King Abdullah – The King of Saudi Arabia :Iran does not deserve to exist

Recently King Abdullah , The King of Saudi Arabia during a comment expressing his opinion of the The two countries are "in the world that do not deserve to exist! Iran and Israel»It is said that in the presence of the French Defence Minister and an official in the meeting gave so far in the بسیای of world publications on reflections and at least two French diplomats said this originality in Interview with FigaroThey were also among the approved internal publications Radiant site This news release. the Secretary General of the Arab Union earlier while also claiming Arabian Gulf reading The absence of Iran before the Safavid era And such statements before the anti-Iranian intellectual movements of the specific role that the Group of affected and beliefs among this tribe accepted in General , More nonsense like memo Nasser pourpirar – بناکننده Is.

To any country on how a few thousand years of the oldest human existence does not merit a typical part of the Ottoman Empire caused by the conspiracy of England after the first world war and by the Al-Saud entity or a group of henchmen and British khoddam (The current King of the ancestors) Formed , There is merit to exist ! A question that should be answered the same Saudi King Abdullah says Israel, which, of course, about the merit of the country. with the support of about 13 million of the total Jewish population in the world in terms of the position of an important political and economic power it has and its hundreds of millions of Arabs still deserve the deal with them too Do not have the ,Instead of the big one, but we can't say the Iranian Arab شیخک in the کاریم fault and definitely counts under the pretext of the Saudi King's remarks perhaps not so bad we are exploring more , Our relations with the Chinese, تازیان,Pursuant to that order of merit at the Arab entity worthy of the floor?!

A Brief History of Iranian-Arab Relations

In general, the rise of Islam and the Arab invasion should be considered the first means of proximity of Iranians and Tazeyans ,Pre-Islamic Iranians، although with groups of Arabs such as Arabs “حیره” They were interdependent, but they never sought to rule the primitive Arab tribes. The Arabs were the lowest forms of social forms in Iran, and they never felt a danger from them, so the rise of Islam was the first excuse for serious confrontation between Iranians and Arabs.. 1،000 years ago. ,Muslim Arabs entered our homeland under the pretext of fighting infidels and spreading Islam ,The Arabs who came to Iran to wage jihad before Islam knew no industry and only a part of them traded with neighboring tribes, and many of them engaged in banditry, murder and plunder, so that they did not know a way to provide a livelihood other than stealing after the surrender of the people of Saudi Arabia., The former robbers struggled to keep up with their lives, and kept pushing the First and Second Caliphs to find a way to solve the problem of groups that knew no other way to earn money than the sword., In fact, the invasion of Iran and Egypt was a natural solution that Muslims chose according to the current conditions, and the first group of Muslims was not in the way of God or reaching the Nymireans and Pens of Paradise, but for the restoration of noble jobs. ! Their fathers used to swords. (Look at that. “Aisha after the Prophet” The Scriptures “Kurt فیشلر” It is written in the Muslim Monotheism. )

Ibn Khaldun :”Arabs are inherently destructive and anti-civilized.. This is because they are always transporting for trophies, which is incompatible with civilization.. Arabs generally tend to plunder and want to own what is in the hands of others, because one day it will be obtained by his sword.. The Arab knows no bounds in taking the property of others, and when he sees it, he robs it.. As a result, the people who are ruled by these people do not live in safety, they take over the buildings of the profession and the industry, and they pay no price for it.. They do not care about industry, and their aim is only to take away the wealth of the people, and therefore they do not care about the people who are vanquished.. Then they leave them in their own place to be in chaos.”(Introduction to Tabari's History Printed in Egypt pages 21, 26 and 27) What the Arabs have done to us in the last two centuries until the formation of local governments is nothing compared to the savagery of the Turks or the Mongols (Remembering the Doctor. “Abdolhossein Zarrinkoob” A book about it. “Two centuries of silence” Notice that you can get out of Internet Library “Uncensored” Get); I conclude that in the first serious confrontation of the Arabs of the Arabian Peninsula and the Iranians we were not indebted to them., Nay, but they have taken away what they have earned., They destroyed what they were burning, and they burned what they burned. “The Persians، because of the grandeur of their country، who had been around for centuries of domination of the world and had an ancient civilization in them، and because of the persistence of their kingdom، the intellectual sciences were very large and widespread.. At the time of the conquest of Iran, many books of libraries were obtained, so Sa'd Abi Waqas wrote to Umar ibn Khattab to decide on books to be available to Arabs.. He said: "Throw all the books into water or throw them into the fire, for if there are things in them that are for guidance and guidance for human beings, Allah has guided us, and they do not need to be in error, so that Allah may save us from these things, then by the order of Umar all the books were destroyed, and there is nothing left for the Iranians."”(286 and 285) The Arabs passed the names of the servants or muwali and worshiped them. ,They attacked their wives and children and sold them after the end of these two centuries of direct Arab domination ,Until the Mongol invasion and the end of the Abbasid caliphate, the local kings of Iran were the tribute of the caliphs of Baghdad and were ordered to wage jihad, which again in this respect provided Arab revenues from the pockets of the Iranian nation in response to all the favors and grace of the Arabs during these several centuries ,The Iranian nation has forgotten the ritual of its fathers and suddenly became the religion of the invading people for these novices set grammar rules , He built houses and built buildings.

