How was torkzaban Azerbaijan

«بی تردید پیش از آن که زبان ترکی به آذربایجان وارد شود، زبان این منطقه شاخه ای از زبانهای ایرانی بوده و این موضوع به صورت عام پذیرفته شده است.»

These phrases of Professor Walter Bruno Henning is(Henning's article From here می توانید ببینید) But as Henning notes, it probably was the first Shahnameh embryos posed a theory. Henning One of the most prominent scientists of the world in the past century, a linguist; others, such as یارشاطر, in addition to her time in the field e. Articles They released.

In this short post ghsadm to Azerbaijani language in advance of Turkish vogue it is not leaving the subject of تُرکاندن people of this region except Pan trkyst pantrkyst ethnicism, thematic accepted; as well as scientific resources to know that at least the eleventh century AD, Turks (A thousand years ago) Dont In this area were not They moved to other groups of their mouths, but a question that has been raised repeatedly today and not being answered, "if Azerbaijan does not leave so how torkzaban?»

Perhaps less so among Iranians who today has precise response efforts to find this question. Generally, it is said that the people of Azerbaijan in the effect of the vicinity of the Turks, with the Group torkzaban is not incorrect but said that this is not accurate. Given that this question will be raised and also alternatively earlier similar research has been done on people-, which can be the subject of Azerbaijan's ترکزبانی is more clear, we here merely refers to the results of this research, we.

Per year 2002 Max Planck Research Institute (Max Planck Institute, despite the 4200 The scientist and the 32 The Nobel Prize, the most prestigious Research Institute in Europe and one of the most prominent academic institution in the world) The research on the 389 The man from eight different demographic groups on the properties of the blood of the people of Armenia and Azerbaijan did that interesting results obtained from it. In the investigation that two Armenian and Azerbaijani Institute of (Arani ) And two scientists from the two countries also attended, both group m "کرومزوم t-DNA» (میتوکندی simply be transferred from the mother) And "Wow کرومزوم» (That is purely transmitted from the father) Took into consideration. نتیجه این تحقیقات نشان داد که از چه از جانب مادری و چه پدری، نزدیک ترین خویشاوندان مردم اران، مردم ارمنستان هستند.

Armenians and Turkic-speaking Azerbaijanians were more closely related genetically to other Caucasus populations (who speak Caucasian languages) than to other Indo-European or Turkic groups, respectively. Armenian and Azerbaijanian therefore represent language replacements, possibly via elite dominance involving primarily male migrants

This research (Full article at here) It also showed that changing the language in this area, Not through immigration and ethnic fusion, which simply means a group of men (Probably through the military preparations to handle rape of indigenous women) And the domination of the Group has been imposed on the people of the region. This is a major change in population, although the number has never taken but did change the language of the people of the region.

The genetic research that has been done on the Turkish people, the results show a similar tank and its people's genes, mostly related to the period before the invasion of its territory to the Turks is . In this context a Wikipedia site The full article There is. (The source of each section of the article below it.)

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44 Reply to How was torkzaban Azerbaijan

  • gh Said:

    Don't hav the Gulf Arab country should also be called عربکرده and will head instead with the Safavid dynasty not کشورو rape language

    • admin Said:

      Evil and not missing var qozaqort John

      This is not about Arab research in Iran about the descent of Azerbaijan people's genetic research results show that language change through elite dominance involving primarily male migrants and this thread is about the Turkish people's true (Wiki article that I linked in the footer portion!) That is, change the language of the supremacy and domination by a small group of men on the majority of people do; now if whats wrong on this flaw and has written or been up Fars chauvinism conspiracy work quzaqortha of a few billion years of Turkish heritage, or the great هارای هارای ایستادیوم تیراختور will exclude You write the same German Institute

      • Morteza Said:

        You know what blog if this German American shlah harfou did have its own mind Adam anymore( When I qbolsh my zoreh), In the meantime I چیزه I ازسروصدای I did like development, but when a Government cannot recognize them with this tool to be sure all the جلویه there is a reality if we نیاد time khoshmon قیول!!!! If we really look for is the fact that a lot of things we can I sing this with an article can't do reading outcomes. m of Shiraz.

        • admin Said:

          Morteza Shiraz from Hello

          You have what you love can بپذیری if you نداشتی like Tony refused, and no mandatory work.
          American and German or the nationality of the speaker doesn't matter but also how organized by research which conducted and under what standard is it important, and what is that I just got to the point that what is on the topic of genealogy, Linguistics and accepted scientific reviews and can be in any new research about Put the citation be.

          • Unknown Said:

            M of the truth that is what Shiraz wants to accept . Based on his comments above said type . It's you that are the essence of yourself you have shown and proven that whatever be the friendly heart of NRH Vartan بقبولانید and wish you to accept and do not attach any value to the truth . Well, when you're that determine what care to provide the documents with which you can try concealing the facts, how others what placement guidance, or not to believe? .

          • Mehran Said:

            M. of Shiraz and dear friend you want your letter to reality. And the very sorts of force. of course it's hard that after years of scientific research being several false comments show he and Adam. Accept the truth of Valor and wisdom will prejudice blind you to the aghltan.

        • Persian boy Said:

          Mr. atfagha scientist friend ایرانیا Arabs get together!!!!I slaughtered more drsato!!!!

