Tag: "Katuzian

Libraries and کتابسوزی in Iran

Last year's story about The book burnings, the Arabs in Iran. In a blog I read that version of it, with a slight variations on this site I published. Considering that the issue of Arab book-burning is not compatible with the official history that the current system is trying to instill and the Islamic Republic does not tolerate dissenting voices even in non-political and cultural issues, I had no doubt that the writings of our blogging friend would be removed and that's why I published it..

In that article the author refers to several historical writings had efforts to engage Iran on the subject of کتابسوزی. Including the story of Ibn Khaldun and about کتابسوزی of Iran, quoted from the book the history of al-Tabari and two centuries of silence had come زرینکوب. The principle in this book Muqaddimah(PS 373) Available and ترجمه انگلیسی را هم می توانید در اینجا See:

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