The argument proving the existence of God is logically errors

The trouble with most people is that they think with their hopes or fears or wishes rather than with their minds. – Will Durant

ایراد بیشتر مردم این است که بجای مغزهایشان با آرزوها، یا ترس ها، یا امیدهایشان فکر می کنند.

Irrationally held truths may be more harmful than reasoned errors. – Thomas Huxley

Wireless logic to believe a truth زیانبارتر of belief is wrong, that it to believe the argument..

Something that comes more (Except for the introduction which I wrote) Pages 127-141 mainly from this book.:

Solomon, R. C. (2005). Introducing philosophy: a text with integrated readings (8th ed.). New York: Oxford University Press.

The first person that the theology or تئولوژی A branch of science, to bring the number of Aristotle was. Aristotle claimed to be anything in the world and the cause of the first cause is God. Later in the modern era people like Descartes or John Locke is the existence of God as the first cause and knew information. Today less than someone who is there proof of God claims in the area of knowledge, because we know such concepts as God to the whole gamut of outside view and test (Scientific method) Are. In addition to proving the existence of God is the most basic requirement of being scientific, has been tested (testability) And Falsifiability (falsifiability), Does not. (According to The philosopher of science Karl paper,) Whatever is not revocable, could not be a scientific. However, there are still those who believe in other ways, such as the God of wisdom برهانهای is verifiable.

To prove the existence of God there is a demonstration of the three categories: (1.) Despite being برهانهای (Ontological arguments) That is of the essence and existence of God tries to prove him to have. (2.) Causal برهانهای (Cosmological arguments) Such as the argument from Aristotle, who tried to prove the existence of God as the first cause to have. (3.) The برهانهایی of the world to prove the existence of God Affairs regulations arrive (Teleological arguments).

All of these براهین were in the U.S. history and مخالفانی. But the most important and hardest of this category is brhanha, Prime برهانهای. In a piece about برهان صدیقین ابن سینا I wrote, I explained that Avicenna was later by some Muslim philosophers– Like Ghazali–Was criticized for proving the existence of God but deny the existence of non-برهانهای the first batch has been trying that the existence of God, the essence of the way God fixed and have to rely on mere logic.

In this post we simply برهانهای the first category. But before this get it wrong reasons; the arguments are and must be the fundamental concept to learn a few.

A variety of logical reasoning

Generally there are two types of logical reasoning. The first type argument to استنتاجی (deduction) Or to the The entire argument except It is famous. The second type of inductive reasoning and (induction) Or But the analogy to the whole Is. استنتاجی in the argument if the argument is a valid assumptions and rules to be followed necessarily results logic is correct. In inductive reasoning is correct assumptions, the result does not prove its existence, but also strengthens. So this is a definite ruling on this type of argument is not given. Inductive reasoning more scientific assumptions used for.

The arguments are different types of استنتاجی. Below are the types of these arguments we learn:

(1.) استئنایی or breakdown of law analogy (affirming the antecedent/Modus ponens)

The first assumption: If a is true, then b is correct;.

The second assumption: (A) is correct.

The result of the: B. be sure is correct.

(2.) The logical analogy or سیلوجیزم (syllogism)

The first assumption: If z is correct; (b) is correct.

The second assumption: If b is correct; (c) the time is correct.

The result of the: If z is correct; (c) certainly is correct.

(3.) The rejection of the TULLY (Modus tollens)

The first assumption: If z is correct; (b) is correct.

The second assumption: (B) is not correct.

The result of the: A. certainly not correct.

Please note that being a valid argument (validity) It does not necessarily mean an impeccable (soundness) Offline. An argument might be valid but not flawless. To make a long argument is correct should be valid and should be flawless. The argument is a valid argument that logical rules to get a result from assumptions used to. A flawless argument argument is that besides being a valid argument, the assumptions to be true. For example, see this reasoning:

All whales are pigeons. All doves are Eagle. We conclude that all whales are Eagle.

