Here are a few items that I read recently; whether we should continue with the illegal imprisonment of opposition Mousavi? Do we have those golden doransh Khomeini and nothing ندیدیم; we are a group that do not believe in the principle of the Islamic system and fara and illusion are the reform of the reform leaders of Defense موظفیم;? When rumors of the Mahdi — The person who says to the principle of the system is — Illegal detention and irrational behavior for invitation to Mohamed Akbar Hashemi hunger strike issue — That last is a defenseless prisoner provided both pretext for being perhaps the most haqughsh to the price he achieve initial — For the purposes of advertising group turns to jokes; we have to disagree with this illegal imprisonment or false rumors and to act in keeping with the Islamic regime to build her own jokes and پیوندش to the highest prayer for?
Tag: Hossein Maleki ronaghi
A reporter for the Israelis to release Hussein abedini and a. ronaghi wanted
A few weeks ago, an Israeli reporter about the status of the elegant, Majid Tavakoli j. prisoners of the student movement, asked that she does not respond at all to Tavakoli. The lack of familiarity with the Minister Mr. Tavakoli, a wave of protest is unlikely; وبلاگنویسان reactions to the place where the delicate issue was forced to deny all.
The deportation of a Canada of torture reminds of paradise; Sattar a. نبریم
Abolfazl abedini journalist and member of the paniranist, which is the crime of propaganda against the system, restrictive laws, to twelve years in jail. Early in her prison in Ahvaz were kept. In that period several times by Arab prisoners and prison officers demand analysis about the battering was going; until the very efforts by year 89 Was transferred to Evin prison in Tehran.
Last year happened in paragraph 350 Bird life which occurred some of its political prisoners, including the paragraph a. was also overshadowed by Canada. Adventure related to the death of a young blogger by the cortex of the working community — Like a. — That was torture by prison officials after the persecution of her abundant *. Blogger by the name of paradise and وبلاگنویسی Sattar and other crime except no express عقایدش. Beheshti was torture and torture went. Unlike forecasts strong reaction to this, the killers a case showed, and even though the Islamic Republic there is something called dignity; the murder of paradise ultimately to the detriment of the whole system of asterisks *.