One of the subjects of religion and are very ahmghi …

Comments posted: "Is there a God?" Steven Hawking Authors: A. Ashrafi noshngh.

One of the people of the religion are very ahmghi, and finally fhashi have panterk ahmghi against Iran under the name h. mohammadzadeh sedigh has red to dosegon
A written disclosure of the insidious character of Hussain Sadiq (Dosegon) Author a. Ashrafi noshngh

H. mohammadzadeh sedigh jael and sharp-tongued Iranian tribes to the stupid panterk- Panterk and analysis of ahmghi with the riakari show their religious but in fact noker laiek kmonist and grgahai panterk and bozaqordi of the plant is a fashist. This is the most stupid dumb bisoadtrin and the person is on Earth. Panterk bjnordi fool called e. salarian aka shirvanli and e. e. ardabili major role in the promotion of racist thoughts can play this stupid panterk.

Author: A. Ashrafi noshngh
The first Soviet Union in Iran?

The first public expression of ideas in the Pahlavi era, about the developments in Iran after an article by Mirza Ibrahim اُف under revision as "life in the South» (5) As. Although the above article in the monthly magazine owned by the US author (s) Azerbaijan appeared to clear the contents of the collection was ulikan was Mirza Ebrahim اُف residents in the article section of the Institute of language and literature, the southern military literature azari (Attributable to the Iranian poet ـ m) Have a responsible. The many ideas expressed in this article is referenced in the period after the azari journals Pahlavi have been selected the above statements, the existence of a strong political feelings and severe tendency nationalisti towards the enjoyment of their cultural and political one, Mokhtari in a framework makes clear the Iranian. Due to the nature of the sources of this article, that the producer on most of the quotes in the article title, Mirza Ebrahim اُف, aslahati used to get badly needed color and the Soviet Union, not to far from the expected. Mirza Ebrahim اُف this entry with the Soviet Union, these readers of the press among the Azeri shares in:

Other Iranian azarbaijani people, such as with Nouri on the horizon of the revolution, after a long night lay behind the tar and a period of fifty years of tyranny, the first gamahai beautiful loft in the way the educational enrichment of the spiritual, cultural, social, and have taken. The people's aspirations and arzwhai had been shkova for a long time have been suppressed and, above all, that these wishes, literary pieces have been mtgeli nghz(A. Ashrafi noshngh).

Many of the works of the order and the prose has been quoted in this article, which specimens confirmed as national awareness in Iranian azari is brought, before the outbreak of the Iranian revolution to come, so in tharir view that in these works of protest about the purposes of government repression and persecution of the national and on the other hand, much of the language so far to glorify the azari talk. This content at the time of the Shah's Government was nersdeh and just print of the year 1979 It was later exposed that public opinion was shared. But the literary community is dependent on the roshanfekr floor of the Iranian azari amani in the place of the Soviet Union, Azerbaijan had been brkhorder since 1948, these topics may have.

Literary critics of the Soviet Union also referred to this point to claim that, despite the failure to release the Iranian azari literature in 1979, before the Soviet Union and Iran, Azeri literature in the era after the war (The second world ـ m) Parallel to the path developments have taken in each step. The political significance of this match and the literary parallel, to the specific interpretation of the species, the group still in Iran, that of the author (s) of the policy are "azari Assembly sharai Jafar khandan» often, it should be mentioned in the year 1944, Assembly by azari language had been established in her hometown of Tabriz iolonda. The concept of relate such positions was in Iran, are tailor made for achieving azari itself Mokhtari, both national cooperation with fellow employees to the indigent in the Soviet Union are.

In the Soviet Union, Azeri media about this issue is that the positions adopted by the author (s) of the Iranian azari is very similar to the Soviet Union about the support positions, has been talking a very. For example, it is said that the person named. Richness. Yashar in a journal in azari language 1979 Published in Tehran, stated that "feudal bourgeois fanatic ـ patriotic homeland» has the purposes of the time, were in positions where" the mother tongue of Azerbaijan, national and local, determined by the characteristics of their culture that were "and" activities and their skills in mzmohal and among them, because they could not follow a healthy developmental path, and others that the best human khsais they were ridicule wind». Such a comment, just easy, this is managed in the Soviet Union for Azerbaijan, but without any changes by the political officials of the sansori, it is given. One of the distinguishing characteristic of the General Survey (6) "The issue of the South by the Soviet Union, utilizing a completely covered by the selected quotes from Iranian Azeri media during the Pahlavi regime after it has been.

