Nasser pourpirar: Jews and Christians are unclean

N. بناکننده (Pourpirar) That earlier in his report a range of anti-Iranian activities, including membership in the Tudeh Party, Spy for the Eastern bloc and forge on to Saddam Hussein's Baathist Government, such as the دولتهایی and the instead of Azerbaijan (Pourpirar is currently housed among the Islamists ), Recently attempted to build another fake documentary titled “Upscale mjaolat” That's part of it and the language of the Qur'an, The Jews and the Christians called unclean. For more information about them you can vote to uncensored site.( The first link Or The second link) See.


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44 Reply to Nasser pourpirar: Jews and Christians are unclean

  • Suran Said:

    The method of this master Khan mangol influence on simple deli that Adam has a strange claim they stated or open talgh dhanshan وغریب and wonders with your say : \ Yes, a man with long moustaches has come to stand up to the West, East, South and North, and basically any arrogance and colorful imperialism, and what information and grace he has embedded in his spending. !!! Yes, he has come to deliver us from darkness and darkness. !!! And it is for Us to help him. !!!…. \ Note that Mr. Hitler used the same naive people. !. In the following, I say that the likes of Nasser Khan P. to save Islam from the downhill fall against anything, and then they are disposed of in the dust dump of oblivion for a while. . Sir, the old ones have told me to go. : \ The sea of dog mouths is not defiled … (I'm sorry, the old ones said, "I'm innocent.").

  • Suran Said:

    Basically, any arrogance and colorful imperialisms of Jovhojur stand up and what information and fazlomaty has been embedded in his spending. !!! Yes, he has come to deliver us from darkness and darkness. !!! And it is for Us to help him. !!!…. ” Note that Mr. Hitler used the same naive people. !. In the following, I say that the likes of Nasser Khan P. to save Islam from the downhill fall against anything, and then they are disposed of in the dust dump of oblivion for a while. . Sir, the old ones have told me to go. : ” The sea doesn't get unclean from the dog's mouth “… (I'm sorry, the old ones said, "I'm innocent."

  • Suran Said:

    The methodology of this historian, Mangol, is to influence simple-hearted people who, up to a strange story, their mouths will be opened and they will wonder. : Yes “A man with long moustaches has come to stand up to all the arrogance and colonialism of the world, and how much information and virtue has been placed in his spending. !!! He has come to free us from darkness. !!!! And we are ours to help him. ! ” Note that, for example, Mr. Hitler, using these same people, you have been riding around the world for a while, and all the dictators and rascals of the world. … Basically, the likes of Nasser Khans, in order to save Islam from the downhill fall, are desperately zari against anything, and after a short time they are disposed of in the dust dump of oblivion. . Sir, the old ones have said how beautiful they are. : “The sea doesn't get unclean from the dog's mouth “…(I'm sorry, the old ones said, "I'm innocent." )

    • admin Said:

      No, my friend, His Highness does not have long moustaches, and of course, once he was hanging from Saddam Hussein's moustaches, I think it would be extremely kind if we only belonged to the Islamist spectrum. , Nasser Pourpirar is neither a Muslim nor a Ba'athist, nor a secessionist, but once he was published with all these groups, there was no objection to the long moustaches that would not be a problem with the ignorance and illiteracy of the Iranian masses who do not understand that history should not be considered the story of Kolsoum Nana that all the universities of Germany, Britain, France and the United States, forge for us. (Film Takhtgah No one see at the end of this entry)Sin should not be considered as the only building that does not remain in the world until the fool is fooled..

  • Ali Said:

    Leave aside your market alley reviews and read his arguments well
    Why should we become so narcissist that it's a mental illness?
    The truth must be knew and said, although it is bitter

    • admin Said:

      Yes, well, Nasser Khan, the only objection is that our modern knowledge has been unable to know him., Centuries must pass before humanity can understand Nasser Bonyer's genius well.

  • hamoon Said:

    Greetings to Mr. Pourpyar, who has his decency and honesty, which is the veil of his knowledge..

  • backslsh Said:

    He's right, servant of God.!
    Explains the contents of the Qur'an.
    Of course, jews' hostility to Islam and perhaps the other way around.!Islam's enmity with Jews!
    And in fact, the enmity of Jewish poets with the poet Muhammad.!
    These religious lies and indoctrination damage are our biggest disease..
    He says to clarify your assignment with you, then move on.
    In the end, though, he says very nicely.:We only have one identity.
    That's because we're Muslims.!Or Nissestim.!!

