformists have openly to continuous.
First we must say that the servant not the correct font tathirgozari and I can't express my me and even I have ngarshi errors may be important, but also the object and assigns a young hearts 23 The Iranian year that can lead you to lick it like a professional article developers intending to abandoning his writing fan I do not occur that your opinion of this anesthetic doubt much more professional, and I I'm not no adaaiy.
When you quod rfatid in Iran, and in liberating you from your friends and manners of Defense ميکردم and you as a symbol of the Iranian women who are demanding equal rights with men to defend ميکردم.
But after you go outside of the homeland, which put preliminary severe foot on the first name it was here that the sacred homeland and others you assert nboudid and rahman was separated. You even beyond the election scrupulously and openly at the foot of his writings from the Iranian defense analysis you plan(Batmam democracy tbaat it). Create a rule by aliens and especially our neighbors means that Saudi Arabia is the biggest threat to human rights and women's rights in 1983, has been repeatedly supporting the Government, through its appointees,. Such as the likes of which each side, sometimes y Bani head and rubbing him and his friends in Fatemeh is found;.
It is interesting that after each data and some يکباره to all their supporters together to wait may fall off and unfortunately, Mr Majid Mohammadi, h. shariatmadari and front mifrstend others to pave the way. But the defense of democracy in a manner as if for the first time you and your friends to make democracy the worlds supply and in defense of democracy have in mind yourself, you are willing to convert to zaghstan Orchard anirani..
A bit of Choon nanalom feel to the homeland by you and همفکرانتان.
When those of you defending the likes of democracy, according to one of our friends in the Patriot, going to an article as your means of like-minded Majid Mohammadi ansafa halman was answered from this democracy clearly says,.
The prospect of that ethnicity, admissibility zlami is by the Government, have the tail mizanid. But what oppression? Why do we not see the cruelty. If the territorial demand governmental zlami admissibility is that anesthetic time doubt had, it should be outlined the political and religious discrimination and not being due to the Persian and Arab or Kurd or being being. And is this the people or the Government?
Let's look at the composition of the political prisoners and aghidti.. More so, they are, or is it the Gulf Arabs?? Even as the proportion of the population. I have many people that are khozestani Arab equality but due to the dependency of the Government benefits than they are entitled to a highly governmental who the FARs are so. This is a case of myself as I have seen and one of the country's provinces.
Political and religious discrimination by the territorial demand governmental, gardi is performed on the Iranian people from the East to the West and the Arab and Persian and azari and Baloch has been sprayed and no way this discrimination is not in the scope of a particular qumiti. Hardness and bearing all the problems we have, we cannot be together and who claims that a group of more specific hardness is logged. Throughout history, the people of this land have the hardness tolerance and con-con have celebrated the khoshi. We are all living in one country and in a separate part of the conditions and none woven;.
Being deprived of permanent ' analysis of Khuzestan which is also damaging the tail and interesting them in the Illuminati media the reason this agent on the self-determination right know. Without a doubt, this is an excuse by many of you to reach your goals I. Ms Sadr because Tabriz نمیگویید? Are also Tabriz is denied? Without a doubt, the city of Tabriz in terms of facilities and living situation of the cities such as Isfahan and Shiraz, if not higher, not lower. Not as much as other permanent exclusion are active because their analysis.
Why don't they think of aliens and noche; are faced with people who ignored the history of your past nmishanasand and I are unaware they have maps. If it is time that we should add to the illusion you are in hard. The illusion is very high, you and your friends.
On the anniversary of Khorramshahr are free. Then forgot how to defend the homeland, they were not the sons of this soil and soil particle of the homeland to the enemy down? I hope you should be disappointed and say that these people have been prstishan several times and the percentage of the homeland are not willing to sell the homeland territory of the bit to the price of democracy, federalism(Read the decomposition) And the aliens, or any word in your mouth have laid for its expression. Especially the younger generation of the country alarghm all the internationalist efforts to eliminate our national identity crisis in decades, the national identity again and have your baziafath ayaranit your thoughts and presti homeland front have put.
I really had you guys misouzd.