The Hajj Pilgrimage is a Reason for the Incompetence of Iranians

One of the reasons that ancient Iranians and followers of Zoroastrian religion with Moghan and followers of the religion before themselves, They were opposed to the construction of temples that were presented to the people in the name of the House of God. ,All this was before Zoroastrianism became a mixture of new superstitions and the fusion of previous schools. ,Our wise ancestors believed that God does not need a home like humans and that God is everywhere as God's house. ,The construction of the temple and the house for God is of course as old as human history and was not exclusive to any special people. These profitable businesses or enterprises were in fact idols that offered man's handicrafts as his Lord, and idols that had the needs of such creatures, or rather their creators. ,They received strength and everyday necessities and sacrifices were offered to them, and it was only in the conditions of God's embodiment that the building of a house made sense to him. . After the spread of monotheism, after a while, the rulers of the old idols would become the clergy of the new religion, and resumed their lucrative business, and so the same old rituals followed a new way., The old idols played the same role as the Bathhouse and continued to bear the name of God's house. ,The sacrifices and gifts of the past were also given under the new name of Nazwarat, including one in Mecca, where each Arab tribe kept its own idols. ,In the days before the Prophet Muhammad ,Abdul Muttalib, his grandfather was the key and curtain holder of this idol house. All the Arab tribes during the three months on which the sacred months had been named, once visited the idols of their tribe in this house and offered them sacrifices for it, and the Hajj ritual was performed in this way. Even the bandits' tribes during these three months were visiting and no one could be violated during this period so the ritual of pilgrimage of idols It was a thriving trade that the Mecca people benefited from during the forbidden months of each tribe occupying a place for temporary settlement and setting up tents and paying Quraysh for it. Every year in the House of the Gods. ,The largest source of income was Mecca. . With the advent of Islam and the rise of monotheism, it was possible that the thriving trade of Hajj would be lost, for if Arab tribes had not come to the Ka'ba house to worship idols. ,The people of Mecca, who had no industry and did not know any other profession, suddenly fell into difficulty, so the Prophet Muhammad ordered that this time the Hajj ritual should be performed in a new way and without idols., This act which at first seemed wise and provided for the salvation of people who might lose their whole existence as a result of the emergence of a new religion., Unfortunately, over the centuries, it has taken on other dimensions and has become a source of misery for people elsewhere. According to World Bank Statistics Saudi Arabia in the year 2008 About 30 billion dollars have been made for this Arab Pagan Rite and Iranians have provided about five billion dollars of this amount, meanwhile, reports indicate that the Saudi Arabs have behaved the most abhorrent to Iranian pilgrims, to the extent that even the cries of the incompetent officials of the Islamic system have been raised, for example. :

Fears of a repeat of Saudi degradation treatment of Iranian pilgrims

Inappropriate behavior with Iranian pilgrims has no end

Religious Clerics Complain of Poor Salafist Treatment of Pilgrims in Saudi Arabia

Given this explanation, it may be better and more clear why the King of Arabia ,Iran does not deserve to exist. ! The people who submit to all kinds of filth in their daily life and do not stop at any insignificance to their countrymen, they remove their evil from their filthy existence by the pilgrimage journey.! This defiltration, of course, despite the poverty and misery of other Iranians, and the extreme financial need of other Iranians ,In spite of all the insults and abuses of the Arabs, and in spite of the disgrace and indignity of a nation ,Billions of dollars are pouring into the pockets of the Saudi king and his agents every year to get through this massive right. , the wheel of the brothels and the casinos of Arabia, The Iranian nation is not satisfied with this as a new tool. “' Umrah ” They invented that nowhere in the same centuries-old teachings and idolatry of the inventors of the Hajj so that today the Saudi king can confidently comment on the extent of their merits.!

