Cyrus the great trade and prostitution

رضا مرادی غیاث آبادی

R. gheyas Abadi

Not long ago Gheyas Reza Moradi Abadi In two consecutive posts to trade تلویحا the Achaemenid Cyrus prostitution *. Such first argued that in the reign of Cyrus on Babylon, the girl in the city to redeem her father's debt was taken and so decided that it thought the girl be sure to rent a given time. And they both concluded that this topic is bondage with Cyrus claims based on the abolition of slavery is مغایراتI :

"The Charter of Cyrus the great Achaemenid mshhorsh tips on eliminating slavery slab or eliminating exploitation of human beings is brought. But this claim with other Achaemenid era inscription does not agree. For example, pursuant to the eighth year of the plaque number 252 of the Kingdom of Cyrus in Babylon, the girl called tabmoto because his father, a coin of gold and ten silver coins to financial institution or rbakhanh اگیبی, was taken to redeem debt until her father does his debt settlement. Girls who were taken to the Grove, for sexual exploitation were given rent to compensate for their delay damages.

To learn more see:

Beitrage zur Assyriologie und Semitischen Sprachwissenschaft, Dritter band, heft 3, Leipzig, 1897.
Legal and administrative translation 50 tablet of time Kingdom of Cyrus, and آشورولوژی encyclopedia of Linguistics, volume III, the third Office, Leipzig, 1897 "

In the next post of this time went beyond the Kourosh and to participation in the trade of prostitution *II :

By virtue of his will has been discovered in the Achaemenid Babylon Cyrus and Cambyses which designated with a capital that had been looted from the place, providing Lady financial institution invested اگیبی. The activities of this Institute including the phrase was from: Lending by thirty to fifty percent in the month, buy and sell and rent a bitch. To learn more see:

Beitrage zur Assyriologie und Semitischen Sprachwissenschaft, Dritter band, heft 3, Leipzig, 1897.
Legal and administrative translation 50 tablet of time Kingdom of Cyrus, and آشورولوژی encyclopedia of Linguistics, volume III, the third Office, Leipzig, 1897

Mr. gheyas Abadi recently posted another entry for Cyrus and stoned women in the same city the culprit knowIII :

Stoning of women at the time of rule of Cyrus the great was common practice on Babylon and was implemented in the case of women زانیه. In this case the men were exempt from the punishment of stoning, unless to the shrine and the King thought کنیزان.

To learn more see: Legal and administrative translation 50 tablet of time Kingdom of Cyrus, and آشورولوژی encyclopedia of Linguistics, volume III, the third Office, Leipzig, 1897 (The following source)And also the history of civilization will Durant, volume I, Orient.

Beitrage zur Assyriologie und Semitischen Sprachwissenschaft, Dritter band, heft 3, Leipzig, 1897.

Provide some explanation in this regard is essential:

1 – We should be careful before you stuff the content published in the nineteenth century the scientific value of the document as a citation and reference in the judgment alone will not be able to use the process of historical studies. If this causes the gheyas settlements tends to trade someone accused of prostitution, is nothing more than a translation of ancient scrolls in the nineteen century.. However, I got a full version of the text of reference I find them on the Internet and on the contrary he said In all of these German text Only once mentioned the name of Cyrus and it also refers to the tomb of Cyrus is:

polis. 3. Aufl. 181 5; S. 564—603 derselbe Aufsatz, und S. 643-653:
t6a. Über Pasargadae und Kyros Grabmal; und dann beide nochmals 4. Aufl. 1824
S. 325—361 und S. 371-383.

2 – The city of Babylon is one of the most ancient cities in the world and probably the first bang ایگیبی a financial institution in the world that dates back to the two thousand years before Christ and this means that almost 15 A century before the conquest of Babylon by Cyrus سپاهیان. According to the rules governing such a society is related to the era of Cyrus that he came to it, we. This argument remains that the American invaders is responsible for the implementation of Sharia law in Afghanistan know.

The Nations of the Persian Empire in the function خارجیشان relations following the Iranian overlords were the Persian Empire but were themselves carefully in not interfering the internal affairs of the people's. Gheyas also claimed that the settlements where the attacks cause the destruction of Babylon to Cyrus cultural characteristic was their.IV But he said this is untrue. بر طبق دانشنامه بریتانیکا بابل پس از اشغال توسط کورش کماکان خودمختاری فرهنگی خود راحفظ کرد.V

According to پروفسور پیر برایانت Babylonian, Greek and Phoenician cities under Iranian domination until their financial and military tasks of Union autonomy and Sonderkommando, were subject to the laws themselves.VI Therefore, even if there are laws that govern that society are not humane in our view and based on our ethics today, this issue is not necessarily related to the policies of Cyrus or his successors.