This argument is valid but not flawless. Because the assumptions of the argument is false. Therefore, while the astdlalman is valid and the rules of logic to achieve the correct result is not used;. To be sure, if an invalid argument is a flaw. But if it is valid can be flawless or flawless.. If an argument is valid and the flawless استنتاجی–Meaning of logical rules to follow and have the correct mfrwadatsh.–Then the result of it is correct and make sure the argument necessarily. The more we can show why these arguments are valid, but not flawless.

The argument anslm

Saint ansam Canterbury (Holy ansam; in English to anslm is famous.) The first was that the efforts of the existence of God God's essence will prove.

Saint ansam Canterbury (Holy, ansam in English to anslm is famous.) The first was that the efforts of the existence of God God's essence will prove.

انسامِ of Canterbury (Anselm of Canterbury) That was the first to prove the existence of God will Borhani efforts based on the essence of God bring. The argument from the لایبنیتز and Espinosa also raised, but the ansam was the first that it will provide:

…O Lord! Since you've got to have faith in my ability to figure out the بخشیدی understanding; to me that you're there, as we believe and you're inventory it that we believe you are. Now we believe that you are a creature that no inventory beyond him not imagine. Could such a creature; as in the hearts of your idiot says: Not a God?I But when the same Doodle what I say hears– “Inventory Inventory beyond which no he is not conceivable.” –Heard what that understands. And what is the part of the ins understands, even if there is a nfahmad that it. Because that is an existing understanding is one thing and to know that there are other things available. When a painter wants something the first color it in your understanding, but don't imagine brings is something that still there are not color. But when it's your brand will also understand d and knows what colors there are,. Even a fool should be convinced; there is no inventory from which the superior; at least in understanding him there. Because it is time when it hears it understands. And everything that is in their understanding understands. It is obvious what that something is is not just the superior understanding of it does not exist. Because if there is only understandable, can in fact also be there. Safeguard [That there is a real-world understanding of what there is in the] Is superior. So what if it's something that the superior is not only conceivable in understanding exist, what there is of it, the top is something that there is a superior. It is impossible to issue vazha. Without a doubt, it's something from which there is no superior, there are both in understanding and in fact.

Understand the reasoning simple ansam. The existence of God is defined that inventory “It is not conceivable something superior.” Ansam later asks: “Which is superior? What is just in understanding (Fantasy) Come or what actually there?” The answer is certainly that is something that in the universe there are actually. Since God is, according to تعریفش, the inventory from which there is no superior; therefore, it must be sure to be there. God could not exist even in fantasy.

The argument Descartes

Rene Descartes as the father of modern philosophy has a reputation.

Rene Descartes as the father of modern philosophy has a reputation.

The argument anslm for five centuries in the Christian world remained intact until the 7th century Descartes as a more comprehensive *. There are clear that "Descartes have had, such as color, shape," weight, and the size is. One thing can be, or have this property or not. Some things, of course, for some properties are essential. For example, three sides to the triangle is essential. Descartes believed that perfection is the most essential to complete the existing. And there is a perfection. No one can make available the most complete there without having the impression as I cannot imagine the three corners of the triangle without.

Descartes says:

I can't imagine the existence of God without having my property.

(The existence of God is not separable zattsh.)

So there is a God.

She adds:

My impression of God is that he has all of the primal is.

There is a perfection.

Therefore God necessarily exists.

The first objection

Two of the argument Descartes is valid but this reasoning are impeccable? If, because of the introduction of a right to make arguments will be valid and must be flawless. To know this subject; imagine we are a fictional creature called "the Caspian barbel» defines that this is conceivable available زردترین available. Now, what is zardter? There is a yellow creature that is really in our imagination or the Caspian barbel? It is obvious what there is zardter and زردترین, because the existing Caspian barbel introduced; ERGO there must be!

The second objection of Kant

Emmanuel Kant by many as the most prominent modern philosophy character known to be.

Emmanuel Kant by many as the most prominent modern philosophy character known to be.

Kant's argument was that the first objection of Descartes and ansam revealed

What Kant argued, there has never been a thing that could not be merely a logical subject.. There is not a proposition of having or being. For example, you can't tell if it is a round ghrmzast; Apple and there is. Because having something about Apple's specification does not say to you just to show that there is an Apple with this specification. Therefore, this specification describes God spent several subject but this should not be included in this attribute of God out there.