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18 Reply to King Abdullah – The King of Saudi Arabia :Iran does not deserve to exist

  • navid Said:

    Thank you very much for my dear Marmi.
    Emqd Reza Thank you very much
    Death to the House of Saud Destroys the Face of Islam and the Prophet
    They don't deserve to be guarded by Mecca.
    You will not see God's throne and you will die, O Saviour.

  • Mehrdad Said:

    The Arabs are afraid of a strong Iran, but by God's grace, Iran is too powerful to be indifferent.

  • Reza Said:

    This should be communicated to friends through the net.. Of course, by mentioning the exact details of such a foreign newspaper, the historian of such and such a number, he has published this subject so that the reader knows exactly what the material is approved of.
    And of course the trouble you have endured and the news you have given to those who are interested is commendable.

    • admin Said:

      Hello dear friend
      I don't understand you.
      I linked to the outer page in every case I mentioned a news item.. Of course, keep in mind that this is a personal blog, not a news site, and unfortunately, we are currently working on this basic issue in the same level of single-person work. . But if you can't read the text and you need to make sure that my content is authentic ,Google Translate can also be useful for translating foreign policy or Le Monde|

  • Darius Said:

    Dog of God's Curse.
    with a desert of sand and sunshine, with lizards and grasshoppers, with the letter of grey, and the arming of Mammy, and sword and man, hating a great and glorious world. God is the Creator of the Pigs..

    • mohamad Said:

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      • mohamad Said:

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  • Farsg bi Luo about pigs Said:

    Greetings to King Abdullah
    Wow what a find one that's the universe bring truth
    This is King Abdullah should be the most عالـــــــــــــــــــــمانه such as century and recorded it with gold wrote

    So for the sake of time that Abdullah Reza
    M r rag which ran

    • shark Said:

      I see that King Abdullah has become your father to your mother's house، and your mother was very active in the community.
      How long would you like me to be your dad؟

  • shark Said:

    Finally the Arab grasshopper eater changed his meal plan and drank.
    Now is the best time when the government can export to Saudi Arabia because when the king consumes others prefer to consume instead of locusts, of course we are not that stingy and guvarysh happy existence

  • Mohammad Reza Rezaei Said:

    If the Islamic Republic had stopped these traitors who lowered the flag of Iran or punished the police who helped them instead of fighting these traitors. The situation would have been different. In the history of Iran، the treason of religious scholars is no less. That mullah، Tabarizi، who wanted to read a sermon in the name of Nicolas.. Miserable Fars that all Tehran to the traitorous Turks who do not know Iranian.. All Tehran market in the possession of the Turks. All the desirable land in the possession of the Turks.If the Iranian government were national. Do these treacherous Turks had the courage.Iranians who wish to first Kaveh search for their own Kaveh.Freedom is tied to the sword. The men are always running away.. In Andalusia the Arabs pray together.. In Qadisiyeh with the blood of the Iranians ablution became part of the veil of jealousy of the non-Arabs from you.

    • mohamad Said:

      You close the نشینها thousand-year desert dominated by Turks and the supply of the following do you wouldn't come out and leave the domination . The Persian dynasty mohumat you only live panfarsha set and never got so unfortunately you won't see you بیعار and hanger congregation lazy and just sit down to eat and the Chair of poetry; crossbars lips !! The land the Turks have sahab . Iran's mountains also host yours Community Center ! This much envy me up burnt black Bedouin بترکی ! You guys except the big one گوزی another work of until now, otherwise a dsttvn did on shit you're eaten ! :oops:

    • mohamad Said:

      In the meantime the forty per cent of the hundred most influential and richest nation, Iran ترکند Iran as yourself is معترفی . Some gilaki and many Arab and blochand … I ask that you do not eat shit farsha number. the rest of the Nations of Iran must also comply with the Turks or the process on wind as gilaki and Baluch and … Are the destruction and are something of a language and culture and their national identity and left property . The wild were plundered by the فارسهای .

  • mohamad Said:

    A few thousand years of the country's oldest human typical of !!! The civilization of native Americans have also called for the confiscation of bzchran عاریایی? The Middle East has been a Sami tribes that location is the oldest civilizations is also associated with the same race and the same area is also part of the Arab tribes and Sami are . عاریایی are only a thousand years domination of Iran and on the natives after the turn of the Arabs and the Turks being several thousand years old. this area is nothing to do with Iran is not a loaned عاریایی .

  • Reply to Darius

    :wink: :twisted: :roll: :oops: :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :evil: :dance: :cry: :bow: :arrow: :angry-: :?: :-| :-x :-o :-P :-D :-? :) :( :!: 8-O 8)

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