The people of Iran, who steals the currencies

محمود احمدی نژاد

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

Imagine a thief enters your home and the night, and took their mobile ndartan. Am aware of that issue, you can find value in what is equal to two-thirds of the total stolen assets you is. You are not the person you wouldn't abolish the life and مرفهی. What is the gain for the days in the summer heat and winter cold back your installment of the car shows a راندید by the city on the other hand, as more passengers get pasted into. Again with the other driver over passenger turns severe-or mouth to mouth charity traffic officer opted not to your fine and finally be able to get the goose shnder savings. If you're a retired teacher years in non-profit school course will, because. Giving lessons to kids for a person your age is not an easy task and there haqughsh with additional shifts and tutoring, the khrjatan allows not; this causes your kids and wife each time you want to spend less and live more contentment. Or as a factory worker will know your rights نگرفتید months were low and if with a thousand things and grace; 19 and whatever the years کارفرمایتان bad you will have to stay in the hope that something had died and a better future for yourself and children divert.. But now find themselves, those who were allowed to loot a dstrnj your life and you know well that the young do not have another former position that such huge sums to compensate losses.

In such a situation as a lost property, what do you do? Neither of you have passed or are looking for thieves? The first option is probably to most (If not all of the) The readers of this post is ruled out. You have nothing to do and should be passed up and down to find the thief. Probably the first place to be; if mqasdtan station with the help of نرسیدید to the place where the station and maybe even pray to the rmal and Nevis links – As is common these days in our country – Also check the series. However, you are determined that the right to defend yourself, and in this way to any tool that you know at least a part of the resort, you can neither return to.

Changes to the cost of others

Almost eight years ago, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the current President of Iran, with fraud in the ballot boxes to the second round of the election with the slogan "the way and the fight against corruption," and "oil money on people's dinner» the number of votes of the toilers and the labor was community classes. Four years into Ahmadinejad's presidency, he had the advantage that when he ended, even though people still didn't know what they wanted, almost everyone was sure they didn't want Ahmadinejad, and even though they guessed well in the elections of this period, – Like in the previous era – It will be rigged, and their votes will be used as a vote for the system, and they decided to say such a big "no" to the regime that it could not be covered even by a few million fraudulent votes.. The elections were held and the opposition candidate Ahmadinejad won by a high margin, all awaiting the official announcement of Mir Hossein Mousavi's victory, until someone on the street of Azerbaijan decided not to adhere to the rules of the game he himself had imposed, and electoral fraud turned the previous elections into a high-order election.. Ahmadinejad was declared victorious, some people protested, the regime was severely suppressed and several hundred protesters were killed, yet a large section of society preferred to remain silent and wait for others to pay for the changes in Iran..

Populism at your expense

With oil prices rising during Ahmadinejad's eight-year term, Iran has had foreign currency revenues for more than 100 years, even with severe economic sanctions and lower oil sales in the past year or two, still earnings higher than all previous governments at the same time.. However, not only was this money that should have been spent on production, employment, development and infrastructure of the country was wasted, but there is also the biggest amount of inflation and expensiveness in the same period.. Inflation is actually a kind of tax – And the most unfair type of tax – It is that a government obtains from the nation without the need for the approval of a legislative authority. In direct taxation, not only do the mechanisms for taxation be fair and specific, but also the location of the costs, i.e. you do not pay AhmadiZad to manage the world or pay the expenses of his friends' campaign ads, but you pay taxes to create such a hospital or such a factory.. But with inflation leverage, the government injects as much banknotes as it wants and pays the liquidity it needs out of people's pockets.. In the meantime, some people try to prevent it from being devalued by converting their assets into foreign currencies or commercial assets, and those with less assets, pension takers or those who are not able to convert their assets for any reason pay the most..

In order to have a better understanding of the issue, it is enough to know that during Ahmadinejad's presidency, not only did the liquidity volume from 90,000 billion Tomans during Khatami's era reach more than 400,000,000 tomans, but the Islamic regime and the government of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad put a hand in the pockets of the Iranian people, and within a year, he raised two-thirds of the people's assets so that he could pay for the regime's absurd slogans and ill-errant and irrational policies. to give. With this explanation, probably knowing 310 1,000 billion tomans increase in liquidity – That has made a few richer and buried much of society. – Paid out of pocket, not difficult.

The thief of your money has been found, you don't need a police station and a prayer officer to find him, but sooner or later you have to make this important decision about how to face him.. The easy way to once again ask others to do your duty and get you the right. The objection to this idea is that it has been tested many times in the past and unfortunately has not achieved the desired result.. Another way to get along with other people at the earliest opportunity to get your salary, unfortunately I don't know a third way.

Iran's future horizon is dark and dark. The Islamic regime turned its back on reforms a long time ago and there is not going to be a miracle, in any case, this time it is your choice as before..

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6 Reply to The people of Iran, who steals the currencies

  • Dr. Behzad Mirhadi Said:

    Don't overheat it, the government did everything in its power and turned the hands of embezzlementists.
    Now the situation is a crisis caused by the boycott of world powers, so don't throw firewood at the enemy in such a situation that dates don't spread, we have to be patient so that the government and the authorities think of a solution, surely the situation will not remain that way until the end.

    • Admin Said:

      You seem to have imagined a side with the blind? The government itself is expensive to embezzle, for example, which other embezzlement is supposed to face? The person who brought this government to work by fraud and at the expense of people's blood is responsible for all this shit..

      Sanctions by world powers have cut Iran's oil exports by half, but the ahmadinejad administration's 1 million-barrel revenue is also multiplied by the Khatami administration's one-year foreign exchange income.. And who asked you to mess with world powers or chant 100 goose slogans that you now blame for sanctions? 30 years of death to America, what about? Today, as Iranian society is collapsing, the entire Islamic Republic is responsible for the misery and misery of the Iranian people..

    • S.Fake Said:

      Very brainless.… Same…

    • SQR Said:

      You have to go back to that country where you're an idiot because you're his doctor..

  • shepel Said:

    What's wrong with farhad jan?

  • […] The future of our homeland is dark and dark, the Islamic system corrupted from within — Regardless of whether […]

  • Reply to SQR

    :wink: :twisted: :roll: :oops: :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :evil: :dance: :cry: :bow: :arrow: :angry-: :?: :-| :-x :-o :-P :-D :-? :) :( :!: 8-O 8)

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