    • savalan Said:

      Aryan the great illusions
      Aria and Aria of the legendary belief is not over. It is clear that on everyone on our literature even in the national myth of the ethnic name until recently called ARIA there and lather of آریاییان was in the midst of such a word in the English language and the language of Nonviolence is adjacent to the concept of the nation and the folks on there.
      Apparently the term Arya means a first nation on behalf of Nazi Germany to the superior race, believed in the concept of "authentic, German language, and day to day its brdamanh has been added to the next in this way and so have that takhth on (At least on the Asia-Europe oghsmet Azam) Starts with them.
      The idea of the کذائی of Nazi Germany began and also to our country will be pointed to the reasons that had passed, the second Pahlavi era reached its peak, and the King was so impressed that his aria "Red Seal" was!! Like other hybrid "shahnshah" leaf false and meaningless in terms of grammatical is. In addition to the basic proposition of nationalist thinking ARIA nationalists seriously address violations of the Pahlavi monarchy in decline after that time to your continued survival.
      But you must forget that the history of the aria, "not in the name of ethnic news» . Of course, if some of the so-called asrardarand, which each rose archaeologists fanatic Earth below the object to the name of an unknown folk record, allow, even geography as well as pieces of clay are also not in the breast.
      ارانسکی درتایید this comment says: "A total of historical and cultural documents and the language of the plateau are obtained (Especially what is related to the western part of it gets) They also suggest that the language of the original inhabitants of such lands, and indigenous Aryan group, was not relevant and not (As we consider the concept of) Indian language واروپایی "
      Of course this statement with the ارانسکی accept the principle of the existence of Aryans says. The new ARIA, however, was still more than the legendary ARIA have been activists, even for these people to determine the location of a certain illusory environment!!! It is strange that the Aryan language group of the ارانسکی»!» Talk among his followers and had earlier acknowledged that the so-called Aryan language "does not hand in hand».
      For an introduction to the nature of the formation and the oddly Contemporary Legend mentioned of corner posts “Maurice doverge” , A Professor of law and political sciences in France we can:
      “Such "racial theory" had so far expressed though are wrong . At least they have to rely on some facts . For example, a white race, a نژادسیاه, a yellow race there that they can be opened either from the recognition of . On the contrary, the theory of Aryan race-related, completely is the Vertigo . Because no one has never seen Aryan race and no one definition of success, it is not”.
      In 1787 In Linguistics “Jones” That the similarities between Sanskrit, Greek and Latin languages, German and Celtic had eaten, when thought that all of these languages is common and the roots of a mother tongue that we have derived them totally disappointed.
      Per year 1813 “Thomas young” This is the mother language of India and European nomenclature *.
      In 1861″PDF. Max Mueller” The people who speak this language, "said Aryan", but later explained that the definition of Aryan people only is linguistic aspects.
      “Max Mueller” So wrote: My opinion of the Aryan race, "race science" and of the "Aryan blood" of the "Aryan eyes and hair, spoke to the same size gross wrong that if the language of (The legend of) The culture of (دولیکو pottery) Or drazesran or براکی "syntax and spend pottery» or round heads speak .
      Per year 1840 “Pot” So concluded that the Aryans of the Valley have come and seyhoun Dasht jeyhun
      Per year 1868 “Ben ferry” They originate from the North of the Black Sea, between the Danube and the Caspian Sea Blue.
      Per year 1871 “J c کنوک” The principle of local North Sea and Ural *.
      Per year 1890 “Jan. C. Britton” They brought people from North Africa to the.
      Per year 1892 “Jan. Gordon's” The Aryans of the South under the Russian people.
      At the beginning of the 20th century” what time. PDF. Jay. Hansen” They were the cradle of the Baltic Bank.
      In 1921 “کوسینا” With less accuracy, they just gave up rather than Northern Europe.
      In “1922Peter جیلیز” The main housing under them, Hungary.
      And… Likewise,
      The bulk of the comments about the origin of Aryans being null on it implies is still of this opinion are.
      The two authors, legends of the Aryan race, while استنتاجهای is quite different to the people shnasandend.
      First they “Arthur دوگوبینو” (1816-1882) A French pro-monarchists, free counter clerk and anti-democracy. His basic books under the title of "human race inequality in conversation Bob (1852-1855) The legend of the Aryans to justify social inequality within each of these Nations were to work. “Arthur دوگوبینو” Says : Among the nobles and common people of racial difference is. European nobility, i.e. all of the Aryans, who according to the nature, dominating the race and civilization he has created, are radiating.
      Some of the disciples “گوبینو” Because “Washer dolapogo” And “Amon” Efforts to this theory of scientifically reviewed and therefore, the order of skull measurement based on statistics of science, human beings were interest . It is alleged that the law of the community was the foundation upon which Ammon lay leaders (I.e. آریاییها) In most of the villages are . Later it turned out that the law indiscriminately is false.
      The second base of the Aryan-oriented transition “Houston Stewart chmbreln” (1855-1927) , The son of a naval commander and the germanha Mania ستایشگر 1916 Amid the war of German citizenship to come on . She is in a year 1899 In the massive effect one thousand of your page under the title of "the foundations of the twentieth century» using Aryan myth, Germany paid eulogy . He instead like “گوبینو” The Aryans with یکطبقه, namely آرسیتو کراسی, to hear one of them with a nation, namely Germany, one knew and wrote : The importance of each nation as the modern-day live power proportional to the original German population of Aryan blood and the other tried to show that all the world's great geniuses of mankind, such as Jules Verne, اسکندرکبیر, جیوتو, Leonardo da Vinci, Galileo, Walter لاوازیه and Aryan blood in the veins were ancient آلمانیان . His opinion of the person of Christ as well as of the ancient آلمانیان.!!!