In other words, Kant argues that the existence of having part of the two-argument default is high. The same thing that you do when you imagine God you thought to. Therefore, this argument is valid, although not flawless, but because the premise of the argument is not correct and nothing has proved that it has assumed from the beginning.

پانویس ها

  1. Refers to the phrase of the King James Bible, hymn, the first part fourteen
    The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. Psalm 14:1-7 KJV []
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22 Reply to The argument proving the existence of God is logically errors

  • khosro Said:

    Hi the easiest ومحکمترین because of the existence of God ایات and his unshaneh of the symptoms there are many reasons just to mention one example when the baby looks like her mother's breast to the stage of birth provide food that is suitable for liquid onerm is the baby because the baby doesn't have teeth is considering the digest style CHOW N. stomach heavy food bearing the infant does not have the content of necessary food packs, all of this happened without any vitamin, is a proof of the peninsula by Ann that her baby has created the need for a strong ودانشی and میداندو have the thinking side of the strong executive power, this knowledge is extraordinary when it Coordination will be possible by vatfagh opposite the mathematical possibilities of NLP if ten balls from number one to ten in a bag thrown to this وسپیس گویها one after another from the bag with the possibility that this is a گویها to arrange a number of consequent on a bag up to ten in a million is being Read her detailed story of this inconclusive proof of God's existence to this convenience requires all this philosophy not weaving, she one in the existence of God is definitely the smallest doubt or is crazy or ignorant booby وبسیا d

    • Admin Said:

      Hello dear friend. Something that you did mention, more generally, the same emphasis on the world's Affairs regulations. We all at one point faced the issue of living with that of the world around us is so complicated that the regulations there is a moderator makes the essential. As you said the baby food so well prepared for her first look at the existence of a creator makes the necessary.

      This is the view that throughout history there has always been the dominant view has been generally and the time until a hundred and fifty years ago Darwin and Wallace to this view–Probably without having to have such a systematic–Change *. Darwin's theory of evolution when it introduced its probably also didn't know that this theory where the head will be achieved. Today, thanks to the genetic knowledge we know that has come through the evolution of creatures (This topic in the world of science is quite accepted) And the evolution of the way natural selection has been. This natural selection has come the possibility of very complex phenomena provides without having to have the existence of the creator. Not necessarily denying the existence of God is not God but is necessary to negate the whole.

      As for the other comments in response to a friend Here I wrote; natural selection as an accepted principle is located. I don't like this thread, I'm not opposed to advocacy. You merely want to clear. On the opposite side of the idea called the "intelligent designer" or the necessity of the existence of an intelligent designer was raised today بکل of the circle of science and As the true science To be known.

    • Anonymous Said:

      It is not simply an issue unless you want to think you have been a booby but all!! You've got to figure out the subject you wish to relax and then خوشحالید that you've solved the! Issue number and crashes that have been completely answered and said a rejection would have been if you'd like to know the Blind Watchmaker Dawkins book and see if you like with the same responses that no welcome, cheers.

      • A follower of the Supreme Leader Said:

        Shut up trash. The Holy Qur'an is much much larger than the عظیمه, my understanding and توئه. Full of concepts, signboards, معجزاتیه ways and that there is no time to discover you're a genius or just a handful and they are not few, کشفشون donkey and incomplete one کثافتهایی u! Because of this you must be sure there a large number of interpreters has complicated it concepts and analyze verses.. I just یکمی of them understood. Quran کتابیه stupid bitch, which is higher than the level of our consciousness and our superior of all the admahast and only very few people under certain circumstances can it have a high intelligence that is necessary for fahmsh, bersn.
        That is the most intelligent, the most کتابیه, the most logical and most people got(The Prophet Muhammad(PS)Imam Hussein,(P) And emulation such as Ayatollah makarem Shirazi العالی madzlah) We have introduced and explicitly the name of slave. کتابیه that is full of miracles, concepts and solutions and numerical predictions of science in nuclear physics, geometry and mechanics کوانتومه. However, you and the likes of you understanding these things doesn't height, Sharaf dishonest.

