Tag: The illegal imprisonment of Mousavi

Do we have to do with the illegal imprisonment of opposition Mousavi

Mousavi today and the years away.

Mousavi today and the years away.

مطلبی که اخیرا چند جا خواندم؛ اینکه آیا ما باید با ادامه ی حبس غیرقانونی موسوی مخالفت کنیم؟ آیا ما کسانی که هیچ چیز طلایی در خمینی و دورانش ندیدیم؛ ما گروهی که به اصل و فرع نظام اسلامی اعتقاد نداریم و در توهم اصلاح آن هم نیستیم؛ موظفیم از حقوق رهبران اصلاحات دفاع کنیم؟ آیا زمانی که مهدی خزعلی — The person who says to the principle of the system is — Illegal detention and irrational behavior for invitation to Mohamed Akbar Hashemi hunger strike issue — That last is a defenseless prisoner provided both pretext for being perhaps the most haqughsh to the price he achieve initial — For the purposes of advertising group turns to jokes; we have to disagree with this illegal imprisonment or false rumors and to act in keeping with the Islamic regime to build her own jokes and پیوندش to the highest prayer for?

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