Tag: The Tudeh Party

Mattresses "radio zamaneh scandal that has fallen from the roof of the long-awaited"

While I was in a brief comment about the Visual Media- Alien workshop and the dangers of monopolies emerged in the sphere of informational book until yesterday I came across an article from Reuters in which false allegations and unrealistic "paniranist" had been attributed and written in the article, while a brief analysis of the status of the existing media ,To the allegations raised by this I reply Dutch media.

Maybe someday that broadcasting Board Queen, «BBC» tv broadcasts will start, Guess who ran less in the short time become one of the most Persian-language media be contact. No one can't be defamation of the BBC's prominent role in the formation of the destructive developments of the past few decades mostly bow especially ignore the Islamic revolution taking place; But the same people who bring these items well , On these events can finger ,The main contacts for these programs and are once again reminds us that media such as the BBC, with the risk of millions of pound (And certainly not one of the head I benevolence ) The investment for the construction of the English programs , The behavior of the Iranian society is much more accurate than the Persians know. همین موضوع با در نظر گرفتن جای خالی رسانه های مستقل داخلی نوعی وضعیت انحصار رسانه ای را برای این بنگاهها ایجاد کرده و در مواقع لزوم می تواند امکان سو استفاد ی آنها را در جهت اهداف و اغراض سیاسی دولتهای مطبوعشان فراهم کند.

Nasser pourpirar: Jews and Christians are unclean

N. بناکننده (Pourpirar) That earlier in his report a range of anti-Iranian activities, including membership in the Tudeh Party, Spy for the Eastern bloc and forge on to Saddam Hussein's Baathist Government, such as the دولتهایی and the instead of Azerbaijan (Pourpirar is currently housed among the Islamists ), Recently attempted to build another fake documentary titled “Upscale mjaolat” That's part of it and the language of the Qur'an, The Jews and the Christians called unclean. For more information about them you can vote to uncensored site.( The first link Or The second link) See.


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