Khatami's campaign Web site invited to participate in the presidential election, published a story recently that the Iranian Government to the President on internal quarrel refers. According to This Web site، احمدی نژاد اسنادی از تخلفات محمد باقر قالیباف، شهردار کنونی تهران، را برای شورای نگهبان فرستاده که اگر اسفندیار رحیم مشایی، نامزد مورد نظر او، در انتخابات پیش رو تایید صلاحیت نشود، به تخلفات قالیباف هم رسیدگی شود و به این ترتیب او هم نتواند در انتخابات ریاست جمهوری آینده شرکت کند.
Whether Ahmadinejad even before being identified and supported before the announcement of the slate, such as scouting, might seem a bit strange. Anyone with authoritarian systems, such as the Iranian Government have dating, well knows that political activity within the framework of this nzameha with the political and moral health is almost impossible. Even though the political health of the people and the authorities in the circle of power to corrupt competitors, even threatening to come together. So Ahmadinejad — Not that today they remained آبرویی and not the other is something to lose — Given that eight years had been President, should not be in the access to information and the disclosure of ends in front of the candidates have time limits. However, there is the question as to why he is gone, and others, such as Scouting indiscriminately like یاا Haddad Adel Mohsen Rezai, provincial or — They are apparently no longer are candidates for the presidential elections — نپرداخته؟ شاید احمدی نژاد اطلاعات خاصی درباره شخص قالیباف دارد که دیگران از آن نا آگاهند و شاید این اطلاعات آن اندازه مهم باشد که سرنوشت انتخابات آینده ایران را معلوم کند.