Why is Richard Frye is junk

Professor Richard Frye.

Professor Richard Frye.

Say Mullah نصرالدین beat his wife who ran the cause he was leaning. In response, I said that not spending money not to work; not to come home; if the beat is nzanm so the nation where the weak woman I know who this is?

Find a ملای other recently in Isfahan and claimed that Professor Richard Frye, distinguished professor of Harvard University, who was a big right to the people of Iran and Iranian culture, is a junk. This person is called the junk that FRY, Hojjatoleslam Mohammad Taghi rahbar, a representative of the Supreme Leader and is Imam of Friday, Isfahan, Iran.

I honestly understand Mr. Rahbar. Thirty-five years of the Islamic regime in Iran has achieved nothing but destruction, calamity, except lousyness, poverty, prostitution, addiction, and honour, except for big-mouthedness, but slogans and the spread of ignorance and superstition.. they know it much better than me. No one has taken the leaders of this regime in the world for 35 years.. if they didn't have oil, they weren't the same. But no one counts Taqi, the leader, and the likes of Taqi, the leader in the world.. It was just a few days ago that the White House announced that it would not grant visas to the Islamic Republic's proposed ambassador to the United Nations.. How can the Islamic Republic retaliate under such circumstances? Which U.S. visas are to be stopped? How are they supposed to say they exist, too? Despite no living Americans waiting behind the embassies of the Islamic Republic to obtain a visa, it seems that someone was finally found dead to provide them with the opportunity to get an obsession.. Yet Professor Fry himself is not guilty of the current situation..

Fry spent 70 years of his life in the world's most prominent Seats of Iranology studying the history and civilization of Iran and the development of Iranology, without realizing that the Iranian people hate those who serve him.. On the contrary, we honor those who have committed the ugliest and most heinous crimes against us, from the Lapiglass and Khomeini periods to the early days of Islam.. Just take a look at our blasphemy list. Almost all of those on this list either slaughtered Iranians, sold the women, children and children of this nation, or hated the Iranian people from the beginning.. Now there's a lunatic who likes us for whatever reason.. Don't we have the right to hate him?

Richard Fry, with all his knowledge, mistakenly assumed that dying and being buried in Iran was a common problem, and that it must be a bridge between east and west of the world.. 2019 Jan 09, 10:00. A look at the Islamic Republic's record of destroying the graves of political opponents as well as religious minorities, such as Baha'is, shows that unlike other countries around the world, in Iran, not everyone is allowed to die.. Dying in Iran is actually a very important issue. Many who did not do anything wrong during their survival, and after dying simply because they were such a new one from the sing of such a sayyid or Imam, or who had only dreamed of them, reached the rank of prophet and imamzadegan.. Although they did not do anything important during their survival, they are considered important sources of income for the likes of Leader Mohammad Taqi and, like Mohammad Taqi himself, are the leader of important people..

But who is going to be implicated in Richard Fry's grave? Which zayeri is willing to pay in Zarrih Fari? To solve this problem now that Frye is deceased, maybe we can ask someone Like the Head of the Assembly of Experts To help, to testify that Fry is the same Einstein was a Shia.And he recited the rawda of 'Abbas and was one of the lovers of the Ahl al-Bayt (a) of infallibility and purity.. If it is, Richard Fry is out of this situation. (In the words of the leader.) 2019 Jan 09, 10:00.

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11 Reply to Why is Richard Frye is junk

  • Rare Said:

    You're a little good guy.

    • Admin Said:

      A lifetime of bun in our country, with the illusion of self-delusion, big-nose, illiteracy, and a lot of wrong, has produced only thugs.. It's from Ansar Hezbollah in Isfahan, and it's from Ansar Torkullah.. So, like what? I didn't answer you twice. Learn to comment like a man.. Do you disagree? Write the opinion of dissent like a person. not me, not those who read it, have no duty to tolerate the likes of you.

  • Rare Said:

    You're an obsessed patient who influenced Reza Shah's fantasies.
    The man sitting here promotes a wild people who have been looting our eternal land for 2,800 years.
    I'm neither a separatist nor an innocent man like you.
    I had everything from Cyrus sodomy to you nigger, the Arabian Gulf.
    Hof Hof, the rootless life of this plateau that Iran is and has been in our hands for 8,000 years.
    You are a wild minority with a history and culture of theft
    You're very sad about this land of Herrery.

