Archive for مارس, 2014

Videos 300: The Israeli project to demolish the Iranians face? (The second part of)

خشایارشا image in the movie 300.

خشایارشا image in the movie 300.

The continuation of the The first part of …

Israelis also take good care of the فیلسازی industry in their political ads can help. A very famous example of this publicity, the film "never without my daughter" that were made in Israel video. About the اخیرتر ایرانیوم movie (+ Iran uranium) That is a negative image of the country Iran and Iran's nuclear program does not provide. Israel to build such advertisers the best tool the world of filmmaking, Hollywood, also holds.

Videos 300: The Israeli project to demolish the Iranians face? (The first part of)

One of the Iranian soldiers of the movie 300.

One of the Iranian soldiers of the movie 300.

Almost four years ago I picked up a few lectures in University course unit. A professor who taught the course, an older lady was an American Jew. As a general rule I than to those who pretend to follow particular religious, I do not have a positive opinion, but my opinion of who what religion or skin color or gender-biased, related to that person's own. In this case, too, the ethnic and religious identity of this person did not matter to me until one day in his class, something happened that changed my opinion of him forever.

Fakes 3; the BBC is good but for the people of Iran


BBC. Image source:

According to documents published Wikileaks site The Government of England, along with u.s. intelligence agencies, Israel, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and even the curator is supporting separatism in Iran (This entry To see all the manabash.). According to the CIA's diplomatic lomond you in addition to the direct support, spending millions of dollars, in the name of human rights and human rights organizations do; so it shouldn't be surprising to know much of those active as a human rights activist and supporter of the rights of ethnic minorities to their own wormholes; where are financing.

For the judges of the Islamic Republic: If you hear the insults, not the execution, not the stir kicked

The mighty soul.

The mighty soul. Image source:

A rule in international law and criminal law in almost all Nations there that the rule of equality before the law (equality before the law) Say. This issue also in The seventh paragraph of the Universal Declaration of human rights Stipulated that the Islamic Republic is a signatory of the. On the basis of this rule all persons are equal before the law.

Muslim religious leaders in their narratives of the fable is that they also rule of equality before the law was to recognize. For example, a famous narrations of Imam Ali, the first Imam of the Shiites, showed that he had during the Caliphate, and when in a legal dispute over Jewish personal property against a battleship armor was present on the stand; put equal to the plaintiff and to the Court, which voted in favor of the side Affect the neck, front. Or, for example, that Islam's prophet was willing to be flogged against the person who claimed to be wrong.. I am not willing to investigate the right or the wrong of these narrations, but merely to consider the religious beliefs of Muslims..

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