Archive for July, 2013

The deportation of a Canada of torture reminds of paradise; Sattar a. نبریم

Abolfazl abedini journalist and member of the paniranist, which is the crime of propaganda against the system, restrictive laws, to twelve years in jail. Early in her prison in Ahvaz were kept. In that period several times by Arab prisoners and prison officers demand analysis about the battering was going; until the very efforts by year 89 Was transferred to Evin prison in Tehran.

Last year happened in paragraph 350 Bird life which occurred some of its political prisoners, including the paragraph a. was also overshadowed by Canada. Adventure related to the death of a young blogger by the cortex of the working community — Like a. — That was torture by prison officials after the persecution of her abundant *. Blogger by the name of paradise and وبلاگنویسی Sattar and other crime except no express عقایدش. Beheshti was torture and torture went. Unlike forecasts strong reaction to this, the killers a case showed, and even though the Islamic Republic there is something called dignity; the murder of paradise ultimately to the detriment of the whole system of asterisks *.

Akhavi azma was ایرانشناس

حضرت آیت الله ایرانشناس، برادر بزرگتر امام خامنه ای، در میانه تصویر. تصویر در قلمرو عموم است. منبع تصویر:

Ayatollah ایرانشناس, older brother of Imam Khamenei, in the middle of the image. The image is in the public realm. Image source:

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, appointed President of the province, officials عظمای During the ruling Akhavi of Iranian President Syed Khorasani, appointed to the Foundation. In connection with this appointment worthy of noted: Ayatollah Khamenei, the owner of several publications in the sphere of Iranian nationality who are including them can be Jafari Fiqh plays before Islam And How to enter the Iranian with the right foot Noted. He pointed out the logical relationship between Mr. akhavi and شقیقه and expertise, he helped the Prophet and in all fields promised: The new President of the organization is to learn more about the category of historical novels, several volumes of translations of Iranian Zabihullah Mansouri and a volume on ten thousand-year-old Iranian عبدالعظیم rezaei read together. Ahmadinejad did not mention, of course, how in a few days the remainder of the time period for a few ریاستش the future of the country is the sentence.

The BBC will impersonate the name Azerbaijan

News published on the BBC website.

News published on the BBC website.

BBC News site in an action unprecedented in Iranian Azerbaijan as Azerbaijan will forge into the South. In a report that BBC Persian website, about a group of Iranian Azerbaijan has released their analysis of them as political activists from the group they are named New South Azerbaijan National Awakening movement The recall.

First, you should know that these people are not political activists are seeking and analyzing the. As the national party is also active members of the terrorist group and not political. Although the political branch of the national party might also have never since they will not be remembered as a political activist. Because the criminal activity of the Group and specifically the illegitimate; they cannot be used as the. Group «یئنی»» time make-believe country for himself within the borders of Iran and for that flag, national anthem and the range of the specified manifest as a political territory that is separatism. According to international rules (Specifically the Statute of the International Court of Justice as the judicial pillar of the United Nations) Secession is the most hideous crimes as among all Nations and people together in the face of secession as proof — IE was the proof of dependence» یئنی — Very heavy crimes committed that Iran's internal rules should be consistent with the approach them. So as a political activist for the Group of members news release basis is incorrect. Furthermore the Mission of journalism requires that the text of the news avoids controversial literature and false words and conflict avoided. As the BBC is not allowed to name the Persian Gulf--Gulf ' fi d b of the counterfeiting to the news about a UAE football team in the League that the country does not publish the name of the media could be part of our country forge to write the news ' analysis of the Azerbaijani. As South Azerbaijan literature analyzes the ' and this title along with the specific national political time is reading it. If it was necessary for the explanation as "» یئنی» in the lead or title to be brought into or could explain the" Azerbaijani breakaway group»..

Israel's military invasion of Iran; the red line behind Netanyahu

The red line that Iran Netanyahu فتوشاپی image onto a cartoon bomb set Looney makes drawing tonz. Image source: Al-Arabiya.

The red line that Iran Netanyahu فتوشاپی image onto a cartoon bomb set Looney makes to the United Nations outlining tonz. Image source: Al-Arabiya.

