If you are in the city of Los Angeles committed the crime, to release from prison should be Twenty-thousand dollars on average (Equal to 60 million USD in Iran) For collateral. Naturally, this collateral for lighter, less crime and more for heavy crimes such as murder, is more. In New York City and is also the situation similarly bail out 500 USD and more. A report this year Of the amount of the collateral is in the New York courts, heavy tale. According to the report, citizens often New Yorkers able to provide heavy bail courts are not. The report, for example, somebody named Javier Hernandez points out that commits the murder to آدمکشی and ran from the scene with the car the defendant has. The Court to release the amount of one hundred thousand dollars cash Hernandez or two hundred thousand dollars is a non-cash collateral to determine that, of course, he does not have the ability to pay the amount. In the French city of Paris is also a heavy bail courts. For example, the A report on Reuters شیادی says that the person has been committed and the number of three hundred thousand of silicone breast implants and the non standard sold a lot around the world risked. A trial for this person the amount of one hundred thousand euro (Equal to the 136000$ USA) Specify collateral and because the defendant did not submit the required collateral was arrested again.
Tag: Suleiman mosque
Masjed Soleiman courts of collateral total New York, Paris and Los Angeles courts is more
Admin December 23rd, 2013