Archive for July, 2017

Counterfeiting and falsification of the theory of evolution and Darwin about the existence of God

Only when human barbarism that will release the faith abandoned the nonsense. --Voltaire

Only when human barbarism that will release the faith abandoned the nonsense. –Voltaire

Some kinds of lies from other types of خوشایندترند. A lie is a pleasant time that our understanding of the world or our world view To approve the.

Humans did not evolve to see facts; who have evolved to survive and if understanding the truth of tmarz, a way to show there is no truth to them. با اینحال برای گروهی که شجاعت کافی برای پذیرفتن حقایق دارند یا دستکم به دنبال پاسخ های منطقی برای پرسشهایشان هستند باید کورسویی از روشنایی در عمق ظلمت باقی بماند؛ اینها تنها دلیلی است که این پست را منتشر می کنم.

Whether we believe or not, there we find something purely because we have an interest in the existence or lack thereof of a variety of Cognitive errors (Cognitive Bias) The incorrect nature of the argument to read it!

In the past few years the group with the name of the fight against heresy and rejected the application to span ملحدین On social networks And were active on Wikipedia (Possibly with financial support of the Iranian Government) And repeatedly to counterfeiting, falsification, or logical mghaltat *. These posts as facts and to keep the faith and those who struggle with atheism to be released and on other sites like The highest website Also send.

فارغ از اینکه چه عقیده ای داشته باشیم؛ بی دین یا دیندار، با خدا یا بی خدا باشیم، باید بدانیم این مطالب تحریف شده است و برخی از این تحریفات هم پیچیده است و موضوعات اساسی را در بر می گیرد.

Despite the fact that I have very limited time on the Internet, I decided to list some of these lies with their incorrect reasons so that they are available to Persian-speaking readers from Google Search, because the number of these articles is increasing, and the more you become familiar with the methods of forging these contents, the more difficult it becomes for the criminals to continue this process.

A collateral Patriots Imam Khamenei Imam Khamenei, or how to control the Internet

Cyber Corps Center: Over 8 million لایک have peers on Facebook

A true story

The news from Iran, which has a (Alias) Arrested and obtain ناراحتید. These days the news of the arrest comes one after another. Cheating in the election, Khamenei himself to Ahmadinejad for President, two hundred – سیصد نفر از کسانی که به این روند اعتراض کرده اند، در خیابان و در بازداشتگاهها کشته شده اند و حالا حکومت برای اینکه زهر چشم بگیرد، هر کس که قبلا فعالیت سیاسی داشته، خواه در ارتباط و خواه بی ارتباط به قضایای اخیر، را دستگیر می کند.

A quiet guy to know dorador; and well; she is like you twenty-four more years is not a student like you, but unlike you still lives in Iran.. Already some time together once you have and Internet chat he collected in a multiplayer you meet. According to the news that the mullahs, and brutality of the سبوعیت for a good fate you don't anticipate.

Logic Mulla صدیقین errors in the argument proving the existence of God

I have all the argument proving the existence of God reviews and got none of them valid in terms of the logical نیافتم. – Bertrand Russell (Minutes 9.:00 here Or here)

What we need is the will for not having faith; the will to search that is perfectly in order to the contrary it is. –Bertrand Russell

Three years ago that the story about the logical argument errors صدیقین Avicenna wrote the story about friendship, the logic Mulla صدیقین argument errors, and write this entry I prepared at the earliest opportunity. What happened in the wake of being repeatedly attacked by the Internet site, and later also the promise was forgotten almost. Nevertheless, by the delayed this post about the logical argument proving the existence of God by errors of Mulla sadra write.

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