      At the root of the tongue unit had thought India and European natural trail for Indians and Europeans assume the race is that both the principle and is unfounded both fara. Not the origin of the unit for the European languages of India relies on reason and acceptable document and not the Aryan race unit.
      Arian in the concept of the word race and first in the nation, "the Nazi regime in Germany and the non-Jewish people» (The superior race of elite) Applicable, and it is unclear where this word from the Nazis and were brought in this citation means . However, apparently some of the ancients-educated in Europe rose fanatic, this school of thought to have entered the country and on the side of the spirit of extreme ناسیونالیسمی (شئونیزم) Reza Pahlavi, favorable political context necessary to prepare and extend it gradually accepted some specific circles fell.
      Imported goods that the old-fashioned way, with the death of the vanishing and producing it (Nazism) In Europe all fell out of the boom and was outdated . But the market is still rather than our thoughts and validity!!!
      But the term Arian in the language of the current هندویان, in Sanskrit بمعنای "noble and noble and is meant in the past, but the one who believes in God and has been attributed to metabd brahman;" and in the application of any racial or ethnic concept bar is empty it is not known how the Indian uflsfah of specialist linguists "» we» forty year واندی» in the field of bones crushed, intends to force the national بارنژادی and the word impose!!
      آیاهندوان black chrde with the Europeans, with a different culture and language, and even the color and appearance of different orkhosareh! Due to the existence of the same words and arguments of this kind, can be considered a root?!
      Agrqarar is a word in any language consists of A + R we saw it as a language and Aryan bdanera theologians, we must leave to the head of the dynasty, this type of Nations to know ! Because much of this type of Turkish words (Yes = clean, clean SUV = radmard. And(…
      The Jewish history of the Achaemenid Empire, mainly the امااین researchers in some of them the Word scrolls» Yes/آریکا " (The Russian suffix "- Be careful at the end of the word "Ka !) Means "folk", and the interpretation of the ARIA ARIA and have تاویل up to your hands and feet lies the historical document and the word Arya to close our historic beard, recent research has shown that Dede intentionally or Sohu, distorted in this regard. Yes / آریکا in the above inscription meaning "rebel and villains» local resistance in the کهداریوش is described in his work is to and the word devoid of any racial connotations.
      As the English language today in Haar / Rabies is the same as the concept of evil and the mutiny is also in Turkish Azeri ojalb هارین: The neck of the downs, and the current of the same rogue نیزساخته is هاریماق / هارینماق: They become rabid and disobedience.
      The root idea of communication among some Indian and European languages (Greek . Latin . سانسكریت آمانی and Celtic) This time of the year 1784 On behalf of the orientalists are English “سرویلیام Jones” He was raised to the title that all of these languages have a common origin of brkhor.
      In the next century more languages among the Indian and European languages were put .
      Century دراوایل 19 The root connection on the basis of a comparison of the ways فونتیك “Dean ramsosarask” And “یاكوب makeup” German was specified. “یاكوب” The match between the two symmetric صائت German and Greek will specify … And so the story of the Indian and European languages and a branch of it in the name of India and Persia over languages, bi, but this issue in terms of the nature of the truth for the language reviewed .
      Hmantorkh said the similarities, or of the nature of getting, or completely random or two depart and traded and the continual invasion and has been mutual. Therefore, the identity of the origin of the unity of the languages corresponding tkthr and their differences and may not be a huge part of them and یاحداقل them, from a single origin * .
      At present the Indian unit of the language theory as a theory without scientific accuracy and Europe پشتوانهمیدانی is. Regarding the English language may be some existing English words ( Like a river / Is / Girl/numbers etc. .. ) Historically apparently entered through Slavonic or Greek, Persian and European conformity with some of the words or the similarities and close the show but this kind of convergence has been achieved through the loan decisions and represent the root and not the fundamental communication such as convergence, as was said in comparison to any language with other languages may have gotten the overwhelming majority but the original words of the English language because the seeds / Home / Sleep / Wheat. / Millet / Bread / Wisdom / Milk Thistle / Donkey / Fish / The mouth / Abdominal / The head of the / Dell / The eye of the / Rowe / Stone / The color of the / The arm / Spring night / Black / ARD / Asia / White / boy / And… No apparent similarity or a European language roots and is independent. It is the value of the few words of European origin involved in English are present to the Foundation and the essence of English is not related and not merely words that are involved at the time of the presence of the Slavic peoples and the Greeks in Persian Iran and cannot be بابزرگنمایی and تاكید on this, such as the English language the words involved, as will the Indian and European .
      Essentially, the artifact as a Dari language come together from multiple sources, and has been made and after the independence of the Organization and are certain to have no dependence on the origin of Tom ndardklmat and قرضی involved mostly Russian it shall be deemed to mean the Indian and European.. So that the bulk of the Arabic or Turkish قرضی words should not be deemed by virtue of آلتائیك or Sami gshtensh!What is involved is involved and what the Russian is the only frghder time of arrival. The words involved are involved and more on Russian front of Arabic mokhrtrand more of kza involved Turkish and apparently the same older presence makes it more جاافتادگی, forgetting the real identity and being deemed insider, has been involved in Russian.
      1-Maurice doverge: Political sociology. Translation of Dr. a. judge. Tehran University publications 1376 PS 248
      2-ارانسکی. my introduction to Iranian allagh fi. Translation of message publishing p farmer Karim. 44
      3-Mohamamd Reza Jalali ناینی :English-Sanskrit dictionary. The first volume. Introduction. Institute for Humanities and cultural study 1375
      The oxford English-4dictionary-1989 ARIA name translation in the language of Hindi and Sanskrit
      5-The full history of Iran-Razi Abdullah