    • sina Said:

      Pan (aka Nader)You can't do anything wrong.. Come to Tehran, I'll show you who the dog is.. Don't we put the body in the Persian Gulf, isn't it a pity the sea is clean enough to be contaminated with your stinking corpse?
      The descendants of the thieves of the Qbchaq plain have not come to the Iranian plateau for 800 years, let alone 8,000 years.

  • Rare Said:

    High time to leave not leave where you and the world where Turan
    Here are a few to pan the dog Pan Azerbaijan breakaway Kurdish gathering yourself away and morning till night and NAP Perth میگید.
    You've got a dog who's a bad answer to my uneducated.
    Go with that whole breakaway, Ken

  • kaveh Said:

    Don't forget we're all in 70000 We came out of Africa last year and we were all black. . At that time, the language of speech had not yet been created, and humans understood what they meant by ima and mentioning each other. . No one called themselves Fars, neither Arab nor Turkish. . Don't you think it was a better time? If so, then strive for a single language in the world to get rid of this inexhaustible boring war that will only unealest your nerves..

  • A. Ashrafi noshngh Said:

    Lider pantracki fool inside Iran Hossein Mohammad Sediq-Zadeh? (Dosegon) Let's make it better

    Hossein Mohammad Sediq-Zadeh (Dosegon) His most recent book is called … Pursuant to the General anger and hatred for the Iranian people, and the culture of our friends, the cyst? Publishing new ideas (Located in northern Tehran, the worker) Several anti-Iranian book to print is the divide and governed by who? Because while ناشرانی like fritters, and Reed publishing akhtaran cancel rating, or license their book, writers such as Hussein Sadiq and new thought publishing can easily continue their activities! Iran faces destruction and the pretext of dealing with ایرانیت شونیسم Pan فارسیسم and Reza Shah, except trkyst who profits?

    These are questions that this short written speech and we face a traitor and anti-Iranian element Rigi and the thousand faces is clear.

    · Hossein Mohammadzadeh Sediq, born in Tabriz 1324 Is. He is in the stubborn opposition of the young Professor Shahriar and activities against him doing. The cause of the opposition thought Iran was friendly and Shahriar سرودهایی master in which he describe Ferdowsi, Iran, and Persepolis was published. The activities of the second pillar, he gradually caused the army to be on the sensitivity of the results to begin her research on. Turn on two pillars of research in the army that he has contacts with the Soviet Embassy, and finally the investigation to arrest short takes, he.

    · As a young man, Mr. Sediq was also linked to the Tudeh Party of Iran and was a member of the Democratic Youth Wing..

    · He published the publication Yuldash with Marxist and Pan-Turkist tendencies in the early part of the revolution. In this publication he is trying that with the support of the tensions, the role of Ayatollah Khomeini to the pale. The term Imam shariatmadari, the publication was یولداش initiatives. Insults and تحقیرهایی that his publications relative to the Ayatollah Khomeini in یولداش did eventually lead to the closure of this publication was. One of the words offensive rebound he Ayatollah Khomeini, a religious movement in reading the revolution and calling the term "idiot" was his old right. After the closure of the magazine "یولداش یولوندا" by Hussain Sadiq revolution released. With sleeping people's theorem and Sadiq Hossein shariatmadari also escaped to Turkey and up to the time of death of Ayatollah Khomeini in this country. Per year 1368 He is a doctoral degree with which Turks were he returned to Iran and Turkish language translation was based on the foot. His return to Iran without noise and without any prosecution was amazing and this person هتاک to enter the center of the back after the publication of the works of Imam and with getting a table as a translator of works and activities, he struggled this time under the protection of the Imam With Iran and Iran-culture fight the capitalists.

    · In a letter written to Sharq newspaper, he wrote (Of course this letter in the name of one of his مریدان, but its style and سیاق suggests that it is sincere) Your individual دیندار, Imam Khomeini-friendly, anti-secularism, nationalism and anti-Iran has introduced the Iranian friends and all pagan, religion and the rest of the royalist. Interestingly, the person who has the die-hard Communist Party members yesterday and has a mass of about دیندار and loving religion of water comes in and who he has been Imam of enemies and introduced پیرخرفت, the center of the publication of the works of Imam to start up and the claims in the A huge share of the flow of export of the revolution..