John Bolton, former u.s. Ambassador to the United Nations and one of the military invasion of Iraq, مسببین Believes that that is: "Israel should attack Iran yesterday." this phrase is probably the purpose of this is so large now for non-military losses incurred. Remarks by Bolton that released while Netanyahu a few days ago in an interview with CBS television Iran was warned just a few weeks with his famous red line away. The adventure of the red line to Netanyahu about almost a year ago that in his annual speech to the United Nations, a picture of a bomb (Looney cartoons series bombs similar tonz) Slave to the United Nations and was to determine the scope of the enrichment of uranium, on the red line outlining the bomb. According to the red line, Mr. Netanyahu will have to achieve nuclear weapons, 250 Kg of uranium to 20 percent have asked at any time to be able to make it to the higher level of enrichment, and eventually spending needed to build a weapon and provide. Netanyahu had threatened that it will not allow Iran to reach this point. Now, after a year of Netanyahu Said yesterday Iran is close to this point and now 190 Kg of uranium at its disposal and within just a few weeks of the border 250 Kg will pass in this manner تلویحا military attack on Iran threat: "Iran needs to know, they will not be allowed to cross this line of ghrmer.

Jhood equally offensive is that the Gulf is offensive

A video Akbar Abdi, actor of the cinema, that part of it to Jews as ' jhood» mentions. Apparently this told the Jewish countrymen to protest the rigging of some unknown reasons to believe that the word is offensive jhood.

The title of the Jewish — Some Jewish and replace used and brand jhood — The Islamic religion of the Prophet Moses, the Jewish adjective, that Moses said to him, Muslims. The interlocutor It is also meant to speak in Arabic grammar, the attribute mshabh is on فعیل, which is the weight of the three letters cuff, Lam m (Such as the word) Made. Kalim Allah meaning it one that God is speaking time with him. These words are cut off and the religious concept, and not at the beginning of an ethnic name; however, each ethnic group has the right to choose its own name and if the Jews more Jewish groups have used them the same range.

Mujahedeen of Iran makes hot

Brother and Sister Mary Bakker.

Brother and Sister Mary Bakker.

Maryam azdanlu red ghjer to the sister of Mary, "a former comrade of the late Saddam and the President approved of Netanyahu and the brother of Bolton, recently took to the important discovery that Iran is a country Is a multinational And it is necessary that human rights hero because he is defending the rights of the nationalities. Ansafa is no (With the exception of judge Mortazavi) Mary's sister in the size limit and it does not have the inherent ability of human rights. It is said that because the Mojahedin Khalq Organization recently in show all kind of waste of different nationalities Found The mood is the same universal Sister Mary. Nonetheless gave the idea is that if our reduction rather than a nationality, multiple nationality must have her own; to change the shghlsh and give it instead to the President of Iran to the United Nations Secretary General, preferences preferences..

I don't respect you opinion gzarm

A Hindu invocation is a cow. The image is in the public realm. The source of the:

A Hindu invocation is a cow. The image is in the public realm. The source of the:

My student period in Iran is not the phenomenon of Sandys was not Bob and our Government from Sandys, safely and without fear of آبرویی, we have over. Cake and Sandys of the staples of our time was that some humor to it, "said amelh silencer". This silencer amelh are the days when we had classes or morning till night in Ramadan days are weird sat on. I comes eight years ago a seven day of the month of Ramadan, when lunch is one of the همینها I bought a fairly busy day retreats in one place was speculation. In the same situation with fairly among the gentleman just sort of came and asked except dont know that Ramadan is fasting should not be speculation? I said why I know but all don't think like him and some are not like my day. Said, but you have to respect my opinion بگزاری! I told you you should have with the logic of my opinion and so I respect بگزاری! He said the Islamic country here and most people are fasting, and when a large number are in my opinion after fasting is preferred. I said, to assume that it is the number one fans opinion opposed to it properly and does not believe it is wrong to prove. Say if you should you swing to democracy معتقدی day. I saw Perth and Pola says thmandeh cake and the front region of the ساندیسم I have down. In fact, I was so hungry that if cars came first time cities became accustomed way cake and gave the cities became accustomed after Sandys went Scouting.

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