      • admin Said:

        The subject of the Aryan nation or Aryan race two distinct topic is. And یکسانسازی these two concepts are different for the reader a practical example, the unconscious is a شارلاتانیسم.

        Nowadays other racial classifications do not be that for some reason there is a multiple of this issue is a general principle that other human beings on the basis of race are not categories and not just exclusive to آریاییان. But there are definitely packing 130 ethnic and ایتکه as the Aryans among Iranians are ethnic and linguistic concept, there is no doubt. I gave earlier in the تفاوتهایش here and also because they envision wrote.

        And as I mentioned in the Encyclopaedia Iranica is also referred to the concept of ethnic and linguistic concept is also quite clearly.

        Iranian languages are certainly of Indian and European languages branch and not the slightest hesitation in this topic.

        • Unknown Said:

          Fallacy جالبیست . First, say that is not important for its expenditures being "آریانژاد" and then say "آریازبان or آریاقوم!» Being is important ! Whereas according to what you said, should be on the basic "tribes" are separated, and you have to do this, on the basis of racial classification and anham, which said it does not matter . Now, with the race being introduced as the Aryan race, especially because there is no Aryan Nation, ethnic name مخیلات Besides you (The Aryan Nation, as with the express, with a slight rise of abstract n we accustom) There is no external . We make احمقی which incidentally is also the relevant scientist, wants to tell the truth to the contrary things and you also accept and based on NLP, NLP persuasion of others that confirm . This is another topic of discussion . And your illogical statements solely for qbulanden should be looking to the clan of چهارپایانی yourself . Not in the wake of the qasdshan people, discover the truth . Ehsan Yar shater مکتوبات perimeter with speech and Mule آدمین Yar, talk about an issue that you want without it, what is required to prove to athbatsh, Ann . By linking to sites that you are all آدمین of them, are similar to each other . However, because they are all آدمین stake in the head are one or not, but, in spite of the progress in the animal's goals for you in advance, ازربایجانیان finally that what what that Android is کثیفتان, like Iran. ultimately, the same will remain Iranian Dear حیوانمند schema in the likes of you are Ann . Ann also often do work thanks to the dirt . Just cause you that Iran will be destroyed, . Because that's the only way to achieve their national rights to the ازربایجان nation of Germany in this case do you summary . And then you will have to پانتورکیست the activities addressed to barricade to reach them is equal to the rights, the justification . غافل از اینکه «چهارپا» خودتان هستید و کاری که دیر یا زود باید به انجام برسد ، تحقق خواهد یافت

          !!!؟ ADMIN ! What To Do When Its Not Your Fault !؟
          according to the corrected transcript of oral evidence To be published
          Admin and his Followers must have been the result of adultery or rape or their mother is a hore or all of them , Absulotely right .

          Professor Iranica yareh qater and Friends .

          • admin Said:

            Whether you write the name of the language that the end of the class کامنتت, with the tragedy of the two lines of the English nthar you I don't give a damn (The better you know yourself that perhaps) Great progress. But for the future, do you recall the other whore is ننویسی hore.

            In the case of the "Aryan race" or ethnic differences are called "Aryan Nation" I did fallacy. The previous transition that was sure something fake is fake and the type of Ignoratio elenchi or her say Red herring means two distinct concept that are similar in appearance to each other rather than the time and based on the same concept of the argument and the concept of giving the first evidence that شارلاتانیسم and generalization پدرسوختگی is for those who don't know the difference between these.

            Each time I said earlier and not to repeat the need. Other racial classifications do not apply today, and this thread is not necessarily unrelated to Aryan race does not have to have the same cause as the Aryan race, but the other application this topic does not have to do with Aryan Nation. Comment a scientist specializing in encyclopedia Iranica edit level and in the field of mtalaatsh is a valid University Professor as the outcomes of an expert is quite reliable and no matter what your peers, you have an opinion and you.

        • Unknown Said:

          There is no language in the name of Persian language . That wouldnt go, and also gathering to say Iranian languages . Iran is the name of a geographical framework with the passage of time, time to time smaller and perhaps still geared . The name of the countries as the basis to determine the identity and the language of those in the framework that gets coined to Ann Ann, no . Based on the claims that you are interested in frhangmand and خُـشتک offer آدمین NRH often fictitious Aryan race, at first breath that Iran specify ranges and the borders of any nation, and a group that includes the Aryan Nation, is doomed to become Ann ! Because the range divides the life that belongs to Iran and Iran that you have آدمین and oabstegantan define the NRH what qbalsh get تحریفی in PDF . Because Iran has a geography of air and any مضخرفی that if you end up being attributed to be Aryan, alright . The Gulf nation, which like all aghvami in a country called Iran, has all the legal rights of Nations are having their national interest, Ann's works .