    · Some Azerbaijani cultural activists believe that Hossein Siddique (Dosegon) Since then back quietly to Iran, together with the information service began to build pakht, and introduced with some Pan activists continue to trkyst pantrkyst your activity information will guarantee. In the same publication in the Center for action rewards works of Imam received up to the time they have incomes momr and file past the black and the last suggestion perhaps a case he has to compensate the mafat.. On the other hand it seems unlikely due to the records and how to look at the anti-Iranian, Turkish intelligence service with no sincere communication will not be.

    · After returning from Turkey, Hussein Sediq, in addition to leaving the creed of communism and good will to the Imam, had also had Aliollahi's tendencies and groups and individuals had found relationships.. The introduction of the book that he had written the lyrics on Turkish vegetable was a way of expressing this is subject. In his introduction in addition to accolades from the cult of Ali اللهی Ali from the arasbaran poets also vegetable اللهی was very.

    · One of Aliollahi's disciples, Mr. Hossein Sediq, Mr. M.S. Naebi, is a member of the Revolutionary Guards and officials of the Cultural Centers of the Revolutionary Guards who also taught in one of these centers, while providing him with one of the floors of his house for free.. Mr. Sadiq Hussain نائبی to aradat degree as much as hand-kissing and it is unclear why one of the members of the revolutionary guards, revolutionary leader and هتاک with someone who turns out to be returned from its Communist history is not whether or not there is such a relationship.

    · Given Mr. Hossein Sediq's anti-revolutionary background, his presence in Iran and at the center of the publication of Imam's works cannot be justified except in the form of political clauses..

    · Mr. Hossein Sediq, who seems to have a disciple for himself and publications such as Andisheh No (Affiliated to the Marxists that Mr f. f. brother a few years ago was feet) Leader of your trkyst think. Due to the volume of scientific and literary publications apart from the value of it, also for credit trkystha are presumed and perhaps for his leadership credentials are highly encouraged. At least it can be deemed that the spectral Pan leader Sadiq Hussain trkyst pantrkyst inside the country and to the modern theorists say it certainly has historical and cultural issues. The question is that the modern theorists say that in Al East 09 9 March 1389 Writes: During the past more than 30 years 30 Thousands of book titles has been licensed in Turkish. However, this must be asked why there is always a variety of difficulties and discrimination the glory and moaning?

    · Sediq makes great efforts to attribute himself to the Islamic Republic. Means of expression that is in the export of the Islamic revolution, is to have a role outside borders (The newspaper of the East) And in the center of the publication of the works of Imam rated side, plus have a deep intellectual belong towards the "Imam" is more of the Imam and his works has been translated in Turkish. In his letter to the East writes, you are the same as the supporters of the Iranian Republic, the newspaper accused the East to secularism.

  • A. Ashrafi noshngh Said:

    Esfandiar Sepehrinia and Mansour Babazadeh, two stupid slime punts, the wedges of their writings, are published on punter sites such as candy.
    In comments, he has addressed people's blogs and insults them by defaming them and defaming them, and swearing against the Afghans, Afghans and Armenians.. Interestingly, these pigs have official licenses, and despite being filtered once, they re-launched the Pigdonian site for the disintegration of Iran by paying bribes..

    A. determine our fallen day after mozi:
    Please refer to the website of the friends of the filter.internet.ir/field for filtering the site vogue racism and insulting Iranian ethnic groups, provide durnanews.ir//
    Examples of the above مجرمیت site legal
    1.- Publish content against the principles of the Constitution. ( Article 6, paragraph 12 am m )
    2-disrupting national unity and make the difference between segments of society, especially racial and ethnic issues through design. ( Paragraph 4 Article 6 am m )

  • Reply to kaveh

    :wink: :twisted: :roll: :oops: :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :evil: :dance: :cry: :bow: :arrow: :angry-: :?: :-| :-x :-o :-P :-D :-? :) :( :!: 8-O 8)

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