        • Kamran Said:

          ساختگیه and کاملاْ--that this is the answer to ruin the velayat-e Faqih and religion have been hoax

          • A follower of the Supreme Leader Said:

            What is faithful dummy? The حیوون میخواستن nbaschn and infidels, if the Congregation like rabid dogs or solve the غریضه, each hand therefore no نگیرن dendon, Lotfi sticks, however, guided by the intensity and frahmeh, ROM went off. I had tried that, because they are always advertised, intrigue and deception that are against the religious scholars and the academic achievements and those of human services got the most historically for mankind brought to bring.
            You look at inventions, the theory of general relativity. (That Einstein of Grand Ayatollah Boroujerdi(Ra) He trained her in correspondence.- See Ayatollah Al-Za'mani Boroujerdi's Website)You look to scientific discoveries, for example, in the humanities, Sciences, mathematics, computer science and networking, Science Biology, quantum mechanics, science, medical and pharmaceutical sakhtshon however, the Quran directly from that or from reflection formula مفسرین sakhtshon and thinking on the mtalebsh depth find.
            It is unlikely that this group of infidels or polytheists, such as the filth of some of their unortheting allies, will not be allowed to do so. (Like Shahin Najafi Daius and Pig Trait)The authorities of science and humanity and imitation, their murder is obligatory, which according to the verses of al-Musharin, the jews, the dead, or even the tikvon of fattenh, wherever he saw them, should be killed..
            These are not insulting, scientist and dignity the dignity Sir together with gossip and howling, not into the smallest compromise. They saftshon that means the orphan, or dog saften bastards.

            A compliance or قائدنا alkhamanh

        • AJ Said:

          “Shut up trash. The Holy Qur'an is much much larger than my understanding of عظیمه, and توئه.”
          This is exactly like the above, including رفتاریه who worked in Iran for criticism or even opposed questions of religion میپرسن.
          They forced bfahmonn “The Holy Qur'an is much much larger than the عظیمه, my understanding and توئه”
          The intelligence of a human being believes in Allah, Quran and….The first nmazn worked, zann and breasts…
          Sticky like Adam کردنه life nowadays that we see less…Those who defend religion hard better go learn how to live like a person..
          An uninsy man living like a person, not like they don't have mercy on their own kind.…If there is paradise.(It is impossible that there)Beheshteh Cup I!This not thou and thee…

        • Anonymous Said:

          Brother, if God said that only a limited number of interpreters like Bel, bfahman……I doubt on the motivation…..Do your own maker anghd…Don't be disrespectful because you're questioning your religion.…!!!!

          • A follower of the Supreme Leader Said:

            Don't bark, dog atheist, I'm not a dog brother, rabid dog with no respect.! He's gonna have to tie the leash.. Sir, what kind of dog doesn't kill you guys?!!
            A compliance or قائدنا alkhamanh

  • The legend of Said:

    It was great, put a little more criticism of religion, the loose hat that went on in 1978, the people's heads were woven by the same religious scholars, with the thread of religion..

  • Anonymous Said:

    Faith means a desire not to understand the truth. (Nietzsche)!! This is exactly the same strategy that our radical friend “KH.” Do something. So that's basically the argument that religious education in primary school we believe books associated with something more on this gentleman did speak ls. In any case, this discussion is much more comprehensive than is here to work something بگیم. As a final point, Khosrow's proof chooses, in fact, appears in the last sentences he wrote, meaning that religions and people who only believe in one subject. (Frequently) Since they don't have the capacity to jeopardize their beliefs. (Without those beliefs, they'll be free of everything.) In this way are the words with which the resort the one-sided and sometimes offensive, like the top of the افکارشون khtraftaden to escape.