How to price your homeland frukhtid Ms Sadr? I wish I mikhandid history. Welcome to the end of their analysis, which had a. What is a rating could welcome her to maintain? Is there anything nsibashan except bdenami?? And in front of you that they were defending territorial integrity and against the views of aistadend analysis. What they were and what they are killed. Khoshanami and respect for the Iranians themselves and buy the next generation of their several. Ms Shadi Sadr. Presti or homeland homeland sales. Which one?
Ms Shadi Sadr. By I همفکرانتان and send your masters of the Western droodi and say that: Bash. This is not a sales territory. Soil soil but do mikhorim. Are many of the sattarkhan. B many of the still fresh because I gained are permanent, although a great many of the attacks?. The symbol of the national identity, although live and bastani as seen in contemporary history and in that of Iranian nationalism in the form of governmental data entered and saved from Iran, but the attack because he was forced to direct to nmitoanstid to Iran's territorial integrity and يکپارچگي the following question in the past and Now if the other guys to insult and framework to direct and to the territorial integrity of Iran mitazid.
Iran, a country, a nation, a date, a destiny and under a flag of a significant change in the way, and not to any.
Long live Iran
ShowThis lady is not concerned
ShowThanks God we woke up and the other Iranians under the coercion of the Arab enemy and leave that Iranians are not going
The growing war together with the akhondeha program that you miss them being Eater rzeh Eater rations and fight together with other انیرانیان
Dear Mr. why answer the questions to get my نمیدین that God did not توهینی did someone why you deleted all the comments menu. For many, this remains the answer why b. sueal in Iran, Reza Shah to come work on any document or story line; the names such as shari b., m., f., d. or k. does not khorim on? Or why any of our great father of Iranian names(Persian/Farsi) Do not?
The photograph to the ball, Alexandra namahai, Changiz, t., which apparently, according to the official date on Iran have brought an influx of blood and thrown on the ground in many stories and poetry are brought our fathers has been laid on.
How can he accept his name from among the human name of ajdadsh killers choose?
In this prophetic puzzle of what happened or the ring of the chain between the knowing haiman is missing.
Now, in the Chronicles of the school and the hakmranan and k. d. a. and growing of human rights and the founders of the largest ampratori world shnasim.
But never of itself it does not coincide with the establishment of the Empire, why persim, tmdnhai marelic, South of the Caspian Sea particularly clear of civilization glowing in Central Alborz (Equipment for quick), Aillam, aorartor, manna and the mud 2500 The year before had been the creation of a hkhamnshian about the force?
But k. after bomb Babylon and brilliant civilization between alnahrin (Iraq) With the example of Jewish behavior with zdeni mehrabani and freedom to them after the Jerusalem open returns. The fall of Babylon and freedom is not that this is Jewish except mind and financial power of the Jews could obscure from the steppe and khoneriz sardari, Russia Slav to Iran.. In the first year of the reign of k. Lord, what was said by the armia n. to do said. He found it to k. Farmani and export it to your BlackBerry over the Empire. This is the command it : I declare that the Lord Emperor midarm k. pars, the God of heaven has given me all the domestic world and I said that to him in Jerusalem to build a House. Whoever wants to can go there.(22 ghrera atygh Testament Torah; 23; 36) Certainly such Farmani of human brnami khizd but intervene koorosh open command opens the payment of capital and this material.. Jewish influence in the hkhamnshian in the other plots in the Pocket and find hidden and kodtay against the kmbojih and the hkhamanshi Kings bardia to oppose will be watching on the Jewish view, which gave rise to the termination of the d.. If If this is ariaha and the lands of Iran entered into force sword, Parsian yet And blood and occupying small and with the support of the people in Iran are working on how we can accept small and lshcr, which was the name and logo mghdoni and Islam has managed to this immense Empire in nordend easily and shortly on the destiny of Iran are religious. Why our niakan namahai eskandar, t., Changiz namahai and mass in Arabic would have had but one old man of seventy eighty-year-old named k., a. and k.; d.?!!
. کوروشی that ایرانیست the whole world to know pan, because in the books of literary figures like Ferdowsi, Hafez and Saadi and other Iranian celebrities from that post, now is as good or bad, even though not a slave name?
Why Cyrus Pahlavi era only to later find and draw a name?