One of the examples that showed significant differences in this regard is the issue of Soviet Union give-away, the country handled with mbahthati which was about the formation of the "Association of poets and writers in Iran," if Azerbaijan was. Azari language literary journal of the Soviet Union in a report, addressed his readers and may says, "according to the content and information contained in the publications reached Iran, Hossein dozghon, the editor-in-Chief of the literary magazine" ioldash "in Indonesia, azari is called shorvist, and calls for the convening of the Conference to form an organization to author (s) to debate Iranian azari. His proposal, including who should be discussed masaeli may was of the phrase were: The formation of an Association of poets, and the author (s): "with other author (s) and communicate that progress of the Republican organizations in the world," defend "the honour of the Pahlavi regime by the meliman heritage has been destroyed," the expansion of the concept of "worker class and the people in between, zahmatkesh, while at the same time" of any solution, we avoided lost nationalisti or prejudice, "preparing the curriculum for the next academic year to mother tongue, making the young generation familiar with the heritage of the aftkharafarin and adbiman», and Farsi language newspaper "inform Tehran of the parent application, our forums».

In addition to this general political dozghon another request is raised, including that of aialti and the provincial association predicted during the more advanced and progressive to the constitutional form of the revival, and other more "that the Government of Azerbaijan does not require khodmkhtari».

But in spite of the political nature of the dozghon suggestions, Exchange trivia, and discussion of next, was almost exclusive to talk on ante language, literary language of Azerbaijan and the role that the Soviet Union must be that of Iranian azari language aifa. But the issue was abundant problems with language: Firstly, in the language of the Soviet Union a revised sirillik alfbay azari (7) Date went whereas alfbay azari language used, modification of the Arabic a, secondly, in the language of the Soviet Union many linguistic corrections taken azari, respectively, whereas the Iranian azari language of approximately 35 Years ago it was prohibited, that this issue of changing it (Controlled bsourti) Thirdly, prevention was the literary language has Azerbaijan Soviet Union largely corresponded with the باكوئي accent, which in terms of avashnasi and has a far different language with the command language of Tabriz in Azerbaijan that the Soviet Union was, eventually, language link was tagesstni with it. On the other hand, scientists of the nineteenth century such emotional azari may have alfbay way of learning Arabic, he/she and becoming literate is in addition to all of this dictionary, grammar books and curriculum available to azari language was written and that the Soviet Union Azerbaijan Soviet Union is ready to provide any assistance in this area was. Soviet Union were convinced that, as in the Iranian Azerbaijan more discussion about the language for national self consciousness, the same amount of time to the Azeri transformation will be more, and also two more near together Azerbaijan, therefore their writings and radio programs that were broadcast to Iran, it is important to put your language Center *.

Many of the dimensions of the notice (User agreement) It called for the creation of the dozghon during the political and cultural developments, in the title of the Forum by the demands of Azerbaijan (Non-marksist) Also mentioned was the Forum would also calls khodmkhtari in the field of culture, languages and politics had been. Ulikan the final conclusion was that almost all the categories of the international language, azari, Iran, no matter their political or personal religious inclinations, can have a consensus about it. Mirza Ebrahim pointed to اُف are quoted motallebi is a "letter to the editor" in one of the magazines to print political language has Azeri and in it the author of the letter is that the plaintiffs oppose the Iranian azari language movement ", on behalf of those who have asked, by applying force We will book your language and culture that in fact this is a defiance against God's wishes in the shadows». Therefore, the existence of this universal language of popular support in Iran, major advertising rate azari for Soviet Union brings supply.