  • Sirus Said:

    Essentially, this method of proof of God, which is the first case of religious books and suggests some ways very old and much of human nature is the first to see the existence of the creator of میبردند, only to reject it should be a gradual evolution of the theoretical hired scholars… Until a billion years ago, there was no human to drink breast milk… All the world were with single cell evolution to create all life today.… Before the crucial factors, such as the single cell, carbon, sulfur, هیدروژنواکسیژن was the same single cell production capital…But nowhere in religion have such things come, i.e. no prophet's intellect can do such things.!
    But unfortunately, some profiteers wearing the shirts of the Prophet, Imam and mullahs try to deceive people and abuse them.… Idols broke and molded Allah…
    Zarifi said :
    First the human being created God, then God created man.
    This is the best answer to god's rejection.
    Basically, if he's not human, God is pointless, and it's us who create him.

  • […] Commented on my blog and presented the theory of Einstein's ratio to Ayatollah Boroujerdi […]

    • AR Said:

      Hey, why doesn't the sentence have one and last? […] Commented on my blog and presented the theory of Einstein's ratio to Ayatollah Boroujerdi […] ؟؟؟؟

      • Admin Said:

        because it's not a comment, it's a pingback. When a page will be linked to other Web sites are automatically part of the other post and instead link to انجینهایی searches like Google realized that these two entries like merbotand. good luck.

  • Daniel Said:

    It's very simple, and with the least stuff in this world, we can see the existence of God.
    Every single cell that's wrapped so hard, the magnitude of the galaxy, the atom, and the…..

    Now we have a lot of people in Iran with phD, postdoctoral degrees and … That of the United States from France and other places so the closet from Pinnacle to reach God, atheism mashala hmshonam how much we miss فهیدن is also a research بکنین Sir..

    How chshmatuno بستین and God won't wow you I am your research information نزارین Brin got into the victim's body and capitalism khordton daydream bnzert dweller if I was right and what was God aonmogha میخای you bodenshm in a comment says that wisdom back
    You lived well, you didn't lie, you didn't hurt anyone, you didn't accuse anyone.…. Is it a pity that one deprives himself of God's kind existence? It's weird for me.

    I believe in God, and God has really helped me through all stages of my life, where I was really full of disappointment, and I've come quickly.
    I think instead of denying it, you know his morals when you realize how generous and kind God is.

    Or Ali

    • Admin Said:

      There's no such thing as a postdoctoral degree that anyone from U.S. or French universities would get. Basically if another terminal document (Final Degree) No PhDs. After a period of postmodern PhD doctoral candidates at the University is that the person who has not been able to take پروفسورشیپ or تنیرشیپ as the researcher does research work but there is no evidence as to the.

      All this aside from your claims of one Logical fallacy Is. That I have to accept the veracity of an argument simply because the announcer was in the U.S. or had a postdoctoral degree.. If the basis of the announcer's credibility is more than ninety-three percent of america's top scientists (Members of the Academy of Sciences) And almost all nobel laureates don't believe in God..

  • GOMNAM Said:

    Bismillah of Excellence
    Suppose those who first set foot on the moon would have found an hour
    What do you think they were thinking?
    Did they say that this watch itself came into being, or did it create its own smart inventory and is now here?

    Do you think our bodies are not constructive even for medical scholars with so much complexity and ambiguity?

    • Admin Said:

      Then we thought someone must have designed that watch.. The problem is, we're not that watch, and today we know we didn't come out of the factory like an hour, and as a result of the evolution of these complexities over billions of years,. It is now fully proven and accepted that man has emerged due to evolution and natural selection.. You didn't read the comment I wrote to another user above.

  • Shahrokh Said:

    God is proved only through religion, and if it's not religion, it's not God.

    • Admin Said:

      God cannot be proved through religion, but the certainty of God's existence is probably only possible through religious belief.. Religion is basically does not prove anything because from the beginning it is not such a systematic.

      Religion is faith and faith-related categories, namely accept something without arguing and have. Because if what you reasoning in that case and the results of a valid logical proposition that requires no faith or religion.

  • LORD WAFER Said:

    I do not have a referendum, why are the objects different or very different, or why not hold skies, or why on the moon or in a dark night or why the month of a written name that I know just stopped myself or the eternal science of what is.

  • Reply to A follower of the Supreme Leader

    :wink: :twisted: :roll: :oops: :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :evil: :dance: :cry: :bow: :arrow: :angry-: :?: :-| :-x :-o :-P :-D :-? :) :( :!: 8-O 8)

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