Archive for می, 2016

The Imam Khamenei and reformists to naghi I shelter

Not understanding why Uncle? This is a رفیقمان in the The highest entries! Apart because we respect the boycotters are loved ones transition mshasha comments and do not understand that the promise of this nation with our friend, if they were in a low-cost way of the Scorpion and the mtmadnaneh is happy merely to نشیمنگاه the size of the couch to give the vote to shake and go about confirming Sir vote; he has a way to show that we have a nfahm Scorpion you don't want to go to gort missing now!

After a round of songs, "Mullah Hassan بیامد came smston, head of the" whispered to themselves because they will be dealing mobile situation! November طبیعتش that nature requires Dell to be thin to be discontented with friends from the votes and has not really people that I. Do not understand why we do these things apart?

The first step to ridding the nation of Iran is wrong to accept responsibility

Cannot be a mistake with the same speculative mentality that has lived, compensation *. --Einstein

Cannot be a mistake with the same speculative mentality that has lived, compensation *. –Einstein

The choice of the President of the Assembly of experts, Ahmad jannati, also from those it was supposed to be a bad option (In the face of worse options) , Or at least a wave of disappointment and disbelief among voters in the recent elections, created. It is not easy for this large part of Iranians to accept that a group of people who voted for Jannati as reformists would vote for Jannati, but it was not difficult to predict such a situation.

The elections in the Islamic Republic The application is abuse And the government has realized this issue over the past thirty-seven years that it can hold a show of elections and design false options in unfree and unrealistic elections, and prevent effective protest movements.

Non-Mahram Man Ray سرطانزای listens on metshra divine party woman

Thank God the amount of progress in the vast size of our Islamic society, it is not conceivable that the improvement! So that the latest scientific methods and research results among the general public and religious discussion metshra classes to be.
The author of that as of today the revolutionary in the game are much evoke the Humanities of the Qom Seminary, I thought each new revelation things would mirror?. For example, the khahrman in the Islamic Republic brought the discoverer to certify non-Mahram man of science the rays overwhelm the eyes on a Muslim woman's face can be emitted which causes the metshra of aging to be.

In English, حرامزادگی دیاثت and the global crisis

One of the blessings of the revolution was that we still should be the subject of Islamic ندانستیم بخندیم or they cry. I guess if you need more crying inside and if you come bberon laugh; but ahaot it is both work together to do!

Recently the Imam Khamenei (P), The successor of God and the hidden Imam, the representative commented that such afada not have English-language science and false if one is the language of science said. Since the Prophet among the prophets and things like your uneducated and ignorant about what is not precipitation, طرفدارانی of the sequence together himself these words were. Up to this point been put Alternative English Arabic And articles (Which articles?!) The time Write English.

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