You wrote a paragraph, I've made mistakes and fallacies. …

Comments posted: The reasons for 50 tons of the most prominent scientists in the world who do not believe in the existence of God or religion properly Authors: Admin.

You have a paragraph reading after I make mistakes and show yourself mghaltatt and other readers to judge a couple of significant objectionable!

How world wide discussions emerged the philosophical and historical, and each of the solutions that will be presenting multiple errors, and including the existence of God. A piece that I wrote for my transition was restrict high کزدن aomel of the world to the emergence of two types of spontaneous or intelligent design is a fallacy called false care dilemma. May not be intelligent design plan at work and in the world at the time of the place where the head is not likely in the third or fourth or دهمی in the work that we do not know and can know the future, or fail and not. In any case if the issue is not that you are necessarily as you raised. Even though some of what religion claims is our recognition of kharah; but there is also the part that is recognizable and is Castaway. For example, as I wrote above, we can know and we know that the first man not there because it is contrary to the concept of God and the genesis of the world we shnakhtsh tool.

This is a case of the violation of all ادیات Ebrahimi and all three rituals; the revolution fail because we shall all مدعای what God we reject raised solely annulment of one of the components means that the religion of God; not unless God taamada this derghgo fucking We're.

About the genesis of the world and the cause of the first cause, the first does not necessarily have to happen at a time when disabled before that if the first cause and pocketed other disabled herself actually becomes. Disabled because the time Is. Since we know today with the new physics of time have a beginning and the beginning of the big bang it was this God cannot be happen before پیایش time because the violation of the rule of physics is. As I wrote it is not simply that you thought to yourself!

If this world was a وافریننده God, what's wrong? that can't be seen? if you consider to be seen to be God's name on it?

This is a list of the logical fallacy called the fallacies «Bully»! Being a phenomenon must be proved, does not necessarily mean not really seen. A phenomenon shall be revocable ماهیتا (falsifiable)To be proven. God is not revocable so this book will not be methodical athbatsh. The proof of the supernatural phenomena such as the cause and is in need of malulat Falsifiability. The existence of God is not a thing wrong with that, but to prove it's not incredible flexibility.

Though the world out there with all the surprises that make you کورتان eyes closed, more deliberate, is a logical fallacy of accident or product? It turns out that the laws of physics could not be hawking the agent of creation, who has status? no way unless if you do not have to maintain healthy reason intelligent design that we call it God or Allah to be believed

If the purpose of intelligent design is the creation of intelligent creatures, this issue was rejected, and without a doubt we know the creatures came in effect creates a natural choice. I wrote a detailed post here:

Counterfeiting and falsification of the theory of evolution and Darwin about the existence of God

The resources of each part of it also come with. That has the effect of natural selection on the creatures came to the category is not revocable–That is, the shnakhtsh tool. Another claim is that the globe (Not merely the creatures) Need to have a smart designer (Fine-tunning) That this claim is pseudoscience, and has been a Castaway. None of these are meant to be a lack of proof of God or not God but was not necessary, the existence of God in Genesis universe creatures and reject.

The second entry that "article-oriented» (The same material-oriented "ماتریالیست"» (Bound to material life or مادیات) Offline. Article-oriented or ماتریالیست i.e. someone who believes everything including human consciousness resulting from the interactions in the world article. This does not mean that the article is either or or consciousness thinking is material properties. I'm a متریالیست–That is, looking for physical reasons for coming to the world I'm describing the events related to the article — but I'm also a materialistic-oriented.

They equate a fallacy is called Equivocation That two things are the same in identical name assumes. But if the assumption is that the basic premise of material things is not necessarily to materialism leads, then with another fallacy of the head and you work in the name of Fallacy کامپوزیشن.

What has emerged from something else does not mean maintaining the same properties and features, the world is made of matter but I'm not a material-oriented, vice-versa, a very, pro-semantic, but an atom with yours.!