3 – Its a gheyas report claims that in the city of Babylon and زانیه women at the time of the Kingdom of Cyrus (Adultery, Karan) Stoned and perhaps the responsibility of this infamous action is also noticed Cyrus بابلیان. In one other written claims at the same time the Kingdom of Cyrus in Babylon and the women for economic purposes to the adultery had WA.

If these two settlements, accept, therefore, gheyas said a total of these results that we abide by the women of Babylon to the adultery law in accordance with the same WA had later Babel, the زناکاران stoned that the aa with no reason not read Salimi. Unless the سنگسارنکنند or زانیه or women to sexual exploitation of women does not exist. Of course, in all communities – Both old and new – Groups that are employment and prostitution trade, others might have to prostitution as is customary in our time. But this topic is not necessarily with the laws governing community or does not have the Governments policies.

4 – Achaemenid Empire – Like any other جهانگشای – Efforts to the areas under the تملکشان still have a look under the acquisition. Therefore, it is not surprising that Cyrus or Cambyses or their heirs wanted to control the resources and economic organizations in these areas in some way to prevent possible disturbances, and this has nothing to do with the prostitution trade.

5 – Slavery A social system in which goods and merchandise such people about buying and selling and barter the. Of this as not just at the time of Cyrus, but during the whole history of Iran there is no such traditional. In accordance with the Iranian history University of Cambridge print :"Iran's social structure no indication of legal concept called slavery does not exist. But all the guys were kind of slave to the King.VII همینطور می دانیم که در سراسر تاریخ هخامنشی برده داری ممنوع بود.VIII However, this does not mean that the subject is in the whole history of those workers or labor, having always a fair salary received as at the same time and at the time of the making of the Achaemenid under Jamshid – That are related to the period after the death of Cyrus is. – Many ازکارگرانی were paid, that the situation is better than not slaves. But work rules or being unfair situation is the concept has never been slavery and Vogue is not slavery.

6 – In the midst of some ملتهایی that سرزمینهایشان came to the Achaemenid conquest of slavery was common. Including the Jews from bondage in Babylon to groups that were taken. Cyrus ordered that all the people or gods who had been held captive in Babylon be released and returned to their place, including 40,000 Jews who were returned to their homeland.IX

Maybe it's not bad if you want to write gheyas Abadi, we seek. R. gheyas in the introduction to the book earlier settlements, the translation of the Charter of Cyrus – That it's from Dr. arfaei The theft And so far has published three times – In confirmation of the claim made Cyrus writesX :

But in spite of the Kings of Assyria and Babylon and obscene behaviour hakmranan world today, k. upon entering the town of Babylon and having any practical power as the King of the niromandtrin countries, not only defeated the King crucified him; but not supremacy in the region and also with the people of the city, appointed such a behavior manifestation: ''. .. When I entered Babylon without war and Newcastle, all the people in step with me pzirftend shadmani ... مَردوك (The God of babli) The hearts of the people of Babylon, he noticed my clear; his dear and honored because I was. My great army to enter Babylon peace and unrest. Ngozashtem the suffering of the people of this city and how to enter this land come. The internal disposition of Babylon and he gave me heart shock positions. I am for peace coshidem. The slave was brandakhtam. At the end of their bakshidem to bad bakhti. I gave the command that all worship the God of his people be free and niazarnd. I have no command was not removed from city ahali. The great God I was happy ... The command I gave ... All the alternatives that had been closed during prayer, bgshind. All prayer is to own the places bazgardandem. اهالي اين محل‌ها را گرد آوردم و خانه‌هاي آنان را كه خراب كرده بودند، از نو ساختم. صلح و آرامش را به تمامي مردم اعطا كردم.

پانویس ها

  1. []
  2. []
  3. []
  4. []
  5. Mesopotamia, history of. (2011). Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica Ultimate Reference Suite. Chicago: Encyclopædia Britannica. ‘Babylonia’s peaceful submission to Cyrus saved it from the fate of Assyria. It became a territory under the Persian crown but kept its cultural autonomy.’ []
  6. Briant, P. (2002). From Cyrus to Alexander: A History of the Persian Empire. Eisenbrauns. 'The Greek and Phoenician cities and the Babylonian towns retained considerable autonomy, as long as they fulfilled the obligations placed on them, especially the financial and military obligations.’ []
  7. .The Cambridge History of Iran: The Median and Achaemenian periods. (1985). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.’In the Iranian social structure we have no evidence of a legal concept of slavery other than that by which, to commence at the highest level, all men were slaves of the King‘. []
  8. Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt. Mobile reference.‘The practice of slavery in Achaemenid Persia was generally banned‘. []
  9. Adelmam, H., Barkan,E. (2011). No Return No Refuge: Rites and Rights in Minority Repatriation. New York: Columbia University Press. []
  10. The Charter of k. hkhamanshi, an introduction []
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18 Reply to Cyrus the great trade and prostitution