    • admin Said:

      we posted that you enjoy it because it's right and it was beautiful

    • Solomon Said:

      Son of John, don't make Muslims with extremists and Jews with Zionism, Islam is not hostile to any of the divine religions, Islam is the religion of equality and brotherhood, research religions more so that you can say the famous. ” Sarra from Nazareth.” Bad diagnosis

      • admin Said:

        Hail to you, fellow researcher.
        Yes, Islam is the religion of equality, brotherhood, freedom, people and kindness, only a little time of kindness is a lot of pain.!
        They don't write serra and nasra like that, the nazareth you wrote has a different meaning..

  • alireza Said:

    Why did you forget to say that he was also needed for the ideological justification of the Islamic Republic, and that's why he was given the wing? His thoughts have been confirmed by people such as Salimi Namin and Fatemeh Rajabi, and Bakhshi (Not all.) In the system, he is supported because he was needed to brainwash the pre-Islamic era's superiority over the post-Islamic era.. of course, the more it goes on, apparently it needs to be less. A part of the Islamic Republic needed a history that would further increase Islam and beat up Iranian culture, and Pourpirar provided it for them by forging it..
    In order to justify the Muslim attack on Iran and the advantage of the after-day period, the clergy itself could not act because it struck both the Iranian people and they did not have extensive historical information.. That's why they found and supported a background case and Salus..

    Porpirar is another gift that Islam brought us. Edema is the same and the result is the same. Justify the Arab attack on Iran and its looting and taking Iran's wealth to arab and Arab lands.

    Explain the: I'm not against Arabs and racists, but historical facts need to be clarified..

    • admin Said:

      Hail To Ali Reza

      Ash Pourpirar is so passionate that it does not even comply with the standards of the ruling regime's mandarin, and those personalities such as Salimi Namin, Fatemeh Rajavi and Hossein Shariatmadari, who you mentioned and are supporting these important issues. ,They're so indesitable that their support for any idea will have a reverse impact.

      Unfortunately, Pourpirar had succeeded in reaching out to the masses with religious tendencies and low literacy levels, and our main effort was to let him know that history in its new concept, such as physics and chemistry. (Not as experiential, of course. )And all kinds of science. ,It is methodical and has a scientific nature, and contrary to popular belief, it is not a collection of stories about the past that a person or group forges.

      But in a society that introduces "humanities" as both a conspiracy by the West and a product of intelligence agencies ,The capacity of stupidity among the masses and acceptance of Purpirari's beliefs is high

      In any case, Porpirar does not need to spend more time and energy, and last year's chattering container has been totally discredited.

      Responses to History Distortors
      Who is Porpirar? Naser Pourpirar's True Identity

  • alireza Said:

    2019 Jan 09, 10:00. Babak Khorramdin defeated. The signs of his defeat are still apparent. One of them is Mr. Bona'er..

    I don't know why you didn't even mention what I said in the first message.. Maybe you don't believe in it.. But if you've censored yourself, dear brother, that's wrong.. Our mistake is that we want to play on their land and by their rules.. The time has passed and the method's inability has been revealed.. 2019 Jan 09, 10:00. There's no other way.. Because the previous methods have not worked..

  • Kaveh Said:

    God's Dror on Nasser Pour-Pirar

  • Darius I Said:


  • salam Said:

    I'm really ashamed of your ridiculous words about how an illiterate Iranian like you rents itself out to deliver words to the naïve nation.

    • admin Said:

      Literacy is not that they learn in the field or at the foot of the pulpit of the likes of the buildings, which you say and must be delivered to the "naïve" nation., It's something else.

  • Saeed Said:

    Nasser KhanPourpirar recently responded to their opposition's weng-ong
    These costs must be right.. They didn't expect me to send Bistoon Rock into the air like a kite.
    It is said that Pourpirar is the father of ancient Iranian history because the mother of ancient Iranian history …. Heh

    • admin Said:

      Hail Nasser Khan, who is also an astronaut, we thought to this day he only knew diving and skydiving.! just be careful not to get too airy because it'll be difficult to get down.

      • Solomon Said:

        admin John Graeme
        Nasser Khan aerial go because it's good. 100% They'll strike him with anti-air.

        • admin Said:

          In fact, the Zionist elements, the Jewish snippets, and the slaves of the Jews who had infiltrated the pillars of the Islamic society had the same intentions, but President Medvedev, the honorable Russian president, with his inherent sharpness, stopped the plot..

          In fact, Rafiq Medvedev himself was a friend of the time of the Master Tudeh Party, both of whom worked to spread Islam.. Recently, the Russians had found that the Zionists were trying to disrupt the master's plans and that the system was anti-air. 300 That's why they didn't send it to Iran so that there would be no problems with master astronauts later..