In order to understand the importance of my difference and understand that this discussion is far beyond faith or lack of faith in supernatural beings for you, I am an example.:

Three hundred years ago the Afghans attacked Esfahan, and King Sultan Hussein instead of defending the conventional military methods, the pea votive ash, and on every pea, called "Lagali Allah".. Shah Sultan Husayn to material practices to solve the material problems and did not believe from the depths of the heart believed that what makes the solution to deal with enemy forces is. The result of the battle at the same time on s!.

Today before you write your response I read a story That the Friday Imam Mashhad, the science of Hoda believes that the Palestinian conflict with Israel is not military equations, but the God's methods.. Mr. Hoda is deeply believed to be a heart. Mr. Alam Abolhoda has the capacity to make a nation blackberry exactly when King Sultan Hussain sent!
When you become a matter of understanding the issues of the material world, the metaphysics reasons of the deep heart of the row, then this is not merely a metaphysics, and it will not be anywhere else!

Unless you have a healthy sense that you do not have to think of intelligent design that we call God or Allah. Your problem is that if you believe that God must be accepted, you will be bound to impose, and be worthy of exercising and from the air of desire and rape. Do not say that you do not accept it. The first one, you do not have to tell them after that. Yes, it is not God, religion is not qiamati..

This is a fallacy is called Adham اتک Or personal attacks.

Instead of proving the claim or breach of my claim, it is very quick to conclude that all of the air, desire, زشتکاری, and moral and aggression are "a wash," Isolation my claim is violated, and your our is proving that these are Not. To prove a claim to claim the correctness of the reason, not the authenticity of the speaker and vice versa.

To inform you, those who are in the filth are the ones who owe the biggest advances of human history.. One hundred and fifty years ago, more than 95 percent of the world's population in absolute poverty were those that you shit you are accused of something that if you were not همانهایی now you خوردید filth and wretchedness dip. On the other hand, the last hundred and fifty years have fought only in Iran for all MESADQ civility of bathing and showering and getting a prep and plumbing water with the mullahs.. All dates are full of tyranny religionists of profit and unشعوری on the human community..

Religionists — What's in other societies — a distinctive moral record that is very bad. It is not زشتکاری that the religionists of its origin is not. They have increased their size for abuse.. The Laamazham and secularists of moral records are not darker than religionists, although I do not believe that religion is not necessarily the meaning of morality.

همانطور که استیون واینبرگ، برنده نوبل فیزیک، می گوید:

“With or without religion, good people can behave well and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evil – that takes religion.”
― Steven Weinberg

With or without religion, good people do good and bad people, but religion is needed to make good people..

Admin also wrote:

The reasons for 50 tons of the most prominent scientists in the world who do not believe in the existence of God or religion properly

To believe in the existence or absence of God, no scientific or evidence or any trial is accountable for your questions.. It only depends on the understanding of thoughtful humans..

If you are not accountable to any scientific, evidence and trial, then what are the mastermind people to understand? How coordinated the perception of "mastermind people" is not based on testing, science, or evidence. How can thinking and perceptual be considered valid but not on the basis of any reasons?

However, I believe that God would deny my mother's mercy to me, and I have come to my own womb and evolve.

Your opinion is not important because we are talking about your intentions. Objective/Objective issues such as the emergence of people from the mother's womb or the evolution of issues related to the world are material and their authenticity with evidence and testing is proved. The opinion of people is related to the subjects.

That says 《 you, even if the world is made, does not cause god 》 and I must say that your opinion is completely non-منطقیه. I'm going to create a car that we now have, without getting to the hands of someone gradually.. Or a more vivid example of the not that you do not turn into any plant, so that one should get a grown-up to grow up but that plant cannot understand and realize you.. Because the world of plants is different.

My article I wrote for another user (I guess this post or post "Irdat" Mulla Sadra) Was that if we assume the world before the Big Bang, this is not necessarily the cause of God, while this assumption is a big assumption that before the Big Bang was not the time to be causation.. This type of curative deduction is fake. If we say because we do not know anything, then it is not necessarily God, then the "God of the holes" because they don't do something we can't get the desired result..
About the genesis of creatures is a different situation. We are certainly aware of the complexity of the evolution and the natural selection arise (Objective/Objective) That does not require smart creation..