  • Iran Said:

    According to this tradition, the servant of the research of Jewish tradition, not of the laws of the State of the course among Jewish k. Kabir, also faheshi with the difference compared to the run of new claims is aishon:
    In the event of bankruptcy of the father of the family and disability عبرانی درتامین the children he could start spending money before they reach the age of puberty to slavery for a limited period(7Years) By the end of the term of the contract and sell or reach the age of puberty in girls, they were released by other financial conditions improved in the case of families, the father was required to cause the release of girls brought austerity budget
    Due to the lack of maturity of girls, they are about sexual abuse put nemigrft
    R. k.: Stein saltz, adine, Siri drtlmood, translated by فرطالبی story
    Kohan, Abraham, aztlmood, treasure امیرفریدون gorgani
    Vafa Mansouri, b., this rule of marriage
    Vafa Mansouri, b., the woman in this regulation

    • mohamad Said:

      Misogyny and slavery and cruelty and conquest and … All have been part of the ancient cultures and that you have tried a کشورگشا the face of these charges you're outta the other comedy collected. To see what behavior with women in the ancient book of ماتیگان been hzardadstan Please study up to the position of the ancient Iranian women have sought the post .

  • B. Said:

    Dear ladies and sroran,
    I'm one of the wonders of your work that mouth to mouth a واپسگرایِ mental سوادِ مردک Bay like this distracted Iran opposition, “غیلث Abadi”You,. It's just like it would be a wise expression that come and mouth to mouth it like crazy and eating pussy آدمکشی “S. kivi, Ardabil” Or “Capus”They are Stalinist murderers or نازیستی!
    These are the naadm verily not worth addressing and challenging the.

    The more you pay the more fluent this distraught naadm, you make him shadmanter and namdarter and he will perhaps have the same.
    It is true that you want enlightenment, verily why in response to the baloney and get distracted by the spirit fall down?
    Write your query's enlightened will be more informative.

    Be happy and freedom

    • Admin Said:

      Hello dear friend.
      Some ایراندوستان with you are عفیده for example, when Nasser pourpirar was first introduced many جعلیاتش believed that he should not be answered, and the answer is not.
      Some also like I do not have such comments. Especially in the case of gheyas settlements he raised as a nzeratsh expert, and many of his opinions as an expert published including the State media are the amount of time his alien countries. Why it is essential to show the contents of the academic resources of the University and with his inconsistent.
      Be victorious.

  • Kourosh Said:

    Many thanks

  • Pasha Said:

    قراربراین did all that without question whatever ojavab Cyrus وهخامنشیان ogndeh big بایدقبول should not even have the right person. ndarad azbabat these are the وحقیقت writes a check. If you object to this as well واقعیتها ومکتوب باتوهین then write just to hide واقعیتها Wang is a leading contact us….

    • Admin Said:

      Hello. Do not such a malaise. Not without question whatever about the Persian Empire was said we accept. Put something of ourselves forging alliances and fame of a nation lies نبندیم.

      Can anyone comment about himself does not have the right to write but falsified Achaemenid date does. We had to protest them, then wrote to mtalbeman however, it is not my duty to show hamlet lies gheyas r.. The settlements of gheyas when the shares on his own as a historian is obliged to observe the professional ethics that I have here a couple of reputable reference material contrary to his claims.. This links is sufficient and other related entries on this website take a look at.

    • آدسیز Said:

      ایراندا بیزیم not a beveled Pasha martyrdom date not دییر
      سیکدیر گید oz اولکوه Mongolia
      Gdeh doghose

    • Calaway21 Said:

      How do you lie when all the words are with evidence?
      My dear, none of the Ghias Abadi's documents are worth it because in the 19th century many tablets were translated incorrectly, such as the Babylonian akkads translated into people in the 19th century, but this same University of Tehran rejected it, and with careful studies of the Akkads, meaning soldier was written, now it's very different when they say that the Akkads of Babylon were defeated in the 19th century.

      Now this doctor has come and brought us 19th-century evidence.