In addition to a number of articles and research thesis about the problems of the written language in Iranian Azerbaijan, in 1979 Two of the Soviet Union, sharai azari namahai Bakhtiar Wahab and Ali Sir corchi Eli, in this regard to the essence of the students residing in the UK and Iranian Azeri point of their ideas for the future in relation to آرزوهائي are often have been Iranian Azerbaijan. Vahab Zadeh of shari in the same year the name of "mother tongue"-radio Baku for recitation, which Iranian azari presumably his voice on the tape recording in Iran, and then the text of the poems in a Tehran newspaper were published in the language of azari. When the above poem for the awareness of readers (Press) Soviet Union was published, Wahab stated that his born to compose the lyrics of inspired a letter from Azerbaijan, Iran has been sent, so we wrote an that theme: "I'm one of the guys, but unfortunately the language madarim azari does not know. Please send book braim so I could tongue of the biamozam».

Simultaneously with the publication of the poem in one of the journals born Wahab Soviet Union, another article in the same magazine to print, but showed to the efforts of the South section of language and literature department responsible that azari ـ Mirza Ebrahim اُف — many books were collected and sent to the Iranian Azerbaijan.[1]

Starting and trailing to the conditions of society journals and the Tudeh Party was shut down one after another. In this years nshriati "ioldash" iolonda revolution ";;;" the "azadliq" ini iol» by this trend will release another one found was closed after.

Preservation of ethnic orientation after the end of the war, especially after the end of the Holy defense of 1370, 1988 1371 The same with the cultural approach was to enter the universities. The existence of خلأهايي because of the lack of nobility the officials to ethnic issues at different levels and the absence of Turkish language and literature degree in universities is the best opportunity for this to flow up under the pretext of their mother tongue, they expanded the activities of the. Introduction to the activities of one of its activists, together with the supply of mass marksisti can record many facts showed significant differences..

The most important active Pan trakisti in Iran

Of the race of the people like zhtabi presti, j., dosegon, dashghn, Behzad behzadi, a. serrafi, b. ajirelo, m. and other majdfar (The loss of the newspaper more anderkaran)Hamraz, r., h. Shadi, e. theoretical and some others may be named. However, in an important position among some dosegon has a look at h. to his widespread activities for the eradication of mental bsteri this finding is necessary and.

Dosegon of kmonisti prior to the revolution, which is the same charge has been arrested and detained while also. After the victory of the Islamic revolution, "Indonesia's Prime ioldash journal» published by advocating the creed kmonisti. This journal is one of the most important records in Iran marakisti trakisti Pan flow into account will be. On the issue of repeated insult to the clergy and the leader of the Islamic revolution in the form of adult cartoon with the complaint of the people detained were not forbid this journal.

You notice that the article has been set so that the ability to print and may not agree with all of NLP

A. Ashrafi noshngh also wrote:

"Is there a God?" Steven Hawking

"Is there a God?" Steven Hawking
Your views about this and I thank you very much.
If I have endless bother to answer you?

"Is there a God?" Steven Hawking
çox sağolun

Other points of a. Ashrafi noshngh

Of the actions of the Iranian Shiites: The Kaaba and the black stone wall ruin turn to rock the toilet bowl
You spoke the truth, your breath is warm..

Of the actions of the Iranian Shiites: The Kaaba and the black stone wall ruin turn to rock the toilet bowl
How many lies

In fact, it was after the death of Abu Tahir al-Qarmati that the Qarmati knew that it was impossible to achieve their goal, so on the day of Eid al-Adha in 339, Sanbar ibn Hasan al-Qarmati took out the Black Stone, which was well preserved during this time and in a silver covering, in the presence of the governor of Mecca and placed it in its place with the same silver covering. They took it out of its place and made it stronger by using a new collar made of silver. The collar was removed in 585 by the order of Dawud ibn Isa al-Hasani, the ruler of Mecca.

Spit on the Honor of the Administrator of Dorari

Of the actions of the Iranian Shiites: The Kaaba and the black stone wall ruin turn to rock the toilet bowl
In all sources, the Qarmatians took the Black Stone at the time of the murder and plundering of Mecca and it was installed on the wall in someone's house for 20 years, and there is a source about this that the use of toilet stones is not mentioned and it is a complete lie..

The Ismailis were a bloodthirsty and deviant sect whose branches, the Qarmatis, who followed the Mahdism of Muhammad ibn Isma'il al-Khawi and had a Khawarij-like character, and in fact, contemporary scholars refer to their rule as one of the first "communist" governments in history.

