Tag: Talmud

We condemn the statements of condemnation of Rahimi

تصویری از ابطحی و یک خاخام یهودی

A picture of a Jewish rabbi and a Abtahi

Mohammad Reza Rahimi, Vice President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, meanwhile, as statements:"The expansion of the drug trade in the world is rooted in the Talmud, a collection of Jewish religious rules," as well as the:"In these books can be taught how to make the blood of the people بمکند and how to destroy a non-Jewish."

About «drug spread in the world» is rooted in where I don't like commenting on that story, but I do not have knowledge in the latter case is quite right to Mr. Rahimi..

Talmud is a collection of laws and Islamic studies Jewish people retarded is that almost every type of crime and crime for believers it makes possible. Already a few sections of this book I translate here I recommend that before any prejudice so read a few episodes.

Of course, Mr. Rahimi forget that as religious Muslims is commenting about the books because if the root of misery all nations of the world are not Muslims, religious books, possibly the root of misfortune (Or the root of a large portion of misery) The same nation that Mr. Rahimi is the same law, the President is jmhorsh. To quote the late Mirza AQA Khan kermani if a book cover baharalanoar Molla Mohammad Bagher majlesi the nozzle on the nation, not to save the nation's other hope to reach what it gave us that every twenty-four jlodsh have brought us together!

They will do taqiyya Muslim Jews

ایهود باراک و بنیامین نتانیاهو، وزیر دفاع و نخست وزیر اسرائیل

ایهود Barak and Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli Prime Minister and Defence Minister

Israeli Defense Minister Barak, ایهود, Believes that The Islamic Republic's officials have said that should not be trusted and the nuclear talks should Iran and the West was also optimistic because in the midst of the Muslim tradition of "prevarication" there.

The subject of "taqiyya" is not the first time that the Muslims by the Israelis or trfedaranshan. Weeks ago A similar claim in the New York Times Is released and Mr. Barak in an interview with Christine amanpoor also tells the same story.

In an interview amanpoor and Barack, Amanpoor asks him whether the fatwa, Khamenei thought might lead to an end to find the atomic program? And he replies, "have you heard about taqiyya? Prevarication is that traditional Muslims and especially allow Shiites to tell a lie and mislead them شرکایشان until the goals of the group, tribe, or nation. "

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