Archive for November, 2014

The art of the Islamic Republic, taking advantage of the unprecedented men's vitality

Adib Boroumand national poet and President of the Central Council of the national front, a condition of membership of the national front and the Shiite religion believes that our nationality and every pillar of the Shiite members of the national front, and each person should believe Shiite nationalist..

Adib Boroumand national poet and President of the Central Council of the national front, a condition of membership of the national front and the Shiite religion believes that our nationality and every pillar of the Shiite members of the national front, and each person should believe Shiite nationalist..

All the wise bozarjmehr: What was the cause, which destroyed an Al-تدبیرگر and u s they're boodi and up today to devise and the wisdom and knowledge of the world is not at all unique? Bozarjmehr replied: Two things cause it was یكى Al-kardaran on the great good will, s. and were ignorant; and other great men, but to do good will; and srokar I fell with the women, and children. — The robe is garlic, Khwaja Mulk Tusi

If you think men don't come to render what your opinion on the appeal; you must. BI men property can be one of the most human history system, whose thirty-five years of pills and keep strong support. Men can render the way a dam; the nation can stand in front of a community social developments to the degeneration of the nation wishes to kill; turning despair; or even to change the path of history. Render render men per se, but according to the place in which the fall may have خواصی.

BI men property to render such عنوانهایی with ننامیم vaqagra, pragmatists, peaceable, enlightened reformist, رفورمیست, and we can learn, but the prospective one person render in fact none of these things is just not render. The most important feature of this property is always a render is and remains property. So this is a render quite predictable and reliable.

Because the first man Adam, or do not exist/Richard Dawkins

The Prophet of human ancestors, Hi fish.

The Prophet of human ancestors, Hi fish.

Be sure you've heard this old riddle that had been the first chicken or egg? Solve this puzzle comes seems to be disappointed because if it was then the first chicken egg come from? And what if the first egg was laid eggs chicken instead of inventory? Despite the strange appearance of this riddle today we answer it know. The correct answer is none!

Generally, we plan these questions of chicken and eggs don't go beyond ourselves, beyond that, because we know that in the same position the chicken. But exactly the same question we ask ourselves about the time we can: The first human baby emerged or human parents? Because if it had been the first human baby so parents who were playing, and they came from where?

How the Ayatollah were taught to the theory of relativity Einstein

Goats were Ayatollah, the theory of relativity.

The Ayatollah were goats, the theory of relativity.

Of Einstein They moved: Only two things are infinite, the universe and the world of human stupidity; and of course I doubt about BMW.

My personal blog Shared comments The ratio of theory and Einstein were attributed to Ayatollah. After reading these comments I series were knocked out to the site of Grand Ayatollah and realized that such alleged تلویجا On this site Also raised.

Make that the basis of Einstein's Denies the existence of God wasThe fact that the new physics theories come from the Qur'an, Nahj al-Balagha and Baharanvar Mullah Baqer Majlesi is even more interesting..

For those who do not know, the entire Islamic world, including Iran, has produced nothing but Mulla and Mufti in the past eight hundred years, and after the Mongol invasion..

Razi's opinions about Islam and the Koran: The Qur'an is a lie and have شیادان the prophets

If the people of this religion (Islam) Sandy asked for mzhbshan properly, they sparked, and the blood of any such mkhalfshan and ask whoever's coming. They were banned, and logical thinking in their attempts to kill mkhalfanshan. The truth can be hidden and turned off all. - Razi

If the people of this religion (Islam) Mzhbshan on the document correctly asked, they sparked, and the blood of any such mkhalfshan and ask whoever's coming. They were banned, and logical thinking in their attempts to kill mkhalfanshan. The truth can be hidden and turned off all. – Razi

Mohammad Razi, Persian philosopher and scientist زکریای, Iran and the Islamic world's fame. The Encyclopedia Britannica a reputable physician's most important secrets of the Islamic world The introduction of the. The secrets in medicine Galen Muslim and in the philosophy of Socrates in the Islamic world--. However, the philosophy of the fair as of today is less about attention. Reasons for this disregard of the opinions about the Quran, Islam and secrets about the prophecy prophets.

The concept of revelation and prophecy's secrets of the basis lies in the book and reads the Mkhargh الانبیا About the شیادی of the prophets explains. In حیل المتنبئین Lying prophets deals with methods and Fi الادیان review The intuitive denounced religions.

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