          • admin Said:

            Before now, so my head is مهملاتی for بگویی like you're there with Iranian languages as foreign languages, look at the previous comments from me carefully. Iranian languages in an article on the Encyclopedia Britannica or other valid and all I have to post this in addition to my other wing now has a couple of times I mentioned you've got seven times on this website, you must know this name change. If so much of English بلدی for which I thought at least someone submits a few lines of profanity The title of this page Can the being;

      • hasan Said:

        That is something we have already one says called ariaiy we do in Iran and gobino (The Qajar time)It has raised preliminary varopa the word making. just that 900 years before the book of poems gobinobudhmrajah to see how many times the term is used of ariaiy as an example.
        On this El Dorado land soil
        But the people were not clean Dean
        دینشان was a man who gave all and
        It was a free country and Abad buzzing
        Chow was his loyal seals کیششان
        Was anyone hurt gneh پیششان
        All pure clean God servant
        All the hearts full of seal, the soil and water
        The father the father of Aryans
        (G) the institution behind Nico f.
        And the inscription of the ancient Iranian Kings of the remaining part of the lightness of the Iranians in the name of the slave name ariaiy and also the plotark of Herodotus and writings in this letter that say Dears. gobino Ferdowsi 900 years after the word ariaiy is very interesting made is presence of majray shaeri. Nasser Al-Din Shah called himself keeper of shari, Naser al-Din Shah said the poetry of Hafez is the property of view. was not around, the poet said: !My poetry and my keeper is stolen it from!The King said that where you then had keeper merdk boodi?!The poet is saying please yourself that I would not, if I was an obstacle in keeper burglary tools!Perhaps if it was prevented from Ferdowsi gobino also was burglary tools!Friendship, written a thousand times we brtern Turkey tracki!These words, the smell of race remain presti *!Dear friend if this was authenticity and dont aropaiiha ariaiy words for raising your welcome to excellence and delivering superior if you are to quote tracki Turkey! Why are tbartracki themselves of European Turkey ngoftnd and descended from their own premises ariaiy. European are good they are left !Instead we say that ariaiy!The same European country still years later that Turkey's (With all had Turkey)Your way to not not because of low activity plays in tracki Turkey and workers.!And yet Turkey European dardbeh beg. Unfortunately, with Turkey on the removal of law 49-51 to virtually buy and now is practically a wide section of resource industries and companies belonging to the frameliti and Turkey however continue in Turkey foreign debt of $306 billion that the national poet in his country. (Molavi) One of the poems of the Persian Gulf, and this is the sign of excellence!State that Armenians massacred minority rights and he continues with this all does not allow EU pressure this is excellence! Many of our history in the Torah and the Gospel, the Gospel, and be sure to come to the Torah is practiced is the story of the Wolf is the right article!So practiced that now instead of aropaiian we are ariaiy we say anch, say we use the generation of Turkey and tracki race article we are wolves!

    • Anonymous Said:

      Well done

  • S. Said:

    Dear Dear and Honorable آزدبایجانیهای now what have been, not what left people always have been on Iranian filmmakers. We have the same language that English language USA Afghanis as well why not only about ourselves, but we have no investigative Tammy even the slightest reference to the similarity of the language and also we don't bear webcams. Now why we stuck to the Turks Hey from East to West is now a growing empire and the whole of Europe, with Turkey, Turks are our whole موندیم you لاکمون other قومهای of jealousy and to insult especially the Turks. baby's got to suck that our history books give very much distorted history In the past decade that have hand-سازیشون. my friend even got on the same date that the Achaemenid خوندیم USA mud people that they have the same Turks.

    • admin Said:

      To s.

      Today's Persian or Dari Persian, the language of the Sassanid Kings of the Crown was that at the end of the Sassanid period in the town of مداین was spoken to and from there went to Khorasan as the door or come from a courtier, he was درباریان the other cities because the language of the people they speak to the Pahlavi

      “It is the language of the cities of Madāʾen; it is spoken by those who are at the king’s court. [Its name] is connected with presence at court. Among the languages of the people of Khorasan and the east, the language of the people of Balḵ is predominant.”

      به هر روی اگر به قول تو زبان ما اصالتا افغانی هم باشد بسیار عالی است. The Afghan people are many who share the sharifi in the past years in the development of Iran and were responsible for the difficult tasks; the number of Afghan ایراندوستان is not too low, according to this analysis, a number of mercenaries is if the permanent quest for big هارای هارای than dhanshan the barbarian, and high uniformity Brand in the towns of Azerbaijan to prayer for the people of Afghanistan and the noble surrounds the cemetery into very is also good.

      Stuck on why I gave the Turks, in fact I didn't snag the Turks Turks were stuck to us this is not an article about the history of the subject of the research is written in blood.