Here's how I explained:

The reasons for 50 tons of the most prominent scientists in the world who do not believe in the existence of God or religion properly


I don't yet have a defense-based encyclopedia in one of the science branches so that my doctor is not talking about this moment.. In this website, I did not use the title of "Farhad" or "admin" until today, after the doctoral, if the need was directly addressed, the same admin or Farhad continues to be. Happy academic titles order produced by the mullahs!

What is your definition of time? Definition of high school physics mirror : Time is a quantity. A man who was a human being.. The time in itself is not external because we have created time for measuring and calculating the physics. There is not a parametric time that is already present and begins with the Big Bang.

I am not نعریفی of time! Your question is similar to how we ask someone: "In your opinion is Paris the capital of France, or Bulgaria?" It is evident that the geography of Paris is not an abstract and a matter of objectivity, and it is not important to our opinion.. If anyone is going to know that Paris is the capital of Bulgaria, it is not necessarily a bad thing.. To know where Paris is, there are some methods that are known to be beyond people..

The time is not a matter of abstract, which is subject to my definition.. The next time is fourth of the matter and is a measurable, visible, and independent category that is related to the material world and therefore this study is in the field of science. How long do we know when we have started with big explosions or the Big bang, isolation your opinion is irrelevant.. Starting time is a physical category, the new physics also has its own identification methods, and the knowledge of physics also says that the time before the explosion was not great.

Secondly, what causes big Bang.

Don't know! But because we don't means answer, you can be a pair of feet and a religious factor.! As I said, this is a name called "God of the holes.".

Third how do you think about religion? So, just with our empirical knowledge, should we expand all our vision and ideas? Religion has responded to many human questions, and I do not deny that he has entered every other person, but we have knowledge of wisdom.

In the case of the material world, only experimental sciences are eligible to examine subjects; about the world of transmaterial–If we have to do so,–I am not a means of understanding the metaphysics of wisdom like intuition for recognition. These same empirical sciences have shown that human beings, as mystical or supernatural scenarios, actually have natural roots and are not supernatural or immaterial.. I'll probably write something later..

Professor Chegini PhD in Plasma Physics is the father of plasma physics and a highly religious person. Dr. Golshani and many scientists who are experts in science and have a religious perspective.

Generally, the highest levels of scientists in the world are atheists.. Evidence suggests that the more elite scientists are, the more atheists they may be.. I've already linked a few places on this website where more than 90 percent of major scientists are atheists.. But what scientists think doesn't necessarily mean the existence or absence of God.. If we claim to be a fallacy called appeal to authority in Persian, it is something equivalent to "resorting to the parents of affairs", which is a logical fallacy..

Does human need metaphysics at all.

If we assume that human beings need something, it doesn't mean it'. Bertrand Russell shows very well that a proposition is correct simply because it is proven to be true, that it is beneficial.–Assuming it is–It's necessarily irrelevant..

It's so funny. . Science now has an omnomut of subsets and branches that every branch has its own thing to say.. What Your Excellency says science has to come to a conclusion, otherwise it'll be a scientific specter.. That's true, but there's a story that everyone's commenting on the amount according to their own point of view.. It doesn't take into account other aspects because the science of the branch branch is that interdisciplinary discussion comes up.. What you wrote is extremely simplistic..

Science has no branches and every branch of the natural sciences studies a part of the material world. Science is not a view. The view is a subjugative subject: objectivity and objective science is revocable. It's not a science expert's view, it's that person's perception of science that might be incorrect.

sir, there were scientific theories that have been rejected . String theory was rejected at some point and re-accepted. The theory of its name implies that it can be rejected if the reasons are scientific and justified.. In the meantime, according to the Big Bang theory, we all believe that the black hole clouds were created in moon when the explosion occurred. . Now the question is, what's causing the world not to regroup at one point due to gravity? Or in other words, preserve the world? That's where the constant cosmic argument or dark matter comes in, and dark matter itself is a flaw in the Big Bang theory..