  • abadan Said:

    faghat ye soal.
    purpirar gofte zaban torki jali va sakhte yahudian o masihiane.
    dalilam ovorde(tupe tup).
    hala chera torka nemikhan ghabul konan , allaho alam!
    hade aghal ta kasi havasesh nist begid tork nistid delbandane asiaye miane.

    • admin Said:

      You're asking a question.

      As all of Shahriar's Iranian-loving poems relate to his youthful and raw time!! But his Turkish poems relate to his time of maturity and intellectual maturity. !(In this case, visit blogs and panterkist sites, you will be arrested more) All the opinions of The Building Master who has provided about Iranians ,Correct,It's justifiable and reliable, but what he said about the Turks was influenced by The Schvenism of Fars. !

      You see, contrary to your opinion,, How easy and logical can you solve problems like this?

  • Solomon Said:

    This is Mr. Nasser Pourpirar.!!!!!!!!!!!
    I think insulting religions is an inappropriate act

  • iohgea Said:

    Thanks to the brothers of the People of Pars Friday..

  • Azad Andish Said:

    When he arrived at the edningly,. Yohga, you better respond to his claims that the Turkic people were fake and handmade by the Zionists instead of being happy with pour pirar crap about the Persians.. if you're not from shit and leaving us,. So that the sything will turn, and whoever faints in him,.

  • najeekurd Said:

    You needed to answer Mr. Pourpirar's remarks or accusations, insults and insults would only increase his popularity.. Besides, he's really raised doubts that make every human being think.. If you don't know how to answer, please don't curse..
    In the meantime, luxurious agency is a long time possible..

    • admin Said:

      Savior John, unfortunately, I didn't find any answers to the master..
      Especially the subject of this video that said that Jews and Christians are unclean, and no one really knows how to answer.. It may be better for Christians and Jews to learn the manners of purity from the master of the building who has rightly cleansed the entire history and honor of a nation..

  • Yahel Said:

    Peace be upon Nasser Pourpira and men like him and god's curse on racists like you who are ashamed and afraid to hear your fabricated history..

  • R. Said:

    Pour-Pirar was expelled from the Tudeh Party in 1979 for embezzlement, and this is in Kianuri's memoirs, he works for money, gentlemen, pan-Turks, don't be too happy.!In time, when your date of use for the Akhundi regime is over, it will also make history against the Turks.!Then how are you going to deny someone who was once your master and approved of it now!Can't be anymore!Then it will be the story of the saw that you will no longer have a way back.!How easily did the Akhundi regime deceive you?!After the date of your use is finished, it will be your turn

  • Kamal Said:

    Hail Nasser Pourpirar, who lit a light as vast as history along the infinite path of humanity, which, for eternity, turned the veil of ignorance out of the eyes of the human eye and tasted the sweet syrup of knowing and understanding to everyone, although this syrup was bitter, but sweeter than any sweetness, and bitterer than the venom that some people had given up on their handmade fake history and made history only. And they only wanted and knew on their monopoly.. Well done with the bravery of this great man of contemporary history, and those who stone religion and religiosity, like their needles stuck somewhere a few thousand years ago. . Instead of humanity, it's good. . Now a Muslim commits a crime, he eats the right, but not human beings, because some people are Muslims, but they are not human beings.. Other discussions are outdated, and in the words of Sohrab, God can be found under the tree, even in the night of the smells..

    • admin Said:

      Eternal greetings to this beacon of humanity that, like the nightworm, has revealed the breadth of humanity.. Hail To Nasir Khan and his extension under the tree and even through the night of the smells..

  • Sarah Said:

    Hail Nasser Khan and the Tudeh Party and all the tricksters of the world, who bed the beacons of posterity by burning human beings and the lives of human beings..

  • […] Gilgamesh has referred and, of course, has not given his address, or Nasser Pourpirar, who is very interested in the Torah, first-hand sources in case of […]

  • Kimia Mattin Said:

    It is a question for me, which part of Iran is this individual born? Why is only the Arabs, the Palestinians and the Government of The Safi are safe from the accusations and insults of this individual? I have had hashr and gashr with Lebanese Arabs who are very infatuated with Isfahan and in fact consider Isfahan a part of their civilization in Iran.. The storytelling style and the words of these people are similar to Borbir's words and claims.. In the end, this person believes that thousands of our literary works, etc., are the result of the Hands of the Jews, and this nation must truly be so intelligent and talented as the superior nation.!! But does this person himself put together these problems for the property, or is it the principle of where he is so anti-Iranian and Farhenk Iranian? And where are the Iranian authorities who imprison every person with the smallest reference to Islamic sanctities and prevent their activities in any way?. Is it really important for them today that Islam and the Arabs are the most important things for them not to appoint a single jeharjob for this person's unsatisfying statements, or was it really right that Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah was right to declare in his speech that today the Arabs are in the kingdom of Iran.!!