    • sevda Said:

      Salam s. Khan
      I have a anvanh estate dashtenh to Azerbaijani language friendly I honor you disputibal questions connected
      یاشاسین آذربایجانیم
      Nnegh on پانفرسیم

      • admin Said:

        How were you like John every soda can to s. Khan honored Kenny because s. Khan himself is also from your local قوزقورتهای. Unless it is seen that the Turkish comments laid with an accent?

  • S. Said:

    With the exception of the Iranian ethnic groups to stimulate karatvn of separation do not get any useful work

  • S. Said:

    Now God's counsel to accept the work that're Maha later Reza Shah I by bringing the Americans just made for ourselves whether or not the identity of the armor. My father, my master تاریخند and all the facts I have learned from their language that the Turks really in every one of us and that we beternd in the recent decade, insulting them for the sake of ourselves that we wish hasadth got a small inferiority and especially the growing Afghan American bodenmon do reservation . If you notice the glory of بروین and Turkey now looming large and growing understanding of the nation, especially a وبرتری 're the Bosphorus Strait when the ship from the Dardanelles and میشین rejected the hand you were ethnic Turks who each. that could face the loss of Anatolia today and the Roman Empire an empire far Nhangter set of UNO.. Now, if we really were, and almost two thousand years ago somebody had this inferiority because now the Achaemenid off. it is therefore no reason to believe all Salimi unless you do not have any knowledge of swado.. We were defeated and how if someone is now even the number of English language متکلنان even the whole country of Afghanistan, Iran and Tajikistan and three to get together the 40 million. and even got the zbanmon of the United Nations as a good Arabic accent I carve. for what hey قومگرایی excite the feelings got what I do.? I'm not the kind to prove? anyway what is the difference between the Turkish and Azeri Turks what our fares with the same differences between ardghan and Ahmadi ngadeh what what what in terms of literature and culture, look impressive, and masculinity.
    To quote Professor Shahriar: Far Turkey between Turks and behold the cute and thumbs

    • admin Said:

      Of course I doubt that u dont know the meaning of the title of Professor of history in the past, but if it is a matter that her grandfather's Turkish researcher was languishing on lo, you should know that a professor is forced to either of the same date using the resources that we use.

      Mercifully more scientific resources today to mrahmet technology, online (= Online) And it is very comfortable to be nonsense and جفنگیات پانترکان with valid academic texts deal gave.

      This article is about the blood and جینتیکی research and دخلی on the no quarter anywhere in this post here and other posts that I am at odds with academic and academic texts, you can find help from بزرگترهایت and khlafsh, yet show the graft

      • sara Said:

        The first publication in 1227 By Prince Abbas Mirza was founded in Tabriz 12 Years later, the second publication was established in Tehran.

        For the first time were translations of foreign books in Tabriz, including include: Ptar Kabir, Charles XII, Alexander Kabir,… .

        Iran's first novel the name of the((The stars folded deceit- * Yousef Shah Seraj)) By Mirza Fath Ali akhoond Zadeh came to Tabriz in tharir.

        دايرهّ is the first encyclopedia was written by Mohammad Reza zamani Tabrizi.

        The first public library of the year by mirzahsn Khan lshgrder capacitors 1312 It was founded in Tabriz.

        The first Iranian cinema after five years of the invention of the world(By bradern lomir) Tbrizba, سولّي name(Sunshine) Was established.

        The first winning plays in Tabriz to the year 1261 Formed.

        The first photographers Studio by g. Mirza in Tabriz was launched.

        The first Eastern Europe employed in Europe (Belgium) In the name of h. sadghiani of Tabriz in ahali 1309-1311 The female flower is the best of the country and in courts bashgah Cup
        Bashgah Belgium scored three goals to deliver the championship team of Royal asporting Club shalerva cause in front of Brussels were team.

        In the field of medicine, the first medical students physician first farang books – The first smallpox کوبي – The first school of nursing midwifery – The first artificial dndanahai –
        The first open heart surgery – The first heart transplant operation on dogs and renal transplantation by Dr. j. of the year 1347 In Tabriz to do *.

        The first Iranian Aviator called Colonel Mohammad Taghi Khan psian Tabriz from ahali.

        The first factory of arms and ammunition in the city of Tabriz, founded .

        The first factory was built in the Chinese city of Tabriz.

        The first plant for the production of electricity in the city and the street where the first electrical street lights from chraghhai was used was in Tabriz, gas.

        The first release of banknotes and Mint by means of activities of this city was the first.

        The first was the city of Tabriz in Iran that was the owner of the phone .

        The first women's Association in Tabriz was formed by the owner, Ms. Sultan .

        The first community police and the municipality of beldih and nazmieh Iran Tabriz is owned.

        The first guesthouse by Mirza eshagh Khan mazzaldolah Tabriz were guests on we have .

        The school's first deaf and mute by jbarbaghchh school for the blind and the first ban by a German professional schools and the first mition and Commerce
        By m. a. oaolin education kindergartens by a. fiwadat in Tabriz was built.

        The first database of any earthquake at Tabriz. (Earthquake in city) The monument was laid.

        • admin Said:

          This article about "first" city of Tabriz that write here, in addition to being unrelated to the subject of my original post, I'm aware that in many cases, sure is incorrect. In that role, Tabriz on Iran especially in the constitutional era had no question. Similarly there is no doubt that time forging on to someone does not respect the character and history of Azerbaijan does not need real to me that you're looking for issues.