I wish the dear opposition would not publish content that would defame itself by relying on lies and sludge, which it has done
Because the nation did not tie cows, and it is not the time of the Rezapals when the people listen to the blessed mouths of the servants and the bowls of the courtiers.

Of the actions of the Iranian Shiites: The Kaaba and the black stone wall ruin turn to rock the toilet bowl
The truth is bitter

Of the actions of the Iranian Shiites: The Kaaba and the black stone wall ruin turn to rock the toilet bowl
Steep in the stone
Calm down and grieve, Knoe.

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Registered to بازخوری One of the subjects of religion and are very ahmghi …

  • ARAZ Said:

    The answer:
    The pollen of the good you do not have to be riding the same objection is طبیعتتان

    Republic of South Azerbaijan independence freedom
    A silent message of nation of Azerbaijan :Azerbaijan does not interfere in the internal affairs of Iran.

    After the bloody events related to the Muslim people in the year 1359, drazarbaijan ojanbakhten کثيري number of people in that historical event, which is finally back with Israel to admit to a mistake by the rhbarit of the people's movement in Azerbaijan, when the Ayatollah Shariat orientation that in addition to the task as a man from inside the system, dubbed by the replacement of Khomeini insisted, omitavan said that in case of the first one that was labeled the system as opposed to a science with religious totalitrhai to the rhbarit, built , With the first counterattack by the regime, people have laid their lives only obrai, Chin and onhaita tons of germination to admit and repent people with Azerbaijan. experience shows that the change in the system of relying to affiliates within the rule وکساني rule naradi subordinate is not possible, the bitter experience of another in the year okhunbar 1385 Of the experience, in which the nation's civil protest, oppressed by the insult to Azerbaijan for many years othaghir has always been dependent on media shownista, precisely in the silence of the oamadi human rights mdaian ! Ohairt and کوجه are among the best in the okhiabanahai cities of Azerbaijan, by the بخاک regime and expresses the constant hmani that blood was the head of the Azerbaijan green homeland, minamidend, and janfshaniha وفداکاريهاي binzir azrbaijaniha in their way as Iran.! Admit and acknowledge, bnaghan com, uchshmha down in the language Bureau, as they head to the green homeland,!As u oazarbaijani Azerbaijan. Red soldier is omoajab wage and anesthetic in the difficult days of warmer and it no longer appears! In fact, in may 1385 Of Iran. but this separation was not causative, but those were the azarbaijani eye on regime crimes in that year in Azerbaijan, not when. * jangjoi soldier ghayoor ghayoor Azarbayjani, Member, needs to be Iranian as the beetle, the campaign and getting sezaish, one of our promos for the definition of the کندفاصله member of the بکجا beetle is up to ghayur?. The correct ari mikhanid, Azerbaijan in June 1385 Separated from Iran. This separation is not shrmegin amaazarbaijan and will answer to the long history of the series, what:Being separated from Azerbaijan and Iran, but also those who were Azarbayjani Azarbayjani as Iran's seasonal gargar. with respect to the green movement of Iran, and responses to glaih of this movement towards the movement to Azerbaijan ملّت npiosten should be noted with regard to the fact that I've done this, you have people from their (But the tough times that you need to find ghyart, Azerbaijan) He looked to a smaller child to express their knowledge related to oranj them uchshm on their mibandid gone due liabilities, such Entezari (Join the nation of Azerbaijan, to the green movement)When a non-reasonable. why you matters related to Azerbaijan to onmidanid not khodmrbot, in wonder, how did the Azerbaijan nation message kept silent message? download nation Azerbaijan to you is :Azerbaijan does not interfere in the internal affairs of Iran.
    Republic of South Azerbaijan independence freedom

    • Kaspersky تجزی quest Said:

