Archive for ژانویه, 2016

Purple poison Fateh President following Iran's horses were humiliated

The following poison Fateh Hassan Rohani Iranian horse.

The following poison Fateh Hassan Rohani Iranian horse.

Recently the Government of Italy in action covering a number of statues of naked and half-naked Italian while visiting Hassan Rohani تمسخرهای ریشخند کاپیتولینه Museum of the bedrock and has a lot of virtual space. In the English-language media, some have argued that in order to respect Mr. Rouhani's Islamic beliefs, Italy should go so far as to censor its artworks, unaware that this issue has other reasons.

Mr. Rohani is a visit of the Museum that a large number of sculptures were covered with wooden box. What is the reason that the Italians a Museum for بادید Obama chose that very large number of works of art where the subject of censorship. Italy artwork and an abundance of historical sites in the city of Rome, which could have been about the President of Iran visited Pakistan. In addition, other centers of manandh industrial factories or other cultural and economic centers would have to be included in the programme of spiritual. So, what is the cause of this particular location selected?

Electoral ploy Imam Khamenei (P) By resorting to Imam Naqi (P)

Of naghi (P) Narrates that prophet shmghder (PS)The camel, its bavfay and the popular President and the people of the province, said Naqi affair: To get the-labor Corp; increase the pay of their children; and کنیزی and نوکری and mathatshan to sink in the clubbing!

Shmghder w *: یابن rsolala! We just want the rest of the mkhlfatsh for پولهایشان? The Prophet with his science, he commented on this provision ladoni that I know and you ندانی!

Ugly, insulting Saudi King's property consultant, to Iranians

Equal to the official statistics, only around two hundred to three hundred thousand people there were sleeping on cardboard Tehran into the Congregation and life with waste درآمیخته. Even Genghis is not speculation can bring such disaster on the nation.

Equal to the official statistics, only around two hundred to three hundred thousand people there were sleeping on cardboard Tehran into the Congregation and life with waste درآمیخته. Maybe even not be such speculation either Genghis disaster brought over a nation.

Suppose Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor, today claimed that the head of the Iranian disaster so that they were begging in the streets of Berlin! In the event of such رخدادی probably the nation always on the scene and always on Facebook (Recently the telegram) Some damn fine and coarse money the German Government and German history and culture and at least serve as a virtual miss Chancellor were. If Obama is the same claim about begging in the streets of Washington DC as the Iranians would show the same reaction people; however, this subject also consider the American nation or Germany in a position superior to Iranians, and today, relying on the superiority of our own economic and industrial to humiliation. But this claim is neither the Germans nor the Americans that Saudi Arabia has as.

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