In the era of ancient Greece to assume the name of Thales have raised, that the whole world is based on water. Thales was the belief that everything in the universe is made of water and anything in the universe to its original–That is, water–Returns. The world's first philosopher Thales (Even before Socrates) Cairo. His hypothesis about the origin and essence of the world although it was baseless and childish and ridicule the next philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle, but he is the first person that attempts to describe all things find a description of the unit. Many philosophers from the time of Thales today, and later became scientists, tried to explain the universe to find such General.
Tag: Genesis universe
"Is there a God?" Steven Hawking
Whether there is a God and God is creator of the world? The answer to this question, what do we find?
In most communities, the general answer to this question is the same. People around the world all the time to have a kind of God to believe; though the same understanding of the societies of any concept of God does not exist.
In our country, in addition to being a belief in the existence of God is accepted as a principle, (Like most other communities)The representatives of God to believe; has to be prophets and chosen by him to have been the Mission of the Mission of the Shiite imams to believe; that the generation of the Prophet's successors, and the generation of Enduro belief that clerics and velayat-e Faqih has a successor and Deputy are both imams to enter the rest of the necessary political and social arenas and in all cases the existence of God as an undeniable principle approved by the community, an introduction to other admissions The political and economic principles that regulations based on it has been based on the.
In the United States, 83 percent of the people believe in the existence of God; the figure among American scientists about 33 dersdo among the most prominent scientists who arrive to join the National Academy is far less, about seven percent of the total population, and of about five and a half percent among biologists is. With all of these are the only two percent of the American population, religion, their God or they introduce ndanmegra.