As any human beings, and if did not know now through one of the service companies to immigrate to Canada and Australia mlatft; one of the basic principles of immigration to any country, learn the language of the country it is. Many countries to accept immigrants, language exams held in relatively high levels, they. This issue is about those who want the right to citizenship are entitled to the citizenship of a country has more important; the same alien and the laws of different countries together is. مثلا مطابق قانون اساسی آمریکا هر شهروند کشور بیگانه که بخواهد به تابعیت آمریکا دربیاید باید بتواند هم انگلیسی را خوب بخواند، هم درست بنویسد و هم روان تکلم کند.
Wireless IQ person called the promised Mahdi nicknamed "Imam, a resident of جمکران well, despite being a long time (About 1200 Years) The Saudi citizenship in our country with a cuffed, based on Shiite narrations, yet has not been able to make in the English language letter few learn to read. This is while if Aliabadi For the same period were sent to OPEC's Presidency now has a few words of English was learned.