Scientific theory cannot be rejected. I'm not here with you, and I don't have free time.. I'm just passing what I know, just because I believe that clean methods of misfor'a should be available to everyone.. The rest is with you.! I wrote in response once and I don't argue again..

But as you pointed out, the Big Bang has helped the world to know a lot, the reasons for proving it is more than the reasons for its rejection, my dear Mohsen Sharifpour, an Iranian scientist has proved that the Big Bang was not the beginning of the world, this proof shocked the world..

It's crap.!

The reasons for 50 tons of the most prominent scientists in the world who do not believe in the existence of God or religion properly
Scientific Theory Can't be rejected If rejected, it is not scientific theory.. Theory is a generality that has been tested over and over again and has been proven to be true.. Not all theories are in a degree of dogma. To measure the dogma of theories, they use a tool called criteria of adequacy equivalent to "correct criteria", which is out of the question, but the general theory of knowledge is not rejected..

About String Theory I translated a Pop Science documentary a few years ago that It's visible from here. Is.

The example you give is an example of an equivocation fallacy that assumes two or more similar things in the name, which are not necessarily equal.. Several assumptions with this name have been emphasized by string theory that are not theories and have been rejected.. This is even the subject of a number of yellow and popular articles called string theory, but as far as physics or any branch of natural sciences is concerned, if something is accepted as theory, it cannot be rejected by one or more experiments.. It may be merged later in a larger framework that gives a better explanation of the material world, but it is not rejected..

Other Admin opinions

Of the actions of the Iranian Shiites: The Kaaba and the black stone wall ruin turn to rock the toilet bowl
The toilet is the mouth of the one who pushed you to lower the average IQ of Iranians!
Muslim! Momen! Retarded! Illiterate! Somebody's for 20 years. / Urinating in the stone of al-Aswad, you have also paid your life for hajj pilgrimage to be filled with a toilet bowl stone; what is my crime? I just got the point، and I left the source.. Go to the Gospel of God and ask God to give you a piece of stone.. Then kiss me with a big kiss.!

(With two years of delay, this user has a broken mouth.!)

Of the actions of the Iranian Shiites: The Kaaba and the black stone wall ruin turn to rock the toilet bowl
A book published by an academic publication, such as Yale University, which is an expert in this field, is called a reliable source.! Instead of writing three times what you believe and what you don't believe, look at the source and the content once..

Insult to Cyrus the great in University of Tabriz
This "knowing" of you and your kind has made me one in these fourteen – Fifteen years when I was familiar with you, the beasts perished.!
of course, i have to admit, i still don't understand what this "turk" means to you.! You know enough, and then you have done the same thing..

Iran's expulsion of the Imam

Before we get to the definition of ignorance, these two images are both photoshopped.. So that your image is not deleted and others will know what we're talking about in the future and don't click on your link (It's not safe.!) i'll put a copy of your image here:

Please pay attention.: Photoshop images can be identified by certain software, and these two images are both photoshopped.. This means that the description may have been photoshopped in the first image, in the second image the brick was added to the wall or added to the first image of the panel for the second explanation..

But It doesn't matter.! In order to understand the ignorance you are referring to, it doesn't matter which image is photoshopped.. Even in the image you sent, the guy holding the letter put it in the well.–That his 1,200-year-old Imam, who beed imam at the age of five and broke his seven-year-old grandfather's record in his Shiite imamate,– Sing, it's the same as ignorance..

If for any reason he doubts the existence of a person with the identity of the Imam of time
Or you don't believe that you're providing evidence from written sources or documents.

You (And your like-minded people.) You have an unusual claim (extraordinary claim) About the 1,200-year-old Imam and his well that you are obliged to bring proof of the authenticity of your claimi'm not obliged to show against your claim.

Bernard Lewis's speech on Iran; Iran, parsing, architect at the University of Tel-Aviv
If you searched, but I could not commands from me more than this one, you have my own writings in the same article.. My grace is more than yours.