          For example, I have a history of Iran in the same library database from a reputable translation encyclopedia that you can see here:

          And unlike you said, not the oldest public library nor the oldest publication is not related to the Iran-Tabriz. The oldest library in Iran to the Achaemenid era, dating back even before Islam, and also there were many public libraries. After numerous public library Islam created and these much earlier of the year 1312 Solar in the few cases where an article whose name is brought. In the case of the first time ever, the Armenian who was related to the publication of the year 1614 The first published religious books, the Armenian.

          The content of this encyclopedia, unlike the writings of Mr. Samad sardari Tarzan that, like a lot of other pan-ترکیستهای, doqtor, and the courage of the honorary is reliable.

  • S. Said:

    This is why our mistakes by writing articles and be sure that our beloved countrymen, except that no Spanish interest aroused in us and will not be affected. and thank you dear friend also had is if this is undesirable for you and I have been following your posts offensive to a nation of other undesirable and وملتی well This is the same as writing is that we are one of your father's asmshon madrtan بگیم not it. is it insulting? so if qasdtan not insult but to avoid feelings of Pan-ترکیستی in Iran is forced to leave regions they come to respect his بگزاریم and mahbtman to hmotananman that no time during Do not be critical of Iran, our little show. our dlhashon to Azerbaijani Turks like Hamlet and so sure about Iran tapd..
    I have several trips that require a week to Turkey because I have and I've seen how much the same fellow torkaman with us and are in our side. No help from me and my friends did not hesitate.

  • S. Said:

    Now I liked the courage to spend it and this time my comments from this presentation please

  • Amir Said:

    I mean, who can خوایین up to Daddy with Deep-Throating the Turks play ugly and why is God so why insist that Hey ... that I quit the race, but not good like you would a superiority of the presents I got not only live, but also to agree to open a kind of fixed and why is that they are both of us. Well that's what.. Santa got the same Turkey look a thousand times why we brtern . تاریخشون got a look at بکنین. Same thing on global wars Brin بخونین look Inna کیند. Baba we were shit that I'm not some to this day that brother. Two-thousand-year history of the ریدم to our wine that does that is not found in culture and ادبیاتمون. We even have the same ترکا شعرایمون Daddy being mean, we put a identity. it is vulgar, what religion do you why Kara got the Turks نمیکنن . We ourselves, if we were in someone's CY on why Iran's desert areas today to chose home. Why big nations like Turkey the same Darren best areas that only astanbolsh to the total load on our fake. but we have موندیم in the desert areas and for ourselves, Hey enemy on bluff and we talk about masonry. ریدم to this wine's identity

    • admin Said:

      The rational does not join the wrong; the bedroom really ought not barn Turks. However, I do not delete کامنتت to others who are not familiar with the past few million years old, the depth of your کولتور are more familiar.

      • sevda Said:

        A meeting of the twelve main دربیانیه Azerbaijan article dialogues 21 Azramstrdam have been rsmaaalam that article IV of the official languages is it being Azerbaijani and دراجرای mfadan obzrgdasht statement 21 February international mother language day language and cultural demands of the people, by the time the nation of Azerbaijan national movement activists inside with writing a petition and letter of open and complain to the various authorities as well as national events have been at times as دیگراعلام and all joint struggle for hmotananman The way we read the human rights فرامی :

        1 The official Azerbaijani language وتدریس – get it in all the educational levels and its application in administrative correspondence.
        2 – The establishment of the national radio and television networks Capella Azerbaijani .
        3 – Freedom of the press and independent Turkish media censorship and restrictive barriers without درآذربایجان .
        4 – Activities and unconditionally release the creativity of artistic, cultural and literary writers and artists of Azerbaijan.
        5 Change and modify the content of the textbooks that are racist and anti-Turkish .
        6 – An end to contempt and insult the Turkish language and culture in public media .
        7 – Establishment of the Azerbaijani Academy of Persian language and the creation of research centers of this language in all universities. .
        8 – Restore and preserve the historical and cultural heritage of Azerbaijan and prevent the destruction of national monuments oghart .
        9 – The release of all those who have to defend their national language and culture have been .
        10 – Discrimination of women who are the main native language trainers oamozgaran .

  • Genghis Said:

    Several Turkic clan in the capacity of 6 and 13 Middle آسیایه establishments and leave a part of us and part of them in today's election also captured تورکیه. When Germany came to these lands, the سرزمینها weren't haunted, but large crowds were also. Part of the Turkic migration to non-residents, and a few other places that stayed with Germany in the other آمیختند that there is no trace of them on. Germany are a very سربارانی were شهامتی with the Warrior and thus too early to hand power and the Empire into the. Turkic Empires such as the Seljuk and Ottoman Empire and Safavid rule over half of the world shoved. Like other Turkic empires of his time a large gap with democratic Governments were (Democracy and elections is a new phenomenon) But what about the notable Turkic empires and the praise is that other languages available on your Empire completely free and trying other zbanhau cultures did not kill. What better evidence of that during the rule of the Persian literature, Germany with آزدادی all height, and countless books and poems in this period on behalf of string tremolo farsha came in, although some of these poems and books were prominent examples of anti-turc is also the Scarlet Letter (The Shahnameh) Ferdowsi.‎ - آزربایجان -جنوبی-در-اشغال-ایران/

    • admin Said:

      Though the Sassanid Persians سرزمینهایشان (According to you the sixth century Ah is Turks entry time) Were empty in honor of the Turks, which is sure to please the Joker. Because no reasons not folks who have several thousand years of history compiled a section of مملکتشان for the blank and others historical documents also show khlafsh.