      Second case

      This inhospitable person has violated himself when he says that both the bitch was stoned and weeded to lewd women, which means he answered himself and insulted himself, so you don't be anxious to insult him.
      I'll tell him Dr. Kiloi, and if you want to do the fallacy of the cotton hero, I have to tell you, I have to tell you, by the way, that my degree is a doctor, but real, because they don't give a kilogram of evidence in the element, I'm glad.

      Have fun.
      Don't hit our roots with a tickle.
      That's what we're up to.

  • Irandokht Said:

    You've carefully dear friends the Iranians.(Leave//North / LOR and…): This پانترکیست, because they do not have anything to honor the. Always try to have the history of Iran(That fortunately never not indisputable ) How to fly, and the date they gave the growing counterfeiting. So they got up bbern. پانترکیست with تمامیه همسایگانشون and the Iranian nation, the war. . Like : The killing of Armenians/Greeks/mistreatment of Turkey will be like aujalan/now after all this affection of the Iranians are seeing falling into Jun Iranians .( Of course, also in Berlin with the German do not have good relationships). And because the opponent of Iran's history and civilization of نمیشن with oghaht on their face they forge. If you have the accuracy is not always logical and dignified debate when some little میارن p. Because the Iranian people have dont they try the importance نمیدن. The dagger with comments and insults in the Iranian sites are attracting attention..

    • Aydin Said:

      Turkish language construct itself is the entire history of your opponent! Welcome همینطوری is a scammer ! 8-O 8-O

      • Calaway21 Said:

        My life.
        My life.

        If you can get me a map that a country or sign or language or flag or symbol of you Turks in the whole world up to 400 years ago, I won't be online anymore.

        I'm from a Turkish father, but my love is Sattar Khan, who said that I wanted seven climates under the Iranian flag and didn't say under the banner of Turxtan, so don't open your mouth.

        It doesn't matter what my race is.
        I'm Eryian because my thinking is ery.
        My love Cyrus.
        Sattar Khan
        B. خرمدین

    • mohamad Said:

      Incidentally you are fares that are enemies with all اطرافیانتون(Indian, Pakistani, Arab, Turks, Kurds, Afghanis ….) And you like that retarded nonsense language and tone your face to the rest of the imposition . Azerbaijan has enough celebrities and architecture and culture and music and dance and civility sucks . Desert-dweller, you had thought to do that yourself consistently throughout history, from the four sides were about an influx of invaders and now it is not known when and where اومدید !!!

  • Irani Said:

    These are the admeha or the Greyhound breed or leave the race
    Each race descent and cover for ignorance and ننگینشان that it is human history ابروریزی impersonate the کنندچرا may کحمدشان and دینشان and ترکشان and Solomon znbareh and all were Rep
    Follow the simple language are crime partner

    • mohamad Said:

      A source of scandal, you're a fascist nfahm that you think in a country that has repeatedly been attacked there and actually race khalesi of جاهلی who do not know what the name of Aryan genetics science task of being the people of Iran have a long way ! Haplogrop Sami j2 got less searches and PARS مردک Ken/زنک insane booby :-x

      • Arman Said:

        Korea first got something better donkey well know before the rod that the donkey the next Korea relies on this country to invade Iran to attack Iran, and if u get attacked when we return to Greece, and we are sure we got Greece and Persia for the next 200 years ngadshon I Alexander In fact, Iran has attacked Iranian Arabs or if you're born you're Korean ass go see Arabs all of Iran is not among the Gulf countries, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, the margins of ra and parts of Saudi Arabia so that, if I sing with hamalah before the invasion--we've ترتیبشونو of Korea Donkey so less SPI SPI now also Iran and the Arabs after the attack on Alexander that you don't claim you're Iran بودین way you got to give the Korean trying wedge dog eggs after the donkey

  • mohamad Said:

    Cyrus has a کشورگشا . And the same . Together with the conquests of the shed a lot of blood can be obtained . This is the gossip that went anywhere in all those open only to ancient-oriented romantic eats .

    • Arman Said:

      The donkey in the Korean joabat gheyas ابادی likes to say that it must pain you leave stupid s that you otherwise in this world الیتام hatono ganglia Board this time the wisdom نمیکنن جفنگیاتتون total تاریخدانان Torre doesn't serve the world are Jewish who sing on Iran--is distorted or not Herodotus was also in the service of the Jewish? This donkey Korea trying wedge I you AW that you seemingly ancient history of ندارین Bay هویتین دنیال هستین Iran choked catch blood after a chorus of Korea :mrgreen:

  • Reply to Kourosh

    :wink: :twisted: :roll: :oops: :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :evil: :dance: :cry: :bow: :arrow: :angry-: :?: :-| :-x :-o :-P :-D :-? :) :( :!: 8-O 8)

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