Short link to this post:

Registered to بازخوری You wrote a paragraph, I've made mistakes and fallacies. …

  • ARAZ Said:

    The answer:
    The pollen of the good you do not have to be riding the same objection is طبیعتتان

    Republic of South Azerbaijan independence freedom
    A silent message of nation of Azerbaijan :Azerbaijan does not interfere in the internal affairs of Iran.

    After the bloody events related to the Muslim people in the year 1359, drazarbaijan ojanbakhten کثيري number of people in that historical event, which is finally back with Israel to admit to a mistake by the rhbarit of the people's movement in Azerbaijan, when the Ayatollah Shariat orientation that in addition to the task as a man from inside the system, dubbed by the replacement of Khomeini insisted, omitavan said that in case of the first one that was labeled the system as opposed to a science with religious totalitrhai to the rhbarit, built , With the first counterattack by the regime, people have laid their lives only obrai, Chin and onhaita tons of germination to admit and repent people with Azerbaijan. experience shows that the change in the system of relying to affiliates within the rule وکساني rule naradi subordinate is not possible, the bitter experience of another in the year okhunbar 1385 Of the experience, in which the nation's civil protest, oppressed by the insult to Azerbaijan for many years othaghir has always been dependent on media shownista, precisely in the silence of the oamadi human rights mdaian ! Ohairt and کوجه are among the best in the okhiabanahai cities of Azerbaijan, by the بخاک regime and expresses the constant hmani that blood was the head of the Azerbaijan green homeland, minamidend, and janfshaniha وفداکاريهاي binzir azrbaijaniha in their way as Iran.! Admit and acknowledge, bnaghan com, uchshmha down in the language Bureau, as they head to the green homeland,!As u oazarbaijani Azerbaijan. Red soldier is omoajab wage and anesthetic in the difficult days of warmer and it no longer appears! In fact, in may 1385 Of Iran. but this separation was not causative, but those were the azarbaijani eye on regime crimes in that year in Azerbaijan, not when. * jangjoi soldier ghayoor ghayoor Azarbayjani, Member, needs to be Iranian as the beetle, the campaign and getting sezaish, one of our promos for the definition of the کندفاصله member of the بکجا beetle is up to ghayur?. The correct ari mikhanid, Azerbaijan in June 1385 Separated from Iran. This separation is not shrmegin amaazarbaijan and will answer to the long history of the series, what:Being separated from Azerbaijan and Iran, but also those who were Azarbayjani Azarbayjani as Iran's seasonal gargar. with respect to the green movement of Iran, and responses to glaih of this movement towards the movement to Azerbaijan ملّت npiosten should be noted with regard to the fact that I've done this, you have people from their (But the tough times that you need to find ghyart, Azerbaijan) He looked to a smaller child to express their knowledge related to oranj them uchshm on their mibandid gone due liabilities, such Entezari (Join the nation of Azerbaijan, to the green movement)When a non-reasonable. why you matters related to Azerbaijan to onmidanid not khodmrbot, in wonder, how did the Azerbaijan nation message kept silent message? download nation Azerbaijan to you is :Azerbaijan does not interfere in the internal affairs of Iran.
    Republic of South Azerbaijan independence freedom

    • Kaspersky تجزی quest Said:

      آکراد mtoham
      Today, it is thought that northern Iraq, northern Syria, and southeastern Anatolia have long been Kurdish and that the Kurds have been present in Mesopotamia, Anatolia and Syria along with the Assyrian, Syriac, Armenian, Babylonian, and Sumerian tribes. They were the official languages of the Middle East, they never had an independent alphabet, and they borrowed cuneiform, Syriac, and Arabic alphabets from Mesopotamia, Syriac, and Arabic languages..
      The reality is that the Aboriginals have been originally اکراد Zagros like timber and Lac ČR and….. And start with the Seljuk Turks in Anatolia conquests( The Eastern Roman Government) The Eastern Anatolia to the foot of the Kurds was in this open when Kurds as a mercenary in the service of the Seljuk units and gradually on the eastern half of Anatolia that has overcome the Armenian was forced immigration and اکراد as well as اتراک into the Anatolian Seljuk and, of course, survive the Ottoman conquests of اتراک to the West of Anatolia has also infected d D it was forced when Greek and one thousand years the process of ترکسازی and کردسازی in the East and West of Anatolia continued until the end of the second world war and the Ottoman Government hamidiyeh اکراد( The function of the Sultan Abdul Hamid) The so-called Alliance would leave the Committee with ناسیونالیستهای and the Armenians of Eastern Anatolia forever clearing and the owner of the land and they were مایملک and forced migration in the Western Anatolia together with 5 million Greek mainland Greece to the West of Anatolia was forced to leave a hand.
      In the North of Iraq and Syria, the presence of the Kurds to the North East of the era is over and so it is a timely holaku cities in the mainly Kurdish Arbil and Kirkuk today, such as forced and وحکاری and ghamshlo and حسکه and Dahuk…. Will not render but nn آسوری آسوری these cities all have the name implies this, but there are areas in the attack with the Caliphate holaku Abbasi with stimulation of Nasir al-Din Tusi اکراد in معیت the Horde began to conquer and destruction and killing in the aforementioned areas and gradually the areas with طوایف کوچنده And Turkmen fighters and was again residential. So وواقعیت is that North Korea and Syria and South East Anatolia (Turkey) آسوری property in the original Syriac and Armenian, and less than 900 years and has gradually fallen into the hands of اکراد and اکراد of the Armenians and Syriac Christians as آسوری and descent *!!!!!! They learn. And this thing of پانترکها low ndarandba except that پانکردها gravely امپریالیزم material and spiritual support of the Western media, and for the purposes of means weakened and insecure futures and the Middle East have been chosen.

    • کریم ناصری Said:

      I am a Marandi and all my citizens and my provincials all strongly believe that one day the fake Republic of Azerbaijan, which was once forcibly separated by the bastard Russians of Iran, will rejoin Mam Mihan, i.e. Iran, and this is a very, very much humble minority. Panturk will be finished soon.These are not known how many fake Republic of Azerbaijan mercenaries Erdoğan are illiterate and obsessive and do not have a profit for these pan-secessionists.All 30 million Azeris my compatriot Belly soldier, but our mother soldier iran and defended the speck of our soil And the secessionist elements of Erdogan's father's bash
      They have withdrawn to the detriment of their treachery soon.Long live Iran and the noble and despised excuses of the heads of the fake Republic of Azerbaijan and the stinking heads of fake Turkey, that if we want to go back to the historical borders, Turkey must also return to the country, i.e. The Great Iran..

    • Antidonkey Said:

      Kass Nant is a rootless donkey

  • کریم ناصری Said:

    I am a Marandi and all my citizens and my provincials all strongly believe that one day the fake Republic of Azerbaijan, which was once forcibly separated by the bastard Russians of Iran, will rejoin Mam Mihan, i.e. Iran, and this is a very, very much humble minority. Panturk will be finished soon.These are not known how many fake Republic of Azerbaijan mercenaries Erdoğan are illiterate and obsessive and do not have a profit for these pan-secessionists.All 30 million Azeris my compatriot Belly soldier, but our mother soldier iran and defended the speck of our soil And the secessionist elements of Erdogan's father's bash
    They have withdrawn to the detriment of their treachery soon.Long live Iran and the noble and despised excuses of the heads of the fake Republic of Azerbaijan and the stinking heads of fake Turkey, that if we want to go back to the historical borders, Turkey must also return to the country, i.e. The Great Iran..

    • Anonymous Said:

      Yashasin Marandi

    • Anonymous Said:

      Some of our fellow citizens are still dreaming of neglect do not know that Arordoghan dreamed for them as Ilham Aliyev Ghulam had his ear ringed.. But they went blind.
      Viva Iran and Persia
      The pan rats were present all the time، but they dare not
      Actually Pan Turk or Pan Kurd all of these people should see their tree probably a bug somewhere in the twig is wrong

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