بگیم شاههای فکرشون عیش u and now the previous toast and Reza Pahlavi and his son were just تاریخدان and grace and dignity. !!!!!!!!!!! (With that book you suzonshon Tabriz) Call dhnton fill Ferdowsi got what? Someone who has had both gone ... sharash dating ... Cyrus got thrown in the middle of this place?
You're saying you're the Pahlavi era Persepolis discovered? Not sure of the circumstances of the Ferdowsi and Cyrus? So all this information from the کیکاووس and Jamshid and fereydoon and who brought from where? From the epic stories that have been passed to the breasts breast
The long history of the Jews and the ability to خاصّی on and distort history and historical issues, linking is not so important, with each other and are always able to serve their political interests are handled accordingly, with the formation of the State of Israel, the heads of State that it is near with the Pahlavi regime in Iran With Cyrus, the behavior of the Jews is so great that even showed in the old and new resources related to the Persian Empire, they were not found ردپایی. «فیندلی bridge», a representative of the House of representatives, in the book "the intentional فریبهای» writes:
Show"The major part of the fakes and myths about Israel and made the Jewish and Christian religious متعصبین, including that over the years have repeated it straight to the extent that it is now accepted as a fact in the world."
Of course, the ability of Zionists is only because of the success they use archaism to advance was not mghasdshan, but rather an extreme archaism Pahlavi a fertile field for the success of the Zionists had provided.
Dr. زوی reel film festival, Chairman of the Israeli representative in Tehran, in an article in the Israeli newspaper «یدیعو akhrnot» 09 2.0 1.0 1964 writes:
"When the Iranians for educated people talking about your statements is enough to start the story of Esther. To instantly get the attention and interest of them anymore. "
This approach to model for all Israeli officials became. To start speech at any ceremony and ceremony to appreciate the story of Cyrus and dedicated استرومردخای and quote "the reel film festival», intellectuals and officials are also looking forward to listen to the anecdotes..
*Isaac Rabin, Israel's Prime Minister in the year 1357 at the home of Cyrus and a gathering of Iranian American Jews during a speech said: "My opinion is the founder of Zionism, which principle to false to hrtesl (Theodore hrtesl) But whether this is, in fact, dubbed the graceful Cyrus that the Jewish community for the first time in the construction of these possible ard rahgozar sacred all the Jews of the world have been making their raheen ... And Iran's shahnshah (Mohammad Reza Pahlavi )Cyrus is the real keeper.
*Archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Tel-Aviv
* Fact that it is a historical archaism and radical historiography of ancient Jewish radicalism with a kind of cell has also. This is the first time in the Pahlavi period, due to the influence of prominent figures such as Mohammad Ali Foroughi and Mirza Ebrahim Khan ذکاالملک OL molk Shirazi consistency that have been born Jewish, evident in the Pahlavi era and the second is the presence and influence of Zionist Judaism is widespread in the field of historiography and history are well evident Is.
* For more information, you can book the bridge of فیندلی, deliberate deception, facts about relations between Iran and Israel, MH آهوئی
* The eyes should match the other thumb/must see.
I don't know why so when spoken about analyzing, battlefields of decisions, firstly the decision ادمیی that live there--and there's not a cock that you're not the right area of the بکنن and the judgment of VPNs Dumas being Santa this is quite the منطقیه I hmkhoneh u got under pressure and Annoyed bzary 2 way more of it's blood or Toro bandash the blood of the lamb-or herself out, several-year-old Iranian tribes that are in that country but not haqshon in the 21st century is not respected, why expect that they do not love Iran and Iranians, if true, would رفتارa That this does not happen, I have already spoken in the States of Canada to cultural and linguistic differences there together you're not a country? Despite a referendum that established? The reason is that all together respectfully deal to possess language, French language and respect the rights of its own and is together with English languages, 300, 400-year-old that they were fresh with thousands-year-old Iranian ethnic groups, are still together and are still smiling, even the right language course themselves also Ndran! Var end mention this tip is not devoid of grace that if other ethnic tribes on this because the Government does not have the owner of those things, if you اینجوریه that Iran must now owns all of the countries of the Caspian Sea حوزهٔ, the owner of the Bahrain and the UAE, and and and and…اینجوریه, is it?
