Imagine one of your friends claim to have come from Mars, Earth and human beings live among us. You have to explain to him that there is no indication of the existence of the people from Mars on earth does not exist in addition to those years studying the planet b. (Mars) By space agencies and academic centers, is a sign of how even simple life forms exist in the time it has not gotten what wildlife species reach more sophisticated or intelligent species and finally the space trips so that they can تمدنهایی to successfully fulfill the. In response you or your friend argues that humans are not seen by Mars, interest and academic and scientific centers is also governed by the same Martian, and in fact they are the ones that people will rule and because human beings were not allow enslaving; that we have the facts they discover. In such circumstances you have to continue that discussion or trying to see that the scientific evidence or documentation for a more convincing hypothesis presenting opposing sides, your friend can provide you with the evidence as the evidence tampering and unnecessarily reject and ultimately result in the discussion also changes could not be created.
Tag: Lie
They will do taqiyya Muslim Jews
Israeli Defense Minister Barak, ایهود, Believes that The Islamic Republic's officials have said that should not be trusted and the nuclear talks should Iran and the West was also optimistic because in the midst of the Muslim tradition of "prevarication" there.
The subject of "taqiyya" is not the first time that the Muslims by the Israelis or trfedaranshan. Weeks ago A similar claim in the New York Times Is released and Mr. Barak in an interview with Christine amanpoor also tells the same story.
In an interview amanpoor and Barack, Amanpoor asks him whether the fatwa, Khamenei thought might lead to an end to find the atomic program? And he replies, "have you heard about taqiyya? Prevarication is that traditional Muslims and especially allow Shiites to tell a lie and mislead them شرکایشان until the goals of the group, tribe, or nation. "