      آکراد mtoham
      Today, it is thought that northern Iraq, northern Syria, and southeastern Anatolia have long been Kurdish and that the Kurds have been present in Mesopotamia, Anatolia and Syria along with the Assyrian, Syriac, Armenian, Babylonian, and Sumerian tribes. They were the official languages of the Middle East, they never had an independent alphabet, and they borrowed cuneiform, Syriac, and Arabic alphabets from Mesopotamia, Syriac, and Arabic languages..
      The reality is that the Aboriginals have been originally اکراد Zagros like timber and Lac ČR and….. And start with the Seljuk Turks in Anatolia conquests( The Eastern Roman Government) The Eastern Anatolia to the foot of the Kurds was in this open when Kurds as a mercenary in the service of the Seljuk units and gradually on the eastern half of Anatolia that has overcome the Armenian was forced immigration and اکراد as well as اتراک into the Anatolian Seljuk and, of course, survive the Ottoman conquests of اتراک to the West of Anatolia has also infected d D it was forced when Greek and one thousand years the process of ترکسازی and کردسازی in the East and West of Anatolia continued until the end of the second world war and the Ottoman Government hamidiyeh اکراد( The function of the Sultan Abdul Hamid) The so-called Alliance would leave the Committee with ناسیونالیستهای and the Armenians of Eastern Anatolia forever clearing and the owner of the land and they were مایملک and forced migration in the Western Anatolia together with 5 million Greek mainland Greece to the West of Anatolia was forced to leave a hand.
      In the North of Iraq and Syria, the presence of the Kurds to the North East of the era is over and so it is a timely holaku cities in the mainly Kurdish Arbil and Kirkuk today, such as forced and وحکاری and ghamshlo and حسکه and Dahuk…. Will not render but nn آسوری آسوری these cities all have the name implies this, but there are areas in the attack with the Caliphate holaku Abbasi with stimulation of Nasir al-Din Tusi اکراد in معیت the Horde began to conquer and destruction and killing in the aforementioned areas and gradually the areas with طوایف کوچنده And Turkmen fighters and was again residential. So وواقعیت is that North Korea and Syria and South East Anatolia (Turkey) آسوری property in the original Syriac and Armenian, and less than 900 years and has gradually fallen into the hands of اکراد and اکراد of the Armenians and Syriac Christians as آسوری and descent *!!!!!! They learn. And this thing of پانترکها low ndarandba except that پانکردها gravely امپریالیزم material and spiritual support of the Western media, and for the purposes of means weakened and insecure futures and the Middle East have been chosen.

    • کریم ناصری Said:

      I am a Marandi and all my citizens and my provincials all strongly believe that one day the fake Republic of Azerbaijan, which was once forcibly separated by the bastard Russians of Iran, will rejoin Mam Mihan, i.e. Iran, and this is a very, very much humble minority. Panturk will be finished soon.These are not known how many fake Republic of Azerbaijan mercenaries Erdoğan are illiterate and obsessive and do not have a profit for these pan-secessionists.All 30 million Azeris my compatriot Belly soldier, but our mother soldier iran and defended the speck of our soil And the secessionist elements of Erdogan's father's bash
      They have withdrawn to the detriment of their treachery soon.Long live Iran and the noble and despised excuses of the heads of the fake Republic of Azerbaijan and the stinking heads of fake Turkey, that if we want to go back to the historical borders, Turkey must also return to the country, i.e. The Great Iran..

    • Antidonkey Said:

      Kass Nant is a rootless donkey

  • کریم ناصری Said:

    I am a Marandi and all my citizens and my provincials all strongly believe that one day the fake Republic of Azerbaijan, which was once forcibly separated by the bastard Russians of Iran, will rejoin Mam Mihan, i.e. Iran, and this is a very, very much humble minority. Panturk will be finished soon.These are not known how many fake Republic of Azerbaijan mercenaries Erdoğan are illiterate and obsessive and do not have a profit for these pan-secessionists.All 30 million Azeris my compatriot Belly soldier, but our mother soldier iran and defended the speck of our soil And the secessionist elements of Erdogan's father's bash
    They have withdrawn to the detriment of their treachery soon.Long live Iran and the noble and despised excuses of the heads of the fake Republic of Azerbaijan and the stinking heads of fake Turkey, that if we want to go back to the historical borders, Turkey must also return to the country, i.e. The Great Iran..

    • Anonymous Said:

      Yashasin Marandi

    • Anonymous Said:

      Some of our fellow citizens are still dreaming of neglect do not know that Arordoghan dreamed for them as Ilham Aliyev Ghulam had his ear ringed.. But they went blind.
      Viva Iran and Persia
      The pan rats were present all the time، but they dare not
      Actually Pan Turk or Pan Kurd all of these people should see their tree probably a bug somewhere in the twig is wrong

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