The Charter of Cyrus and the adventure of stealing gheyas Reza Moradi Abadi

دکتر عبدالمجید ارفعی

Dr. Abdul arfaei

Gheyas Reza Moradi Abadi Recently the khonkharter of Cyrus, the Achaemenid Timur and Genghis and his assassin droid تومیریس, Queen of masagetha, The praise (From masagat The Eastern branch of the Iranians Pan trkyst pantrkyst ' analysis, but they can never leave. The title of "tomoros" that used only among gheyas Abadi trkystha background.) And in his name on aohamsh The Privy wall I Writes, in the not too distant when a book titled "the Charter of Cyrus the Achaemenid and published in the introduction that he Such a pledge:

"Human behavior in tarikhnameh بازگوكنندة the great, King of the country of niromandtrin k. Nik day interaction the other stizandh of the world, and has been frmaneroayan the world.

Apparently at that time his interest in these counts generally has a different requirement. But the point here is that I have gftensh going, and until recently it had no knowledge that the contents of the translation of the Charter of the book "Dr. Abdul arfaei» has been stolen. Mr. gheyas Abadi, in fact nothing to translate, and not to any ancient language fluency also wishes that it will translate old.

As earlier in the DS Gheyas claims "of marriage settlements and Zoroaster with her daughter پوروچیستا» Description I gave them the time to quote the text of the translation itself, which is the most آشکارترین feature of the various versions of the major differences is the same and not on the basis of its own translation, all previous translators to translate and ناامانتداری fiction (Click on the image Button) *.

It turns out he is from the translation of the Charter has been piracy. Dr. Abdul arfaei – Unlike a gheyas Abadi Linguist and Ilam shenas highlights Is – In a letter that was written to the newspaper Hamshahri, the issue of piracy, Mr. gheyas gave rashrah Abadi.

A copy of this letter At this address Full text is available and it is time to insert more readers I awareness.

رضا مرادی غیاث آبادی و سرقت ترجمه منشور کورش

Reza Moradi-Abadi gheyas and theft of translating the Charter of Cyrus


رضا مرادی غیاث آبادی و سرقت ترجمه منشور کورش

Reza Moradi-Abadi gheyas and theft of translating the Charter of Cyrus


رضا مرادی غیاث آبادی و سرقت ترجمه منشور کورش

Reza Moradi-Abadi gheyas and theft of translating the Charter of Cyrus


رضا مرادی غیاث آبادی و سرقت ترجمه منشور کورش

Reza Moradi-Abadi gheyas and theft of translating the Charter of Cyrus

پانویس ها

  1. This post This was to come: «Thirty years can no longer see the children to come out of the tight new colonialism on the washroom walls are: On the death of Cyrus the great ", but later by gheyas Abadi New shape Was rewritten. []
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13 Reply to The Charter of Cyrus and the adventure of stealing gheyas Reza Moradi Abadi

  • irani Said:

    Sir I called this guy finally ran on several Iranian nfhamadm khndm host or not?
    Kami اینفو about this man Midian?

  • Greetings.
    I would also add that this is the Kaaba, gheyas Moradi Abadi about Zoroaster also said grace and فضلیات own nonsense in Wikipedia and search on the Internet or anywhere people searches, the names and false entries this Moradi-Abadi gheyas finds
    I should add, as all know, the Kaaba has been the position of the Avesta, Zoroaster…
    Please” In this case both the disclosure and casting it to they مردک and please” The name of the workstation and the settlements of the gheyas Wikipedia erase logic to not mislead readers.
    Goodbye – The great God bless Iran

  • Need to know which way the fan on is that everyone does miss their

  • The history of science is a way that anyone will achieved.

  • […] دکترایش from the Recycle Bin, and impersonate people posts (And of course sometimes steal) Does – There is such a belief: Narast with the right […]

  • […] There are sweet – Most recently, a box of candy gheyas Abad (Probably from the place of sale of the translation of the Charter of the Dr. arfaei) To specify that you want to award his few سطری […]

  • saba Said:

    It was an interesting story. It is not known where the analogy taken from مدرکش hamlet? Asla if have evidence. Of course, he's also proof of ایلامشناسی and ارفعئ in the world is not known. He is also part of the translated word for Word himself from English translation of the British Museum, and the Museum's Web site and to print its name. Even the British Museum he had complaints.

  • […] Introduction of the book translating the Charter of Cyrus – That it has stolen from Dr. arfaei and so far has published three times – In the confirm claims of k. […]

  • Ramin Said:

    Small stones if Golden bowls breaks
    The price is not low and نیفزاید stone-

  • yahya Said:

    Of these mtajabm with all this قلمفرسائی about it Mr you provide documentary evidence of نفرمودید but it is old in his written sources objective historians and scholars noted that related to centuries ago is .
    Secondly :Instead of denying and insulting degree …His writing is better to review it together with the ریفرنس not زبانبازی and stimulates the emotions
    Thirdly :This discussion has raised some new Endo gatha have enough to know the followers of Zoroaster also in other countries such as India that are believed to be the same Iranian rulers are Avestan years have driven it warrants including Cyrus the great
    Anyway to know what are the only religion that is, at least with the name of God, Jehovah, AHURA; (Gad) And any good and blessing be upon us that Sherry sent him and satisfies them from his still
    And the spiritual and the chaplain and Reverend, etc. their false beliefs entertain the people and not their هرفردی role in the religion of the good and the bad and the good and evil and the halal Haraam and understands your crafting business نفهمی

    • Admin Said:

      Wherever the source written story also come with. Bounce like General gheyas Abadi likes exaggeration of the problem does not solve. In this post story claimed his newspaper Hamshahri does come together. In the remaining cases it is referred to whenever the alleged gheyas Abadi have been or Be sure the source entries His time has come. If any of you own what's objectionable content and what his friends can be wrong because it's written below it and the room and be sure to be released.
      Historical resources related to centuries ago in the hands of the likes of gheyas settlements does not value. Gheyas Abadi is a specialist on the owner of the ریویو several articles and books not academic. It merely can be properly cited recent academic texts to show ادعاهایش. If somewhere in this website in violation of the recent scientific texts to write a story was sure to be released.

  • Stupid about not leaving Pan Turkey slaughtered Said:

    Reza Moradi-Abadi is a gheyas پانترکهای of Araki Blvd . This stupid gheyas Reza Moradi Abadi from the central province of Arak frahan Turks. He is left by the parents but did not announce the place. This is stupid, and lacking any academic degree is fake like all the مدارکش all this. پانترک stupid shit stupid stupid death to leave Azerbaijan, death to the decomposition of the stupid quest

  • danial Said:

    From this pen to the wages of self-sold and politically influential, the mullahs buy at a very cheap price and throw friends into the culture and civilization of Iran and Iran.
    Of course, this donkey-tongued Turk is so jealous other than his mercenary that the Turkic fathers and his wild Mongol had never put a clay on clay and had never established a country, let alone create these great works of Iranian civilization or have the oldest country and system of government in the world.

  • Reply to mehrdad-aria

    :wink: :twisted: :roll: :oops: :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :evil: :dance: :cry: :bow: :arrow: :angry-: :?: :-| :-x :-o :-P :-D :-? :) :( :!: 8-O 8)

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