      But this should not be a big progress to trkystha at least a few million years that we took on Sumerian and Babylonian Turks and Turkish and Elamite and Scythian, finally, to the sixth century AD Sassanid era and we still remain شکرش rather than Encyclopedia Britannica is, of course, says that the Oghuz Turks (The Turks invading Azerbaijan both of those are also subcategories of Azerbaijani language اغوزی is) Until the eleventh century before mainly in the steppes of Mongolia and Central Asia were.

      confederation of Turkic peoples whose homeland, until at least the 11th century ad, was the steppes of central Asia and Mongolia.

  • A. Said:

    Qrboneh the people of Iran the land that a PTA with a number of provinces would exceed the other SID and some دیگشون that celebrities have to struggle and rebellion against the doers are کشورشون with the rape of a group of men sbanshon from the hands of the very interesting; I believe that being first you claim everything you are the world (With this said, the Iranians, the first and largest growing ethnic میهنشون; خائنین to know who got the name frzandenshon name متجاوزینشون body located? Names such as Alexander , Timur, Genghis and … That's what our trusty homeland with all hmomon * )

    You can also write a little story before we thought, dear friend?

    • admin Said:

      Sadat or those who are dubbed the Sidi clan lineage to Ali are from various bands, sell. From the very early ages of Islam that the few people who had for long dependence on the House of Ali, about nine hundred years, as tiraziš, and after that, Benny a. did not disclose this. Because they were under pressure. Almost all of those who know it as the new era SM SM *. After the Safavid era were Shiite Iranians of many people during the six years they claim to being in the Sidi Sayed because of Iran's religious community had many social and economic privileges. Generally, these are the "Sayed Sadat HCG actually whenever someone from place to place in a new area could herself read SYD and Syd were also called auladsh. A very large group in Iran totaling millions of SID and the subject does not have nothing to do with rape.

      In the case of this Web site is a pleasant thing for me, unfortunately, someone I don't particularly censorship in this post is basically something of myself, and I merely quote nnoshtem.

  • The title of the greatest King of the English a word عربیست! Said:

    Write dorogh
    So the fellow Iranian Arab merdmeh jnobh attack were Afghans who were with the Gulf?
    In the meantime of Khorasan to Turkic-speaking town 1100 Km and has a much more Azerbaijan raheh
    Its very rural and city, so why are they not Turkic?
    In the neighborhood and a step of Azerbaijan, Gilan, Kurdistan and astaneh not why leave?
    This wine on the نمیره someone else eaten together with a low intelligence failed most people thinking the head set
    Fares are third world in depth
    The title of the greatest King of the English a word عربیست! ( The great )

    یاشاسین Germany, Azerbaijan
    We are the nation's qhrmaneh تورکیم

  • The title of the greatest King of the English a word عربیست! Said:

    This is dedicated to you Admin

    The FARs are a phenomenon that pan with forge on the premise that people always try to Turkic Azerbaijan, Fars race irrelevant MAK…

  • Babak the Iranian Said:


  • shepel Said:

    Savalan leaving donkey * Granny d's jandeh President, shouting your own miserable kids really ought to give me napkins go spanking

  • Cyrus Said:

    یاشاماسا-یاشاماسین اذربایجان

  • Mary Said:

    PA یغیشدیرون Bo یالان هویتینی Germany
    Iran's PARS دریامیز یاشاسین-یاشاسین
    Aryan یاشاسین Lor

  • تبریزلی Pan ایرانیست Said:

    To Parsi:
    Its Persian name of the Daddy of Azerbaijan itself, which
    Baku is also
    Therefore, paragraph 29, داریال(Fake Republic of Azerbaijan) Say داریول
    To Turkish:
    Santa اربایجانین oz ADI Kay English di
    The courage of ten aojor
    داریال بندینی چوندریپلر داریولونا یالانان ten

  • Kaveh Said:

    I've got this gossip and وخزعبلاتی Tabrizi together that we don't believe in the relevance of the Mongolian race..
    A funny issue
    We tractor that can leave the false identity yadak Grebe into several form we can say.
    منیم ایرانیم یاشا
    منیم Gore یازیمی Bull ایرانین فدایی still سربازیدی da Li Azerbaijan.

  • A. Said:

    How much does a tissue of gossip?! نشدی tired?
    Dont you, you've got the original Aryans, clean and a few million years old!! , Khakhamansh, Iranian nationalist…
    Cuz now I… This low growing mskhrfat to suck some of your reader, I don't know what I search this House damned aurom gossip.
    I تورکم, ya nfahm نمیخوای see also the wiki links remain bmon, also issued, together you and me write بلدیم aonharo. Not a bad little tick work mghst eaaa :arrow:

  • Reply to Morteza

    :wink: :twisted: :roll: :oops: :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :evil: :dance: :cry: :bow: :arrow: :angry-: :?: :-| :-x :-o :-P :-D :-? :) :( :!: 8-O 8)

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