ShowOpposition to this lady with the Jews of racism is. Why is it that anything that the Jews or the book of the arbitration mqodsshan said with the crime of being a Jew wrongly think.
ShowAlthough the each nation a lot of catastrophic actions like the Jewish nation, and leave the head of the disaster-stricken but know of a nation is doomed and نژادپرستیست.
In the documentation of the correct impression of the Achaemenid period, obtained small there is no doubt of course like any other people in the historical document acceptable limit, enter the objection would have had to know about any other valid document has also been.
Of the cases the rejection of claims history include the subject pointed out that how it might Pan ایرانیست for history of Cyrus and Darius for ( That Bill is worth tribute to him are ) Not history? Because the remaining open and seal Cyrus full of friendship and. . .But the inscription Darius is full of brutality! Except not that both for pan-ایرانیست are عزیزند? If I was making history for both their history
Unfortunately often Pan ( Other utilities racists) Do not have enough information and do not know Turan in the Shahnameh refers to masagte and سکاهاست that have been Iranian breeds but in areas of the North and North-East of Iran, those days were the roots of the name Turan shodeh resident means wilderness is a revolving example Iranian name is افراسیاب. It's not that big of a name made by Cyrus Ferdowsi is logical because more mythical names of Kings and … The actual slave gets he's definitely the Iliad and the Odyssey and . . . To have ignored or suspected that Achilles, AJAX, agamnon and… Real men on have been. کیکاووس and Jamshid and fereydoon and zahak and . .. All the myths and the reality existed. Persepolis is also something that the explorers “Gamers” It took over and has been borrowed from the Shahnameh. So the reason mention of Cyrus there in the Shahnameh.
If the content mentioned in doubt a simple search on the resources of Ford and the verification.
رهی the Pan and. . . The tiny nation of the lap process copper and weighed the same, especially the huge nation that it on have come to witness on the end of racism is not nothing but devastation. If you go to war نزادپرستی متنفرید Persian racism not to war fares.
Earlier this bpashe get rid of corrupted being corrected . So who should the Pan-ایرانیستها and فارسهای we got the wild bear .
ShowHere is the subject; Ms. Sadr and his quest are not parsed. They were insulting to Iran . "Every Iranian is if you tell her to fucking sad, definitely has a problem. The offensive was also arrested by sentences. Like “Do not supply” And “Not a pea size”. Then if anyone give an answer to a MS Warrior insults? How should we have supplied and the collar of the Islamic Republic, but they instead work should demand separation from Iran are fucking right? "demand equal healthy climate with secession? Well you fallacy. I've never heard of it until now, people demand the province's healthy climate effort. Like our own in Tehran to protest the city's polluted air we don't. With the detach of the Iran problem to be solved is the weather? That is, you do not know the origin of this Arab country neighboring Walnut dust and not fucking Iran? Additionally, they are not the entire Arab Khuzestan province that you have the right to determine the best. Arabs are less than half of its population make up the province. . In addition, Iran's total oil and gas extracted from the province not to be. Other areas like the Gulf and Bushehr, oil and gas are much better together than they do not oaneha the Khuzestan. A total of more than thirty percent of the total oil and gas of the Khuzestan province.(More oil, but natural gas is very low). Other provinces also have the right to enter the oil from Iran fucking jdashund? that is, the easiest way to improve the weather situation and so removed from Iran? Tens of years to fight but if fresh water they were independent, and they are the correct هوایشان. Fresh from where it turns out to be better than the شرایطشان now. So the people of other areas that do not have the option to separate what should be? The English language areas like Bushehr, Hormozgan, Kerman, Khorasan and Sistan South of are the country's poorest areas. They are not to be separated from Iran if fucking very sburnd? They entitle people of Tabriz for example which according to trend or hit the Iranian city of most developed Nations? Now that they have deprived areas, so the people in Tehran are pretty good live? So please if not satisfied to protest Government? Combating bad conditions because the Government is our duty and right of secession as some regions?
ShowI'm a chord and I am proud that Iranian. Standing Turkey, Iran بژی