    • admin Said:

      Pourpirar is from Khuzestani Arabs. Being Arab doesn't necessarily matter, I don't have any enemies with Arabs, but as you say, this can clarify part of their hostility to Iranian culture..

      Iranian officials are no worse, not better. Many of these pan-Turkists and pan-Arabists with a Muslim appearance and tashraei have had executive or even military responsibilities in Iran since the beginning of the revolution, and they are Iranian officials themselves..

  • […] Dodd, sooner or later the inevitable avoidance will be to claim, like Nasser Pourpirar, the whole history of the world is a conspiracy of colonialism and that's why […]

  • behrouz Said:

    Baslam, I am a free-thinking man, and with most of the words I agree with, I have 5 years of constant history without the truth, and I saw that Nasser's words with my research, about one rastas, even reached a sentence that Nasser had not yet reached, which was the word "Achaemenid", which is a wrong word, the name of rabbi manesh's lesson, which is told to the great Jews to go to think. ……….

  • Nasser Pourpirar Ass Delghakzadeh Said:

    This Arab donkey Nasser Bana, the stupid, out-of-the-day diplomat, laughed at his grave, you idiot.

  • Nasser Pourpirar this time on Wahhabi TV Said:

    Nasser Pourpirar this time on Wahhabi TV

    Nasser Pourpirar, a former member of the Tudeh Party and a member of history, has just begun a new partnership with anti-Shia and anti-Iranian Wahhabis.. According to azeri news-analytical website Nasser Banaen (Pourpirar) Targeted and continuous interviews with the network “Joiner” 2019 Jan 09, 10:00. In the past 10 years, he has gained fame by publishing books in the field of history, which was faced with the disregard of the country's academic community..

    Before publishing these books in typology (Type) He edited books from time to time, but with the publication of a series of books on The History of Iran, the Ba'ath Party of Iraq and the ruling party in the Republic of Baku were published.(Azarbaijan Novin) Under Saddam Hussein, his books were translated into Arabic. In addition, government centers in the Republic of Baku published and translated his books..

    It seems that after frustration and notoriety in Iranian circles and the disregard of the faculties of history, pourpirar seems to be disregarding his views. (Considering that Pourpirar does not have a degree in history and basically any other academic discipline and also lacks graded scientific papers) Has sought refuge in Salafi and Wahhabi groups.

  • The implication in the Nasser pourpirar vote vahabi Said:

    The implication in the Nasser pourpirar vote vahabi
    Nasser pourpirar USA of its clan of the طوایف tribe embarked on a Khamseh got Fars province which is a mixture of Arab and Turkic Qashqai are race and they speak Arabic, Sogdian and two

    While some of the sentences and pourpirar perspectives on social networks go hand in hand and the page rotates and Facebook users questions about chnduchon and the nature of his claims are raised.
    One of the most important sentences related to the سطوری that you see in the picture.
    According to آذریها this is the stour directly implies profound thought is its carrier vahabi pourpirar was. ناصربناکننده aka pourpirar ethnic Arab tribes from the root according to Fars province . In terms of political history belongs to the party, and then the Saudi and Iraqi security services agents. Speculative and inherently speculative anti Pakistan anti-Iranian plan to attack in these sentences to pourpirar Shia that may have been influenced by Wahhabi Saudi..
    Concepts that they seemingly pourpirar fazlaneh assessment and is considered an important part of all and the basis of the principles of the science of jurisprudence, and parsley to the word process. Jafari Fiqh believes that without mastering the science of words and reading the text of the principles cannot be no serious texts ranging from religious, legal, and Quranic … تاویل and the commentary *.
    Because of the attack on the Shiite jurisprudence to pourpirar? Do but this is a special agent of the security service was professional and religious comment had a feud with Shia?

    Now we can understand that the enemies of this eternal and everlasting and canvas what long term programs through the student countries and individuals to our national unity have been.

  • Reply to alireza

    :wink: :twisted: :roll: :oops: :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :evil: :dance: :cry: :bow: :arrow: :angry-: :?: :-| :-x :-o :-P :-D :-? :) :( :!: 8-O 8)

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